The Amazons

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Max sighs, "Mia...."
Mia giggles, "hey sugar buns!!" A girl with short brown hair jumps up and hugs Max.
Roz looks at them. "Um...Roz. Nice to meet you. How do you know each other?"
Mia giggle, "I am his girlfriend..."
Max looks down, "x, xgirlfriend."
Roz looks Mia up and down, then looks down. "Oh... I should have known..."
Mia looks at Rosalina, "max, did you get a hooker?" She giggles.
Roz looks at her. "Who are you calling a hooker, you bimbo?! I was under the impression that I was Max's girl, but I guess he only used me to get back with you!"
Mia grimaces, "bimbo?! You're the slut here missy!!" Angry.

Max stares at Roz, "hey! I said she was my ex!"
Mia blushes, "ohh..playing hard to get huh? You probably picked up this slut! On the street! To make me jealous..." she says the last part sweetly.
Roz frowns. "As a matter of fact, I found him in the forest. I'm an Amazon warrior. Not a slut."
Mia chuckles, "oh, is that your cosplay? Cute!" She pinches Rozs cheek.
Roz grabs her wrist tightly. "I'm quite serious. Try that again, and I will break your arm."
Mia cringes, her wrist hurting and turning red.
"Get your hand off me, you slut!" She pulls away and smacks her across the face.
Roz smirks, barely reacting to the pain and twists Mia's wrist behind her back. "Call me that again, I dare you. I still have my daggers."
Mia screams, "ah!!! You stupid whore!" She tries to elbow her in the face.
Roz avoids it and pulls the arm up. "Be nice, and I'll let you go. But call me a slut and a whore, and you'll get what's coming to you."
(Yes!! Fight her, beat her, torture her! Something.)
Mia whines, "let me go you stupid (exscuse me) Bitch!" She struggles.
Roz chuckles. "What do you think, Max?" She pulls the arm up further. "Should I let her go? Or punish her foul mouth?"
Max nods, "she's been stalking me for years, do what you need to do.."
Mia looks at him, sadly, "maxy poo...."
Roz pulls Mia's hair with her other hand. "A stalker, huh? Leave him alone!"
Mia has short hair, it barely hurts her. "But, he's my snuggy!!!"
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