The Elder Scrolls: Resurgence of the Frost

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Gelina is gonna be ECSTATIC when she finds out Markain is a Reachman. Also I wanna get in on that Soul-Witty collab action if you'll have me, I've been itching to establish more between our characters. She doesn't have any secrets or leverage with either of them yet, that needs to be fixed :D
Send your references and I'll have my people call your people
I'm kind of itching to post to keep the ball rollin' so I might have the movealong up in an hour or two.
Expect to return to a little short story from a character I just can't get out of my head.

Oh, and BTW, grandmother woke earlier today and even had her breathing tube taken out! Huge success the doctors didn't even expect, so very exciting day for the Pellegrino family.
Expect to return to a little short story from a character I just can't get out of my head.

Oh, and BTW, grandmother woke earlier today and even had her breathing tube taken out! Huge success the doctors didn't even expect, so very exciting day for the Pellegrino family.
That is amazing news, guy. And, I, uh, kind of forgot we were supposed to collab. But, that wasn't the first thing on your mind, most likely. Anywho, I'm very glad your grandmother is returning to health.

For the rest of you returning, WINE AND PASTRIES FOR ALL, this stretch of time in Auriel's Harborage is reserved for character interaction, interaction with NPCs, exploration of the city, and general goodness before we return to our regularly scheduled programming of death, tears and anguish.
Expect to return to a little short story from a character I just can't get out of my head.

Oh, and BTW, grandmother woke earlier today and even had her breathing tube taken out! Huge success the doctors didn't even expect, so very exciting day for the Pellegrino family.
That is amazing! I am really happy your grandmother is one tough cookie. It's not often these stories get happy endings, but I'm glad yours looks like it's shaping up that way. :)

And when you're up for it, feel free to ding me for a collab like you expressed interest in doing! Either during the feast or afterwards.
That is amazing news, guy. And, I, uh, kind of forgot we were supposed to collab. But, that wasn't the first thing on your mind, most likely. Anywho, I'm very glad your grandmother is returning to health.
That is amazing! I am really happy your grandmother is one tough cookie. It's not often these stories get happy endings, but I'm glad yours looks like it's shaping up that way. :)

And when you're up for it, feel free to ding me for a collab like you expressed interest in doing! Either during the feast or afterwards.

@O|NoSoul You're not alone. With the events of last week it completely slipped my mind, and I've only now caught up on the IC. Reading the last post from @Dervish has inspired a couple ideas for me. I'm thinking of dedicating the bulk of my next post to the feast and the events shortly after, but would like to return to the idea of Juin dabbling with moon sugar and skooma. Addictive, mind-blurring substances intermixed with this unholy, primal hunger just seems to go hand-in-hand to me.

I just shot a PM to both of you... so... let the musings begin!
The down-time sort of screwed up my schedule, but i'm back on track now. If all goes well I'll have a long post up tonight to at least get me caught up past the battle.
If Urzoth ever had a stint in a sellsword band, sure. Crossovers :O
She's definitely been a sellsword before! :O

Does this mean I might someday be able to write Urzoth and Gelina getting super mad at each other like all the time? Because if they ever met they would hate each other so much. Like, to the point of punching and angry crying after way too much mead. (Urzoth is almost definitely not making an appearance. I love her, but I am not doubling lol)
She's definitely been a sellsword before! :O

Does this mean I might someday be able to write Urzoth and Gelina getting super mad at each other like all the time? Because if they ever met they would hate each other so much. Like, to the point of punching and angry crying after way too much mead. (Urzoth is almost definitely not making an appearance. I love her, but I am not doubling lol)

Of course you can. But yea, no doubling. There is a sequel in my back pocket for when we finish this one though...
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By the way, sorry for the slight delay on the collab. I've got a reply in the works but I have to head out for an hour or so.
Of course you can. But yea, no doubling. There is a sequel in my back pocket for when we finish this one though...
Shhhh, it's totes a secret that nobody can know about. :[

JK we actually do have a sequel in the early stages.

I also want to bring Marassa back at some point, but only if it works, but I have a new character planned for the new game.
Shhhh, it's totes a secret that nobody can know about. :[

JK we actually do have a sequel in the early stages.

I also want to bring Marassa back at some point, but only if it works, but I have a new character planned for the new game.
Yea, there's two projects currently under discussion people can see when they come. I figure a sequel to this isn't too much of a secret, especially when Mosis, Robes and I remarked on how it would be cool to have the sequel be a TES-Western a fair few pages back. And, yea, bringing Marassa back would be cool, just need to find a way to do it that makes sense. Couldn't have her spring up and go "I SWAM ALL THE WAY HERE, ZAVEED!"
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Yea, there's two projects currently under discussion people can see when they come. I figure a sequel to this isn't too much of a secret, especially when Mosis, Robes and I remarked on how it would be cool to have the sequel be a TES-Western a fair few pages back. And, yea, bringing Marassa back would be cool, just need to find a way to do it that makes sense. Couldn't have her spring up and go "I SWAM ALL THE WAY HERE, ZAVEED!"
Her determination to embarrass the brother she never met is unstoppable. She doesn't need maps to find the long lost elves.
I've got a post coming up soon, maybe in a couple days. I want to get it out before the collab so there aren't weird temporal shenanigans.
How's your post coming, @Mosis Tosis?
Haven't been able to make much progress on it, unfortunately. I've been pulling extra hours for work lately, think I'm going to have to relegate my main RPing to the weekends, at least for a little while. Either way, hoping to have something up tomorrow to at least get Paints past the battle scene, and then work on catching up proper over the weekend. Sorry I haven't been contributing much lately, it's certainly not what I was planning.
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