The Academy for Creative Talents.

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Adrian nodded furiously as he tightly hugged her, fingers digging into her back. He felt horribly lonely inside after she had left him, his heart breaking apart with the loss. His father had always been out of the question. "I miss her, Elie... I miss her, she was the only one who ever took real care of me..." He sobbed into her chest, trying to move himself closer to her. He knew that she would feel bad not doing anything, but he couldn't help it. He was broken down.
"It's okay, you're suppose to miss her." Elie replied, still holding him tightly and as close to her as possible. "You're suppose to be sad, but think, you enjoyed cooking together that's what you did. Then she would be happy if your still enjoying it, think of the happy times when you cook. And...she's not the only one now, I'm here for you." This one was going to be hard for her to make him feel better, she didn't really know anything about this. She couldn't tell him she knew how he felt, she didn't but she was going to do everything she could to try and help him through it.
"I know... I'm... I'm really sorry for upsetting you like that... I just... I loved her so much and I... I was reminded of it... I'm sorry..." Adrian bit his lip as he wiped away his tears, feeling awkwardly guilty. He did not want to be a nuisance, but he felt like that was all that he had done. He was hopeless, always breaking into his own fits of sadness, unable to figure out what he wanted to do with himself. If he could just be normal... and happy with her, happy as it was, there wouldn't be such problems... but they were there, like painful knives to stab into his mind in order to make him surrender.
"You don't have to apologize Adrian." Elie replied, "The way you feel really is normal Adrian, when something like this happens people are sad, people miss someone. It's the way things go. I know, but maybe you should try and think of the times she was there with you. Maybe, you should remember her when she was happy because that's what she would want."Elie continued to rub his back gently for comfort, "You don't have to go through this alone anymore Adrian. I'm here, you can feel sad, be upset, I'm here."
Adrian nodded as he closed his eyes, burying his face into her shoulder. "I'll try. I'll make her proud of me, at last." He said, voice cracking as he started sobbing again. His hands were painfully clenched, almost drawing blood from his palms. He was a sobbing mess, his arms trying to close around Elie and envelope himself into her warmth. If was the only safe thing he felt he had left. Something like this, something like this was the only thing that he felt he could hold onto and not lose. He hoped that this feeling was true to him.
"I'm sure she's already been proud of you." Elie whispered to Adrian. She could feel that he was trying to keep her close, which she responded back by holding him more tightly. "You might not believe me, but your a wonderful person Adrian. You make me so happy. I never believed I could just relax and enjoy myself until you came into my life. All I did was be busy, it feels so great when I'm with you."
"I love you too. You've made me feel exactly the same way; my heart beats for you, I feel like it has forever. I've been empty without this feeling. Thank you for giving me that much." Adrian closed his eyes as he kissed her softly, closing his eyes as he moved his hands through her hair, pulling her closer to him. He was happier than he had ever been before, even if his heart wrenched with pain.
"You don't have to thank me, it's love after all." Elie said just before he gave her a kiss. A light blush formed on her cheeks as he kissed her. She could feel his hand running through her hair and her body being brought closer to him. Upon that feeling she moved herself closer and leaned against his chest with hers. She was glad that she was able to help him feel better after all.
Adrian blushed heavily, but ended up deepening the kiss, his hands wound around her waist instead. He moved even closer to her, the shared heat making him feel safe and calm. He was happy to be with Elie like this, in a moment where they could just feel each other without having to worry about the world around them. A moment where he could feel safe and feel like he could breathe.
Elie enjoyed the feeling of Adrian's arms around her. She knew that being like this was something that helped the both of them. When he started to move closer, so did Elie bringing her body to his and leaning against him. Elie knew she couldn't change what happened, but she wanted make Adrian feel better. All she wanted to do was make him happy and feel better. She continued to kiss him back, glad that it was helping and plus she just loved it too.
Adrian pulled back after a few moments, a little smile on his face with the tears that he still had no means of stopping. "I... I love you. Thank you." He whispered, his forehead leaning against hers. A large load of emotion was swelling inside of him, rendering his body useless. He couldn't move, only let the tears flow and his arms wrap around her like a tight blanket. He was warm, yet shaking as if cold. He was smiling, yet crying in despair. Conflicting, strong feelings bottled up inside him finally made their way out as water spilled from a waterfall.
Elie gave him a smile once he broke away from her, "I love you too." She whispered back. At times she wished that she could wipe away the tears for him, but sometimes it was the best thing to just let things out. She wanted him to know that she was there to help him through anything, he could say or do anything with her and she would just love him more. She continued to smile at him, though brought her hand up gently to his cheeks and started to wipe away a few of his tears.
Inside of his being, Adrian could feel the bottled up feelings starting to spill out. It made him confused, and his fuzzy mind could barely withstand all of these new sensations. But on top of that... he actually felt some closure. He felt how all the things that were in there would come out. When the pain subsided, there wouldn't be anything left that hurt him anymore. He should have thought of this many, many years ago. If that was the case, he might have realized his feelings earlier, he might have become happy...
Elie smiled at him, still trying to get some of the tears away to make him more comfortable. She would just try her best to comfort him, it was all she could do in this situation. She wished there could have been more for her to do, but there wasn't anything else. He had to let it all out and she would be there with him when he did. "I want you to be happy Adrian." Elie started to say, "So just let everything out. I'm here to be with you."
Adrian let out small bursts of emotion the next few hours. Sometimes crying, sometimes screaming, sometimes curling on the floor and shutting the world out, sometimes laughing like a madman, everything just to get over the feelings bottled up inside of him. He knew that all of those things mixed together bound to make him crazy, so he had to find some way to deal with it. When it was finally over, he was exhausted and resting on Elie's lap.
Elie just let Adrian do what he needed to do. It was better for him to get it all out, maybe then he would start to feel better. She hated that he was going through all of it alone also, so she just stayed with him through it all, comforting him when he needed it. Once he was done, Elie happily let him rest, keeping him tightly close to her and trying to make him feel as safe, comfort and loved as possible.
Adrian only took a few seconds to wake up again from his exhaustion as he looked up at her with a smile on his face. "What do you want to do now?" Adrian asked gently as he sat up from her lap, stroking her hair. He kissed her gently on the cheek and the neck, hugging her lightly as he wrapped himself around her. "I feel so comfortable like this, Elie. Thank you for going here with me, thank you so much." He whispered lightly.
Elie smiled, "I wanted us to come here together, and I think we chose right." She replied. She gave him a kiss on his cheek in return. All she wanted to do here was be alone with him, without anyone coming in and awkwardly see them. This place gave them that and much more, Elie was very happy with the way the trip turned out. "What to do now?" She then thought about it, "Well, is there anything you really want to do?" Elie knew Adrian had trouble in some situations, she didn't want to make him uncomfortable by doing something that bothered him.
"Not really... maybe we could go out to eat or go on a shopping trip? There was a shopping street about 15 minutes by foot from the beach, wasn't there?" Adrian asked as he blushed lightly. He wanted to also shop in local shops for food they could make together in the evening, and more than that, he wanted to spend the day with her outside, not just spending their time in the house. But going to the beach was a bad idea, so he hoped that this time it wouldn't go as bad. "I-I'll go dress." He said, blushing as he got up from where he was. He pulled on underwear and knee-length denim shorts. He pulled on a button shirt with short sleeves, a fedora and a vest. He pulled on ankle socks and dug out his sneakers. "S-so. When should we go today?"
Elie was glad he seemed to be doing better, and even wanted to do something that wasn't inside the house. "That sounds like a great idea. We can check out some of the shops down here." She replied as he changed. It would probably be a good idea for her too. "We can get going as soon as we're ready." She added in, commenting to his last question. She slipped on her shirt, and her white shirt but decided to leave her jacket she figured she wouldn't need it. After all her cloths she needed were on, she pulled on her own shoes and gave him a large smile."It will be fun." She said, raising out her hand for him to take after she slipped her purse onto her shoulder.
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