The Banishment (old)

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@Rieezy so sorry, I will have post up tomorrow, before I go to work. My brain is so frazzled right now, can't think up a good reaction post. Will surely have one tomorrow...sorry again and goodnight.
Ah I love the "fight" between Vi and Kenzie. So damn cute xD. And I will reply in a few hours. As soon as I get home.
Rofl, even though Kenzie just punched Vi in the face, Vi is proud of her. She taught her little sis she has to beat her ass xD, to make it look real.
That is just so cute and badass at the same time e3e
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Ok so. I will reply during the day, but in case it cant wait: @Autumn_Burns_Red Maverick is following Adia, @Shattered♦Secrets™ Gail asked Jay those questions so if willing to answer you may :3 Aaaand Vann is at this point probably laughing his ass out on the way Jocelyn handled things and thinking how he couldnt handle it better either :P but yes, I will reply sometime today.
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I haven't done a good horror RP in a while, and one looks like it has a lot of life in it. (or death pending upon your point of view). Anyway I will probably have a CS up in the next 24-48 hours.

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Okay I'll have a post up in a bit. Sorry I wasn't on yesterday, got home late.
New mutant is coming!
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I love it so much :D Great addition to the mutant army... I am totally on Scavengers side but still e3e
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Oh bdw, is the trouble that Adia and Maverick faced referred to many black-widows or those new mutants, or the colossus? Am a bit confused about it yes.
I will have another post up in a few...watching a movie xD.
It is the new mutants, they just confirmed her thoughts about the colossus. Scorpio's are a spider scorpion hybrid!
Nice! Will work on my Maverick reply in a bit yes ;3
Character Sheet


Name: Ryan Mach

Age (above 16): 23

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Was your Scavenger apart of the group that went to the ruins: No.

How long have you been a Scavenger: Since the age of ten years old.

Weapon of choice :

12 Gauge Double Barrel Sawed Off Shotgun

Markings (This includes tattoos, piercings, scars.): A diamond stud in his left ear that belonged to his mother.

Personality: Ryan is a cynic by nature, but Ryan always believes in doing the right thing for the greater good inspite of his cynical nature. Uses sarcasm as a defensive mechanism but won't use it at the expense of hurting others. Extremely loyal to those in the group.

History: His parents were killed during the Mutant Attack. During the attack his family made the decision that Ryan needed to go, because they thought the city was about to fall. His mother gave Ryan a diamond stud in case they ever needed it to bribe someone. His parents paired him up with his Grandfather Ken, and together they fled the city during the attack and were adopted in with the scavengers.

Ken was an expert in survival and could've been a great leader within the city for the soldiers, but he was blinded during a mutant attack so he was cast aside. The elders felt he was useless, but Ken taught himself how to use his survival skills without his sight. Ken taught Ryan everything he knew about survival and not having to rely on sight for everything.

Family: Mother and Father died in the attack. Grandfather died of a heart attack when Ryan was 16.

Secrets: Ryan has a fear of being abandoned. Hates being alone for long periods of time

Relationships: TBD

Thoughts about being banished: He was never officially banished, but knows that he could never survive in the city now. Besides that's the place where his parents died he hates it.

Health Ailments: Diabetic. Insulin isn't readily available, but Ken taught him how to use plant roots and certain types of leaves to help him survive.

Talents(that could help you survive):
-Blind Combat
-Keen powers of observation
-Long distance running

Any other Information: He's an open book what you see is what you get. Has a Hand-Grenade in a secured place on him. It was given to him by his Grandfather, so that if he ever got over-run by mutants he could pull the pin and see what happens next.​
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