The Elder Invasion: CHAPTER 2 - Shapeshift Town

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Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

"Who the fuck are you and why are you here?!" Faramond asked, but was ignored by Aka. "Shut up! We need to go," Aka proceeded to pull Faramond out of the cell. Megane-kun laughed despite of his situation, "Now I think you know how I feel."

"You too megane!" Aka turned to megane-kun, who was surprised. "Hey, what the heck? Why do do you know my name?" "Enough of the questions, will you?" Aka irately snapped back, "I can answer them all once we have a chance, but for now...." Aka dragged Faramond and megane-kun out of the cell and out of the dungeon.

"HEY! JUST WHAT ARE YOU DOING THERE MISS?!" the prison guard yelled as he chased Aka up the flight of stairs. "What else do you think?" Aka stopped running and turned to the irate guard. Faramond and megane-kun went behind Aka, "I think we're safer inside that cell," Faramond whispered to megane-kun, who simply nodded.

"You don't simply take away prisoners away from our dungeons," another guard, this time a castle guard, said. He was blocking the way up using a long spear. "You have to pay for them," he smirked.

"Or they would have to pay for their freedom," the jail guard grinned, who was moving slowly closer to Aka, Faramond and megane-kun.

"Told ya," Faramond nudged megane-kun, who appeared more concerned about something. "Hey, what's wrong?" he asked megane-kun. Megane-kun simply pointed at Aka, who now appeared pale and was shaking all over.

"Holy shit..." Faramond mumbled, "We're doomed." Aka held and shook hirs head and seemed to be in much pain.

"What are you idiots doing simply standing there?" Aka asked the two, "GO!!" Aka pushed megane-kun and Faramond away from hir, towards the wall.

"Hey, you okay?" megane-kun asked, unmindful that he was hurled towards the wall. Aka heard megane-kun, but was too concerned with the headache to even care. As s/he battled with the pain, the guards moved closer to hir.

The castle guard grinned, "I think I'll be having fun with you."

A bright light blinded the guards, and when they were finally able to see, they saw no Aka, only a frightened Aya, and a very excited Aki.

"What the...?!" Faramond gasped, "You... what are you doing here?! And whatever happened to that, uh, uhm, other guy that was here just now?"

Aya, who was clinging to Aki, glanced at Faramond and answered him, "Long story, maybe later..."

"Wow..." the jailguard exclaimed while gawking at Aki, "a lively young lad."

"Uhm... Shouldn't you be concerned as to where that other guy or girl went?" the castle guard asked the jail guard, but the latter was too distracted with Aki to even answer.

"Lively? Yeah. Let's rock!" Aki smiled at the jailguard. The castle guard smacked his head, "I think you got it wrong kid. But if you really want your ass kicked, I have no problems with that."

"Really? Let's see about that..."

Aka yanked the two (megane-kun and Faramond) out of the dungeon, but saw hirself trapped by the guards. Aka, being unable to decide between running and fighting, began to suffer a splitting headache. Aka finally couldn't handle the internal tension and reverted back into being Aya and Aki, much to Faramond's surprise.
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

Asmodeus strode down the stairs and jabbed Torsty in his armoured stomach. "Any signs of life are welcome, Torstness. Though I remember you offering to help me before. What was it...?" The angel snapped his fingers theatrically. "Oh yes, the southern warfront. Made a bollox of that, didn't you?"

He paused, noticing his feet were either side of a dead viking. He waved his hand to disperse some of the toxic gas that was floating around, then regarded each of the survivors in the hallway. He looked first at Soulless, then again at Torsty, then back at Palonis and Sakura, who were coming down the stairs after him.

"Hmm. Is there anyone here who ISN'T a former arch-enemy of mine?"

As if to answer his question, his eyes settled on the two strangers, Archy and Fel. "Ah, yes. Shapeshifters. They're far too boring for that sort of thing." He walked up and poked Archy as he sat on the steps. "Are there even any of you left now?"

Archy scowled at him tiredly and Asmodeus turned away, musing. "You used to be such a popular cult. Still... all things pass but absurdity. Who's in charge now that the good ones have left?"

"Erm... Myrnodindins is the regent now," Sakura piped up.

"Ah, the man who stole my flagship. Excellent." Asmodeus checked his sword was locked firmly inside the Sheathe of Iwaku, then slung the weapon across his back, between his newly-formed wings. "Right then - enough referencing. What say we go kick some life back into this Resistance, eh?"

He didn't wait for an answer and promptly set off down the hallway, stepping over the fallen assassins and Shifter guards. Only Soulless spoke as the angel passed him, his lunatic eyes looking up the stairway past the others. "Grumpy...?"

"Grumpy's gone home," Asmodeus replied over his shoulder. "Just like all the others. The old Iwaku is dead, and it's time to make some new names for ourselves."

[SUMMARY: Asmodeus, shows a lighter and more exciteable personality than ever before, gathers the heroes together and leads them to find Myrnodyn.]
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

"Doesn't this look familiar. Get us some probes on the outer limits. Maintain high altitude. We're not here to make a show of ourselves."

The descending Imperial forces scoured the surface of Iwaku for a landing zone - one that they could secure and keep them from compromise. The ruined Shapeshift Town would not accommodate any Teknikan warships, but the Guild's reputation of bringing people together was an asset that the Empire could use - if the natives would listen to a Teknikan.

At this point, the 121st Interdiction Fleet was spread out in low orbit over Iwaku, from the now-contested Insanity. Other fleets would soon follow, but every soldier and crewman in the fleet were confident that this would suffice.

The Yellowjacket made its slow descent towards the largest landmark in the town: the castle. The bow of the vessel shimmered with life, and smaller craft poured forth from its hull. It soon stopped its descent, and released the smaller craft from its control field, allowing them to move voluntarily. One of the craft, bigger than the others, did not change course and was falling freely from below the strut-like warship. As soon as it hit 400 feet above the ground, one could make out the shape of a tall tank with massive feet.

The impact of the massive vehicle's landing sent the earth trembling, and already ruined buildings collapsing completely. Its feet glowed, lifting the entire vehicle off the ground at a constant altitude. It remained motionless.

"Captain. Do you read, Captain?" A voice barked over the local radio channels, nearly overriding whatever little radio signals might be in the area. "We're currently 20000 feet above surface..."

Another voice retorted. "Sir, we might have a problem dealing with the people here. I think I just broke a few fences-"

"Stay still, and don't fire unless someone manages to overcome your shielding and tear your machine in an instant. People hate it when they see us fire first."

"Roger that. Captain Nic standing by."

"Good. Watch out for what our probes will see."

"Damn that ship looks huge even from down here."

The massive vehicle, featuring two tall struts rising from its upper chassis, was easily 40 meters tall. What purpose it served, only a Teknikan would know.

[SUMMARY: Nic and company prepare to meet the people of Iwaku, to reach an agreement over a common enemy.]
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

"Asmodeus-sama, eh, W-wait~" Sakura stammered, stepping cautiously through the bodies with a look of worry. She skipped after him quickly, looking up at in confusion at him. She was extremely confused, but that wasn't anything new in Iwaku so she had gotten used to asking questions and prodding for explanations. But this beyond anything she'd imagined.

"What resistance are you talking about ? What are you going to do to DynDynkun?" She inquired animatedly.

She couldn't think of any kind of resistance in Iwaku that Asmodeus might be referring to. It didn't seem likely that she would know anyway, she had never really paid much attention to politics. Taking a deep breath so that the air filled up her cheeks like a chipmunk, she frowned. After letting out the breath in comical 'pop', she looked up at Asmodeus expectantly.

"Is this politics again, Asmo-sama?"
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

"If by politics you mean 'resisting the giant spiders desecrating the land', then yes. Try to keep up, dear. There are greater things in heaven and earth than are baked in your cakes."

The angel carried on moving, his stride relentless, as if he had all the energy of the newborn. But the two of them stopped when the ground shook slightly. Through one of the hallway windows a cloud of dust could be seen on the edge of town, and as it cleared and outbuildings collapsed, the shape of Captain Nic's tank could be seen, backed by the silhouette of the Teknikan spaceship.

"That however..." Asmodeus said, "Is politics."

Sakura pressed her face to the window, gazing at the strange Teknikan vessels.

"Let's hope they haven't come to settle any grudges."

As they re-entered the main hallways, there was a bustle of activity. Some guards were heading for the towers in response to the assassin attack, while others were heading for the dungeons upon rumours of a jailbreak. Most of them gave way as they saw the figure of the angel approaching.

"Din-Dins! Here boy!" Asmodeus shouted as he crossed the hallways, passed the infirmary entrance and strode into the inner halls. More guards gave way, including some dignitaries and bureaucrats who were crowded outside a doorway. Any who were too slow to move were pushed aside as the angel made his way into Myrnodyn's private quarters.

There he found the Shapeshifter regent in talks with Pirogeth and other survivors.

"Right then." he declared, "I say we have till nightfall before those Elders come back here and finish the annihilation of this town. And with all due respect to you furry bastards, I don't think you stand a chance. But shit happens and homes burn. A Teknikan battlegroup has just landed, which means we've drawn even more attention to ouselves. We need a plan, boys and girls."

[SUMMARY: Asmodeus finds Myrn and shouts about the survivors needing a plan]
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2


Antiseptic. Blood. The weak moans of the injured.

These are senses I have lived with for close to two decades now, and are as familiar to me as an old friend. The Doctor Grant Page who fretted about a lack of proper equipment and resources, who refused to lift a gun, is gone; he died when all that he knew crumbled all around him, as the last, desperate survivors of the Legacy ran for their lives, escaping a dying Universe to another.

I've come to accept the fact that there's no sense in worrying about things like not having the right scanners, or enough medicine to treat patients, because worrying gets you nowhere; all I can do is get the job done to the best of my ability, and save as many people as I goddamn can.

At the end of the day, that's all I can do.

You can't save everyone, no matter how hard you try.

Most of my patients are victims of those robot spider fucks' last assault, and I have the feeling that quite a few won't make it through the night. Still, this infirmary is well equipped and provisioned, so I have that to be thankful for. The staff here are green as fucking grass, having never seen injuries like these before, but they've been trained well and are coping well enough.

Whether the inevitable next batch of war-wounded will break them, however, remains to be seen. I hope their nerve will hold, but I've seen even the most strong-willed people snap, if they see enough.

Just gotta get the job done, though. That's all I can do just now. Let the other Knights go deal with the Sheath and debate tactics for dealing with our enemies; I'm a doctor, not a fucking General. This is what I'm trained to do, this is what I'm good at.

I'm reaching for fresh bandages as one of my fellow Knights rushes into the room, his eyes wide. I can already tell that something's happened even before he begins to speak; we have travelled Iwaku for 18 years, and before that witnessed the destruction of our Universe; it takes a lot to unnerve us.
"Grant, you're gonna want to come and see this," he informs me, inching towards the door already, "Something's... happened to Asmodeus." I drop the bandages and reach immediately for a first-aid kit,
"What's going on? Is he hurt?" I ask quickly, as the pair of us begin to run. The Knight shakes his head.
"No, it's not that, it's... you need to see for yourself. He's at Myrnodyn's private quarters."

Confused, and more than a little worried by my companion's words, I race through the hallways alongside him, towards the shapeshifter reagent's quarters. Guards and servants move to the side to let us past; a fully-suited Knight and a heavily-scarred man carrying several firearms are the sort of people you get out the way of. I see two people entering Myrnodyn's quarters.

One I can recognise, and immediately I understand why my comrade is so nervous.

Asmodeus, the shackles of his curse clearly having fallen loose, strides into the room, addressing the leaders with a calm, authoritative grace I have never known him to possess in the near two decades I have known him. This isn't the angel I knew; this is the one who died in the Admin War, at the sword of the realm's former God.

A being either capable of leading us against the Elders... or out to exploit us for his own personal gain, even outright destroy us.

I approach the room cautiously, moving up behind the leader of the Knights.


Grant treats the injured in the Infirmary, lamenting that many will not make it through the night and that more will be hurt, when one of the Knights comes to inform him that something has happened to Asmodeus. The two of them find the angel in Myrnodyn's private quarters, and Grant realises what has happened to him, approaching his leader warily.
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Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

Myrnodyn offered Pirogeth a seat while he thought about how to reply to the man's information and offer. The seat, like the three others in the spacious quarters in the castle, was made of some sort of organic material and seemed to be...'alive'. If Piro chose to sit on it, it would assume the position it perceived most comfortable for the one that sat on it.

The shapeshifting scientist padded to his own favoured chair and sagged into it, relaxing while he motioned for Kohler to take a seat as well. "Well, first of all your request is granted. If you want to fight those things you are more than welcome to join us." Myrnodyn chuckled. "I do believe that if all information was bought that easily I'd have way more time left for my research."

Myrnodyn tapped his nose a couple of times and continued talking. "As for the outer shell, My scientists have taken the wreckages of some of the spiders into the labs, I'm sure they will fi..."

At that point Asmodeus answered. Not the apologetic excuse for a man that had been brought in either, but the charismatic and manipulative leader Myrnodyn had briefly seen during the Iwaku war.

Briefly stunned by the sudden appearance of the man, the puppy nevertheless remained calm. "A Teknikan battlegroup you say? Have they opened fire? why didn't I hear this sooner?" Rubbing his brow in quiet frustration he didn't notice Grant and the knight entering before Grant spoke.

And shortly after that, a werelion by the name of Terroll pushed past them. "Myrn!" He breathed out. He had been running at his hardest no doubt. He looked around and noticed the others. "Lord Myrnodyn I mean. There are problems in the prison, the guards are acting very strange, and there's a jailbreak going on. I...I...I also punched a scientist. Said he knew you, and insulted you. Don't know if the two events are related."

Myrnodyn's eyebrows raised slightly and focused on Terroll. He thought he'd recognised Nylock amidst all the confusion at the trainstation. This was not the time however. "Deal with it as you see fit Terroll, but no punching over insults again, though I thank you for defending my name."

Myrnodyn smiled briefly and genuinely at the werelion, after which Terrol bowed and left, closing the door behind him.

"Now, Asmodeus. I am... glad to see you up and about again."
Myrnodyn was less pleased to see his old personality and vigour returned, but he did not mention it out loud.

"As for a plan, I was about to tell our guest here that our scientists are analyzing the spiders and could be coming up with an excellent way to defeat them anytime now. In the meantime we've got part of the barship's forces here under Sir Kohler, and we ourselves are prepared and well equiped for a long lasting war. We are stronger, and more selfsufficient as we were earlier. Lastly, and I'll admit I'm guessing here, but I don't think Dystopia is going to launch another nuclear strike on us anytime soon, so were good in that regard."

Myrnodyn shifted a little, looking up at the man he had once tried to resist, even though his queen had clearly chosen differently. "My plan, Sir, was to prepare for a siege, run some numbers on the hostile 'creatures' out there, and if necessary lead a small elite team to remove the cause for this disaster."

The regent took a moment to take a breath, but wasn't about to let anyone else get a word in before he was done speaking. Too much to do, and way too much distractions tonight. "As for you Asmodeus, now that you've come to your senses, you might as well tell me what 'Abdiel' means. If you want to help us, that's fine. But don't think for a SECOND that we are the same shapeshifters that you conned into fighting your war and later threw away as a mere sacrificial piece."

His eyes were burning now, and somewhere during his monologue he had risen from his chair and turned into a human to be on level terms with the angel. This was the man that had forced them to rebuild, and he came walking in here with the arrogance of a cat who just stole and ate the fish.

Myrnodyn had settled down, but never forgotten.

[Summary: Myrnodyn begins speaking to Pirogeth and is interrupted not once, but thrice. He tells Terroll to deal with the problems amongst the guards, and reveals what his plans for the spiders are to Asmo. He ends his reveal in an angry manner, making very clear that he won't be messed around with.]
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

as Myrnodyn raged at Asmodeus, Kohlervisibly reddened, as soon as the shifter regent finished, the Ex Stormtrooper stepped forwards, his weapons slung and holstered but visible
"Sir, I think if anyone should be blamed for 'throwing people away as a mere sacrifice' as you so aptly put it, should be Paorou Sama, for it was his bombs that tore apart millions of combatants from ALL aspects, it was Paorou Sama that nearly killed us all, though Asmodeus did help himahceive that goal, such comments are useless" Kohler Stopepd, Mid sentance, and pressed a finger to his ear, lsitening for a few seconds before turning to face Myrnodyn once more, though he hadvisibly calmed
"as much as i'd like to continue that Tirade, which i shall apologise at a more oppertune moment, i just received word from the barship that it is taking up a position from which to observe the Tekinkan vessel, though we do not have the manpower or resources to combat it should it proove hostile" Kohler said, stepping back and shutting up, this was not the time to goloosing his temper about things that happened eighteen years ago, even if they did still make sleep difficult.

Uriel stood impassively behind Asmodeus for the duration of the twin outbursts, simply absorbing what he was hearing, though the way the two spoke to and of Asmodeus hinted to the Necromancer turned Knight that the masterof his order had once been a warlord of terriblepower, or something of that ilk.

Kohler breifly argues with Myrnodyn about trivialities, but gets a message from the barship, in which he is told that the Ominous Drunkardus is taking upa position to observe the Teknikan vessel meanwhile, Uriel stands and listens to Myrnodyn and Kohler, taking in what they ahve to say and weighing it against what he knows of Asmodeus.
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

Archy followed Asmodeus down the hallway. So this was the man, huh. Giant enemy spiders were on thing, but this promised to be interesting.

Oh, and a legged tank landed on the lawn. That was cool.

He leaned up against the doorframe as the angel introduced himself. Humility, it seemed, was not this man's greatest feature.
"Seems like a fairly basic plan to me. The tank up front could come in handy..." He glanced down at his fingernails, looking over them as a smirk came to his lips.
"Would I be rash in assuming that this incident..occurance? Happening? means that my more strange science projects will be accelerated?"

((Archy decides that things are, in fact, getting kinda neat. He then asks if his mad science projects will get the funding he wants. ))
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

I used to be on Rory's side... Now there are no sides. But should I be following Asmodeus around like he's some kind of leader to me? He's not... But as far as I've heard the others are inactive. Nobody's heard from Paorou in years far as I can tell, and he'd as soon kill us all anyways. Rory, he's still holed up in his castle. Now all we have is this lunatic, and he's our best hope as far as strategy goes. In hindsight, before I was plotlost I switched sides to Asmodeus' at Lycan's request. Fel thought, I may not classify myself as a 'shifter anymore, but Myrn's right. We're not his castaways anymore. We... THEY are their own people now, with their own laws and strengths and weaknesses. Me? I've got none of that.

He was standing behind Asmodeus like the rest of the party from upstairs. " Pardon me, Myrn, but your friend there is right. I've got no love for any of the princes, personally, but he's the best hope we have right now. Unless you plan on pulling the other two psychopaths out of your pocket, then I suggest you stop insulting the man. And don't try to lord over me, either, I'm not one of you anymore. I don't care who runs this castle."
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

Being the last of the party to enter Myrn's private room Torsty took time to rest his back to the wall. Noticing the company in the room, it was best just to play it cool and keep his distance. His viewpoints would only provoke most and that was not what they needed now. So while Shapeshifters whipped out what they really thinked about how Asmodeus had treated them almost twenty years ago he remained silent.

He had to find time to heal himself and somehow make sure that his dead comrades could get a proper burial. His peace-talks with Myrnodyn would have to wait, longer than he wanted from what he could understand.
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

Asmodeus crossed the room as Fel added his two cents. The angel hooked one of the organic chairs with his foot and dragged it beside the window. Then, rearranging his purple robes, he seated himself. The organic material swirled up around him, assuming a jagged and gothic shape, like a violent flower in frozen bloom.

And his voice, for a moment, was as rich and dark as it had been in his days of evil. "No no, you're quite right my dear Regent - you are not the same Shifters at all. The great names are gone, and only your inept guards and scientists are left to comfort you. What mewling tribe of Iwaku is not more fallen from greatness than yours?"

He sat back and spread his wings, one hand gripping the hilt of his sword as it lay within the Sheathe. Then, with a smile, his voice became lighter again, and he spoke like any layman. "But we're all a fucked up now, right? The King is missing, Paorou's dormant, the cities are under attack, and..." he caressed the hilt of his sword, "... I've just learned that Chaos is dead. Not much of a loss - he was a miserable tool. But with the Counter Guardian gone, the Knights of Iwaku have just lost their armoury. So add a tag to this rag, people - we're in the shit."

He looked across at Grant and Uriel, pausing for a moment. The smile dropped and a shadow seemed to pass behind his eyes, like an old ghost... a memory of a promise made to another angel.

The moment passed and Asmodeus came forward in the chair, planting his Sheathed sword tip-down on the floor. He peered over the hilt at Myrnodyn. "Abdiel was my first name, before King Gabriel found me. It was written in the mountains. I'd wager there are names written elsewhere, all across the land. Names of the ones who are meant to be here. That's how King Gabriel found the first of us."

He sat back again, twirling the sword and bringing the Sheathe against his face. "He told me once... when he liberated Iwaku from the Noob Barbarians, he sealed away their gods - great beasts who sought to populate the worlds. Gabriel put seals in place to keep them out, and made sure that only the Named would be brought here. But now..."

A certain cruelty returned in his smile. "Now we see the downside of that bitch Rory winning the Admin War. He moved Iwaku to the Mirror Realm, but the seals were disrupted. The Barbarian Gods have reawoken, and now they are following their nature again... trying to repopulate Iwaku."

He looked across at Torsty, who was slumping against the wall and nursing his wounds. He wondered how much the old viking knew of these, since it was he who was succeeded Gabriel as the principle recruiter for the realm.

"Anyway," Asmodeus continued, "I reckon the Spiders will be here before sunset. So unless your scientists have a quick-draw solution lodged up their arses, I'd say your whole seige rather depends on me and my Sheathe."

He twirled the artefact again, feeling the raw power of the Absolute coursing through his wrist. The chair shifted around him again, like a living canvas, and took the shape of a broken humanoid who was crumpling beneath the angel's weight.

[SUMMARY: With his personality still in flux, Asmodeus sums up the unfortunate situation for the survivors. He then explains that he believes the Elders are the gods of the Noobs who are seeking to repopulate Iwaku. King Gabriel had once prevented this process from happening, but with Rory moving Iwaku to the Mirror Realm, those seals have now been broken and the spiders have resumed their work.]
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

There was a silence built up in the room. Obviously this figurehead of old had a long history with these people. Everyone in the room either despised him or revered him and no wonder, he had the look of an angel and of a fallen one. Listening to Asmodeus he found his attitude arrogant, yet, truthful to the situation. "I wouldn't be getting to full of yourself." Pirogeth said breaking the silence. "You may have some power behind you but even a child can see that you are in no shape to even take on one alone." With the Angel's attention shifted to him as well as the rest of the audience there he continued. "Allow me to accompany you to the battlefield this evening. Name's Pirogeth, or Piro for getting my attention in battle." He had extended his hand for a formal hand shake and now it was up to Asmodeus to decide how to take those words.
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

Imperial Battlecruiser Yellowjacket

"Tell the other ships to deploy probes. We need to see where those stone maggots are going next. Hold fire on any zone not populated by whatever those things are spewing out. We'll hold negotiations soon." The commander signaled to his officers. On the sensor console, he saw a figure of a spacecraft, almost as big, if not bigger, than a Teknikan battleship, drifting near the designated position of the Yellowjacket, and the rest of the fleet. This was bothering him somewhat, but he tried to keep his composure. As he examined further, and inspected the Expedition data logs over his computers, he soon recognized the Barship, the craft which had confronted Notrova's forces in the Admin War.

"All ships, white flash. Watch that thing, she'd slain a god." The commander was becoming uneasy.

Almost as if in anticipation of the foreign vessel's arrival, the Teknikan warships in low orbit began to flash white navigation lights, indicating the signal of a truce. It was up to those observing to interpret this gesture.


Shapeshift Town, Outskirts

The massive vehicle did not turn or budge, although the humming of its hoverlifts was audible for a great distance. Cold as stone, or perhaps steel, in this case, it watched, and flashed a blinding searchlight near the front end of its turret.

Soon enough, the screeching of a microphone was heard, followed by a loud voice.

"Sound check, mic test, 1, 2, 3. Sound... Anyone home? Do not engage, repeat, do not engage. Our goals are the same; we are requesting an audience."

[SUMMARY:Teknikan forces are attempting to negotiate.]
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

Asmodeus brought his legs up, folding them underneath him as he sat on the chair. With a childlike grin he looked at Pirogeth's hand then face, "Yes..." he said, stretching the word. "I remember you. A blip from our younger days."

He raised the Sheathe again, covering one eye as he regarded the man. "For one who has given so little, you have much to say. Was that a challenge I heard, little Piro? Last one to kill an Elder is a rotten Bread-Cultist?"

A laugh erupted from him, wheezing and half-deranged.

He did not return the handshake, and he kept his eye on Piro even as Captain Nic's announcement sounded from the distant town.
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

Kohler grimaced as the blue 'man' if he could be called that, spoke, and the veteran soldier felt bile rising in his throat at every word
"Are you fucked in the brain or something? what makes you think Asmodeus will be alone? what makes you think this battle will be over in a night? from the looks of things, we're in for some serious fighting, a campagin of bloodshed and violence that will possibly eclipse all but the admin war, what we face harkens back to the first noob invasions, ecept now the enemy is stronger, and dare i say it, capable of at least base cunning, your arrogance overwhelms me Pirogeth, you enter this world as nothing, then presume to tell those who have served longer and with more conviction than you ever shall, and you presume to tell us what? that we need your assistance? even though we welcome assistance with open arms, we do not NEED anything from you, and you would do well to remember that" he barked before he could do anything else, the former soldier driven by impulse and fury alone.


"Milady, Target vessels signalling us, they're flashing white Milady, i repeat, they're
flashing white, Tactical suggests that this is a show of good will, and the sensorium reports their weapons are not powered for the moment" Alesia nodded to the speaker in response
"Very good, keep on their tail but do NOT i repeat, do not fire on the Teknikan vessels" she said, still looking through printouts of Castle Iwaku, the last known location of WMD.
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

"Why so cocky, angel? By all rights, you're fortunate that anyone trusts you at this point." Stepping through the doorway, Palonis became quickly aware of how many personages had become crammed into one private room. And in a chair, acting as if he was still the king of the world, sat a dethroned tyrant who had just been provided with all the power he would ever need to take the world for himself.

The ninja's hand would never leave his sword for this entire conversation.

"What guarantee do we have that you'll cooperate to the end with us, Asmodeus?" the ninja continued, making sure to stand in a place that would allow him to lunge towards the angel at a moment's notice. "Consider what happened to Jack Shade, Lycan Queen, and Lord Zeon. Who will you stab in the back next, and never have the opportunity to apologize to?"

"Lord Myrnodyn, if you accept this man's help, don't be surprised when he decides that his own lofty dreams overshadow yours. That is all." Leaning back against a wall, but keeping Asmodeus in his peripheral view at all times, Palonis asked casually, "So what do you plan to do with your weapon, angel? I'm anxious to know."


Elsewhere, entirely unaware of all the goings on throughout the castle, Turd had entered into the den of a man who was either a genius, a nutcase, or perhaps a mix of both. Almost the instant he saw the experimentation taking place, he knew that Nylock was the man to see in order to fix his problems.

"Mr. Nylock, if you do not mind my discourtesy towards you, I would like to ask a favor."

"If you want something, boy, then spit it out!" Nylock demanded, already losing interest in this overly formal lad. "I don't have all day!"

"A-alright!" he replied, feeling slightly abashed. "I want you to create a computer with a working antenna that could link in to a satellite, if it is not too much to ask. Can you do that for me?"

A short while back, an idea had occurred to Turd that the archeological team currently working on the temple where he and Palonis lived had the answers that Asmodeus desperately needed. The angel had seemed to be quite fascinated with the temple, and any assistance that the young apprentice could provide would no doubt be helpful.

(Summary: Palonis comes into the discussion, expressing his doubts in Asmodeus's intentions, and demanding to know what the angel plans to do. Meanwhile, Turd discusses with Nylock his plans to access the internet.)
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

Asmodeus's hand ran across the Sheathe of Iwaku, his fingertips exciting every crest and trough of its engravings. Like a lover's flesh it seemed to wince at his touch, an electric warmth that was the herald of cataclysm. For this was too much power to rest in one man's hand... too much power to lie inside one room... and yet he wielded it all the same.

"You're not the only paranoid loner around here, Palonis," he answered, his smile telling how much he savoured this exchange, the fire of the olden days. "You saw what Paorou did with this thing. Better it stays with me than in the hands of that blubbering little Jack-tard."

He stopped, glancing around. "Where is that little whelp, anyway?" His eye flickered and he titled his head as he tried to remember. "Oh yes... he ran away again..."

The organic chair collapsed, the material sinking back like a cast-off cloak. Asmodeus stood up quickly, as if daring the ninja to flinch, and paced across the room. One hand remained on the Sheathe, but Asmodeus was no longer looking at Palonis. As he answered, his gaze was fixed instead on two people in the doorway.... Grant and Uriel, the survivors of the Legacy timeline, the leaders of his Knights.

"As for trusting me, that idea died with Chopsticks. But if you seek a guarantee, then know this..." He stopped in front of Uriel and Grant, gazing into their eyes as he continued to answer Palonis. "...I have seen a glimpse of what is to come. A multitude of Dark Futures... like a thousand-pronged cancer."

His deepness seemed to dissipate again and he turned to Palonis with a grin. "So as much as I hate piss-and-winders like you and Piro..." He glanced at Myrn and Archy. "..and as much as I hate you Cult Quarter runts, let's consider the alternatives. Iwaku delivered back to the Barbarians. A world run by hijackers and the reality-bending indulgence of godmodders. A world alight with flames and troll-breath, where the blood of emos is painted on the walls and the chains of the pimprats choke every street. A world of parasites clamouring for attention, where all great works are polluted and nothing is preserved."

He returned to the centre of the room, his eyes alight with prophetic glee. "They'll burn down our cities and raze the Temple of History. The cults will break into myriad factions of fornication and fad. The royal castles will be lost and the forest uprooted, till there is nothing but a desert where the chattering Noobs pick amongst the bones of glories past."

He lunged suddenly towards Palonis, and by the time the ninja's blade was half from its sheathe Asmodeus had stopped a few inches from his face. "SO WHY DON'T YOU LAY THE FUCK OFF AND LET US PLAN SOMETHING HERE?!"

[SUMMARY: Asmodeus says the Sheathe is safer with him. He also assures the room that they can trust him, because he wants to avert the Noob Invasion just as much as anyone else.]
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

Pirogeth was being pompous but it was in his nature to be. Fighting the godmodders in full force back in the realm of RP made him that way. Although he did not take anything serious about what Kholer said he did take in everything what this prophetic angel had to say. "True, we do need to work together even if we do find ourselves despising one another. I'd much rather fight one of you than an endless stream of these idiots any day." Pirogeth formed a glare at Kholer for a brief moment. "I have managed to deal some heavy damage to one by ripping through the connection between its limb and the main torso but even that is hard to do by any standard. If this world is anything like some of the realms of RP then I expect you have an entire armada on air, land, and sea, those left anyway. I am sure they can handle the summoned riff raff while everyone in this room commands their own squads made up of the most elite soldiers to take out the Elder. But if I'm just sputtering nonsense tell me and I'll leave right now." Pirogeth had put in his two cents and if they were all in the situation perceived then they would have no choice but rally together friend and foe.
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

Chewing on it for a moment, Fel replied: "You know, that might just work. If all of us had troops, that is. And we don't. At least, I don't. And I saw Torsty's forces finding their way to Valhalla upstairs, so I doubt he has any more in town."

The zilla-man walked forward, standing by Asmodeus. "This isn't to say it's not possible, allocate troops to different 'leaders' if you dare call any of us that, and then we've got teams. But... Not all of us have the tools needed to tear down these Elders. I mean I've got my Zilla form, Asmodeus has his sword. What's everyone else got?"

His gaze shifted between everyone in the room, scrutinizing everyone.
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