The Dark Matter Research

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Aiden turned when he heard Rayne hit the ground. "Oh Crap im so sorry i forgot your not used to using this much energy. Ive been at this for almost 3 years. Eventually the little things won't take thier toll on your bobdy as much. But For now we rest." Aiden said with a smile. " im actually surprised your even concious that was quite a lot of energy you released. You need some food. What would you like to eat? I can get almost any kind of Fruit or Vegatable. If you Want I might be able to get some meet Rabbit or something. We could go into the city to eat if you want." Aiden said as he walked over and held out his hand to help her up.
"I'm sorry about that. I guess I just am not used to doing so much. I was kind of not trying nearly this hard back then when I was supposed to," she said as she reached out to his hand and stand up. She was a little shaky but she was able to stay standing. "I will eat just about anything right now... but preferably not move too far." She laughed. Even though she was tired, she was glad that someone had complimented her rather than scold and try to scare her.

"What fruits and vegetables are available?"
" come with me ill show you" Aiden said. He held her tight and Raised his on arm up. A Thick vine fell down and Aiden Grabbed it. It pulled them slowly Through the vine roof and into an Orchord and farm Full of apples oranges cherrys Pears Grapes strawberries blueberries and a coulpe rows over was corn celery and a bunch of other things and in the center Was a gazebo made of cherrie blossom trees with a table and bench. "this is my ahhh Garden. I made it with the help of the plants they all grew when i needed food and was nearly dead but then i cared for it and it turned into this. its hidden by ivy all around so no one can find it." Aiden let Rayne go and said. "take you pick you can have anything you want and as much as you want."
Rayne clapped her hands together in excitement. She hadn't seen so many beautiful food like this in a long time. "Oh! It must be great to be so close to the plants like this! You two work so well together! I don't even know where to start!" She felt full of energy once more. Plants needed light to grow well, so she felt the energy from the light provided.

"Mmmm... carrots, celery and .. strawberries! They're so sweet! And cucumbers!" She looked back, shining. This was the happiest she's ever been. "What are you going to get?"
Aiden smiled at her excitement. "im going to take some apples and cherries" he said. He walked over and picked 2 apples and a couple cherries. "thanks" he said to the tree and walked to the gazebo. He watched as Rayne went and picked her food With a huge grin on her face.
"This is the best!" She cheered. She quickly went over to the strawberries. She bent down to get some. She remembered what Aiden had said about being able to feel them. Before she went to pick some, she decided it be right actually thank the plant. "Uh, th-thank you for letting us eat your fruit. Um, strawberries are my favorite and I bet your is so sweet!"

She then proceeded to the carotts and celery and followed suit. Thanking for the veggies. She then went over to the gazebo to eat with Aiden. She started snacking on the way and by the time she reached him, the few strawberries she had picked were almost all gone. "This is fantastic! The sweetest I have ever tasted!"

She looked at the 'garden' once more. "You are so lucky to have such a talent."
"Hahaha it doesn't take much work the plants here are strong. It's them you should thank. Thats why i do i mean we eat thier hard work that why i thank them. and i noticed you did to and i thank you for that" Aiden said. He leaned back and closed his eyes taking in the smell of the plants. He suddenly sat up and opened his eyes. "Someones coming. And they are not friendly" he said and stood. "you stay here ill be right back i wanna see who it is/" He walked over to the vine patch and jumped in he sank right through and just before his head vanished he smiled and winked at Rayne. When he reached the Floor he picke up his Sword and walked to the entrance. He placed his hands on the vines and followed thier roots. There they were Cutting down the Plants. He couldnt figure out who they were. he stood there barely breathing waiting and watching
Rayne was quite surprised at his departure and watched as he disappeared. She couldn't help but smile as he winked. She stayed in her spot as he had instructed her, but she started to grow a little restless. She wasn't quite sure what he was doing but she was sure he could take care of himself. And if he needed her, he'd somehow let her know, right?

She knew she couldn't just sit and do nothing, but in her current state, she wasn't quite useful. That's when it hit her. He talked about basically becoming invisible earlier. Why not practice it? It may be handy later. She quickly tried to finish her vegetables so she can go ahead and start practicing.
Aiden watched the man as he was joined by three others. Four of them? Can I Handle four of them? he thought to himself. The PLants around him were nearly quivering with rage how dare these people threaten our master they seemed to say. " I am on my home turf. i have the advantage" he muttered to himself. "But it's best to avoid a fight if i fight it will only draw more of them." He opened the vines and walked out the were half aklick to the west of the cave. He knew what to do. He started to walk forward when.........WATCH OUT!! the plants said. Aiden Duck and rolled to his left as a baton came swinging down right where his head was a moment before. Whew that was close he thought And stood up. "OVER HERE!" the man shouted "I found him!" Aiden mentally kicked himself for not paying attention to the whole area. He looked at the man in front of him and snarled. He recognized him as onee of the scientists he was the one who took him from the plants. That must mean they tracked me some how. The other four came running over. He recognized two of them. "Hello Aiden" One of the men said this one was balding and wearing and all black suit. " how have you been? We've missed you back at the facility" he said with a smile. "Yea right you only wanna do more testing. I'm not some lab rat. And I'm Not that weak little Boy that you took from his home. I'VE GROWN STRONGER." aiden yelled the last part. He Then Closed his eyes and pulled in the energy from the plants lending it to his voice. "WE'VE GROWN STRONGER AND WE WON'T EVER LET YOU TAKE HIM BACK TO THE DARK PLACE!!" When Aiden spoke this sentence his voice was like a thousand and the forest shook. Aiden knew that what he was saying was a bluff there was no way he could defeat five of them. Especially not the balding one. But he hoped that the voice of the "forest" would be enough to scare them. Or at least frighten them. Aiden stood up. Two of the men ran frightened by Aidens power but the other three remained only a little shaken. Aiden Frowned and Spoke Mentally to the forest. I'm so sorry for whatt im about to do i dont have much of a choice. Im sorry that you all have to die to save me and Rayne. He said to them. It's ok Aiden As long as you return here when you can and restore what you are about to destroy. Aiden Smiled as a tear Fell From his eye. "It looks like ill have to show you my power." he said to the remaining three. He told a vine to bring Rayne to him And to tell her to Gather as much food and energy as possible. "Lets do this" he said to the balding man and Raised his hands with them ten vines rose from the ground. Aiden prepared himself to fight hoping rayne could gather enough energy. He started to gather energy he would need as much as possible.
Rayne was about to start training when something arrived. A vine appeared before her and she had a feeling of gloom hit her. "Wha-what's going on?" She wasn't quite sure what lead her to do so, but she started to run around to gather some fruits and vegetables. As soon as she filled some in her arms, she spoke to the vine. "Take me to Aiden. I have a bad feeling about all of this." She started to breathe slowly and deeply to calm herself down to prepare for whatever what may happen.

"I'm ready."
Aiden Saw Rayne being lowered behind him. "Rayne I would like you to meet Dr. Rhandaldi. He is the man who took us to the facility" Aiden said pointing to the balding man. Aiden handed Rayne the sword he had taken from the cave. "Remember what I taught you and we will be ok." he said then in his head said I hope. Aiden then lept into Pointing his finger forward and spinning it. the vines lept into action attacking the man on the left. The man pulled out a Machete and starting havking at the vines cutting through them with ease. Aiden winced and the sent more from all directions flying for him the tree branches started waving around trying to smash the man. Dr Rhandaldi just stood there watching exspressionless.
Rayne focused on Dr. Rhandaldi. "You. You are the reason they kept telling me horror stories and to fear the dark? You're the reason I'm so weak?" She started to tear, then stopped her self, her eyes glowing. "And now you are trying to hurt my friend? This is unacceptable." Energy easily rushed through her, maybe a bit too quick, but she was focused. She breathed in, and then a huge breath out, pushing all that energy through the sword, slashing like how Aiden had showed her. She was shining lightly, anger at him and anger seeing those vines being cut with the Machete when they were trying to protect Aiden.
Aiden heard another WHOMP! and felt the heat from Rayne. A cloud of dust was kicked up in the wake of a curved vertical beam of energy. It Struck Rhandaldi in the chest and sent him Flying through the air. Aiden heard him land and said to Rayne " nice shot kid you learn fast. Aiden then turned and Raised both his arms and made a sweeping motion. The vines that he called swept the other two men aside. Then Rhandaldi stood. "ENOUGH" he shouted and with his shout came flames. They burned All the plants to a crisp and Aidens Vines burned to. Aiden Fell to the ground in pain. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Aiden screams where so loud the floor shook with his pain. Then he stood. Shakely to his feet. "Heh You didn't honestly think I would face if i didnt thikn i could win? I was the first one to be injected with dark matter. You've grown powerful Aiden and you found a friend i wasnt expecting that little brat to be here. But no Matter my flames burn all including you" said Rhandaldi.
Rayne covered her mouth in shock at the destruction that Dr. Rhandaldi caused. She knew it must of hurt Aiden deeply. She quickly ran to his side, partially in front of him as if to protect. She still had energy. "Don't touch him. Leave us alone. We have done nothing to deserve all this." She said tearfully. The tears slowly went down, but there weren't many. She was starting to become stronger. She went to touch Aiden, and her hand landed on his shoulder. She slowly tried to give him some energy and heal him. She knew it was something she had to do and did it without any doubt. "We were treated as pets and experiments rather than people. Locked away, and even mentally messed with. This isn't right."
" Rayne don't worry I'll be fine." Aiden stood grasping to the energy Rayne had given him. "I'll Handle him don't you worry." He wiped the tears from her eyes and turned to Rhandaldi. "You are a fool Dr. You think you flames burn everything? Well they Don't. Flames only make the forest Stronger!" Aiden Thrust his hand out. "I won't let you take her back. Not now not EVER!" On the final word a dark "light" filled Aiden's eyes. He pushed Rayne out of the way and walked forward. While he walked grass grew where his feet fell and died when they lifted. "You were Foolish Docter. Coming into the forest to try and fight me here you know what my power is, and now you will learn." he said in a deadly voice. "Rayne i want you to hold my hand. Feed me energy. After this attack we are leaving in my special way."
Rayne nodded. "Yes, of course Aiden." She held his hand tightly and focused on the ground, keeping concentration. She tried to give him constant energy as her main goal. Constant energy would help the best. She put her full faith and trust in him. Light shined in her eyes as she focus. She gave a light glow because of her concentration, but all of it went to Aiden.
"Good Rayne I'm so proud of you. You advanced so well in so little time." Aiden Said with a smile. A single tear fell from his eyes as he prepared for what he was about to do. He Raised his free hand and pointed at Rhandaldi and smiled. Out of the ground burst roots and vines Briars and thickets. He twirled his finger and they flew together spinning like a drill. Aiden raised his arm straight up. The vines Flew up twisting and turning. The Docter Watched the plants then put his hands together and flames rolled around him. The Docter Spoke Saying "Enriha Come Forth." He pulled his hands apart and with them came a flaming blade. Aiden Snarled. Aidens Fingers contorted as he told the plants to take shape. They Formed in to a Dragon Long and winding it opened it's mouth and thorns flew at the docter. They burned in the flames. Aiden dropped his arm and the dragon flew in a blur of thorns at the docter. Just as it made it through the flames it Blew up creating a cover for Aiden. He pulled all the energy he could from Rayne and the forest. He Stepped forward and into the Darkness pullingRayne with him. He walked longer in the darkness than he ever had. The light that came from Rayne made the darkness seem more smoke like than water like. He walked and walked pushing through. He took several more steps and wallking in to the middle of a city, on a side street in an alley. His hand slipped out of Raynes and he fell face first to the ground out cold with the sense of no plants no green life anywhere.
Rayne was panting, but she wasn't focused on her own lack of energy. "Aiden?" She quickly went down to him. "Aiden!" She shook her head. "Please don't do this. Aiden!" She turned him over so he was on his back and put her hands on his chest. "Please let this work. I don't have much left, but take it." She closed her eyes. She could feel her energy drain as she focused on putting it into him. "Come on Aiden. Please.." She kept her hands right where they were, even though she started to sway. "Take this energy... you need to each the others that escape the same you taught me..." She got quieter. "Come on Aiden..."
(OOC: I'm going to create another escapee so we have a third person feel free to make another too.) Aiden stared into the darkness of his unconciousness. He could see Raynes "light" start to fade. Rayne stop it stop that now your going to die if you keep doing that. He thought not able to voice it aloud. "Aiden. Aiden. Aiden over here." Aiden turned and saw a faint light. It was purple with specs of white. "who are you? Aiden said and floated over to the light. It formed into a girl. indian-women.jpg. "I am Coriandre. I am a Dreamwalker. Come Find me in The Sand City. I will help you." The light faded and he slept some more gaining energy ever so slowly.
((OOC: Got it. I think I know who I want to make.))

He jumped and landed safely over the fence. This was just the start. He saw his face in a puddle <img src=""> and stomped on it. "Man, why water? That's so lame. Couldn't they have had me do something else?" He looked for his other people that were supposed to run with him, but then realized he was alone. Seems like he was the only one who made it. And with that knowledge, he ran.

Rayne finally took her hands off his chest, but just because she couldn't keep them up anymore. She slowly laid herself down to make sure she didn't hurt herself if she fell. "I'm.. sorry. That's... all I got..." she said between deep breaths.