The Circle City Chronicles-THe banishing League O.A.T.

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Sato looked at the giant monstrous demon, Son of bitch. Already? We haven't even gotten to the mission start point yet, but alas not all goes according to plan.

He stepped back from the entrance to the lower deck and moved directly in front of the beast. Sato put all his weight on his right foot so he could slide the left around the outside of his right ending at the front position, and bringing forty percent of his weight back to the left foot. He breathed in raising his arms up and with a breath out lowered them again. Finally he opened his arms as if ready to embrace a friend and turned his hips toward the demon.

"Greetings Posture." Sato said smiling at his little joke. He stared at the beast awaiting its first attack.
"That's it?" Nero said with obvious disappointment.
"Well, this should be quick!" Primal Fangs already forming in hand.

"You forget this is a water demon! we're not exactly attuned to handle these kinds of demons!" Hiaril yelled at him from the boat.

"Well shit, guess you're right," Nero replied in kind, "On second thought, I couldn't even get to him if I tried. Also, you might want to get away from the boat before he destroys it."

"Right, i've also got a couple of ideas for him already though. Just hold on!" Hiaril yelled as she got off the bobbing boat. Back on the dock Hiaril quickly sent two arrows of thought, the first one being oil, the second being fire straight at the monsters neck. The big blocky words heading relatively fast.

As soon as the second word was away however both realized how small the dock was and how simple it would be for this demon to smash them all. As such Nero shouted to the others who could hopefully hear "Get the hell onto solid ground!" After which both turned and made a tactical retreat back off the dock.

Miranth looked in disgust at the demon and watched as Hiaril sent the magick at the demon, putting two and two together just before Nero shouted, Miranth jumped from the deck of the boat and into the ankle-deep water on the shore. She turned and booked it back to dry land and stood next to Nero and Hiaril. Looking at the water demon, Miranth realized why she had been assigned to Sato.

She had no need for words, her pet spells came so easily to her that all she really had to do was think them. She pulled out her whip and put her left hand out infront of her, facing the boat. Suddenly between the boat and the demon a large silver-blue net appears, the bottom edge sitting perfectly on the water, the crackle of electricity only amplified by the water around it.

"Get out of there Sato, I am NOT going to lose my first slayer today!!"
The large beast reared back it's ugly head and it's jaws slowly began to open, light pouring from its angry maw. from between the teeth a figure holding a lantern shows himself jostling the jaws open, sword int eh roof of its mouth just pushing down with his feet against it's tongue.

"SON OF A FUCKING WHORE!!!!" HE bellowed. " I FOUND THE EXIT!" fortunately for Cid, it was the right one. he looked down upon the others there on the beach. " Oh.. eh.. you guys must be the backup. GREAT timing. i seem to have found myself in a BIT of a situation.

With one foot, he rears back, you can see a spiked metal tip on the shoe kicking out the bottom teeth of the leviathans mouth and jumping haphazardly out and down to safety. he turned round and faced the monstrosity, backing up.

He smiled a little looking at them, numerous wounds showing on his battered form. " I... I'll let you guys take it from here." he said, passing out on the beach promptly, his massive soul scimitar dissipating in his hand.
Sato stood there in his beginning stance not paying attention to what anyone was saying or the man that had come out of the monster's gaping maw. You will not lose me, He thought positively.

The giant beast whipped its tentacle at Sato and just as it was about a sure killing blow Sato slid his front leg back behind him. His hips turned moving his hands with them grabbing the appendage. The tentacle whipped around with Sato in tow, flinging him to and fro until finally it flung Sato into the air. I am going to be so sick after the adrenaline wears off. Sato spun and flipped in the air several times, as the spinning began to slow Sato drew Blood Fang and flipped it to a back hand grip. He fell upon the demons neck Screaming his entire way down "BLOOD FANG STRIKE STRAIGHT AND TRUE. HOLD ON FOR YOUR'S AND MY DEAR LIFE." Blood Fang stabbed into a none lethal spot on the neck. Sato strengthened his hold on the sword and perfected his stance to stay connected to the beast. "MIRANTH pLEASE TELL ME YOU ARE WORKING SOME MAGIC HERE WHILE I KEEP THIS THING BUSY." Sato yelled at the new witch.
Miranth was standing there, trying to figure out the best place to put her special electrified net as a man suddenly came crashing out of the demon's mouth to land near her feet. She only stared at him for a moment when she heard Sato call her name.


Miranth manuvered the electric netting to the opposite side from where Sato was clinging onto it. The net pushed up against the side of the demon from the top of the water all the way to just above its eye. Miranth was lucky this was her pet spell, or she couldnt ensure Sato's safety on the water covered demon. When the net connected with what the demon had for flesh and electric charge rippled along its body and the scent of mildly scorched skin filled the air. The demon listed in the water and fell on the side that had now become paralyzed from the electric charge og the net. Miranth quickly shifted the net to the other side of the creature to keep it's tentacles from reaching Sato.
Sato pulled Blood Fang from the beast now laying on its side. HE jumped fro his position on the demon and landing next to Miranth while sheathing his sword. "Good work everybody. Someone capture it before it becomes tonight's Barbecue dinner." Sato said to the team. "By the way Miranth i like that magic. I would like to become acclimated with it a little more. I appreciate the arrows lobed at it, Hiaril"

Sato turned to the man that had run out of the demons mouth, "Please tell me why you were in that thing, and why you didn't wait for us. We weren't that far behind, really."
MIranth nodded at Sato's compliment. "Well, as we're going to be working together for a while now, you will be able to get very acclimated to it. ANd the demon wont barbecue, it's jsut paralyzed."
As sato turned around to look at the others... a large shadow encroached over his form. a low grumble came from its mouth as it snorted, flippgin sato's hari askew.

A second head had pulled up out of the water... and then another.. and another and another until eight heads in all popped up, all screechign a different note of ill-omen and bloodlust. several more tentacles popped up as the disabled head pulled out of the electric net slowly and shook itshead, growlign at the other head,s who paid attention, then looked at Miranth.. smiling.

Persephone giggled and leaned over to Miranth.. "Awe.. i think it likes you!" she chuckled, crossing her arms and running to the left of the thing as fast as her legs woudl drag her throguh the shallow water of the beach.
Remains motionless for a moment eyes glassy then focuses he looks up at Sato as the beast's heads rise out of the water and snorts.

"I'm Cid of Team Urzalliz. Who the blood soaked protestant hell are you?" he glances around briefly "I was in that thing for an hour at least you ass. I was getting the boat ready when that thing attacked. Now its your teams turn. Have fun." He stands up unsteadily walks a little further away and sits against a tree to better view the battle.
Miranth watches in shock and horror as the seven extra heads popped up out of the water. She cringed at the sounds exiting the throats and saw the anger and bloodlust in the eyes as all eight heads turned to look at her. Her magick fizzled out as soon as the demon shook its head out of the net and the net itself disappeared.

"Oh dear creator....this is not right." She started to back away from the demon never taking her eyes off of it.
"Umm, guys, does anyone remember anything from Greek mythology? Cuz, I dont have a big enough net." Miranth was halfway up the beach now and wondered just how far away one had to be from it to be out of reach of those horrific tentacles.
Sato turned back around while talking to Cid, "You're special forces. You could defiantly help us you know." He redrew Blood Fang and walked in front of Miranth. He stood in a natural stance letting the sword hang by his side held by his hand, "Stay at a distance and beware of your surroundings. Everyone be careful do not cut of the heads, destroy the vital areas and capture A.S.A.P." He whispered at Miranth next, "I am going to jump into the water and try to see what its underside looks like and we will go from there. Distract it but stay safe. Any suggestions or other plans?"
"No, I dont really have a plan quite yet. I have two really good pet spells, that lightning net is really good for capture and it temporarily paralyzes those it captures. THe other one is hellbent on destruction, you know, for those everyday inconveniences, fire, lots and lots of fire. Wait, the words that Hiaril shot earlier didnt do much damage, but they were only on a small scale, my fire spell is like this fire storm, is the best way to put this. Maybe if we covered it in enough incendiary fluids we could cause it enough pain or distraction to let you slayers go in and finish it off without too much danger. waddya think?" Miranth whispered over at Sato. "It's not much, but, it might just do the trick, or we could let it try to swallow Persephone like it did that Cid guy over there, and i dont know, maybe she could eat it." Miranth said caustically.
"Oh go jump over a tall cliff, Miranth." Persephone groanded, throwing a seashell at her. She crossed her hands and started muttering something, a purple eye begining to glow on her forehead. she opened her eyes, both now black with white pupils and stared at teh thing.

"Gods, help us.. that thing doesnt have any bones!... so much for crushign force. its nothgin but sinew and hard cartilege..." she growled and dove to teh side, pullign away fromt eh things nasty tentacles. she stood by the other witches and looked for a physical or internal weakpoint... nothing yet.

Meanwhile, the heads were busy trackign all of the people. two heads looking up the coast, the rest looking downwards with eyes glaring at sato, hiaril, and cid.
"Persephone, look around the demon and tell me where the protection of it are located. I need to know if i can get under it and hits its vital areas. By the way I need to know what the vital areas are on the beast." Sato asked Persephone. He watched the head of the demon and moved around to see if it was watching him.
"Organs? you want organs now? JUST START STABBIGN IT YOU IDIOT!!!!" she threw her hands up in teh air and began casting a magic circle around herself.
"No you idiot. I want to know where the freaking natural armor is so that I don't dull my sword, and so that i get a good attack in." Sato said as he waited for the head watching him to lunge.

At just that moment that same head with its maw gaping wide open attacked. The mouth scoop Sato up into it. Thinking fast he shifted his leg so as to not be pierced by the gigantic teeth and instead it was fractured between them. "GAHHHH." Sato cried in pain and was lifted into the air without a moment's notice. Blood Fang fell from his hand and had been implanted in the ground swaying back and forth.

Sato yelled to anyone listening, "GRAB MY SWORD AND THROW IT TO ME!" He made direct eye contact with the beast, "You wanna play you ugly beast fine lets play." Sato formed his hand into a spear-like shape and pulled as far back as possible in the situation. He let the strain release letting his arm fly through the air and when fingers met the demon's eye it cut through with no resistance. To the wrist his hand had become engrossed in the titanic eye that was staring back at him. He commanded the invisible appendage flail around and to cut anything in its path. Finally at the end of the quick assault of the monstrous optics, Sato made a fist and freed his hand. The beast yelped a horrendous sound of pain letting Sato's leg go and sent him tumbling towards the water.
"Shit, already?" Miranth ran forward toward Sato's sword and picked it up. She was moving toward the beast, ready to leap onto it and cut him free when it suddenly dropped him. He was falling toward the water and Miranth knew that was a bad thing considering that she had heard the bone in his leg crack. She ran forward toward him and pulled out the special whip she carried, when she got almost right under him she flicked her wrist and the whip wrapped around his waist and pulled him toward the shore. She dropped the sword out of her other hand and prepared to catch him and move him away from the beast. Sato fell gracefully, despite being injured and dragged along with a whip. Catching him was easier than she had thought, Miranth moved quickly back and set Sato with the others, she retrieved his sword and set it next to him.
"Just, dont go anywhere, okay? Like i said earlier, I dont wanna lose my first slayer already."

She moved forward lighting up her whip with her magick, again the sound of electricity could be heard throughout the air. Miranth stepped into the water and using its conductive tendencies smacked the whip into the water, rather than attacking the demon directly, she attacked it with the hugely amplifed electric energy already magnified by the lightweight metal her whip was made of. The energy fanned out infront of her, a blue-white colored wave of jumping static, so hot in its existance that the very surface of the water was starting to give off a boiling mist, scorching the beast seconds before the electricity hit it soft water-logged body.
The beast roared out in agony as its head thrashed abotu wildly, making a hard shove back intot he water, retreating... it surfaced again, growlign with all its heads... It went tot eh right, then the left and started charging them again.

"OooOoooh no.. no-no-no-no-no... oh shit. RUN!!! IT'S GONNA RAM ONTOT HE SHORE!" Persephone yelped, lettign go of her magic circle, which dropped a small aount of icy energy intot eh water as she ran upshore speedily.
Sato mustered up the strength to get up and run towards Miranth. He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her back away from the collision point.
Sato drug Miranth and met up with everybody else on the team. "Ok so to state the obvious I am pretty sure we really pissed that thing off. So I have a plan that i think will win this for us. First off the slayers need to form up and distract that thing. Second while the slayers are distracting the demon the witches get their magic all set up and ready. Miranth I want you to shock the hell out of that thing, Persephone encase that bad boy in ice but try to leave one mouth open, and Hirail when that mouth is at the perfect aim point for you I want you to shoot in as much oil as you possibly can into that thing's stomach and set the freaking think ablaze. Any objections?"