The adventure of time

Fay looked at Allen as he entered the room and smiled slightly at him. He didn't seem to be in a bad mood, at least. Maybe he had forgotten about all of what had happened the other day? She hoped that that was the case, because she didn't feel like talking about anything that had to do with what had happened in the past. She just wanted to forget about it, but if she knew Allen right, he wouldn't let it go that easy, depending on what Dean had told him, of course. She mentally prepared herself that Allen would at least mention it, although she just wanted it out of her mind. She took another spoon of her cornflakes and then she glanced at Allen.
Allen leaned on the chair an catch Fay looking at him. Sure was that guy Dean told him he knew Fay... But of course, it could be all a bluff, a lie to try to get rid of him. Of course, that didn't worked out for Dean, Allen was smarter, or more insensitive than he was, so he ended up dead. Not that it made Allen feel completely satisfied, tho. In that story there were still some holes; how did Dean found her? Where was all the time he had stolen from her? But the most important one was: What was the relation between them? If there was one in the first time.

"Here you go, Allen." Said the chef as he put a plate filled with all kinds of tasty breakfast foods for him. "Thanks." Replied Allen and then the chef walked into the kitchen. One thing was for sure, if Allen was to get something out of Fay, he would need to be really careful and smooth in his questions. "You didn't told me you knew the guy who robbed you." Well, so much for that....
Fay bit her lip, here we go, she thought. She swallowed some cornflakes still in her mouth, looking down at the rest of the milk and cornflakes still in the bowl, before she looked at Allen again. "Yeah, I know", she said and played around with the spoon in the milk a bit. "I guess I didn't think of it", she said and ate some more. What more was there to say? "I didn't think it was important since you didn't really ask me about it...", she said, but she wasn't sure if that was really the truth. "But yes, I know", she said, but then she stopped. Know, knew? Allen had used 'knew' instead of 'know'. Did that mean that Dean was dead? She looked at Allen, a bit confused or maybe scared. "You... you killed him, didn't you", she said, and looked down at the cornflakes. "Otherwise you would have asked me if I know the guy who robbed me, not if I knew him", she said and glanced at him, not sure whether she should cry or laugh.
Damn English language! Though Allen as he realized he did said knew since he had killed him. "I'm not going to argue about this again, Fay. I have a job. I worry about you." Said Allen. "Whoever that guy was he was a threat. And I saw I was not going to convince him to stop stalking you, so I did what it had to be done. Period." Explained him. "That guy claimed to know you. He claimed you owe him..." Then he sighed. "The important thing is that you are safe now." Then, after a few seconds of uncomfortable silence he looked at her again. "How much of that story is true, Fay?"
Fay looked at her cornflakes again. Allen wanted to know what was true, which meant that he didn't fully trust Dean, she thought. She could make something up, pretending like she had no idea what that guy was talking about. That wouldn't make sense though, she thought, Allen would maybe see it trough and knowing that she had lied to him, maybe made him unsure of if she really could be trusted. She sighed, she had no idea what to say. She thought about it in her head. Yes, she owed Dean. She bit her lip, again. If Dean was dead, she'd never be able to return the favour to him. She would always owe him. Or maybe his friends will find me, she thought, and looked out the window, as if she expected someone standing outside looking at her. She looked out the window with a scared pair of eyes for a few seconds before glancing at Allen. "I don't know. I don't know what he told you", she said and looked at the cornflakes again. Maybe she could make it sound better than it actually was, depending on what Allen knew. At least, that was her thought.
"Would you tell me a different story if he hadn't told me anything?" Asked Allen. "Look, you don't want to tell me? That's fine. But if you are going to tell me, then I want the truth." Said Allen in a confident tone. "And one more thing; If you are in troubles, you must tell me, alright? Better safe than sorry." Said him as he ate the final bits of his breakfast. Then, looking at Fay he realized he was starting to miss that smile she always used to have. Whatever was going on between her and whoever was stalking her, even if was now dead, did erased that smile.

"Hey, did you liked Mika? She's new... Well, not new, new. She was working at some building with your father. He moved her here a few months ago." Said Allen trying to change of subject, even if it was just to distract Fay for a few minutes. "It's kind of cute, isn't she?"
Fay felt a bit relieved that Allen had dropped the subject, at least for now, that he hadn't pushed her further. It felt good knowing that it was OK if she didn't want to tell him. Not like she thought that he would force her in any way, since he was there to protect her, but she was a bit unsure, after all. It felt so weird, since she trusted Allen so much, but at the same time, he killed people now and then as if it was normal. Fay didn't understand how he could be so different. So caring and protective but also so cold.

She nodded slightly, didn't really care about that Mika. "We didn't talk that much", she said. "I don't think she's cute. Well, I mean, she's OK, but she isn't what I think of is cute", she said, trying to explain it although her mind was still somewhere else. She wasn't sure whether she was happy that he had changed the subject, or even more sad than before. "I think I could tell you some of what is going on. Was, I guess", she said, a bit confused, but sounding determined. "You can ask me anything you'd like to know and then I'll answer it if I want to, and then you can just ask something else if I don't want to answer it. I think maybe that's easier, I'm not sure how much I can bring up right now... but... since it's already... brought up, why not keep going?" she said and looked at him, determined to at least tell him something.
"Alright, Fay." Said him nodding. "What did you owe that guy, and how did you managed to owe him something?" Asked Allen. Mika wasn't cute? Well, I may be weird, but I kind of like how she looks... Thought Allen. "Is any of his friend able to get to you? Should I worry about any other thing related to this?" Asked him again. Maybe I should talk with her more often... She said she was from Russia or from Ukraine? I do know Russian... But I think they speak different in Ukraine.... Thought him. "And there was a blind girl in the story. Do you know her?"
Fay looked away, she wasn't sure what to say. What did she owe him? Love, life, time? It had been so long, she had a hard time remembering. Or maybe she just didn't want to remember. "I... I'm not sure of what I owe him", she said, thinking about how he had reacted when she had left. Just thinking of it made her stomach hurt. "I let him down... he trusted me... loved me", she said, forcing the words out of her mouths, and closed her eyes, putting her forehead in her hands. "He saved me... and... expected me to do the same, but I didn't...", she said, not sure if she was just rambling thoughts that was spinning in her head or if that was what had really happened. She put her hands in her lap and looked at her cornflakes. Maybe it's too much to say, she thought. She didn't want him to worry. "I guess his friends knows... and... now that he's dead...", she said, not sure of how to finish the sentence, "I don't want to die", she said, almost whispering. She starred at the cornflakes as if she had just thought of something important, as if she understood something. Her eyes were filled with fear. "I didn't return what I owe him... and now he's dead... no way of making things right", she said and curled up, bending her legs to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. "The worst thing you can do", she said quietly, still starring at the cornflakes as if she wasn't really there.
All that 'die' talking took him out of his thought suddenly. Looking way more serious than he had ever been, he looked at Fay and gently put a hand on her shoulder. "Nobody is going to harm you, alright? I won't allow them." I will kill them all if I need to, added him in his head. "But you must tell me more this. I need more information, names, places... All you can remember, Fay." Asked him softly. The only bits of kindness and patience he had, he always used them with Fay. That little girl had turned more than just a job for him over the years, and even if he didn't wanted to admit it, Allen knew it well. "I need you to trust me. If you are in danger, I need to know it."
((Just tell me if it's too dramatic or anything... I feel like I over-do it sometimes... you know what I mean?))

Fay shook her head and swallowed. "No. I don't want to remember", she said and looked away. She tried thinking about it though - names, places, anything. She remembered Dean's eyes, the way he had looked at her. Furious and terrified at the same time.

'Listen very carefully, Fay. You love me. You love me and don't ever again say that you don't. Don't even think about it', he said and hugged her, holding her too tight. Made it hard for her to breathe. 'I love you', Fay forced herself to say, just so that she could take another breath. He wouldn't loosen his grip though, not this time. What did she do wrong? She said it again and again, telling him how much she loved him, she had to get air into her tightened chest. His grip, squeezing her too tight, remained the same. No matter what she said. 'I want you to mean it, it has to be true', he whispered in her ear. She couldn't make a sound, too weak to even gasp for air. And yet his grip remained too tight, squeezing her chest, causing her to panic on the inside - her body was too weak to fight back. No air.

"I can't breathe", Fay whispered, hugging herself. "He's holding too tight, Allen... he won't let me go", she whispered, panic in her voice. "I can't breathe", she said, slowly starting to hyperventilate. "It hurts."
"Hey, hey. Don't worry." Said Allen getting up and kneeling next to her to be at her same height. "Fay, look at me. He can't harm you anymore, alright? Hey, look at me." Asked Allen, gently putting his hand on her arm. "Calm down, Fayette. Breathe. I'm here and I wont let anyone harm you. That's a promise." Said Him. "Look at me, Fay. I will take care of everything, alright? You just try not to think about it." Said him, then he got up. "Let me get you some water. It will make you feel a lot better." Said Allen as he went for a glass of water for her.
Fay listened to what Allen said, and tried to think about that he was still there, and as he said, Dean couldn't hurt her anymore. She closed her eyes when Allen went away to get her some water, trying to slow her breath down. The feeling of Dean holding her too tight wouldn't let go, she still had the feeling of not being able to breath. It made her feel sick.

She sat down on the floor, putting her forehead in her hands. She felt vulnerable, and she didn't like letting Allen see that. On the other hand she wouldn't like to be alone either. She covered her ears with her hands, not wanting to hear Dean or anything that belonged to the past.
Allen saw Fay sitting on the ground when he returned from the kitchen. But he didn't said a word. He had seen people pushed to the edge before, people having to endure many things, some of those way too heavy to hols by oneself. But Trying to talk them out of it wasn't of any use if the person herself wanted to. So Allen simple sat in front Of fay on the floor and put the glass of water in front of her. Then he simply waited there, not interrupting her, but neither leaving her, since he could say she needed him there, with her.
It got silent, she didn't hear Dean's voice anymore. Soon she looked at Allen, and then the water. She took the glass with both of her hands and drank some of it, slowly. "Thanks", she said and put the glass down, still with some of the water in it. She looked away, she felt ashamed of it, of showing herself that weak. "Promise you'll protect me", she said, although she felt selfish, thinking of all the horrible things Allen did to protect her.
"I promise." said him with a smile. An he will, no matter what. "Come on, let's cheer you up." Said him getting up and offering her his hand to help her get up. "What about if we go for a walk through the city? Maybe we can find a nice shop to get you a dress?" Said Allen. A small shop would be better than a crowded mall for sure, and a handcrafted dress for sure will be better than one of those at the famous brands at the mall. "So, what do you say?"
Fay nodded slightly. "Sounds good", she said and got up. Some air could do her good, she thought. "I'll get ready then", she said and went out of the room and a while later she was in the hallway, fully dressed, ready to go.
Some air should cheer her up. I hope. Thought Allen as he went to pick up some things from his office before walking out of the house. Allen was worried about all that was happening, but he was going to endure it for the both of them if he needed to. "Ready?" Said him when he looked she was all dressed and ready to go. Always offering her a smile, Allen walked out of the house with her, more than guarding her, actually accompanying her in their walk.

They kept walking slowly for quite a while, enjoying that cloudy weather the British isles where well known for. "Feeling any better?" Asked Allen.
Fay nodded slightly as they walked. "Yes, it's a bit better now", she said and glanced at him, happy that he cared about her. Who else would understand? She looked down a bit as they walked.
When they got there, Fay looked around. It wasn't that big, but she liked it. She looked at the dresses and found them even prettier than the once at the mall, and she hoped that her mother would think the same. "What do you think my mother will like?" she asked and looked at Allen.
"Well, you know her better than I do." Replied Allen with a smile. In the end, she was her mother. "But If I know her good enough... I would go for a classy one. Something long with few details." Said him. "But if I know you, I would add color. Maybe not something too audacious.... But something blue. Maybe even red, if the dress is beautiful enough." Explained Allen. "Oh, what about something emerald green? Classy, yet young and cheerful." Allen was trying real hard to make her feel better, but to be honest, around her all of that came out naturally.