The difference

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Turning bright red, Raina set Alexander on the ground.
She poked her fingers together,
How about you and Raiden?"
((I didnt know the forest had demon bears??? lol)

Ataria walked over to Raiden and grabbed his arm. "Hey, shes gone, just be here if she comes back okay?" Ataria said looking up at him her eyes big and a short sweet smile on her face. Looking over to Raina and Alex to make sure everyone was okay. Ataria blushed bright red at Raina's question.
Raina smiled,
"looks like it's my turn to make the lovey dovey comments~"
She laughed and sat down.
((yeah demon people lol but its fine lol))

Ataria chuckled and walked to were alex and raina were sitting and sat with them. Her face still red from the question.
( Well, whateves. As long as it doesn't freak you guys out if she's eating other people. I've got some weak friends.)

The girl crunched loudly on the demon's bones, her teeth easily breaking them open. It felt good to chew on bones again. The hunger had ebbed a bit and her reason was back. She wondered if those fools from before were still in her temporary base. Looks like she'd have to move. Well, it's not like it was a big deal or anything. She already had some of her stuff out in the surrounding woods anyway. She cracked a rib between her teeth. She felt a bit sad again, like she always did after a meal. With half of the rib sticking out of her mouth, the girl disappeared deep into the trees, looking for something inparticular.
Raina looked over to Ataria and Raiden,
"You guys got a plan?"
((I think we can handle a bit of demon eating lol))

Ataria thought about the demon girl, where had she come from and why didnt she show herself when raiden broke through the roof. Ataria was literally confused beyaond all reasoning.
"Ah, found it!" The girl said happily, reaching into a hole in a big oak tree. Her hunger was gone, so she was happier than usual, if she ignored the sadness, anyway. She pulled a old violin from the crevice and took a comfortable seat in it's upper branches.
"So what are we gonna if she comes back, we cant just hang out here and wait for her to come back and kill us...i mean, come one, I kinda dont wanna die today." ataria said with a chuckle looking at everyone.
Raina tried to make a joke of it,
"What? You don't think we can handle a little girl?
We're two very strong women!"
The girl nustled into the branches on the tree and positioned herself carefully into an acceptable playing posture. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, her happy mood replaced with concentration. With a long sigh, she began to play a very sad song.

( )
((*cries* what's going oonnnn!!!?!?!? :'"'( ))
Alexander was gone his mind was attacking its self "Come on damn it Alexander snap out of it, you just got a girl and she needs you" The bow on the ground glew an aura of abyss and flung into the air revealing Alexander but in his full power, the darkest depths of hell dripped from his body. He was standing infront of Raina. at his feet shadows like claws sprang from the ground shielding Raina. What little light was out was eaten as soon as it hit him, not even God could see through him. "Yo, sorry Raina had some inner conflict, but im good now sit easy ok?"
((Raiden here's what I think may have gone on...
Raina runs to mill
Creepy girl in mill and Raina fight.
Creepy girl gets hungry almost attacks.
Raina and Ataria meet, Ataria flies up with Raina.
Creepy girl leaves

I think. XD))

Raina poked Alexander,
"She ran off,
you're a bit late."
She giggled and sat back,
"You can go run after her though.
Somewhere in the woods I presume."
"What? fuck you mean i ate the soul of a greater Demon for nothing?! ugh it takes a heck of alot of effort to meld with the abyss. Eh oh well, im not one for chasing prey. Im far to lazy. Alexander lifted his hand and waved slightly and armor melted into his shadow, the choatic claws then patted Raina on the top of the head gently and vanished. His face had fresh claw marks running across it, he turns slowly to Raina and winks with a smile and pops back into her bow, it now had a Dark blue aura around it.
((yea Raiden that is pretty much what happened.))

Ataria chuckled. "You guys are too cute." ataria chuckled and laid back her wings open at full length which equaled about the size of and egales wing span. "You know this is actually pretty comfy, its not much but it'll do, what do you guys think?" ataria sat up again after realizing how dirty the ground actually was. "So are we gonna stay here or are we gonna find some place else to camp out...dont you guys have parents??" Ataria said after thinking about her dad for a while, if she wasnt home tonight he would most likely think the worse, and that was never good with her dad, he had anger issues and was seraiously protective or her. "I should call my dad and let him know whats up." ataria said as she stood and walked away, flying up to the roof and calling her dad.
Alexander returned to human form, he kicked at a can with his hands in his pocket. Dust shimmered in the now setting sun from what light was able to get through. He no longer had marks on his face and his skin was flawless, his hair white as a newly made purl. "I don't know, this place still reaks of demon. And who knows what else fills the air, im starting to second guess myself about this filth hole..any other options?" Alexander looked around as he booted the can hard. "I live on my own, i usually sleep in the abyss. I can't even tell you exactly what i am. because i have no clue. Im self aware though i know most of my "Tricks" and how to use them Its strange." Alexander sits sat Raina's feet and rests his head at her legs. "And to you who says they have full understanding, do you who has achieved the perception of God still fear death?. Alexander whispers and replies "No".
Ataria called her dad but he never ansrewed, so she left a message. Sitting down , she pulled her knees close to her chest and tucked her wings close to her body. She felt so alone, This demon was obviously not nice and she had no way of talking to the only person that ever accepted her. Looking into the sunlight as it began to set, she felt a mixture of warm and coldness inside her. 'When the sun sets, who will be left alive and sane?' Ataria thought for a moment. "Obviosuly not that demon chick..." Ataria chuckled and continued to look at the sun set. Rolling over to were the whole was and looking down it, her hair falling through it as it swayed back and forth, aribbion from her hair fell off and landed on Raina's head. Ataria chuckled and rold back over trying not to laugh.her hair now half up and half down. Sitting up she took the other ribbion out and tied it around her wrist. Her Light blue, almost white hair now blew in the wind.
( Feelin' the love.)

The girl stopped playing as the sun disappeared. She stored the violin quickly, anxious for the night to come.
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