The adventures of Iamora and Rune

As she took a hearty sip of the stiff beverage, she inspected his counentence for anything threatening. "Duly noted." She answered, falling under the spell of intoxication before the contents of her glass even reduced by a fraction. "What is your name, fellow?" The seat swung out from beneath her, causing her body to move in an inelegant gyration as she tried desperately to balance upon her toes. "I suppose I shouldn't partake of the Devil's brew." Laughter danced upon her lips, and she made her way back to the seat. "So, what brings you here?" The strange emulsion of lavender liqueur gave her the confidence to speak freely of hesitance or twisting of tongue. She placed a hand upon his shoulder, leaning in. "Town folks are cursed, you know." Her artless words flowed as did the liqueur to refresh her glass.

"Minstrel! Strike up a chord to rile up the stupored souls! You'll earn not a pence with a silent lute!" Intending the command toward the recumbent Bard, her dizzied mind hadn't realized that she was shouting in Rune's ear.
And that was the reason why he didn't consume the booze in any place by how fast she slapped it back, Rune itched an eye as he was trying not to start out right laughing at the stupidity of the woman. But that was how mortals behaved if they had something to celebrate or trying to drown their minds in the toxic liquids.

Taking in a breath and letting it out heavily, Rune closed both of his eyes.
"What does it matter, you ain't putting a bug in my ear with my name attached to it." Giving out his name could be dangerous and he wasn't about to take a chance with anyone managing to use it to their whim. Though with how drunk it appeared she was, if he was any sort of a gentleman he might have tried to curb the idea of putting any more into her but the hell did he care. Maybe if he was lucky she would fall on her face on the floor and stay there. He said nothing to her as he promptly jolted both his eyes open upon feeling her hand to his shoulder which had him reaching right around and grabbing her wrist to forcefully remove it from him.

"Keep your bloody hands off unless you would like to permanently have nubs to replace them!" Rune stood up as he turned right around to prop his elbows against the rounded lip of the bar; "It isn't the towns folk who are cursed, it's the god damn slaggin world girl," Rune tsked as he exhaled heavily as he actually jumped away from the woman when she began to shout. Blinking rapidly and rubbing the ear that had been assaulted, Rune hissed through his teeth; fists tightening into thick balls all the while his hackles rose.

Rolling back a lip, Rune unbound a hand to pinch the bridge of his nose.
"Fuck this shit;" he cast off the brazen drunk woman; "I came and seen what I needed too;" he was tempted to just reach around to rip the very vocal cords that rested within her throat but he actually decided not to; why? Humans were stupid creatures in general and with the way she was drinking like a fish, she would eventually drink herself into a repulsive stupor that could just be the death. She wasn't worth spilling her guts to the floor; she was hardly worth a spit in her direction.

Suddenly, it was difficult to raise the brew to her lips, and her clouded gaze shifted from the drink to the palm that was placed flatly atop of it, to the arm the dainty paw was connected. Kiruku stood there rigidly, Ashlotte hadn't an inkling to her arrival in the least. The Elf simply shook her head, her viridian eyes settling sternly upon her friend. "You'll surely perish if you intake another sip, for it is imbued with a magick that curdles the blood." Kiruku eyed the man surrepticiously, turning her focus upon the inhabitants of the inn as a whole. They were the victims of an unrelated occurance, idle hands breeding murderous plots in the mind of someone fueled by the sheer tedium of the town. "The wines overunneth with poison!" She announced to the rather catatonic lot.

Not a brow was quirked to the shocking discovery. It was as if she had stood before an audience of maniquinnes designed by a mastercrafter in how lifelike they seemed. She rolled her eyes, moving about in a gesture of kindness to close their gaping maws so that flies would be restricted entrance. "I apologize for Ashlotte's folly, she is usually quite reserved in the aspect of one's personal space." She lowered her head in remorse on behalf of her inebriated companion. "I am Kiruku, she's Ashlotte. We are wanderers, much like yourself."
Where ever the second returning woman came from, it sent a shiver up his spine causing him to revert to casting a unwelcomed glare over his shoulder, though he snorted to the beckoning announcement that the swill that was being served was being tainted with something more. He wasn't surprised, it was a way of making sure the good stuff stayed at the ready for the right patrons while giving the foul breed of fire water to the idiots who didn't know the difference with a smell or a slight taste.

Though he was a trifle bit surprised when no other person seemed removed to the idea of it being sour, making him wonder for a moment about them and then shrugged it off.

It was when he was moving towards the to remove the stench of this place from his clothing by the cold winter breeze outside that he stopped flat footed and turned right around to face the secondary woman who made him uneasy.

Twirling a finger around to her apology, Rune cusped his arms over his wide chest while keeping a drawn eye burrowing into that of Kiruku.
"It don't make a lick of difference when she is drunk off her ass; she's lucky I am taking a sudden quirk of restraint from living up to my words." his pupils faded into a thin slit before he took in a exasperated breath.

"Great, good for the pair of you that you both have names and are wandering around, congratulations." he stretched out a hand in a folly gesture, "Don't really care peaches, I only came around this way due to something;" Rune looked her over darkly; "Dubious." he slipped a foot back, putting the two fingers to the side of his head, tipping at the waist slightly in a mock bow as he let one half of his mouth quirk open to reveal the whites of his teeth in a foul dishearten grin; "Already met one crazy ass loon this week, don't need to deal with another pair. Don't let the door hit you where the damn lord split yeah." The once upon a time grin turned into a frown drastically, rolled his eyes and pulled on the iron clasp that was the door handle.
Kiruku's gaze followed the shadows as if they were the favored object of a secret operative, as if she were trying to peer into the shroud of darkness that loomed about every corner. "Your death isin't yet stamped upon you, it's knell isin't yet a blaring trumpet unto my auditory faculties. Alas, I must resign to my duties, as death abounds in this humble occupance." She seemed to glide effortlessly toward the beckoning souls that were lost without her guidance, as Ashlotte rose in a rickety manner to trail behind Rune. "She.." She was interrupted by her own girlish chuckle that oozed out from plump, rosy lips. "She doesn't wish me to witness the parting of life from this plane!"

Her arms flew out in an extravagant gesture, fingers smiting bottles of ale, leaving them to spin upon edge before they crashed to the floor in a clamor of breaking glass. "I think we'll follow you, if you wouldn't mind." Her melodic giggle erring of the phlegm that coated her tongue. "The deathsinger stared intently upon the hollow gazes of those who transcended the imprisonment of their fleshy forms, cantillating an empty tune that seemed to harken the dearly departed to her temporary companionship.
Was everyone or every female he as going to have the misfortune to run into talk in circles and nonsense or was that just something special for his mind to tumble over? As Kiruku's spoke when he had his hand on the door, Rune couldn't help but peer back at her while his face knitted together attempting to figure out what she was saying and if it had really been directed at him or not.

He didn't make a sound to her nor did he really want to continue on any one way conversation but it already seemed the drunken one was about to become a new parasite.

"Oh poor thing, suck it up. Death comes, rends the souls out of the husk of the being and life goes on. Its nature or its murder. Either way, shit happens." Rune cleared his throat leaning away from the wide armed woman before his face lit up with alert to what she said. "Follow who, who is what now!" his ears shot straight up before he promptly shook his head, "Hell no, actually fuck no. There is no following of any sort done by me or having drunken ass, or closet goth following me either!"

Rune sliced a hand forward,
"No. Bloody. Fucking. Way." Every word punctuated as he blew out his lips; "Bullshit, utter and complete heaping pile of rancid bullshit."
Ravenwitch's mephitic tongue slithered up the scabrous bark of the tree, fabled in legend. She placed a foul kiss upon the forbidden fruit, and Iamora's ubiquity was widespread beneath the outer crust of the parcel which was coined Eden. The two sentient companions had naught a taste of sin, but Hell and the Sin bred of it would delight in the corruption that would stain mankind forever. The woman seemed a more meldable specimen, her free will more plyable to their influence. She had made a false representation of herself, guised of angelic radiance. She could perceive the thoughts of the woman, as if they were boasted loudly for all to hear.

They were told that they could have free range of the beautiful landscape, however the tree was to be avoided in any circumstance. It was a testimony to God, that the pair would give unquestioning heedance to his authority. With scintillating colors, Ravenwitch drew the pitiful creature to her impending doom. The nectarous scent of the fruit wafted upon the perfect breeze, she beheld the impeccable pome that was appealing to her gaze. This began the temptation, rused of a cleverly cloaked serpent tongue. Once they became wise to the ways of sin, the angel was seen for what it really was, and Iamora united with her mother. Ravenwitch's chasm of a maw opened so that the myriad of abominations held within could be revealed unto them, and her lips closed upon the woman's in a fetid obsculation. Their horrible cachinnations stirred the sands of the rapined Utopia, shaping it into the cornerstone for which generations of the debased could be yield.

Ashlotte's mouth suddenly fell agape as she was wrought with a fit of malicious laughter. Kiruku, usually a comport idivudual who possessed an almost unbreakable concentration when it came to the crux bestowed upon her, severed her ties with the dying and whirled about. The two that she had been previously involved with awoke in coughing and sputtering, their ashen pallors becoming a fevered hue as they exerted themselves in trying to expel the phlegm that sealed their throats in death. "You must have purused.. the scrolls ...I have authored on... the subject, then." Her orangey mane was shaken as she nodded, her broken speech coming out at invervals as she kept looking to Ashlotte nervously.
Stepping out into the wide freedom of the cold winter air, Rune put the flat of his palm to his brow with jumble amount of cursing in a dialect that was foreign to most; whether it was elven or demonic it was hard to tell.

There was some big bastard of a fate sitting on their wheel, playing with the little doll that must have represented him; toying and placing the lifeless creation into situations that dealt with people being so out of their minds that he was wondering if it was them that was crazy or him. His mind was exhausted already and he had no qualms about leaving the scene without a further word when he could.

He knew he should have listened to his gut earlier when it was practically screaming at him not to go looking for the odd sensation that dribbled along his flesh, causing it to rise and pucker but no, he went looking for insanity and found it teeming with morons.

Rocking his shoulders back and forth to the tedium that was the headache that sprouted in the forefront of his mind; Rune lifted his boots to imprint on the fresh wafting snow his prints that were quick fleeting feet to get out of this town before he seen it fit to slaughter the whole thing; though that was seeming like a brilliant idea as of the moment.
Ashlotte had become a hermit with minimal interaction with anyone. The only contact she had with another living soul was when she entered town in which to make purchases in order to sustain her life. She spoke to none, and didn't linger to see the sights. After several months of this, her empathic gifts were stifled under the weight of apathy in her heart. She felt dead within, remnants of decomposing emotions that she couldn't quite bury. Once she found herself staring out of her window to look upon the sunlight, silently watching how the rays of light gently awakened the roses in her flowerbox, blankets of snow began to melt upon the ground. It was a sign that spring had conquered the harsh winter at last. She suddenly found herself humming a strange tune, oblivious to where it had come from. It was a rather haunting melody, muted of all joy befitting such an occasion. However, it was strangely beautiful in all of it's mundane glory. The sound seemed to creep ever nearer, until it seeped through all the cracks and crevasses of her abode and wrapped about her small form, instantly seeming to weaken her. She stumbled to her rocking chair, where she gazed upon the sparse decorations of the interior of her home. "Don't get up on my account. I'll let myself in." Ashlotte heard an oddly familiar voice say.

The door opened without any physical force to welcome Kiruku inside. The music ceased. "I've come for you, albeit not your time." She moved toward the frail young woman, who now couldn't even bid her lips to speak in opposition. "It is a shame, but you have done this to yourself. It is truly a gift you awaken each morning, which you have witnessed with your own flowerbox. You have squandered your life away hiding from others." The bard emitted a sardonic chuckle. "Interactions that could have touched your life somehow, or with you being a nessesary piece to the puzzle to touch theirs. A smile or a few words from you that could have brightened their day, or some sort of action from you that could have saved their life. Our lives are but tests, filled with choices along the way. You chose to shut yourself in from the world." With that, the honey brown headed woman began to die, her body shutting down much like the death of her soul. She felt her breath rattling in her throat, thick, gooey phlegm acting as a blockade of which prevented her sucking down air into her lungs. She felt as if she were a fish out of water, falling from her chair and flopping about on the floor. Her lungs felt as if they were greatly expanded balloons, the both of them being pricked by countless little needles.

Then the pain subsided, and hands roamed her petite stature to ensure that she was still in flesh and body. "That is you -would- die, if you don't see the error of your ways. I apologize that we couldn't have met again on better terms but I have a job to do that I cannot overlook, not even for a friend." Kiruku aided a suffocated Ashlotte back to her seat. "I know what you're thinking. How could a song have such an adverse effect on me? Well, my very -voice- is a death knell. It worked without issue, did it not?" The black clad Bard oggled Ashlotte, whom was preoccupied with inhaling as much oxygen as her lungs were able to be filled against the fit of coughing. "By the Gods, who do you think you are to come here with a lecture and death in your arsenal? If it isin't my time, then leave me be. You know where the door is, but I doubt you even would need such an exit. You could probably just dissipate out of here like smoke, huh?" The words flowed over her throat like a bed of glass upon flesh. "Just leave me be, you accursed creature!" Kiruku's hand shot out as to steady the enraged female, whose body still wore an ashen pallor. "You'll be fine soon enough. The trauma to your lungs won't cause any permenent damage, so why be so angry with me? I am not to blame, wench. If you keep on this very path you trod through life, you'd end up taking an eternal dirt nap anyway, if you were so lucky as to be found and buried. Most likely your dilapidated home would become your coffin, and your flesh fodder for scavengers. I was doing you a favor, after all." Ashlotte slapped the other female's hands away, and rose as to shoo her nearer to the door.

"Shouldn't you be killing those that actually have commited tresspasses? I've done nothing to warrant death!" Kiruku's presense suddenly looked menacing, not the dainty elfish guise she usually presented. "And shutting yourself away from the world is indeed executing a grievious sin unto the Gods. You, like all the others I have taken, have comitted an act infernal. They perished for those acts, have been weighed and measured and found wanting." Ashlotte started toward the fire, having sought to make for herself some tea to calm her nerves. "How could you sit on your high horse, carrying out the dirty work for your Goddess?" Kiruku had seen what she planned, and reached the kettle before Ashlotte was half way there. "One lump or two?" Her voice had closed in the gap between them, whilst she was pouring steaming hot water in a cup for each of them. "You have denied your gifts, dear." It was meant to be as patronizing as she spoke it. "In turn, you do nothing to benifit mankind with the gifts you allowed to wither and die. You are nothing to this world other than unutilized space, unessasary space." A frown saddened Ashlotte's delicate visage. "Is that perhaps why you stole Rickie's life? Would he have grown up to be nothing more than wasted space? You said it yourself that life is but different paths and choices. You have robbed him of that power, Kiruku. You even robbed yourself of that power, being a puppeteer of the Goddess."

The strong smell of cinnamon wafted upon a waves of steam, filling the knook with the saliva inducing scent of apple pie. "I didn't see chamomile, so I thought this would suffice." After allowing her tea to cool some, Kiruku took a sip, testing both the temperature and taste. "I would prefer not to assosiate myself with anything related to that word, so I no longer buy tea of that flavor."Kiruku placed her cup upon the saucer, appearing to no longer be interested in the tea."Oh, I see. But to relate back to the subject of dire importance, to be put simply, it was Rickie's time. It wasn't yours. I don't commit murder. I can't. If I did, that would then be deemed a mortal sin, an act most infernal. The Goddess would smite me for certain." It was Ashlotte's turn to take a taste of her tea. The cinnamon seemed to put her off her appetite, and she returned the pungent beverage to it's saucer.
He snorted hard as he crushed a budding flower that had pushed its way out of the snow under the great mitt of a paw as he trudged along the winding path of wood and bush, all the while his ears kept turned back as if to listen to footsteps that had been accompanying him for the winter against his permission of course.

Black pelt shook under the drippings of the melting snow falling from the twigs that would eventually bore new life; Rune turned his head right around to peer down to the woman who had planted a hand against one of his haunches.

"Thought it would never come."

Rune pursed the leathery lips together as he snorted at the woman under his scrutiny,
"What does it matter, it makes no difference in the end Renske." Porcelain skin glimmered palely in the scratches of sun light that filtered through the canopies making her crown of deep raven purple seem that much more radiate all the while those honey gold eyes were peering deep into the bone mask that rested upon his snout.

Her cloak had been wound around her grown frame before the quirk of the red lips turned up as she hummed a laugh under her breath, patted her palm to him a few more times and began to walk in front.

"The time will come Rune, you mustn't be so eager."

The barrel chest expanded with the hard intake of the fresh air before he padded forward after the fellow elven woman.
"I am not eager;" Golden orbs peered back to him as she pushed aside a wet branch, effectively covering him in snow. "I just still fail to see the sinister creation behind your mysterious plans that somehow have to involve me."

That was a lesson he had learnt the difficult way and it was one that was constantly reminded to him when Renske gave him that steely look. Another one of his famous run in's with women who seemed half lidden; though this one proved to have an purpose for him which he was not keen for either way. In truth he barely remembered much after the first attempts at striking out at the woman, until he found his mind being awoken to the hell that ran wildly through a aching skull. He had yet to understand what sort of foul trickery she had manifested on his form; but he was weary of the seemingly harmless elven maid. All he knew now was she was a creation of abyss and she was nowhere shy to using it on idiots in his case, himself to make a strong point.

"Have you picked up anything yet?" she beckoned sweetly to him making his skin crawl.

"Do I look like a hound to you?" he narrowed his gaze as she grinned so sickly sweet to them that Rune could only curse and look aside; "Yeah yeah, there is a village due south of here that should be able to comfort the princess."

"Is there a priory?" she asked as if he was to know;

Rocking back to sit down on his rear in the cold, the towering canine demon outstretched his hands with a casting off hand;
"I can't sniff out buildings! For the loving bloody slaggin sakes; if you want something specific then you have to tell me, otherwise bugger off." he blew out his lips again.

Renske pressed her eyes shut as she grinned still;
"Sounds like a good place to browse about;" Oh he hated her with a passion and how she seemed to disregard whatever he said to the wind, "It may be a grand place to reckon with death."

His ears perked as he narrowed a orb of an eye to her;

She nodded lightly as she pointed towards the south; not answering him as he growled.
"Would you accompany me to town? I know this place that makes an excellent lamb shank, served with a generous dollop of mint jelly. It's superb, if my opinion counts for anything. There really is no reason to starve on my account." Ashlotte made a small nod in agreement. "I suppose I am rather hungry. And you'll be glad to know that I am no longer crippled with anger." Kiruku's smile was but a thin cut across her face. "Well, we shall have a feast fit for royalty then!" Ashlotte's utterances prevented her from continuing further. "There is a whole world of sinners out there, they clog every street like degenerate vehicles of lost morality. What of the royal ones themselves? The Lords, Dukes, Govenors? They are some of the worst people gifted to exist."

Kiruku ushered her within the warmth of the bistro. "But exist they will until due time. Genocide would be an act of murder and I have not the power bestowed upon me to contend with the Goddess. I have heard of one once so powerful that she did contend with the mighty Atone. Remember what I say is only a collection of rumors I've been told on my journeys so I don't know how much truth they contain, how accurate they really are as opposed to real accounts to their historial origins. But their once lived a being powerful enough to survive the wrath of the Gods she defeated. This creature that was made into a Goddess by the pure, unadulterated evil was born a mere mortal. She was a vessel, an embodiment of Hell and all that dwells within it's sinister bowels. This creature that I speak of is named Rave-" The waitress looked Kiruku, momentarily stricken with horror.

Her body trembled so that if the name would have been uttered in its entirety that the limbs would fall away from her torso, and this would be the least of the serving wench's burdens. "Please.." She pleaded in little more than a whisper. "Please, don't speak that name. Ever. To speak it is to damn yourself and others." Kiruku's gaze drooped to the tabletop. "I..apologize. I did not mean to utter such an accursed name. I was just enlightening one ignorant to such an abomination." The server placed their food before them, and her hazel eyes danced with laughter. "This one is ignorant, you say? Blissfully ignorant, I would say. You'd do best to keep her that way." She wiped the condensation that made her hands slippery from touching their drinking glasses on her apron. It resembled a map, faded shapes of old stains that were too stubborn to be washed out had the appearance of a mass of undiscovered lands she had once seen in a book. The woman was garbed in peasant wear, although an expensive looking pendant was draped out her neck. The conclusion that it was a stolen trinket would fit if it wasn't a family heirloom. She didn't volunteer any information on it and the two famished females didn't ask. The lamb shanks were devoured and another round for the both was ordered. "Don't keep me in the dark about this.." Ashlotte's voice found its way around the large portion of meat that was stuffed between her lips.

"We'll have to talk elsewhere.. this sort of chatter wouldn't be welcomed any place others linger." She spoke as she drank, bubbling mead overflowing from the tankard and spilling down her chin. When they had their fill, Ashlotte gestured toward the stairs where the rented rooms were. Kiruku dismissed the idea with a shake of her head. "No, the walls have ears. We'll talk at your all -too humble abode."

Ravenwitch." Kiruku finished the name that was interupted when it was spoken back at the bistro. "Ravenwitch?" Ashlotte was puzzled. The Bard looked about suspiciuously, a fearful look was clearly evident about her. "By the Gods, its not wise to throw her name about frivilously! You are content with your little home aren't you? You don't want to summon something evil in its stead!" Even though there was no emotion to emphasize her words, they were spoken with the utmost importance. This struck a chord in her, and she vowed not to awaken the world to that name. "So, regale me then. Tell me the tale."

Ashlotte looked down into her tea cup, the stagnant beverage was but a drowning pool for the flies that were trapped inside. She traced an index finger about the rim, removing the dust which had settled upon it. "If you wish. She was born a mortal in a world of which to use magic meant that one would incur the steepest of costs. She came from evil seed, that one. Even when she was a child, she was evil of heart. She had gifts that were corrupted long before she realized she had them, they came from a tainted origin. The child Agatha would bring misfortune upon others with incantations that she weaved herself, having learned them from no master. She had extraordinary psychic gifts as well, but used them for ill intent and her own twisted pleasure. In later years she was betrothed to a Reverend, but he betrayed her and she was burned at the stake. Usually the story would end here, correct? But this was only the beginning, friend."The Bard rose as if to leave. Ashlotte counteracted her with a firm grasp on her wrist, as if she were trying to pull the ginger haired female back to her seat. "I have accomadations for you, if that's why you wish to leave."

Kiruku shook her arm free of Ashlotte's clutches. "Oh, well thank you. I'll think about returning after my tasks are finished. For now I must bid you farewell." She left through the front door, giving no proof to Ashlotte's theories to her turning into a smoke-like apparition and exiting with the aid of magicks. The glow of the lantern died as if it were extinguished by a sudeen gust of wind, making a shiver creep up the Empath's spine. She sat in the dark without so much as the companionship of undesired rodents gnawing at the walls. At that moment she would have given anything for the company of Rickie, his odd mannerisms and accent. She couldn't deny to herself that she had fallen in love with the child. She was but a shell of her former self, a creature that had been twisted and reformed to the likeness of the devestating heartbreak that afflicted her with its sorrow and suffering. It could easily be described as a disease, a malignant black stain that seemed to spread throughout her, slowly devouring her from the inside. Opening her wardrobe, she opted for more cleanly attire, clothing that wasn't perfumed of lavender and body odor.

She would have to purchase soap in which to launder her garments, but for now she tossed the soiled clothing to the floor and hastily changed into a dress very similar to the one that lay in a heap at her feet. Smoothing wrinkles with her hands had consumed some of her time, and then she abandoned the pitiful domicile in search of what the nightlife would bring. The tavern seemed filled to capacity with drunken patrons, and several brawls broke out before her very eyes. One of which she couldn't help but to find amusing. Two potbellied men began clobbering eachother with fists and lambshanks, the latter of which they couldn't release long enough to get the job done. The cause of the fight was told to her from ramblings of inebriated witnesses. They were arguing over eachother leering at wives whose existance was purely imaginary. The comical commotion induced laughter in most of the group, branching outward from a sober Ashlotte. The thickly brown bearded men halted mid swing, remains of meat falling free from the shank of the heftier one. "'Ow look what ye made me do..."

He waggled the shank at her, appearing to have trouble standing steadily upon his feet."Perfectly good food on the floor. Two silver for that, and I'll call it square." Ashlotte watched him, somewhat saddened by the situation. Although she couldn't summon an outwardly portrayal of emotion, years of habit had caused a frown to form upon her face. "I do not have any coin, Sir. I do apologize. Nor it's my fault. Others don't use their food as a bludgeon." The man with the face that resembled cracked leather attempted to rush at her, but his intoxicated state made him see double and he rushed at the illusion of her instead. "No matter, girly. I'll take it out on your hide. Your.... immaculate hide. He then lay alseep upon a plateful of waste, remains of what looked like the lamb shank special becoming entangled in his lengthy facial hair."Think I'll just slip out and go somewhere else." Ashlotte said to herself, but this caused a few other patrons that were in earshot to follow suit.

Ashlotte slipped into the tavern across town, her cloak somewhat dampened by rain fall. "Dun' know why I keep this place runnin.' Though it gets some visitors, I suppose." The Barkeep was extremely corpulent, his elephantine form towered over her like a grand pine as she ordered a steaming cup of peppermint tea. She thought her worries would dissolve away as she took a sip of it. No such luck, but she enjoyed the taste. It resembled the flavor of candy-like confections. She swiftly finished and was on her way. "I would tip you for the delicious tea if I could." The Barkeep glimpsed in her direction, a momentary distraction from drying tankards and plates. "Your satisfaction is a tip all its own, Miss. Be safe out there, storm's a comin' and it's said to be a real rusher." Ashlotte's weariness was quickly overcome by a sense of familiarity. She snapped to attention, her posture becoming painfully rigid. "Rusher? I have heard that description before....who was it that said that?"

She searched her mind for a moment, then found the answer she sought. "Oh, Rickie. The dear child." Her head hung as if she were defeated, although she couldn't bring herself to grieve for him because she was incapable of feeling the emotions needed to summon tears. "Warm beds upstairs, Miss." He nodded in that direction, seeing that Ashlotte failed to exit the tavern. "Dun' worry about the charge, it is better that you're safe instead of trying to find your way home in this storm."Ashlotte looked in his direction blankly. "Thank you for your concern, Sir. I'll take you up on the offer, for tonight."The Barkeep smiled, showing a single row of teeth in various stages of decay."I dun' know for sure, but this storm is blooms of the devil's roses upon thickets and briars."Ashlotte stopped at the stairs, turning toward him ith wide eyes. "Oh, my." "Yes, tis true, Miss. I just pray that some of the land be spared so that we may have a decent harvest this year." The golden brown hued female simply nodded, and retired upstairs. She awoke to the sunlight filtering through the rectangular slit of a window, with a massive yawn and rubbing of her pale brown eyes.

The overly bright rays seemed bothersome to her, and she gathered herself quickly to retreat to the shade of the tavern. She saw a few patrons scattered about, starting their mornings off with a few brews. Ashlotte dismissed the thought of joining them in drinking, and nodded to the Barkeep. "Good Morning, Sir." He replied with a jaggedy but toothy smile. "Morn' little lady. No use goin' out there, we're snowed in. These folks rented rooms last night, just as you did." His face looked awful as the muscles stretched so he could wink. His skin sagged here and there, a consequence of old age. The wrinkles which were sprawled upon his face generously by advancing years now resembled scars of war. In his decrepitude he appeared ghoulish compared to the other patrons."Ah, yes. My appearance. The Goddess of vanity only exists for youngsters. Not people my age, Miss." He spoke with a dry chuckle. Although there wasn't an emotion tied to it, physical factors colored her cheeks with a rosy hue. "I didn't know the gods were so fickle."He finished wiping the bar clean and eyed her, his gaze not wavering for an instant. "They are extremely fickle." Ashlotte moved closer, as to speak to him out of earshot of the others. "was Ravenwitch an extremely fickle goddess?" She questioned with a sly smile. The man gave her a stat when he suddenly slammed his palm upon the bartop. "You should know by now, that monicker ain't welcome here!" His scream came out rather high pitched and warbled. Then the door mysteriously broke off of its hinges, wood imploding into the tavern. It had been one of Ravenwitch's signature entrances, although the door had been solid enough to withstand most physical exertion it wasn't able to stand against her busts of telekinetic power.

His old bones creaked loudly as he swifly ducked behind the bar. His eyes were as large as moons and it appeared that he gashed his left palm on a piece of glass that was broken in the midst of his fright. "I dun' know if you're just stupid, girly, but I will speak that I saw your deviltries if I have to make up such a fanciful notion and have you burned at the stake if I have to!"Ashlotte's face showed a momentary bout of anger at the threat, but she couldn't take her eyes off the hole where the door had stood a few minutes before. If Rickie were still alive, he would've called it the work of a geist. He was blissfully innocent of Ravenwitch and her evils. But everyone that wasn't of childish stature was not. When the Barkeep decided it was safe, he rose and approached Ashlotte. "I'm sorry, but if I have to.." She nodded."It is I that is quite apologetic. I didn't think the name would conjure such power. Now that I've beheld such power, I will harken the warnings, and speak not her name again." A nervous smile briefly was shown to her, before hemoved toward the door to inspect the damage. "Good, because I really wouldn't want to see such a beautiful lady burnt to a crisp. It'd be a waste." Ashlott left, stepping over randomly strewn debris and saw a humble fane. A musical chorus could be heard from within its fragile walls. She thought if she were to so much as -touch- the doors to emit her entry, the result would similar to cracking an egg, and the holy structure would come tumbling down. Ashlotte chanced it anyway, gently pushing her way in with baited breath. "Miss, may I help you?" She was greeted by an angelic voice, she was aorned in white and gold clerical robes. "Oh, I'm sorry for the intrusion." It was obvious that she felt put on the spot, her awkward mannerisms were clear for all to see.

To Ashlotte's recollection, she had never entered a church. She felt under close examination by the clerics and Gods alike, which heightened her awareness to the point of paranoia. She trembled as if she were cloaked by a frigid breeze. "No need to be afraid, Miss. Fear cannot enter this church."The cleric spoke in soothing tones, moving about as if to embrace Ashlotte in a warm gesture. "Do you need to confess? Let us away to a spot as not to disturb the others praying. She felt herself being pulled away to the furthest pew from the altar, the words of the spookily but heavenly cants resounding throughout the tiny edifce."Gods touch the hearts of men, only your divine forgiveness will mend, empowered by thee, against the evils of this world they can contend. Cleanse the mind, the body the soul of the impurities of the vulgar, weak and licentious lot, allow all immoralities to be forgot, if divine favor is to be sought. Ashlotte thought of Rickie, silently praying that he had divine favor with the Gods. "Rickie.." She uttered his name with so much sorrow in her voice that the lifeless statues that depicted certain deities could have wept. "You've lost someone close to you, my child. Bring the boy here, and if it is in their will, the Gods shall make him stand with beating heart once again!" Ashlotte stared at the cleric dully. "Well, there's a bit of a problem, you see. He's been dead for a while, and the condition of his body... unless what you speak of is Necromancy."The cleric she had been convesring with let out such an audible gasp that the other women ceased praying and turned to look at them. "Perish the thought!"

She clutched her prayer beads close, the symbol of a deity Ashlotte didn't know was held fast to her breast. "Double my penence for allowing my mind to become muddled with that filth! For allowing my ears to carry such blasphemy into my body! I think you should leave, Miss, lest you incur the wrath of Andraste upon us all!" The cleric rose, busying herself with her prayer beads. Ashlotte called out to her, somewhat confused and mostly annoyed. "I thought you might be able to give me some answers I desperately need."

"I cannot turn away a seeking heart." The exquisitely robed woman sighed under her breath, yet again adding to her penence for her impatience. "Well, along my travels I have rested in many towns, big and small. The same thing I find in all..dead and dying. The soil is famined and blighted, what could be the cause of such suffering? Some believe it is the curse of one named Rave-" Ashlotte's hand clamped her mouth shut before she could utter even another syllable. "No!" The cleric looked about panickedly, an overwhelming terror seemed to cast its looming shadow upon the woman. Ashlotte's empathic gifts would nomally be able to siphon this fear, to bring it into herself. But she felt nothing but a tad bit of confusion, and apathy. Suddenly the statues began to crack as if they were impacted with a powerful smite, the basins of holy water began to bubble over with a thick, sangiunous liquid. Sacred icons of the church tumbled to the floor, breaking apart as if they were made of glass. The window panes gave way with almost no resistance, shards of glass blowing inward like razor sharp missles. The sisters fell one by one, flesh ripped from bone because of pieces of glass showering them like diamond flecks from the heavens. Most were impaled in some manner, larger shards acting as knives to penetrate their vital organs. Others weren't so lucky and were submitted toward a painful and lengthy death of life giving juices being slowly drained from their bodies. Ashlotte and the cleric which she sat by were unscathed, however stricken by terror and confusion.

"You've spoken the most blasphemous name in this hallowed place. You've not held your tongue against letting such abominations slip. Leave now, lest you be evil incarnate. I banish you and all the evil you bring, whether or not it if unbeknownst to you!"She then brandished her symbol, and Ashlotte moved toward the door. The cleric's prayer beads broke apart in her hands, scintillating colored stones bursting apart before they could finish falling to the floor. She gazed upon the useless charm and her voice rose to an ungodly high pitch as she screamed. "You've brought an atrocity upon this church! The wrathful hand of the Evil One down upon this church!" The cleric tore at her robes, having not the strength to rip the sturdy fabric to shreads. She then began to roll about the floor, soiling herself with blood and dust.

With a small sigh, Ashlotte closed the door behind her. She hurriedly moved in the opposite direction of the broken church, not wishing to linger there and raising the implications that she was criminally involved. She glimpsed at her soft, fair complexion in a window she passed. (Whenever that name is spoken, misfortune is never too far behind. Are people using this name to curse their enemies, throwing the name about as to win arguements and such petty things?) As she contemplated logic and reasoning, Kiruku happened to see her across the square and made her way through the crowd. "Everyone's in a stir." Her voice seemed unnerving in its harmonious splendor. Her friendly smile then drooped into a frown. "You didn't. Tell me you didn't utter -that- which is most vile. I've warned you, did you heed? I highly doubt it." Kiruku turned up her nose, and crossed her arms about her chest. "I am sorry." Ashlotte spoke as if she were scolded. "But I just wanted some answers as to why.."She turned away from her strange friend. "I've told you, did I not? Even to -think- that name would prove disasterous. It is like an earwig straight to the brain, if not worse. You survive for a few moments whilst the earwig is greedily chomping away at your mind and memories. Still, a horrible way to die though."

Ashlotte was disgusted at Kiruku's morbidity, at how she could easily speak about means of dying. "Well, I'm just giving you an example, anyway. Don't kill the messenger." Laughter bubbled up from her slender throat. "Hungry? I'll take you out for lunch and shopping." Ashlotte rose a hand in protest. Your clothing looks rather peasant like anyway." Ashlotte rose a hand in protest. "Iim afraid the ol' coin purpse is pretty light these days, contains nothing but moths. And even those are rather sparse." Her orange headed ally showed an insincere grin. "It's on my coin, friend." The female standing juxtapose to her shook her head. "Oh, but I'm not interested in you like that. Sorry that your advances are fruitless." Once again a cynical laughter spilled out from between her almost colorless lips. "I just wish to exhange pleasantries with a good friend, tasting delicacies and seeing what the tailors have to offer. I've never seen what sort of treasures there may be in those shoppes, but I hear they cost a pretty coin. I'll take what you said as a form of flattery, nothing more."

They reached the bistro when the sun was starting to set, casting the sky in rich purples and pinks. "Traveling by carriage is slow, but what would we have if noone had come up with the concept? Walking until our feet bled? Until we froze in the snow? Or the heat blazing down upon us? I don't think they invented breathable fabric yet."After engorging themselves on delectable vittles, their palates pleased on food and drink, they window shopped some. Ashlotte found a few dresses which caught her eye, Kiruku was rather displeased at the selection. After all, she was very particular about her clothing. One with her occupation would look rather ridiculous presenting herself to dying folk in ruffles and ribbons, garbed in colors that would inspire happiness and joy in one. She figured seeing such attire wouldn't really help one to face the inevitable. Ashlotte was draped in white dresses with ruffly skirts, ribbons of various shades of blues and purples. The shoppe contained dresses of the likeness Kiruku sought, but they were stuffed in the back corner, attracting cobwebs and dust. The elfish shoppekeep made her way to Kiruku. "Ah, yes. There really isin't much of a call for funereal wear that I've seen. Most wear fitting attire for such occasions that were passed down from generations prior." She spoke in a heavy Sylvan accent, but the Bard was capable of understanding the jist of it. Her silver hair docked at her waist, strands glistening like intricately made spider webs in the lantern light. "Who's funeral are you going to? The crier hasn't mentioned anyone's death lately."
Rubbing at the knot that had been placed into his neck from shifting back and forth so often; Rune would hear Renske thumbing around the market place as if she was honestly there to shop and not to do whatever the hell she was planning on really doing. Whether it was a ploy to fool some curious eyes or just a honest musing, he knew naught but he did know that he was growing impatient.

The trifle affiliation with the common folk was something she seemed splendid with;
"Rune love;" he cringed to the name as he harbored fit of shudders before turning a grimace of a disturbed look to that of the mysterious woman. Waving him down, Rune bit down on his bottom lip drawing blood. "You must come take a look at all this wondrous spoils this wonderful man has collected in his travels."

"Someone just take a arrow and shoot me through the neck." he muttered under a whispered breath as he made his sluggish walk towards that of the smaller woman as she grinned brightly to him when he seemed to sidle somewhat close by. "What now," he shot the tinker a look that possibly could have melted bones under flesh and muscle.

Fingers coiled around his forearm as he could feel the icy cold deathly feeling more so in his humanoid look that than of the demonic beast;
"He is selling charms to ward off evil;" she grinned still, almost too wide to be anything good; "Do you think they work?" Dropping attention down to the table, Rune smirked somewhat. "Well?"

Fingers plucked up an stone of amber as runic symbols had been tapped into the stone, which he could guess meant something along the lines: Blessed be thou souls, before he tossed it upwards forcing the man to fumble forward over the table to catch the trinket.
"Obviously not."

Her eyes sparkled with a devilish glee before as tight red lips pressed close to one another,
"I didn't think so." she tilted her head to the side; appearing unhinged, "Mortals believing in folly and hope for their salvation in the ways of make believe; holding onto the iridescent image that one day if they pray, go to church and look towards the heavens that the spoils of their life will be rewarded with pearly gates." Rune kept his eyes glued to that of Renske as she lifted a hand to reach up, gently touching the man's face. "It is a pity really that they make it so easy for demons to plunge them into the inner sanctum of hell, no fun at all."

Ripping through the shop; the blood curdling scream seemed to bounce and echo back in a mocking yowl; as her hand pulled back the charred skin from the man's face. "
Sin cannot be avoided and they trot through it as if it was nothing more than a feeble sign; believing that if they pray and repent that they are saved." she scowled foully; watching the man with the golden discs rolling and screaming upon the ground; "They are nothing but facets for sins to corrupt with glee and grace;" looking up to him, she shrugged. "He is all yours, enjoy all that you will." she cast off a hand making her rounds through the shop all the while the ripened joy of bloodlust gnawed through his being.

"Now I can finally agree with you on something." Rune chuckled;
"I believe i heard the order for a blood bath!"

Each step Iamora took, her feet a formidible foe upon the soil she strode. Charred impressions remained, but they were not scorched of her own soles, they were the blackened imprints of Ravenwitch. "Rune." Iamora beckoned, the trees bending and breaking to the sheer force of her voice. "Rune." The name copied of the voice of her baneful bear, it was a sour note upon her glistening tongue. Iamora revealed a demented smile, slivered inscisors abraded her bottom lip, thin threads of blood trickled down her chin.(Mother, if only I could return you to your former glory, I would lay myself down to perish for to effectuate your second coming.)

Her onyx gaze fell to her talons which were but a minicule replica of Ravenwitch's. Suddenly a feral urge surged through her, causing her to scratch wildly at the air. "Rune!" Toppling backward, she continued to fight the atmosphere, envisioning the man that bewitched and bewildered her. Could her beastial mood swings have been a product of the failed treatments she was administered upon her brief confinement at the Institution? Could it have been a result of becoming synthetically impregnated by her Mother's essence? She was airborne then, her sleek body cutting the air current as she twisted about as to touch upon ground with all fours. "The bloody, mewling quims of women shall overflow with the sickly sediment of..." An anguished cry brought her forth from her reverie. Her head jerked in that direction, her lips peeling back in a snarl. There was a spoiled courtship nearby, and a woman's virtue was to be defiled before a witness unbeknownst to both. Iamora's eyes danced, and she laughed in a maniacal glee.
Brushing off his hands as she shut the shop door as if nothing had ever happened, slender hands lifted to shield back the sun's rays from touching her eyes, as he turned a curious gaze around suddenly. Ears prickled in a way that seem completely unnatural, causing the blood demon to look upwards towards the sky; and back and forth around him only to furrow a brow.
"Something amiss Rune love?" Renske drew a handful of her hair in a hand, idly playing with it.

A scowl produced against his lips before he shrugged it off.
"Nothing more than usual."A lengthy exhale fell past his mouth when she would wrap her arms around a forearm, resting her head against his side as he felt his skin crawling from head to toe. He only kept himself behaving due to the fact he didn't know what Renske was, how she operated and he didn't feel like fending himself overly at the moment. So rather than rip the woman off, he suffered through the disgruntled annoyance bubbling in his gut and swallowed his pride.

"You seem still so listless; did I not offer you a gift befitting that of a demon? I thought you would be pleased with tearing the limbs from the believer."


"Always such a talker," she chuckled as she tugged on him; "Come on my dearest Rune; we shall find a way to curb that foul attitude eventually even if it means a slaughter."

Rune snuffed with a mocking grin;
"Chalk up crazy woman number four please," he ticked a finger in mid air; "No one has ever been able to turn my foul attitude and you won't either. I have no need to the society way to have companionship wench, and you are no exception."

She smiled still only forcing him to glower at her;
"We shall see, you'll find out Rune, I always get my way whether you like it or not."
The surly male greedly fed upon the woman's fear with a kiss upon her lips, one hand restraining her against a wall and his free appendage roaming her ample bodice. He tore at her attire, leaving tattered pieces of fabric in his wake. His sickening maw opened, shreded cloth between his teeth the woman could compile a fleeting lucid thought in her frenzied mind that he had done this before, recently. His offensive breath smelled strongly of alcohol, although she could also detect a tinge of copper as each exhalation hit her broadly in the face. Iamora began to toy with the man, his baser desires. She sniffed the sweaty spoor of his virility, and rose as a looming shadow at his back. The man then descended upon her, and Iamora deafened the ears of the community to her screams as not to arouse any sort of interference of this abominable act.

When the coitus was completed and the victim battered and bruised, Iamora possessed his mind so that he would surrender the control of his limbs to her. Another bout of thrashing by a stronger hand, and the dress was torn loose of her form so that the its true gender could be disclosed. "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind. It is abomination!" Cruel laughter oozed from her, an almost estatic pleasure rocking her off kilter. The bodice was stocked of a false bosom, bits of fabric tucked into collective balls. The molester was aghast, trembling as he took in her profane visage.
Getting the mad to sit still proved eventful all the while, he sat with his chin in a palm while the other hand drummed continually on the table top creating an annoying sound that was ticking away at her fibres; yet she kept the regality around her porcelain frame, the steadfast smile genuine on her painted lips as eyes remained concentrated on that of the server who had been the fortunate one to be serving her really. She had noticed in the while she had captured Rune to her side that he might have eaten at most, once a week if not longer. He slept little and seemed to function well enough that no one that passed him by would be able to tell of his strange habits.

So unlike him, she needed to eat daily and that seemed to only add to the man's growing list of irritations. When the server had come and gone, she tucked her fingers together to rest under her chin allowing the almost illuminating irises linger and pry at the company she had across the table, though his brow was constantly twitching with every rapping tap of his fingers.
"You're as bad as a child wanting to be running through the streets only to be cuffed by a parent's hand;" she giggled mirthfully which only had him producing a huff at her. Seemed common with him but she didn't seem remotely bothered by the remedial response.

"Such a intriguing being you are and yet you are nothing but trifle in it all." she mused perhaps hoping to stir a response from that of the man but failed again. Tucking the cloth of a napkin against her lap, Renske hummed softly to herself a tune that managed to temporary halt his incisive tapping before he turned his back right towards her and leaned a single elbow to the table. "Do I offend you?"

"You make my skin crawl, so yes you offend me with your very presence." he sprouted off darkly.

"Oh good, I was starting to think you might become comfortable." she tittered as she pressed her fingers to her lips; "Couldn't have that now could we, wouldn't make this little courtship all that much fun now would it."

"You should take your medication cause there is no courtship here." Rune shuffled in the chair; "Get in line with all the fanatical women who seem to take an unwanted flirtation towards me; cause nothing will ever come of it."

"You're such a tease," she leaned forward winking to him; "I am a stubborn one Rune love; and you will find I am very difficult to get rid of. Especially when you treat me so terribly that I just find myself wanting to prove you very very wrong." Pinching the bridge of his nose, Rune was muttering under his breath causing her to stretch a grin over her lips; "Glad to know you see it my way."
The rather scrawny fellow painfully rose, hands fluttering to settle upon parts most secretly kept. "I ..uh.. fancy the accroutrements of the fairer sex." He then inched away, not wishing to spark gossip or scandal. "You have derived your pleasure, it is quite tell tale."Iamora nodded, a twisting of her lips ceased the smile from forming, pinning a callous look of her features. The dishelved man took off, feet abounding on top of flinty soil. She encroached the village, moving toward the sound structure that dead ended her path. As she passed the shoppes, the occupants within fell prey to the various vices they had a predilection for, causing wrath and greed to run rampant upon the streets.

A prideful man stood at the center of the afflicted town, spouting in song of how superior he was to everyone else. She brushed by him, her mother's soul in tow, to place a hand upon the heavy iron handle of the tavern. The dense wooden door would be to quite difficult for most women to move without much exertion, but it gave way to her with ease. "Ah, Gluttony. My most favored of tresspass." She turned her abyssal gaze upon the customers, which began to devour their food and drink. Empty tankards were lined upon their tables until there was no more room for another, plates stacked upon the floor allowed for little room for her to pass. The more they consumed, the less they felt satiated. Her head was thrown back as the laughter of Ravenwitch was channeled from her core, and the people started to feed upon themselves, the flesh of others, or the plateware that littered the floorboards.
Mirth dances and played upon lips of red velvet constantly drawn into a patient smile that one could assume a loving mother would have or that of a devoted lover; but it was neither for her rather it was a trait mark of her face. A faint smile always upon her lips playing off that she was nothing more than an innocent that sought nothing but a perfect world.

Having themselves cast off towards the back of the place; it would be Renske that lifted her head up to watching the starting scene to begin across the joint. At first it seemed to proceed slowly until it became a fevered need, the faint smile faded away only to leave that of a inquiring pout to her.

Rune opened an eye as the scent caught his nose which had him looking towards the ceiling, shuffling in his seat that kept his back towards Renske.

"Seems a being of great valour has encroached upon the lands, plaguing the mortal man with a sin fitting that of a pig." she pursued her lips before dipping a hand forward letting her chin rest upon the back of the slender appendage. "Appears she delights in the horrors of them as well;"

"Good then the pair of you can travel together, sparing me another moment of your constant nittering."

She hummed with a mulling though as her bounty of her crown shook in opposition of her head;
"I laid fair claim to you months ago; you have much work to commence for me yet and I will not let you go so easily to go along the plot of massacre without my working hands."
The manipulated masses bit and clawed at one another, relieving chunks of flesh from their wholesome forms. It was a grisly sight, a beautiful feast to her gaze before the realization struck her that their deaths were impending. Others crammed broken glass and fragmnts of china down their throats that most often yielded nothing more to enter, forcing a bloody purging of stomach contents. They would perish from internal hemorrhages, and at the hands of those whom had a murderous glint in their eyes. The beautifully illustrated cinima before her grew dull rather quickly, as she had inspired Gluttony in so many people throughout the ages that it somehow lulled her in a sense of ennui. The townsfolk outside were a seething, spiteful lot, and they utilized various ways to destroy the foes that were but an illusion upon the amicable village.

Hearts beats cessated by the shards of glass penetrating their soft chambers, women asphyxiated by the unbreakable bond of grasping hands, and most were trampled as they succumbed to fits of unloosened anger that familiarized them intimately with the cobblestone. The few that inexplicably avoided corruption were discovered. "Sloth." A wicked grin was painted upon her flawless lips. The people grew so fatigued that they became languid in the bistro, the face of the Cook submerging into the scalding stew. They were so lethargic that their lungs malfunctioned, causing the remainder to suffocate upon their last breath.
Fanning an open mouth to all the chaos that seemed to be ensuring around them, Renske planted her palms to the table, dragging back the chair with a push of her legs; "Shall we, this fest is getting to become tedious."

"If it's the one I am certain it is, she likes to play with her food first before ending it." Rune replied rather casually this time about as he rocked the chair back on its back legs before he planted his feet back to the ground, to follow the same suit of Renske to stand.

"Little tact then." Renske shrugged as she walked right on top of a fallen engorged body forcing the remaining vomit in their throat out upon the floor with bloody froth to trail at the end. "Charming." Renske curled her bangs behind her tapered ears, "A creature of seven sins no doubt." her voice was meddling to herself and required no input on his part.

Seeming to follow suit of the silhouetted woman; skull split apart under the crush of his boot; gray brain mass wriggling out of the skull bone looking no different than maggots that would eventually find solitude in the entrails of this place.

Rubbing her fingers together as she walked forward, the tall demon male standing at her side- Renske let the impish grin sprawl over her face with glee as the heat intensified within the spoils of the abode, abyssimal flames licking through the shade of darkness to ignite the ghouls of mortals in a hellish fire;
"The hounds should be along shortly to fill their gullets."


"Heart hounds my dearest; you would surely be delighted by their statures."

Rune rolled his eyes firstly as they strode through the building, the licking shadowy flames tearing into it all with vigour and fuel, eating away at all that was there and things that couldn't be seen.
"Let their souls feel the wrath of the eternal master of the pits of flames; curse them into the pits of oblivion and let them reap their salvation in hell!" the grin beckoned to rip her face apart as Rune was starting to realize what sort of creature Renske really was.