The Actor and the Au Pair

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Sophia knew that Cody was not fine when he said he was. She took a step back when he got up and let him walk by her towards the kitchen. She watched from the door and tried to figure out what happened. When he came back in and got back in bed, she stayed by the door to the bedroom. Then he began to talk and Sophia gasped at the reason behind his anger. Had she not told him before? She thought she had!

"Oh my goodness... Cody, I'm so sorry. I thought I have told you. Oh God.." She moved to sit on the edge of the bed, keeping her distance since he was so angry. And rightly so. Tears began to fill her eyes and she bowed her head. "I thought I had said something. It was a little last minute decision and I thought I had mentioned it to you. Oh Cody, I'm so sorry. I love you so much and I would never want to hold that kind of information from you. I want to spend every moment I can with you and having you upset with me is the worst thing ever." Wiping her eyes, she looked around the room and tried to think of what she should do. Maybe she should sleep in the living room tonight... She glanced up at Cody, worried that he would still be upset with her. "What can I do to make this up to you? I'll do anything. Please, I don't want to lose you Cody." Looking into hi eyes, she let him see her heart break and the love she had for him.
Cody silently stared at her as she spoke, seeing the tears form in her eyes. Just that mere sight made his own heart break and tear up slightly. Seeing the heartbreak and love in her eyes, he closed his own blue-green eyes and took a steadying breath before opening them again. Remaining silent, he sat up and pulled her into his lap as he held her gently, running his hand through her hair soothingly. "You're not going to lose me," he whispered softly to her as he kissed the top of her head. "I love you," he whispered even softer before laying her beside him and wrapping himself around her. "It's going to be okay," he said soothingly to her before closing his eyes. "Now get some rest. You've got a long trip tomorrow," he whispered softly.
Sophia continued to cry, even as Cody pulled her onto his lap and hugged her. "Oh God, I'm such a horrible girlfriend.." She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tight as she buried her face into his neck. She continued to tell him how much she loved him and how sorry she was. She let him pull her down to lay with him and shook her head when he mentioned her long trip tomorrow. "Actually... I don't."

She looked up at him and sniffled, trying to stop her tears. She wiped her eyes with one hand while she explained. "When I went upstairs to pack, Amelia told me that she had a family emergency and she's taking the kids to Melbourne in the morning instead of Sydney. She offered me a weeks vacation so I could stay here with you and I accepted. So I was hoping that I could move my stuff down here tomorrow morning and stay in your suite with you. I'll understand if you say no. I can still stay up with Mikael and just visit."

Looking at him, she prayed that he wasn't mad anymore. Seeing him mad at her was such an awful feeling and she didn't want him to ever be so mad to not look at her. It broke her heart.
Cody kept his arms around his girlfriend, holding her gently as he listened to the sound of her voice. The moment she explained about her staying, he felt even worse, hating making her cry for no reason. He teared up and didn't bother holding them back. He closed his eyes and took a deep shaky breath. "I'm sorry..." He whispered softly, her voice shaking as he held back as many tears as he could.

"I love you so much sweetie," he whispered softly as he hugged her gently. "I-I never wanted to hurt you," he told her as he tightened his arms around you. "I don't want to lose you...I want you to stay with me," he told her gently as he took several breaths in ordered try and calm down though it didn't work. "I'm so sorry," he whispered softly.
Sophia curled up into Cody's arms and listened as he apologized. Reaching up, she wiped his tears away and held his face in her hands before leaning in to give him a soft, loving kiss. "Sweetie, its okay. You're not gonna lose me. I love you too much. It's just really new to me and I'm very forgetful. I thought I had told you so that was completely my fault. However, you now have me all to yourself for an entire week starting right now. Let's celebrate that, okay?"

She cleared her throat to stop her crying and wiped away the last of her tears before leaning in to kiss his away. She smiled at him and cuddled up to him, brushing her nose against his. "Tomorrow, I will make you a delicious breakfast before you have to go on set. And when you get back, I will have a nice warm dinner waiting for you."
Cody let her kiss his tears away and sighed softly, returning her gentle kisses. She mentioned him having her all to himself the entire week which made him smile slightly. At the mention of a breakfast and then dinner, he kissed her neck gently. "God has blessed me so greatly to call you mine," he whispered softly. He kissed her lips affectionately before wrapping himself around her and closing his eyes. "Get some rest, Soph." He said softly before yawning and falling asleep.

The next morning when he woke up, he stretched out and yawned before heading to the bathroom, stopping his clothes off and fixing his shower water. He stepped in after it warmed up and stood there for awhile, thinking about Sophia and how much he loved her. He quietly washes his hair and applied the conditioner then washed his body and rinsed it out. Stepping out, he wrapped the towel around his waist and secured it before walking out, smiling at the smells that filled the suite.
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Sophia woke up when Cody turned on the shower. She yawned and stretched out on the bed before getting up. She brushed her hair and pulled it up in a ponytail before heading to the kitchen to make Cody the breakfast she had promised. She searched around and found everything she needed for a small breakfast casserole. She cubed some bread before putting it in a casserole dish with some browned sausage meat. Pouring a blend of eggs and seasoning over the bread and sausage, she sprinkled cheese over the whole thing and put it into the oven to bake.

While it baked, she cut up some cherry tomatoes and sliced up some fruit for a fruit salad. She heard the shower turn off and smiled, waiting to see Cody walk into living room. "Morning baby! Did you sleep well?" She popped a piece of melon into her mouth and motioned to him for a good morning kiss.
Cody walked over to her, the leftover water on his skin making the lights bounced off him. He kissed her passionately, enjoying the feel of her lips on his as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "I slept amazing," he said softly as he smiled to her. Looking down at the towel, he chuckled lightly and kissed her head. "I'm going to go get some clothes on...after I figure out what smells so good," he said and walked into the kitchen. Seeing te oven on, he popped a piece of watermelon into his mouth and opened the oven door, seeing the breakfast casserole. "That looks amazing baby," he said and kissed her cheek.

When he walked into his room, he found a pair of dark jeans and a black button up shirt. After getting dressed,he slipped on his shoes and socks before going to te bathroom. He gelled his hair though he made sure it was still soft, and he silently walked back out, hopping on the counter.
Sophia enjoyed the view as her boyfriend walked over, still wrapped in his towel from his shower. She returned the kiss and ran her hands over his chest and shoulders before he pulled back. She giggled as he kissed the top of her head, showing off how much taller he was than her. The young woman let him look into the oven at the casserole. "Thanks. It's a recipe that I got from my roommate in college. She's a great cook and that was always one of my favorite things for her to make." She returned the kiss to his cheek and smiled. "Now go get dressed. It'll be ready soon," she said as she playfully patted his butt and winked at him. While he changed, she grabbed plates and forks from the cabinets before filling two glasses with juice for them.

The timer on the oven went off and she slipped the oven mitts on to pull the casserole out. She set the dish on top of the stove to let it cool. When Cody walked back in and sat on the counter, she moved to stand between his legs and looked up at him. "Why must you be so tall? I feel like an ant compared to you sometimes." She didn't really mind being short but she always liked to tease her friends that were taller that she wasn't short. They were simply too tall. Grinning brightly, she adjusted the collar of his shirt to smooth it out so he looked his best. She wondered how many days left they had to film. The premier was slowly getting closer and she hoped they weren't going to cut it too close.
Cody wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer as be leaned down and kissed her. "Because that's hoe I was made," he said with a laugh and kissed her again. He smiled when she adjusted his collar and he rested his forehead against hers. "Today and tomorrow if we work without breaks," he said with a smile. "Then I'll be completely yours. If we stay late tonight then we could finish it then," he said softly as he hugged her.

Hopping down, he kept his arms around her waist, patting her butt to get back at her for earlier. "Food looks good...but not as good as you," he said with a smirk as he pulled her closer. "You look so good that my self-control almost goes out the window," he said softly and kissed her jawline before smiling at her.
Sophie giggled and returned the kiss. "And you were made wonderfully. Perfect to me." She listened as he mentioned being able to finish filming today or tomorrow if they worked really hard. Leaning into his arms, she felt his hand pat her butt and blushed a little. She checked the casserole and started to cut it into squares. She scooped one piece onto a plate and added some tomatoes on the side. She set that plate in front of her glass before grabbing the second plate and scooping a big slice onto it. "Would you like any tomatoes to go with your casserole?" She fixed his plate the way he wanted before taking it to the table that was in the room. She sprinkled some pepper on her casserole before cutting off a piece. After blowing on it some, she took a bite and smiled. She had made it just right so it tasted just like it should. She hoped that Cody liked it.

"So if you finish filming, what would you want to do since I have all week to spend with you? Would you want to stay here or return to Sydney?" She was curious to see what he had planned or if he wanted to just play it by ear. She didn't mind either way. She was simply excited to have time off and spend every moment possible with Cody.
Cody shook his head as he smiled softly and watched her fix his plate. He followed her to the table and sat down, taking a bit of the casserole. He closed his eyes and savored the flavor happily. "This is utter perfection," he said softly as he looked at her and smiled, taking a sip of her drink. "Since I have you all to myself, I don't wanna stay here. I wanna go back to Sydney and introduce you to my mother and my sister," he said with a wink to her. "You can stay at my house and then I can introduce you to Mac...short for Mackenzie," he said with a smile. "She's my fennec fox. When I'm not around, my mum watches her," he said with a laugh as he explained.

He took his time eating before kissing Sophia lovingly. "You're so beautiful. Even a rose is nothing compared to you," he said quietly as he gently caressed her cheek. "I've got to head off to lunch. You being a girl and such..." He trailed off as he pulled out his credit card and gave it to her. "My gift to you. I want you to go shopping and buy yourself anything you want. I'm not doing this to buy your love, but I want to for you," he said softly as he kissed her head. "I'll see you tonight," he said before heading out.
Hearing that he liked the casserole, she grinned and danced a little in her chair. She continued to eat while he mentioned wanting to head back to Sydney so she could meet his mom and sister. "I would love to meet your mom and sister. I just hope they'll like me." When he told her about MacKenzie, she was a bit confused but then he told her that it was his pet fennec fox and she gasped in delight. "You have a fennec fox for a pet? Oh my gosh! That's amazing. They are so adorable. I can't wait to see her." She leaned over and returned the kiss, blushing at his compliment. She had a feeling that she would blush at his compliments every time. She would never get used to his wonderful compliments.

When he pulled out his credit card and told her to go shopping, she gasped and stared at him in shock. Was he serious? From the look in his eyes, he was very serious. Smiling softly, she leaned in to touch her forehead to his. "Thank you, love. That's so sweet of you. I won't spend too much but I'll make sure to grab some cute stuff." When he got up to leave, she nodded and grabbed one more kiss. "Let me know when you'll be home tonight and I can have something ready for dinner when you get back, okay? I love you. Don't work too hard."
"Promise. I love you too," he said before closing the door. He made sure he had everything before heading down the stairs to the lobby and out the front doors. He walked to his car and got in the driver's side seat, closing the door and cranking it up. He put his seatbelt on and pulled out of the parking lot, heading to the set happily.

When he arrived, he quickly went to makeup and hair, not wasting any time. When he was finished there, he changed into his costume and made his way onto the set happily. When he got into character, they did a few runs with him and Mikael before starting to work, only stopping for one break.
After Sophia cleaned up from breakfast, she went to grab her things from Mikael and Amelia's suite to move it to Cody's room. She saw the kids and Amelia one more time before they headed towards the airport. She gave each of them a hug and let the kids know that they could call her anytime they needed her. She thanked Amelia for the time off before they went off to the airport to fly to Melbourne. Once Sophia's things were tucked safely in Cody's room, she decided to take his offer to go shopping. She changed into some shorts and a colorful top before heading to the nearby city to walk around the downtown area. Finding some cute boutiques, she looked around and found a variety of cute things. She spent her morning and early afternoon doing some shopping. Sophia even looked into getting some new lingerie. Maybe she'd thank Cody with it someday...

Sophia thanked one of the boutique workers before walking out, another bag hooked in her arm. "Alright... I think that's enough shopping." After she put her bags in the car, she went to the grocery store to grab things for a nice Asian stirfry for dinner. She got everything she would need before returning to the hotel. She put the groceries away before moving to Cody's bed for a quick nap. She hoped that Cody was having a good day and was working hard.
Cody waited until lunch I text Sophia as he ate.

Hey beautiful.hope you're having a good time.

He waited for a response but when he didn't get one, he figured he was sleeping. He called the lobby of the hotel and asked the lobbyist to get a thirteen roses, one being a fake one and leave them with a note on the kitchen counter though to be quiet. "Make sure the note says, 'I'll stop loving you when the last one dies," he said with a small smile, earning a teasing look form Mikael. He knew it was a risk, and it could upset her, but he was willing to take it. He hung up as lunch ended and gladly got up, walking back over and beginning to work again.
Sophia slept for a few hours, curled up to Cody's pillow so she could smell his body wash while she rested. Unknown to her, a concierge from the hotel walked into the apartment very slowly and set the vase filled with roses on the dining table. The note was set in front of the vase before he tiptoed out to not disturb the sleeping woman. Around 5:00, Sophia rolled onto her back and yawned as she stretched out to wake up her muscles. She rubbed her eyes and grabbed her phone to check for any messages. She read Cody's message and smiled before typing a response.

I had a really nice morning and just woke up from a nap. Thank you again for letting me go shopping. That was so sweet of you. By the way, how spicy do you like your food? Do you know what time you might be home? I was thinking stir fry for dinner.

She got up and stretched a little more before heading out to the living room. She wanted to grab her shopping bags and maybe put on a cute outfit for Cody's return to the hotel. When she walked in, the first thing she saw was the vase filled with roses. That hadn't been there when she went to bed, had it? Walking over, Sophia picked up the card and read it. She instantly knew what Cody had done. Looking into the bouquet, she saw a beautifully carved wooden rose painted the same color as the other flowers. "Oh Cody... This is so sweet." She leaned in to take in the aroma and found herself grinning brightly. "That man is just too wonderful."
During a break, Cody checked his phone and smiled ever so slightly as he typed a reply.

Not too spicy and that sounds amazing. But it might be closer to ten tonight before we finish. I'm sorry baby but I have to go. I'll see you tonight and I love you.

Sending the message to her, he went back onset and put his phone away before continuing to work. When ten o'clock rolled around, he yawned softly just as they finished the last scene. He smiled slightly when they could leave and walked to his car, texting Sophia briefly.

On my way back. We finished tonight so no shooting tomorrow.

After sending the text, he drove to the hotel and parked, getting out and heading inside.
Sophia read the message and was a little sad that he wouldn't be home until later in the evening. However, it wasn't too hard to make stir fry so she could easily wait until he told her that he was on his way before putting the meal together. Walking into the kitchen, she began to cut up the vegetables into small, bite size pieces before tossing them in a container to store until Cody texted that he was heading home. While she waited, she went to take a shower and dried her hair before braiding it. She grabbed one of her new dresses and decided to change into it so she could show it off to Cody. She knew that the dress was little too dressy to be making stir fry in but it was one of her favorites from her trip today and she wanted to see what Cody thought.

When Cody sent her the text that he was heading home, she grinned and began to work on their dinner. She made sure that the table was set for two and the suite was nice and clean. She cooked the meal and was very careful about getting everything right. She tossed the stir fry around in the pan, keeping the rice from drying out while making sure everything was cooked through. Pouring the stir fry into a serving bowl, she had just put the bowl on the table when she heard Cody opening the door. Turning, she smiled at him and opened her arms for a hug. "Welcome home, sweetie!"
When Cody opened the door, he heard Sophia greet him and smiled softly almost immediately dropping his jaw at the sight of her. He stood there for several moments, trying to comprehend the look. "W-wow..." Was all he managed to say before crossing the room to her and kissing her. He wrapped his arms tightly around her waist and showing no signs of letting go anytime soon. Finally pulling his lips from hers, he moved them down her jaw and to her ear. "You are determined to make me lose myself," he whispered in her ear before kissing her neck repeatedly.

He had only been with her for about a week but it felt so much longer. He had professed his love for her and he knew that he wanted to marry her one day. He's been trying harder than he thought possible to wait until that day, but the more he saw her look as beautiful as she did in that moment, the more he wanted to make her his right then even though he knew the rules. He loved her and he wanted to show her that, buthe knew she would say no and he respected that.
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