The Angels, The Sins, and The Horsemen: Redux

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Merrick examined the dish and facepalmed, sighing. One of the aides had triggered the reaction by putting what appeared to be glucose extract in the Petri dish. Merrick cringed and snarled, sending out the aids. "WHICH MORON DROPPED GLUCOSE INTO THE PETRI DISH?! I'LL HAVE WHOEVER DID THIS FIRED! SEAL OFF THE ROOM BEFORE THIS NEW STRAND GETS OUT!" Merrick grabbed the flashdrive with all of his research and one of the contained virus colonies, moving out to an emergency lab bunker. "EVACUATE THE HOSPITAL AND BURN IT DOWN! ACTIVATE THE CARBON-TRINITRIDE GAS FLOOD SYSTEM! IT'S THE ONLY THING THAT CAN KILL THE VIRUS! EVERYONE PUT YOUR MASKS ON!" Merrick was going to kill Aaron later, as well as the CIA aide that messed with the dish. This set back the research ten steps, at least. He would have to fight another round of depression as a result, after what had seemingly been a great first day of going back to work.

"You're delusional." Michael said splitting several things. "What type of Hospital has that stuff? It's just a natural mutation. These happen all the time." Michael leaned on the table. "The Hospital will remain on Quarantine until we are definitely clear. We just need to wash off, and remain in here since we can't be effected."
Yumi got to work as soon as the words left Micheal's mouth. On her way out she hit the code red alarm, then called Aaron.
"We have an emergency! The virus has gone airborne!" Yumi then call Kim with the same message, then went to evacuate the hospital.
@The Silver Paladin

Kim was sitting by the Secretary-General of the UN. "Slow down. What has happened? Also, do NOT evacuate. You could spread it more."
"I'm talking about this, moron." He put up the video feed from the previous few minutes, showing the mutation only occurred after the glucose had been introduced. He then gave everyone a mask, flipping a switch and hitting a button that activated the aforementioned gas system. "Michael, I've been through a load of crap recently and I have earned the right to go slightly crazy. While I admit that burning down the hospital is rather rash, I've done worse. Now, if you'll excuse me this needs to be studied." Merrick snarled, going to analyze what little of the rapid mutation remained.
Yumi took a deep breath, then started to explain.

"The virus has gone airborne, I don't know how but it did. Dr.Merrick told me to evacuate ma'ma however I haven't sent the order out yet. I-I -sigh- I don't know what to do, please tell me and I'll fellow"
@The Silver Paladin
"I'm talking about this, moron." He put up the video feed from the previous few minutes, showing the mutation only occurred after the glucose had been introduced. He then gave everyone a mask, flipping a switch and hitting a button that activated the aforementioned gas system. "Michael, I've been through a load of crap recently and I have earned the right to go slightly crazy. While I admit that burning down the hospital is rather rash, I've done worse. Now, if you'll excuse me this needs to be studied." Merrick snarled, going to analyze what little of the rapid mutation remained.

Michael stood back. "Y-you're insane! If you do this, you will get stripped of your medical license! This will release the plague into the public, and cause an unknown amount of panic! For once, a Pandemic will not be Aaron's fault. He lives with the Plague, and Spanish flu on his shoulders! The orders call for quarantine, and I am remaining Quarantined!"

Yumi took a deep breath, then started to explain.

"The virus has gone airborne, I don't know how but it did. Dr.Merrick told me to evacuate ma'ma however I haven't sent the order out yet. I-I -sigh- I don't know what to do, please tell me and I'll fellow"
@The Silver Paladin

"Christ. Doesn't he know it's my operation?! I will have in stripped of his Medical Title! Just keep him from getting out, and destroying the research. I'll be right there."
Yumi kept the phone on her face as she called the other nurses over. She told them to start quarantine and no one is to leave the building, then used the inter com to close off the ICU. Yumi then focused back on to the woman on the line.

"I started the quarantine and closing off the ICU. Ma'ma what else should I do?"

@The Silver Paladin
Merrick sighed, explaining after taking a deep breath. "We ARE in quarantine. We are evacuating patients who were NOT exposed when the virus was sealed. The gas system will kill off the virus to a decent extent within this room, save for the some of test colonies. Contact Doctor Kim and give her full details to avoid confusion. For now, we now know what can further cause spontaneous mutation. And besides, Aaron does not have the pain of reaping and feeling the deaths of every thing that has ever live, nor did he have to take Christ's soul to HELL. Besides, the switch sealed off the airways in the hospital and released the anti-virus gas into those vents. I want the research on the hard drive sent out to the backup laboratory and the appropriate authorities just in case. Otherwise, hand me some liquid bromine. I have an idea. After all, we can't exit the hospital."
Merrick sighed, explaining after taking a deep breath. "We ARE in quarantine. We are evacuating patients who were NOT exposed when the virus was sealed. The gas system will kill off the virus to a decent extent within this room, save for the some of test colonies. Contact Doctor Kim and give her full details to avoid confusion. For now, we now know what can further cause spontaneous mutation. And besides, Aaron does not have the pain of reaping and feeling the deaths of every thing that has ever live, nor did he have to take Christ's soul to HELL. Besides, the switch sealed off the airways in the hospital and released the anti-virus gas into those vents. I want the research on the hard drive sent out to the backup laboratory and the appropriate authorities just in case. Otherwise, hand me some liquid bromine. I have an idea. After all, we can't exit the hospital."
"Aaron feels the repercussions of his actions. He has killed more than War and Famine combined. The others even take advantage of him." Michael filed some papers. "We can't take risks. We have to undergo full Quarantine, plus quarantine of a few wards." Michael leaned over the desk. "How are we going to explain the fact that we aren't infected despite being in the room?"
"I remember something like this... we've been exposed to the colonies and microcolonies and as such, our bodies have been able to develop antibodies over time to the point we have a base immunity to the virus after having experienced a few side effects and constant external decontamination. It falls in line with the Kelson Theory of Auto-Immunization. And according to said theory, a few of these workers may be immune, as well. Have the hospital seal off the ICU, pediatric, and OB wards. Go ahead and have them seal off any rooms you think they should as well... that and I think alcohol may work, but we'll have to try that when we're not under full quarantine." Merrick watched over the footage a multitude of times, trying to figure out why it caused such a spontaneous mutation.
"I remember something like this... we've been exposed to the colonies and microcolonies and as such, our bodies have been able to develop antibodies over time to the point we have a base immunity to the virus after having experienced a few side effects and constant external decontamination. It falls in line with the Kelson Theory of Auto-Immunization. And according to said theory, a few of these workers may be immune, as well. Have the hospital seal off the ICU, pediatric, and OB wards. Go ahead and have them seal off any rooms you think they should as well... that and I think alcohol may work, but we'll have to try that when we're not under full quarantine." Merrick watched over the footage a multitude of times, trying to figure out why it caused such a spontaneous mutation.
"So, Dr. Kim, and the rest of the Charlemagne doctors are immune then? Yumi is on that, sir. as well as contacting Kim." Michael said. "What if the Glucose is NOT the acting agent in the mutation? What if there's something else?"

Michael picked up his phone. "Sir, this is Aaron, the Secretary General has just... gotten worse. I don't know how. We have put the UN building under Quarantine."

Michael stepped into the hall. "Yumi? can you seall of the OB/GYN, Pediatrics, the ICU, as well as the ER? Also, tell the others to get suits on. We don't know if it's spreadiong, but better safe than sorry."

@AmerillaRose a
Merrick was looking over his research, thinking as he answered Merrick. "Not necessarily, no... given the way Charlemagne operates, they wouldn't be. We and the aides here have been inhaling microcolonies on a daily basis with our experiments. Charlemagne scientists, however, work almost exclusively in suits. And as for..." Merrick had a crazy idea, pulling open one of his drawers and pulling out a bottle of pure alcohol he used for experimentation and disinfection. "Michael, I have an idea. The glucose may not have spurred the mutation, but sugar is a base sustenance and could have acted as raw energy for said mutation. The gaseous mutation is at least two standard generations ahead, so alcohol may combat the gaseous mutation if intermixed with water. It's medieval medicine, but it kept Rome safe from the plague for centuries. It may be worth a shot."
Merrick was looking over his research, thinking as he answered Merrick. "Not necessarily, no... given the way Charlemagne operates, they wouldn't be. We and the aides here have been inhaling microcolonies on a daily basis with our experiments. Charlemagne scientists, however, work almost exclusively in suits. And as for..." Merrick had a crazy idea, pulling open one of his drawers and pulling out a bottle of pure alcohol he used for experimentation and disinfection. "Michael, I have an idea. The glucose may not have spurred the mutation, but sugar is a base sustenance and could have acted as raw energy for said mutation. The gaseous mutation is at least two standard generations ahead, so alcohol may combat the gaseous mutation if intermixed with water. It's medieval medicine, but it kept Rome safe from the plague for centuries. It may be worth a shot."
"So, that's why doctors have been catching it left and right, because you ordered them not to take proper safeguards..." Michael thought. "Is this also due to the fight you had with Kim a few weeks ago over who's research it was? You do know she has the highest modicum of respect for you... She just doesn't show it."
"No, I didn't, actually. It was their choice. And look at the evidence: all of the doctors who caught it from these experiments have fully recovered and are back working on the project. However, this was after constant exposure and this method wouldn't work with the public..." Merrick perked up slightly after hearing the comment regarding Doctor Kim, chuckling slightly. "Really now? She's a master at hiding her respect, then. And you'll have to be specific: the fight where Aaron made the mistake of buying her a few cocktails or the fight where she was sober the day before? Both came to different conclusions, after all. Besides, our research processes are rather different. On another note, do we have any fertilized yeast colonies left from the previous study we did? I have a few ideas as to how this alcohol solution may work."
"No, I didn't, actually. It was their choice. And look at the evidence: all of the doctors who caught it from these experiments have fully recovered and are back working on the project. However, this was after constant exposure and this method wouldn't work with the public..." Merrick perked up slightly after hearing the comment regarding Doctor Kim, chuckling slightly. "Really now? She's a master at hiding her respect, then. And you'll have to be specific: the fight where Aaron made the mistake of buying her a few cocktails or the fight where she was sober the day before? Both came to different conclusions, after all. Besides, our research processes are rather different. On another note, do we have any fertilized yeast colonies left from the previous study we did? I have a few ideas as to how this alcohol solution may work."

"The fight where you accused her of breaking into the Hospital's records. She leads the WHO, which is the highest Medical Organization in the world. She feels threatened by you. And Aaron has never bought her cocktails. He's terrified of her. Michael flipped through some pages of notes. "No. You had Genevieve destroy them."
Breaking News:

Saint George's Hospital goes under full Quarantine. We are still awaiting information...

The UN building goes under quarantine for unknown reasons...

Dr Aaron White of the CDC and Dr Kim of the WHO are currently trapped into Quarantine...

Leaked Medical documents show the disease is much more widespread than previously thought...

Airports under high alert...

Fear of disease weapon satin high...

@AmerillaRose @KeatonWorshipper @AceSorcerer @IceQueen
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"Huh, so she's afraid I could replace her, eh? You guys already call me 'The Doctor' and I've humored by bringing in a sonic screwdriver prop but I'm not going to go that far intentionally. As for the yeast, can you try to grow a quick batch in the incubator? Other than that, there's an odd pattern in the research... I think that the virus has evolved to being capable of only surviving in one blood type! Question is, which one... And how, exactly, is she threatened by me given she doesn't know what this little 'sonic screwdriver prop' I have in my pocket actually is?"
"Huh, so she's afraid I could replace her, eh? You guys already call me 'The Doctor' and I've humored by bringing in a sonic screwdriver prop but I'm not going to go that far intentionally. As for the yeast, can you try to grow a quick batch in the incubator? Other than that, there's an odd pattern in the research... I think that the virus has evolved to being capable of only surviving in one blood type! Question is, which one... And how, exactly, is she threatened by me given she doesn't know what this little 'sonic screwdriver prop' I have in my pocket actually is?"

"The Virus also evolved so it doesn't need blood. It is now Airborne if your most recent notes are to be believed." Michael said. "The way it evolves is to help it better survive, and spread. Going airborne was the next logical step. It has not taken a backwards step." Michael straightened some papers. "She's terrified you may take her position." he thumbed through a few. "I know where we can get some already made ones."
Yumi nodded as she put on her mask and instructed the others to do so as well. Going back to the intercom, Yumi sent the orders to close off the other wards then got into a suit another nurse had handed her. She had to text Frank not to bring Austin to the hospital, the five year old had a fever before left and Frank was going to bring him in later that night.

We are in quarantine, don't bring the kids - Yumi

Too late, we're stuck in peds- Frank

Do what they tell you and I'll try to get up there - Yumi

The woman then put her phone in a pocket of the suit and grabbed two more suits as she went back to Dr. Peterson.

"Sir, I locked down the wards you asked and everyone is suiting up. Here, I know it won't do much but its better than nothing"

@The Silver Paladin
Location: The UN Building.


Tourists from many countries stream through here on a day to day basis. This is th Freedom Capital of the world. Now, it is under Quarantine, trapping you along with many others inside of it.

Aaron hurriedly put on the HAZMAT suit as per CDC and WHO regulations. He looked at Dr Kim who had almost completely stripped down, instead of just taking off the coat. "You don't need to do that... Just a suit is fine." Aaron said. "I know, it just helps me feel more comfortable." She winked at him. Aaron ignored it. "Whatever floats your boat." Aaron said pulling the suit over his head. Aaron finished putting on the suit. "Ready? We need to get to calming people down, and performing checkups." Aaron said. "I'll take a team to the Secretariat Building." Dr Kim nodded and ran out of the room. Aaron and several other HAZMAT suited people walked into the entrance hall of the UN Building. "Alright, everyone listen up! We have an issue. It may be resolved soon. If everyone could just sit tight."

@AmerillaRose @KeatonWorshipper @IceQueen
Yumi nodded as she put on her mask and instructed the others to do so as well. Going back to the intercom, Yumi sent the orders to close off the other wards then got into a suit another nurse had handed her. She had to text Frank not to bring Austin to the hospital, the five year old had a fever before left and Frank was going to bring him in later that night.

We are in quarantine, don't bring the kids - Yumi

Too late, we're stuck in peds- Frank

Do what they tell you and I'll try to get up there - Yumi

The woman then put her phone in a pocket of the suit and grabbed two more suits as she went back to Dr. Peterson.

"Sir, I locked down the wards you asked and everyone is suiting up. Here, I know it won't do much but its better than nothing"

@The Silver Paladin

"Merrick thinks we shouldn't wear suits. I'm not going against CDC regulations, and risking my future job here." Michael slipped into the suit, and hung up his lab coat. "Go from ward to ward checking various notes and charts. See if it has spread at all."