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The Amazons

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Damain chuckles, "oh I will, love..." he pulls himself up, "now..." he pulls his pants up and heads up in the elevator.

Max grins, "the cities so nice, isn't it?"
Desiree giggles and freshens up as she waits.

Roz nods. "Yeah. Very different from the Amazon village."
Damain arrives on the top floor, he sneaks up behind the two and wraps his arms around Roz's waist. "Sup kids...."
"Meeep!" Roz squeals. "Don't sneak up on us like that, Damian! Did your brother tell you what I am?"
Damain chuckles, "a very attractive girl...." he kisses her neck.

Max grins, "I don't think I had time.. "

Roz giggles. "Y-you might want to stop that before Max gets jealous. Or I decide to hurt you. I am an ex-Amazon warrior, after all."
Roz looks at Max. "Uh, Max? You gonna do anything, or do I have to stop him myself?"
(Woops, I forgot to add something...)
Damain smiles, "you threatening me?" He pulled her into his chest.

Max laughs, "your bros problem now."
Roz giggles. "I guess I do this myself." She elbows Damian in the stomach, not as hard as she can, but enough to hurt and get him to let her go.
Roz goes to Max. "And you're not going to get to be. Not unless your little brother's okay with it. I love him. That's why we left my village together."
Roz giggles. "You'd be happy as a slave in my village. All the Amazons you could want. But sorry, I'm spoken for." She kisses Max's cheek.
Roz shrugs. "We thought we'd have privacy up here. But Soren's a jealous girl and won't leave me alone with your brother."
Roz nods. "Any room her for your little brother and his girl? And no making arrangements."
Damain chuckles, "floor 11, though we have one rule, underwear or sweat pants only. Unless you are leaving..."
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