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The Academy for Creative Talents.

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Adrian tied his sneakers, blushing as he watched her get out of bed. He knew she was going to change, and decided to look away. From her angle, she would be able to see that his ears were red with embarrassment. When she had finished, his sneakers were tieed, phone, wallet and keys in pocket. He smiled shyly as he opened up the door. "Well, then let's get going." When she had stepped out, he closed the door after them, locking it and giving Elie the keys before he grabbed onto her hand. He held onto it tightly as they walked together. He just hoped that there was nothing to trigger him anywhere near the shopping district. He had a feeling that she would start getting mad at him for it.
Elie took the keys once Adrian had offered them, putting them into her purse. She smiled when she felt his hand take hers and she responded by holding his hand tightly as well. "Don't worry, everything will be fine." She replied, "Even if you start to have problems, it will be alright." She began to walk close to him, hoping that if he felt the comfort from her that he would do a little bit better. Plus, she just liked being close to him. She knew there would be people around there, but hopefully he wouldn't be bothered and he would just focus on them being together instead.
"I... I'm going to go do something, so you just look around, okay? We'll meet at the frozen youghurt shop in half an hour." Adrian kissed her cheek and lips briefly as he went off with a smile. He made his way through the crowds for a jewelry store. After a few moments he had found what he was looking for. A silver necklace. Or, necklaces. They were a set. If one put them together, they formed a set of two umbrellas, and you could have letter pendants hanging from the umbrella hooks. Adrian had an "A" put in one umbrella hook, and an "E" in the other one. He payed for the things, having it packed as a gift before he left the shop with a smile on his face. He hid the gift in his pocket. He had seen it the day they had come there, and he wanted to give it to her ever since.
"Oh, alright." Elie said, slightly surprised that Adrian wanted to go off on his own, maybe he was starting to feel more confident in himself. "Okay, I'll see you later." She replied, giving him a quick kiss in return. While Adrian was gone, she went around the stores hoping to find something interesting. Stepping into a book store, she went towards the area of the cook books and picked one out. "Maybe...I can help him more." She whispered to herself and paid for the book, placing it into the bag then heading for the frozen yogurt stored where Adrian wanted to meet.
Adrian carried the box in his pocket, and it felt heavy and obvious against his leg. He smiled as he reached her at the shop, sitting down at one of the tables. "I'll go get them for us. Which one would you like?" Adrian asked as he looked at her. He knew he couldn't just whip it out suddenly. He needed to feel the atmosphere, he needed to play this cool, and he needed to make sure that the timing was good. He let his hand slide over the table to take hers. "So, where did you go? Did you find anything you liked?" He asked, voice soft and innocent as well as his eyes. He looked so vulnerable and cute.
Elie waved to him once she saw her, taking a seat with him. "I'll take a strawberry." She replied when he asked her what flavor she wanted. When Elie noticed he was reaching for her head she made it easier for him to take it, bringing hers to his. "I went into a few shops." She said, blushing because of the way he looked at the moment. "I did get something, I hope we'll be able to use it together." She said, she brought up her bag and pulled out the cooking book she had bought. "I'm going to learn a bit, so that you and me can try some cooking together."
"Ah, that's great. I'm going to go get it now, I'll be back in a moment." Adrian said as he leaned in to kiss her forehead, standing to go to the counter. He ordered two with strawberry and fruit topping. When he got back, he placed the biggest in front of her. There wasn't much of a size difference, but still. He gently pushed the spoon into the dessert, eating it with a smile. He loved the strawberry flavor. Inside his mind, deep down, he was worrying about when to tell her. The jewelry box felt oddly heavy in his pocket, as if making aware of its presence to Adrian. As if trying to make him nervous about what was going to happen.
"Thank you." Elie said once Adrian got back with the frozen yogurt. She took hers and took hold of the spoon. She dipped it in and took a bite. "This is great." She said after she finished that bite. She put the cook book away so it wouldn't get anything on it. "So, where did you go? Did you get anything interesting?" Elie asked, then took another bite of her snack.
"I... well... I..." Adrian reached for his pocket, drawing out the box but keeping it under the table. A few moments of tension passed as Adrian got redder and redder, nervousness showing on his features. He seemed very happy as his hand clenched around the nicely packed box. "Close your eyes." He whispered as he looked at her, moving up his free hand to brush back a stray lock of Elie's hair behind her ear. The gesture was filled with affection and gentleness.
Elie was unsure why Adrian seemed to be getting nervous, perhaps it was something that happened at a store. Maybe, he really didn't like being off on his own, but didn't want to admit it. But upon hearing his request and his gesture Elie felt a bit better. It seemed it wasn't going to be any of that. "Alright." She said with a sweet smile and slowly close her eyes. "They're closed."
Adrian withdrew the box from under the table and placed it in her hand, closing her fingers around it. He kissed the tips of her fingers while closing her hand into a fist, and when he was done, he held her hand with both of his own, circling her hand with the heat of his own. "You can open them now." His face was very red, but he had managed to hand it over and create a mood without being all too obvious about it. Not that this wasn't obvious, but he was satisfied with it.
Elie could feel Adrian putting something in her hand, then his wrapping his hand around hers. Once he said she could open her eyes, she did. She opened them slowly, first looking at Adrian with a smile then down to their hands. "Adrian, you didn't have to get me anything." Elie said, then began to open up her hand to see what it was. She noticed a box, then pulled it open, surprise appear on her face and lighting up. "A-Adrian. This is...it's wonderful. You didn't have to buy this." She leaned in and gave him a thank you kiss. "Can you put it on me?"
"Sure, if you'll put mine on too." Adrian said with a smile as he stood up. He'd finished what he was eating, anyways. He took the necklace, waiting for Elie to pull up in her hair before he gently put it around her neck, clicking the lock. The chain gleamed silver against her skin, and he leaned down, hands on her shoulders as he kissed the crook between her neck and shoulder. "Beautiful." He muttered as if sleepy, hands leaving her as he took the other necklace, giving it to her. "Well? Do you like them? It's actually a Japanese thing, putting two names under an umbrella. It's a way to signal a couple, just like we put names in hearts. I thought it was very sweet."
Elie held up her hair as he put the necklace on her. Once done she set her hair done and took a look at it. "I love them." She said, just before she took the other one. She helped him with his. Then gave him a thank you kiss on his cheek. "It is very sweet, they're perfect Adrian. Thank you." She smiled and took his hands gently. She rested her head on his chest as she hugging him. "I love you so much."
"I love you too." Adrian knew that the necklace thing was a bit girly, but he enjoyed seeing her happy expression. The feeling of being connected to her in a special way, not just by a ring like usual, but another object that only they could decipher, that made him feel a joy that he had never really felt before. He leaned in over the table and kissed Elie with all he had, cheeks going completely red by the time he pulled back from the kiss.
Elie returned the kiss, and didn't stop until he broke away. She blushed when she saw that his cheeks were red. She took hold of his hand and held it tightly, smiling at him. The other hand she brought back up to the necklace, holding it for a bit. He went all that way by himself, through crowds just to buy it. Whether he knew it or not, he really was great, maybe he just did need to realize that. "I'll wear it all the time, just make sure you wear yours, okay."
"Of course I'll wear mine. Let's go back..." Adrian was eager to get her in private again, as he could feel eyes on the both of them. What made people so interested? Couldn't the two of them just be left alone? Why did they have to be such targets of attention? He pulled her along with him to a more secluded area, taking her hand in his own. "I'm sorry... I get flustered when people stare at me like that..." He muttered as he blushed quite deeply. As he stood there, he let himself lean in closer, until their lips were almost touching. He wouldn't go closer than that, asking silently for permission with that action.
"Okay." Elie stated, she started to stand up. She wasn't surprised that Adrian had already started to pull her along with him. She just tightened her grip on his hand, to help make him feel better. "You don't have to be sorry, Adrian. I know that you do, and it's alright. Many people don't like being stared at." She said. She smiled when he was bringing his lips closer to hers. "Besides, I like being alone with you more than in public." She whispered, then closed the gap between their lips.
Adrian kissed back, his hand pressing into the tree behind Elie's back as they kissed. He used the tree to support himself as he kissed her, his hands slowly leaving there to put on her hips instead. His lips parted, tongue moving out to gently carress her lips as he moved his hands up her back and into her hair. It was like he had gotten more bold with her since last night, as if a barrier between them had been broken so that they weren't awkward about this any longer. Something about it made Adrian immensely proud of himself.
Elie was quite surprised that Adrian was suddenly much more bold. It was refreshing and made her blush a bit when she thought about it. While he placed his hands on her, she wrapped her arms around him neck and brought her body closer to him. She leaned against him a bit, and continued to deepen their kiss just as he did. A smile formed at the corner of her lips, glad that Adrian was getting more relaxed with her. It meant that they were getting closer to each other.
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