The Crossroad Inn.

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"Does it really matter?" Darius said, without giving it too much importance before taking a sip from his tea. "Who were they, ayways?"
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Rias jumped and looked over at Sirian. Her ears pinned against her head seeing her stab her sword in the wall. "Sirian, they aren't coming back. Not here anyways." She said and crossed her arms "They are pathetic lycan hunters who's only killed one lycan in their pathetic little lives." She said and crossed her arms. Then she looked at the guy "It does matter." She said looking down at him with her green eyes. She was tring to figure him out but to her he drew a blank.
Darius chuckled a bit by the comment. "You don't say." he took bite from his steak. "Those cowards even crapped themselves when they saw your true form. By the way, you can call me Darius." When he has finally finished his steak and his tea, he asked. "So, what brings you to this place? Safety? Just passing by? Or something else?" he placed his elbows on the table and joined his hands, giving him a shady and mysterious look, that was reinforced by the already poor lighting.
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"They'll be back," Sirian started, "I can sense it. They've killed plenty, but wanted to over power you. Don't get me wrong. You don't look like much at first glance. But they know you're powerful. They want a trophy. They want your head as that trophy. I'll rip their spines out before I let that happen.." She pulled her sword out of the wall, sheathing it.
Rias looked at him a moment. "you can call me Rias." She said and placed her hands on her hips and looked at him "How about you answer my question first before I answer yours?" She asked and stopped her ear moving back so she could hear Sirian. She dropped her hands at her sides and looked at her, her eyes filled with a spark. "trust me, they'll never get my head. Ill eat them before that ever happens." She said and smirked. Her tail flicked and she looked back at Darius.
"Well, let's leave my answer in a single word: pity." He said without giving it much importance. "Anything else you want to know?"
Rias raised a brow "Pity huh?" She said and smirked "Alright, nothing else. And to answer your question...I'm not sure why I am here. I don't know if its for safty, a brake from the war, or something else. I was just leaving the village was at and came here. No need to stay in one place for to long." She said and stretched her tail stinking straight out.
Sirian turned her head away quickly. She knew the value of a serious hunter. She figured that if they were anything like she had originally sensed, they really would be back. Sirian walked outside, and started swinging her sword, honing her technique, just in case they did decide to revisit them.
"...unless you want to be the prey" he finished the sentence, even though it didn't need to." Yes, I know that. I've been a wanderer once, just like you. So." he stood up from the chair. "I've run out of topics to talk about. I've never been a big talker, you know? Do you have anything on your mind that you didn't have time to ask?"
Rias chuckled and shook her head "I feel as if im bothering. Ill leave you be." She said and headed back to her table. She sat down, her tail flicking behind her and ears perked for hearing. She looked down at the clothes she wore and though it would by time to get new ones, and then looked at her always bare feet. She took a sip of her tea and started thinking about her brother. "Actually Darius...Have you seen a man? about your height, blonde hair and green eyes around? Hes a lycan like me." She said and looked at him a moment.
"Hmm, is his name Loreth, by chance?" he asked while raising an eyebrow. He has seen a lot of lycans during his travels, but only one with that kind of a description.
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Rias looked away and down at her cup. Sadness filling her eyes "ya bingo." She said and stood up. She grabbed her room key and look at the number '587'. She sighed and looked at him "thank you." She said and headed to her room.
Darius followed her to her room.
"Yes, I've met him a few weeks ago, when I was helping him to break free from a slaver camp near the Crimson Canyon to the south. Since then, I didn't see him again, but he said something about meeting him in East Caledonia if I wanted to. Maybe he is there." When he was right next to the door to her room, he stopped. "And that is all I know. Hope I was helpful."
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Rias stopped staring at her door "I don't think I want to see him. But thank you for the information and I greatly appreciate it. Also for your help eailer." She said and looked at him with a genuine smile.
Darius returned the smile. "Always welcome".

When Rias has finally entered his room, Darius went outside to take a walk.
Rias closed her door and sat at the window with her head hanging out. She smiled at the small breeze. Her tail wagged behind her and her ear stuck up happily.

(got to go to bed c: night guys)
Ephrehn was now in where he wanted to be. Using the magic given to him by them, he blasted every soldier he saw apart. The armor that Sirian had given him was doing wonders for him, as arrows bounced off useless, punches absorbed, flexiblity in the armor, he could do anything. But after the day that he went off, he wanted to go back and see Sirian again, and never go back, Maybe she could come with me...,he thought. As he walked back, he saw Sirian waving her sword. He unsheathes his own sword and blocks hers. ''I'm back.'', he said, with a sly smile.
Rias pulled her head back in and felt like she needed fresh air. She walked down stair and saw Ephrehn. "Its my fault shes like that. Some pathetic lycan hunters came by and beat me up badly...she was like that after words. She said holding onto her tail.
''No, it's my fault. I left to fight the enemy troops to... well get back at them, but I came back here to keep her some company.'', he explained.
I'll never do that shit again, Sirian, he said in his mind.
Rias smirked "Id love to get out there and fight, but I have no reason to." She said and smiled "Take care of her, you never know what could happen." She said and slipped out side. She smiled happily sniffing at the air. She shift to her natural form and walked around confidently.
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