The Cascading Home for Special Children

She had watched Hunter kill so many guards without trouble, licking her lips while glancing at the blood scattered on the ground. Sinderi twitched a bit hearing the soft sound of Izoi's wings. She turned half and looked down, seeing the white winged girl beneath her. She pulled off a small piece of tree bark and let it drop, just to tell Izoi that she was right above her. Sinderi turned by hearing the sound of a gun and seeing the fox haired man dive behind a helicopter. She wanted to fight, having to listen to those tortured screams all night was horrible and it gave her that wrong type of energy. She groaned soft aimlessly pulling on the remaining chain on her shackles.
He looked at the fox haired man. He raised his pal up and aimed it at the man's head. The blade shot out at him and then went back in. It was like retractable spikes flying out of Hunter's palm. Rapidly firing at the man before him. Blades stuck out of the ground around the man trying to get him caught on one of them. A well of movings swords came flying at the man from the ground. And then eventually he stopped firing. "Enough toying around with you. Let me show you my full extent." He said. and the clenched at the air. Leaving a little gap in his cupped hand. And then suddenly. Blades flew out of mid air. Coming out of nowhere at the man. Anything Hunter touched could have a blade come out of it. Any thing. That included air.
Xavier immediately understood the severity of the situation he was in. There's no way I'm getting out of here alive if I continue like this.
"Wait!" he shouted and threw his gun across the cement, into the open. He slowly stepped out from behind the helicopter, his hands up in surrender.
"Don't kill me... Please. I just want to talk..." he bowed his head slightly.
Izoi tilted her head a bit as the fox-haired man surrendered, slowly stepping out from behind the tree. "You want to... actually talk?" She looked up at the girl that had hidden in the tree and then back to fox-hair, slowly walking towards him. She bit her lip, stopping a few feet away and holding out her hand. "Give me your radio. Now."
She was excited now as she hopped off the branch on the ground. Her chains were still loud even after they had been shortened. She smirked a bit and looked at the man then at Hunter, he had the scent of blood still on him. She looked back at Izoi and walked up to her instead, glaring at the man with a rather evil grin on her lips. A soft growl form her throat had to express both her excitement and blood thirst for it was all she could do now.
Xavier calmly unhooked his radio from his back pocket, but his eyes stayed on Sinderi. The hairs on the back of his neck rose, sensing her anger.
"Yes. I just want to talk," he said slowly. Regina was right. They already found our airbase, the closest one to the city... if they reach there, the public might need to evacuate. He glanced down to the radio that he held out before him.
I could easily hit the emergency button. She would get the message and... His eyes flickered up to Izoi. But I don't want to die yet, I need to know...
He nodded and gave Izoi the device.
Izoi took the radio, dropping it to the ground and stomping on it. "Just in case." She looked back to Sinderi and then to Hunter. "I hope you don't mind. Maybe this guy actually knows something more about why we were kept in those cages..." She looked to Xavier, her eyes showing caution as she stayed between him and Sinderi. "I'm Izoi."
"Xavier," he said after hesitation. The word 'cages' caught him off guard. What is she talking about?
"And thank you. for keeping me alive."
There might be more men in the building. Maybe I can signal them somehow. His gaze went to Hunter. Or maybe not... they're safer in there. Oblivious.
"I'll give you all the information I can give," he lied, not so easy to trust them - since one was just about to end his life.
Izoi let out a small sigh, looking up at him. "Please do. I'm a bit worried about the children... I don't feel like seeing them be locked up again." She bit her lip lightly, looking to Hunter and Sinderi. "If need be, we can talk away from these two."
She reached out, touching Izoi's arm and shaking her wrists. She wanted to speak or do something instead of needing to wait and watch only being a threat but nothing more. She could only scare the man. Either way she wanted them off. Her gaze went to Hunter and she moved her wrists again making the chains ratle just a bit before her glare went back to the fox haired man.
Izoi looked back at Sinderi as she felt her wrist be shaken and sighed. She took the locks, slowly taking them off. "Fine, I'll let you out of these. But do not attack unless we're in immediate danger or I command, okay?"
She let out a sigh of reliev and her once black hair immediately became a flaming red before she nodded, making a slight bow. " I understand miss. " She stretched letting the shackles simply drop to the ground, finally being able to stand in her full length. Her gaze went back to Xavier. "I noticed you were surprised when you heard the word 'cages' am I correct? "
Xavier stepped back, "Yes, I was. And... you have children with you?" he asked, shocked. Two thoughts went through his mind this time.
They all must be as dangerous as these ones, fighting for dominance like animals. Or. They all must be weaklings, used by these tyrants.
He shook his head and whispered, "I'm probably jumping to conclusions."
Izoi nodded, rubbing her arm. "Yeah... I'm really worried about them. And with the cages, why would you be surprised or shocked?" She looked up at him. "Didn't you know that was what we were kept in? What we rescued the children from?" She bit her lip. "I don't want any of us to go back to that horrible place. Cages, sadistic scientists doing whatever tests they could on us, guards teasing and taunting and even beating us..." She shivered, hugging herself. "I fear the laboratory was turning us into weapons."
"The facility. Cages, scientists, testing... At the facility!" Xavier shook his head, bewildered. "That's not possible, there must be a mistake."
They might be lying to me. He inhaled deeply. They also might believe what they're saying. There are several possible situations.

Izoi looked up at Xavier, biting her lip and nodding. "Y-yeah... that's what it was like. My first experience there was being dragged down the hall and thrown into a cage..."
Hunter looked up it was his turn to add something in here. "I know many people there who came out of testing barely holding onto their life with a thread. Including me." He said. He never looked away from the man. He never let his guard down either. His senses were keen, picking up even the slightest trace of sounds. He was making sure this guy did not have any other weapons. Making sure that he couldn't harm anyone. Even if he did. He wasn't sure the man cold survive the process that will be done to him after. If the man didn't pose a threat. He would not even touch him.
Sinderi licked her lips again shifting her weight from foot to foot, she was impatient secretly hoping the man would actually try something so she could let it all out. However she simply cocked her head to the side and showed the black 666 on her neck, it was just temporarily but real as could be. "Numbers, this is mine.... Do you have one as well sir.? " She slowly knelt down her hand moving through the dirt as she drew the tree sixes on the ground. She sometimes looked up for a sign o either Izoi or Hunter
"You were being tested on." he whispered, mostly to himself. Xavier ran both of his hands through his hair, as his gaze flashed between the three. Izoi's pure, hope-filled aura and gentle honesty. Hunter's protective stance, patient and cautious. Sinderi's dark tattoo... and the mentally scarred look that lingered in her eyes.
This information can't be right. This information... it- it can't be ... Right? He knew he couldn't convince himself otherwise, there had to be some truth in their words.
He lifted his head, his adept senses picking up the voices of other men still in the base, now curious why they hadn't been reported back to by Xavier's team. Unsure if the others had heard them or not, Xavier spoke up. "I believe you,"
It wasn't a lie.
"I want to know more. Please. Let me go with you to where the others are," he asked, directly to Izoi. In his mind, she was the most tolerant one in the group.
If the ground team steps foot outside. Who knows what will happen. The image of Hunter and Sinderi tearing apart the people he had been working with for the past year came to his mind. I don't want any more lives ended.
Izoi bit her lip as she heard Xavier's request, looking to Hunter and Sinderi. She also heard the sounds of people getting closer by the second and made a flash decision. "Fine." She looked to Hunter. "We can learn more from him as well as he can learn from us." She gulped and walked up behind him, putting her arms around her waist. "Don't squirm." She spread her wings. "Hunter, Sinderi, quickly head back. I'll fly this guy there..." She gave a strong flap of her wings and flew into the air, taking off towards the base camp. She landed a few yards away from the sleeping and huddled group of children, letting go of Xavier and panting lightly. "Damn, you're heavy..."