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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

The Devil Within Character Creation and Ooc

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Theres a small picture icon with the other buttons that you can use to upload using the url and it will actually be in the post.

I havent gone on gaia in a long time. I got banned for a week for saying the word 'sex'. I like this site because as long as your 18+ you can do whatever you want. You cna roleplay however you want. Rpnation was strict about that. If you even mention nudity, you get banned. Like two people were bathing together nothing sexual. They were just taking a bath and I git banned. I had a whole arguement with the admins. I was like "its not wrong unless theres penetration!!!" Their dicks ><
I'm on my fourth Gaia account. The first one was hacked thankfully i didn't have any transactions that required my hard earned cash and the next two were banned for "adult content" as they put it. Got one warning and kicked the same day. and i was being real careful about the entire thing. Private messages were my go to when it came to a 1x1 and things usually heated up quickly. Thing is, everyone that i did rp with was cool with the entire thing, so i think Gaia mods were playing big brother
And to top it off, the people i was rping with brought up each theme and i just went with it. Threads were deleted in the forums on Gaia that were putting certain pairings up because they thought instant-sex rp.
Well I simply said if theres anything sexual going to happen, do it through messages and I got banned for it. No warning. Just instant ban. I was like "are you serious???? Nothing even happened!!!"
When I finally try to role play on the site, I got banned. And ir was a stuoid reason. I thoroughly enjoy this site
I enjoy Iwaku as well the rules are fair and the people here are nice plus there's a never ending surplus of good stories and ideas
Indeed. The only reason why i still have my Gaia account it's because i have a few friends on Gaia and two guilds. One i made and one that was given to me. Both are kinda dead, but I'm still rping in other guilds I'm in. Only had one teen come to me for an rp that i had to turn down on this site. Told her that she had a good idea, but it would have to wait until she was in the 18+ club.
Plus the Gaia avatar system is completely pointless to me. And their Gaia gold marketplace is so overpriced that you have to buy Gaia gold or be extremely active. I joined Gaia before the site changed mods and since that day, it's failing. Countless adds for buying Gaia cash, inflation in the marketplace, and being ban happy. Hell, they even sent several private messages to everyone with a "special offer" on Gaia cash a while back.
Yah. Im glad I found Iwaku because I had to switch to facebook because there were no other good places to role play. I then found Iwaku and have few complaints. There mostly things like how certain things are set up and it feels awkward or are just annoying.

I hate sites that require you to pay a shit load of money for the full experience.
Gaia was great when i started. Free items left and right, one friend i met in the navy actually got me started. Didn't know the first thing about role-playing, but here i am having a blast and still thinking of myself as a bit of a rookie when I've been role-playing for a little less than five years.
For me its been 12 years. I was never good socially so when I was 6 and startes going on the internet, I talked to people online and someone told me about role playing and taught me and since then Ive taught myself different styles and gotten better over the years.
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Name: Sway Fanalis
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Sexuality: BI
Race/Species: Vampire
Class: Low-Middle

Personality: Charming, strong, stubborn, compassionate, unpredictable, protective, cunning.
History: Can I rp?

Master Swordsmen

Anything piercing her heart
Losing control
Being completely alone

Plays with her hair when nervous or embarrassed
Likes to tease others in a friendly way

Superhuman Strength
Superhuman Speed
Superhuman Durability
Can create/control black chains with dark red spikes on the end that are near unbreakable.

Weapons: A longsword and her chains.

Relationships: Open​
((Are we still allowed to join this? It seems really interesting, plus, I love the Tokyo Ghoul signature ^^))
Yah of course. And thank you. Its currently my obsession. Read the manga and currently watching the anime.