The Chaos Of My Mind!!!

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Fletcher looked at Liss. "Yea, I know how she is. But, I would like to have some peace and quite before I die." He said as he walked closer to Liss. He then looked at Cheyenne. "Do not worry, she will not do anything yet. She is not that way. By the way, how is little sis doing?" He asked as he stopped between Cheyenne and Liss. "Oh shit. This is not good. What did I put my self into now." He thought to himself as he shook his head.

Liss looked at Fletcher and then at Cheyenne. She then smiled the both of them. "You want a nice peaceful and quite place to live before dyeing. And what did the people want when you killed them. Do you think that they wanted to see there family's and friends. Did you listen to them as they asked for that. And your sis is fine." She said as she stood up looking as he walked between them. "Or me, do you think that I wanted you to leave me or your sis. I was wrong, you have not change a bit." She said as she tried to hold back her anger. "Yes I will not try anything right now, but be smart for once in your life and come back with out a fight please. I my be able to..." She stopped there and looked at Fletcher and then at Cheyenne. "Try to talk some sense into this idiot or it can spell trouble for your people." She said as she left his house.
Cheyenne listened to the words being exchanged but didn't know enough to pass judgment on anyone. Even she had killed people in her past during times of war. That's what warriors of the people did, but she also knew that the city dwellers had rules against such acts. Pushing her way past Fletcher giving him an unwavering stare for a moment, she followed Liss outside and to the edge of the woods, keeping a stealthy distance but wanting to make sure that Liss had gone back to the city and not in search of her people. Unable to follow the woman any farther into the city because of her current state of dress upset the warrior but at least she knew the woman was gone for now so she headed back to Fletcher's home. She found Fletcher outside when she returned so perhaps he had followed or at least had considered following. Cheyenne didn't really care one way or the other about his actions but she did need some answers. "Cheyenne people in danger..... talk!" she demanded. "Who woman to Fletcher? Who Fletcher kill? Why? Fletcher sick.... dying?" Her sentences got shorter and shorter and more broken as her frustration at the situation she allowed herself to fall into ate at her from the inside out.
Fletcher shook his head as Liss leaved. He did not expect Cheyenne to follow Liss. "Oh, this is just grate. When I finally get to a good spot to be in peace, they find me. And now I got Cheyenne and her people involved now. And why is little sis going out of her way to get me back. Man this sucks." He said as he walked outside. He sat down and thought for awhile. When he saw that Cheyenne was back, he stood up. He looked down and took a deep breath before he answered. "In all truth, your people are not in true danger. My little sis is more of a...." He stopped and thought for a few seconds. "Collocter. She will not harm your people if they come with her peaceful. She wants to make her army bigger." He said as he looked at her when she asked the next question. "Liss. She was...... Someone.... The second person I open up too. We had a thing going once. But, that is over now. has been for a long time now." He wanted to stop talking, but Cheyenne needed to know. And she had the right to know. "To many to count. But right now, I can see there faces each time I close my eyes. Past sins have a funny way to bite you in the ass when you try to be good. Because they did not see eye to eye with my little sis, and I kill them so they would not be in the way later on." He said as he looked away. "I am not sick nor am I dying. I just what to try to..... Try to...... Asked for forgiveness. I am sorry for bringing you and your people into my problems. I am truly sorry about all of this." He said as he walked back into his house.
Arms crossed over her chest, head tilted with a slight glare in her eyes Cheyenne listened. Once he finished she paced back and forth and then headed back into the house remembering they had left meat on the fire. Regardless of the circumstances, her morals, spirituality, and connection to the forest would not allow her to let the death of an animal killed for food to go to waste. Removing the food from the fire, she stood back up and put some more logs on the fire. It was getting dark outside and with the dark came the cooler night temperatures. She always thought better when she kept moving and busy so the small task was helping to sort things out in her mind. Anyone else in her tribe would have been furious by now but that's what set her apart from her tribe. They reacted on primal instinct where she had spent a lot of time roaming the streets of the city to learn the ways of the city people. Doing so, she found out how to look at things from different angles. Her voice was low with a serious yet awkwardly understanding tone to it. It confused her so it would probably confuse Fletcher too but there was nothing she could do about that. Cheyenne took time to speak properly so that he would not misunderstand her words. "Fletcher not bring problems to my people. I did not stay hidden from you. I did not follow rules and only observe." She paused, thinking as she poked the logs on the fire and blew on them so they would catch and burn quicker. "Cheyenne glad Fletcher not sick. Cheyenne understand need for taking of life in war too, but... was Fletcher and sister and war? Why does she need an army?" The fire now burning well, she stopped her task and just starred into the flames with a confused grimace. She wasn't sure how to take what he said about the level of danger of her tribe. The tribes had Shamans and she had seen what happens when they turn towards the darker side of their magicks. "What Fletcher mean... Collector? What sister collecting?"
Fletcher looked around as Cheyenne walked inside. He shook his head and looked up. "What now." He said to himself as he walked inside as well. He looked at her as she took the meat off the fire and started to put more wood on the fire. He stood there for awhile wondering what will happen. "Will little sis come here next time or someone else. I know that Liss will not come back for awhile, and right now what is Cheyenne thinking. Is she going to hate me now. Wait, why am I think about that?" He thought to himself. He looked at her as she started to talk. "Sometime you need to be seen to observe. But if I did not hind here. I would not have brought them with me. I was sick at one time, or another. That is the bad thing about it." He stopped at breathed. "We were not at war with anyone. I kill because they did not want to join my sis. She wants to rule the world with a power. She collects people that are strong or with some sort of power to them." He said as he walked closed to Cheyenne. "Do you hate me?" He asked as he sat down. "Do you hate me really. Are you that stupid man." He thought to himself.
A heavy sigh and furrowed brows was the answer that Fletcher received. Cheyenne couldn't worry about her feelings for him right now and where their friendship stood. This sister of his didn't sound like a good person. More so, if worst came to worst what side would Fletcher choose. Cheyenne's thoughts centered on that for a moment, wondering to herself if she was put in the same situation. Grabbing her staff, the warrior stood and walked over to the door. "Eat. Cheyenne return and we go city."

Without another so much as a blink, Cheyenne left and disappeared quickly into the forest and headed home. She needed to check in with her sister before she headed back out or it was likely a search party would be sent. Her sister didn't trust Cheyenne to do the right thing and always expected that she would get herself into trouble because of her interest in the city people. Cheyenne scoffed at her own thought and how she was about to prove her sister right. Something that ate at her from the inside out. As she arrived home, her sister had already cooked dinner and left some out for her. Cheyenne ate and took care of a couple of things at home, changed into a more appropriate outfit to travel into the city and headed back over to Fletcher's. A good hour or so had passed and she knocked on the door and waited.
Fletcher looked at Cheyenne as she left. "That was smart of you. OK. How am I going to deal with this." He said to himself as he grabbed a piece of meat and started to eat it. He stood up and started to walk back and front looked at the meat. "Well I think it is time to see what will happen when I stop running." He sighed as he set down. He finished the meat and then lied down for awhile. After about ten to twenty minutes he set back up and looked around. "Well I mite as well get it." He said as she walked to the room he sleeps in. He moved at rock and got a bow out. It looked like it was black bone. He looked at it as he walked to the front room again. He grabbed some bow string and put it on. He pulled it back with more effort then the bow he bayed for. He grabbed an arrow and walked out side. He place the arrow on the bow and pulled back. He fired it at a tree and the arrow when 3/4 of the way in. "You have gotten old." He said to it as he walked back inside. He started to clean the bow. He herd a knock at the door. He opened it and saw Cheyenne there. "So, what do we do now?" He asked as he put the bow down.
Cheyenne eyed the bow with a raised brow but decided that discussion could wait until a more suitable time. "We go city, get information" the now normal looking city girl remarked. "Cheyenne better visual" she nodded. "Fletcher ready?" She needed to scout out his sister and hopefully be able to get a better idea of the possible threat to both Fletcher and her people. She hoped Fletcher realized that she wasn't looking at him as the enemy, unless she found something that would change that while they were in the city. Cheyenne stood by the door and waited while Fletcher gathered whatever he felt he needed to bring with him but this was solely intended as a scouting mission with no contact so he wouldn't need his bow. Besides, it would stand out in the city and ruin their normal looking appearance.
Kane looked at Cheyenne and then put the bow down. "That is all that we will be doing?" He said as he walked to her. "You do not look half bad with normal clothes. And yea, I am ready." He said as he walked outside. "Well I am going to have to fight my sis. She will not be happy. OK. So, I have nothing to think about any more." He thought to himself as he looked back to Cheyenne. "So, does your tribe know about this yet?" He asked as he started to walked to the town. He looked up at the sky and shook his head with a smile.
She smirked at his comment on her clothes and accompanied him outside. "Cheyenne not want confront sister tonight. Just see her." They walked at a normal pace, not to fast, not to slow but one that they could talk and still make good time. "Cheyenne have nothing to tell tribe yet so.... no. Have bad feeling this not end well. Cheyenne worried." She grimmaced a little and kicked a rock off to the side that was in her path. For the first time, she was a little lost as to what she should do. Never before had she taken matters into her own hands, having always followed the direction of those higher up in the tribe like her sister. The thought of her sister making her cringe. She was going to be so upset with Cheyenne if things went badly. It was likely that if the tribe found out it was her fault she would be banished from the forest. "Is sister make magics? Is that how collects?"
Fletcher looked at Cheyenne. "Why do you not what to confront your sister?" He asked as he looked around as they walked. He looked up and thought a bit. "Well you will need to soon. Fights never end well. And wars are worse. Just try not to worry about what will happen, worry what is going to happen. You may want to tell your tribe when you get back." He said as he looked at her. "I wonder if I will ever get rid of my past. Know my luck right now, No. Thought now. OK, back to the thing in hand." He thought to himself. He breath in and out slowly as she asked. "Well it is.... Yea, she can use some magic. But she rarely does. Lisa can as will. And the bow I have is a magical item. Just do not asked what it dose." He said as he nodded. "Why would you said that if you did not want her to asked?" He thought to himself.
"No no. Che....I don't want talk Fletcher sister tonight" she said slowly, concentrating on her words and speech. She didn't want to talk to her's either but that was beside the point. Their pace brought them to the edge of the city and the warrior stopped just shy of the edge of the treeline where they would become visible. "We should go around come out forest less notice" she spoke softly pointing off to the left where a road ran along the tree line. They could come out there and walk along the road into town. As they detoured over to the road she put her hands in her pockets and sighed quietly. "Bow is strong. Cheyenne tell way Fletcher hold". she nodded. "Fletcher hold back from Cheyenne. More warrior inside than let see. Why?"
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