The boy.

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" asking if I could stay the night with him." He said scratching the window. " Do you have anybody in your life?"
"Yeah, But I doubt he notices me like that." She told him. "Its really hard to say what he thinks about me." She says. She stopped at a stop light and watched the cars pass.
" What's his name?" He said giggling, while poking at her sides.
"Hey," She laughed lightly as he poked her sides. "I'm sure you would figure out sooner or later with out me telling you his name."
She didn't know how he would react if she spoke it out. "I'll tell you later on, okay? " She said.
He froze for a second, realizing what was going to happen. " ...Me?" He said nervously laughing.
A couple cars were honking from behind and she drove forward. She had deep blush on her face, and didn't respond. He hit the nail and got it on his first guess.
''Uh...'kay" He said looking out the window. " Is that a yes or a no?"
"what do you think?" she asked him. It was quiet ovious now wasn't it?
He wanted to make sure he wasn't wrong or a fool. His eyes widened with clarity and shock. "Oh!"
"oh..." He said giggling.
She stopped the car at another stop light. "I see you got it now. " she said softly. She didn't know if the giggling was good or not.
"just guessing.." she says. " it doesn't bother you, right? Knowing that I like you?". She asked.
"It doesn't ." He reassured her. He continued to look out the window with a smile on his face.
She moved again at the red light and drove down his street. Although she didn't know how he felt, she was glad he accepted her feelings other than giving her a hard push like she got a couple years ago.
" I like you too." He said with a smile. "But I ...I don't want to go through another relationship again."
"It's better off if I don't have a relationship for a while." Charles said meekly.
"I'm already dealing with other things..."
"That's fine. If it will ever be, then I'll wait." She says. She stopped at his house and looked to him with a smile. "If something happens and it will never be, who knows what will happen you know." She says. "Have a good night Charles." She says with a soft smile.
He walked out of the door, drowsily and slow. "Thanks..." He said smiling.
He opened the old door to the apartment building, the weak cracked lights eliminating the hallway.
Charles looked back, "It's snowing, take my jacket. I left it in the back seat." He said before closing the door.
She smiled lightly and put his jacket on. She drove home, before finally getting there. Something was off... Something was way off when she headed inside...