The Different Schools

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Kelkov watched him jump out of his seat. It all seemed entirely too familiar. He'd been in much the same situation before. Something was very wrong...
Surprised, Tensa briefly responded "Sorry.. I overslept..", with a laughter. As much as he looks around, class is really empty. He checked at the clock to see that class is still in session, albeit it was almost finished. "You must be our teacher?", he then asked, , simply looking at the cat girl.
shadows that were in the shape of flames were surrounding him. Mochi was standing before him watching. Hunter's eyes were turning black. Even the whites. He had his black sword in his hand. Tightening his grip. He was starting to change
Rez felt something. It was bad. No wait, two. Could it be...? He looked at his class, who were writing a test.

Shadows are places in which light his shielded by something.
Darkness... Is the pure absence of light.

He felt two entities of darkness. One, readying to attack. Oh, how he hoped this period would end soon.
Suddenly the back of his hands cracked, and the crack spread up his arm. Flames seeped through the crack. The shadow was parading around very happily. This was it. If someone didn't stop it Mochi would be able to come out into the world and chaos would ring throughout the school. This was bad very bad. And poor hunter. Poor hunter was doing his best to fight it. He was in so much pain. He could barely stay up, the pain was so unbearable.
Death's lantern lit up. He knew who it was, even if he was across the school. "Mochi..."
Connie ran into the classroom Rez now occupied. She was panting and had a busted lip and a gash above her left eye. " would a wonderful time to have a fire drill."
The cracks reached up to the side of hunter's face. connecting from his arm to his shoulder to the side of his face. They all shattered at once. The parts that shattered off. It was as if the skin under was magma. A sharpened bull horn came out. Obsidian black eyes and a row of Long sharp black teeth. Long hair that was on fair fell out on one side. This was just a piece of mochizuki at his first stage. Hunter opened his mouth along with mochi's and shouted Horrifying pain mixed in with the roar of the demon. Mochizuki was starting to awake. And quickly. Hunter stood up. His black blade now slowly turning red. Black teeth were on the side of the blade. A few people passing by saw him. Some running others feeling like they must attack. They charged. He looked at them and swung his blade. He was still far away from them. There were wounds opening all over them. The wounds set on fire. Hunter/Mochizuki walked away. The flames died down. Then Everyone who was cut. Felt the full force of an explosion coming out of their cuts.

He walked through the smoke bloud splattered on him sizzled and evaporated. He licked off the amount on his teeth. This was Mochizuki in what he defined. 'Bliss' He looked around and a dark voice that was disturbing and scary, not hunter's own. it said "Who is next?" People screamed, ran, and some were stupid enough to fight. "Fools..." He smiled. Explosions rang through out the hallways.
Mali started to answer in the affirmative, when she heard the explosions. Kelkov heard the noise too, but he didn't need his sense of hearing to confirm his fears. He could sense the immense amounts of energy just pouring off of the demon in waves. Whatever was trying to break loose had done it. He had to get to Hunter, fast.

Both he and Mali ran out of their respective classrooms and quickly met in the hallway, the feline with her bow at the ready and Kelkov trying to summon up the mental strength he needed for a powerful spell. It was increasingly difficult, though. His headache grew stronger the closer he got to the freshly released creature. The two shared a quick glance. They knew each other through mutual acquaintances; it wasn't much, but it was enough for her to see the pain he was trying to hide.

"A-Are you alright?" Mali stammered. Kelkov didn't answer. He couldn't; he was too busy panicking. The buzz in the back of his mind was growing louder. Warmth started to creep through his body. The sheer amount of dark energy that Mochizuki gave off was starting to break down the boundary that kept his feral side contained, and he could feel it, little by little.
There was barely a little left of hunter's face. Just a little bit of his eye and some of his mouth. His entire left side was in demon form. Black claw like fingers and toes. his entire body covered in fire and something that appeared to be magma. He was on a war path now. Destroying anything that got to close. There was no shadow Under hunter. None. But Mochi even in this form wasn't at his full power. Another piece of hunters chest chipped away. The demons chest taking it's place. He was almost down. Mochi had actually bit into one of the students. Hunter had watched itt and his eye was open in terror. frozen in horror. It reached a corner and felt something... familiar. "Death... I see you." He smiled looking in the direction on the other side of the school that death was at. And death knew he saw him. But there was still more he wanted to do.
Rez's eyes widened. "Right you are-students, when the alarm sounds, exit in an orderly fashion." Suddenly the sprinklers went off, and the alarm sounded. "Hm. Guess there's a real fire. The students ran out in a disorderly way. "Hey, I said orderly!" He called in vain. "Oh well. Ms. Amanar, what happened to you? Ah, no time. Get the students to safety and find Sol. I have to find Death." He fled the room to find the reaper.
Death ran around the hallways. He was in the elementary area, while Hunter slash Mochizuki was in the Highschool area. He carried his scythe ready in one hand, lantern in the other: all while the sprinkilers doused the school.
He walked in the direction the reaper was coming from. The only piece left of hunter was his right eye. Which was wide open and horrified. "Come on death. I am right here." He stabbed the sword into the ground and eight swords surrounded him, This was the move called reaper's sin. red orbs appears at the top of the hilts. this was Devil's torment. Dark red beams shout of the orbs, at high speeds. It tore open wholes in ever student that was near. He was killing them off with ease. He was laughing. "That's right death this way.There is still the darkness that awoke me. How can you deal with me if that man barely beat the other demon? The answer is. You can't." He laughed darkly.
"You evil disgrace." The reaper spat. "You have no right to be killing these children. They still have lives to live. That includes your host, Hunter. Because of this, I have to stop you." Death lectured. "And by the way, you're wrong. Alongside Rez, we defeated Lord Pain himself, so you'll just be a nuisance." He mocked.

"And since I'm here, you're double doomed." The principal agreed, walking up next to the grim reaper. Seemingly from nowhere, Rez pulled out a sword. Hell's Rapier. "Well; then again, I haven't done this in years, so I guess you'll be kinda difficult." He chuckled. "So what do you say, Mochi?"
Mochizuki smiled. Both of them there. Together. Perfect. The last piece of hunter shattered. Mochizuki smiled. "A nuisance eh? You both seemed to have forgotten this isn't my full power... I guess I'll have to teach you both a lesson." He smiled Flames surrounded him. Shadows swirled around him. The sword now gone. He smiled and said "Kage kōtei Mochizuki....." Darkness spiked out of the ground markings covered his body. He began to expand into an enormous size. Black spikes flew out of his back and trailed down his spine. His fangs grew tremendously His fists became huge. He stood there. He was truly the definition of ceberus. The devils guardian. He smiled. All of a sudden he was in front of them. Neither of them saw him swing. But both of them felt the impact and tremendous strength of his tough fists. They were like the sword itself. Destructive and strong. He had sent them both flying. He held out both of his hands. This time instead of dark red they were pitch back. And they were massive. He shot them both out a bunch of concentrated beams flying out spiraling over two massive beams. He still wasn't done changing.

Hunter was surrounded by darkness. He looked around. Where am I?? Oh thats right... Mochizuki took over..... I guess it was bound to happen. I can't let him stay in control... He could hurt everyone that I've known... just like last time. I can't let that happen. This all ran through his mind. He struggled. A dark red aura slowly enveloped him. He needed to focus his energy on breaking free and getting back in control. Because there was the possibility he could lose mochi.
The two defended themselves with their reflective weapons, trying to move out of harm's way. "Try harder, you're still not as much." Rez chuckled. He stood as a circle with strange markings surrounded the three. Suddenly, they were in-well, nothing. "I can't have you burning down my school. Let's do this in nothingness.
Death blew into his lantern, blowing a magical fire-like gas, not really fire, straight at the evil demon.
Chanting a spell, Rez created an avalanche behind monster. "Don't forget how we beat you before."
"Ah. But this time, for you see. I've reached the satan level." He was referring to the final form a demon has that takes centuries and centuries to perfect. They called it that stage because there have been demons that are capable of wiping out the devil himself. And that's when everything rumbled. Even in the nothingness it was like shattering the fabrics of time around him. The huge dark horns were gone. In his hand was the black sword form he usually had. Dark markings trailed through out his body. Four black dots were on both his arms. Flame like substances were pouring out of them. Like lighters. He swung and something black encased itself around the fire. Slowly both things started to be dissolved. A small black orb floated there in the things place this was his final form of the beam. It just floated there. This was his final form Kage kōtei Mochizuki In other words the shadow emperor, Flaming moon. The orb flew up high up. The avalanche Mochi seemed to have been dancing around. Granted mochi was slightly hurt for the flames that the reaper spewed had done some damage before he could completely encase it.

Black orbs slowly started to rise. collecting and becoming larger. and larger and larger. It was so massive it was the equivalent of most of the planet they lived on. Mochi was putting his sword on his shoulder. All three of them and sustained heavy cuts and or punches. Mochi was still smiling, He loved to fight. Death was his calling. And he loved serving it every time.
"Damn you, demon... We will stop you, even if it means killing Hunter..." Death warned, holding his weapon in front of him. "I am the god of death, so it should be easy."
"I still find Pain more imitating..." Rez yawned. "He was.... Really painful." He punned.
"Rez, no time for jokes. Now, we have to try suffocating him: no air, no flame." Death explained.
"I should probably mention Satan has no body so he's not really th-
"Fine, I'm going..." He muttered. He summoned a vortex around the demon- he'd use it like a vacuum, taking out all oxygen, chocking the evil one at the same time. Well, hopefully.
The flames swirled and flickered and went out. the flames were gone but now his entire body was something black. the symbols now red the things floating above the marks now like hardened arrows. They shot out and flew at death and Rez. following them. All of a sudden the arrows broke away from satan and circled Rez. Mochi stood above him aimed dow at him. Rez was trapped. The arrows surrounding him and a big black beam that was about to come above him. Mochizuki moved out the way as the big black orb in the sky shot down In a massive beam. "The worthy and even the stronger. Must fall one day. And the black beam crashed down at an immense speed. Mochi looked at reaper. "Boo." He ran and than he quickened his pace so fast that it seemed there were multiple Mochi's all around Death.

Then <ochi stopped holding his head with both of his hands. Screaming in pain. What was going on. Then both rez and death heard Hunter's voice. Hey? Hello? Guys listen! I have got him for now. But I don't know how long i can hold it. Thanks for putting out the fires. I needed that. You need to quickly strike him down while the fire is out. He is at his weakest! Please hurry. I don't think I can keep this up much longer! A red aura was surrounding Mochi. It's Hunter's Aura. Mochi was screaming in pain leaving himself wide open.
"Shit..?", Tensa said to himself when the explosion was heard. He ran out and followed Mali, as he seems to gather energy to his right hand, shaping like a red orb, at the sight of both Mali and Kelkov was it? He doesn't pay attention that much, and barely remembers his name. He dosen't try to say anything; it already seems that the student is panicking, and is only going to make it worse if he tries. Not what I had in mind..... But it must be kinda interesting, he thought to himself.
"Ow." Rez said simply. He was in a world of pain. "This hurts almost as much as Lord Pain..."

Death sighed. "Forgive me Hunter, but if I kill you, I hope you end up where you should." He pulled out from his robe, a pure diamond cross. "This is it Mochi. Remember this? It's the Demon Striker. With this, you die." He let it float in front of him, and hit it hard with his scythe, causing it to fly at the demon. "Good bye, Mochizuki. Say hi to the devil for me."