Tenuous Conviction

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He whispered her meadows
Filled with flowers
While she closed her eyes and believed
But when she woke up
She saw all around her
Nothing but sand and scorching sun
And he was nowhere to be seen
Two souls drift close to one another
Without thought, they pass near
Lock eyes with the other
A different time, they might linger
Is it fate, the circumstances?

That they draw together
While she cannot reach out,
Because her heart remembers someone else
And he wouldn't accept her touch anyway
He's too badly burnt

Souls caught on a breeze
Passing within a grasp of one another
Not strong enough to hold on
So they don't linger
Simply let themselves be carried away
Sweep me up
And let me fall
Tell me it was worth it all
Kiss me sweetly
On the cheek
Then fade away
Until we never speak
Until I met you
I was a simple bud
Unopened and untouched
The outside world hardly noticed

Then you spoke to me
Before I had begun to notice
You found an opening in this barrier
While I was captivated by you and allowed it

Sweet words coaxed them open
Unveiling silken petals I did not know I possessed
Coupled with laughter and promises, I was helpless
Without a fight I surrendered to you all that I knew of beauty
Without a word
I drove to this place
Trekked across fields
Land that could have been
Beautiful or at least peaceful

Acres of muddy soil
Dotted with white
As far as the eye can see
Interrupting the smooth scape
Immortalizing loss

It's hard to believe how fast time goes
No longer does the earth bare its wound
Grass covers its pain and makes it invisible
Here is where I am bound
Visiting you still, so you are not lonely.
Sugar sweet lips
With that seductive smile
You'll play me like a fool
But I'll follow along
I like the way you move
Or the way you make my breath
Catch in my throat
Render me speechless
Laying alone in silence
Would not be so hard
If it were truly silent
But it is not

These whispers plague me
Hiss words into my ears
Reliving every restless worry
Remembering every useless detail

Until the sound of my own heartbeat
Becomes a cacophony to my mind
Unable to dream for the noise
I'm left with thoughts of you
Like a tree in the desert
You shade those around you
Provide them with what they need
Without concern for the fact that
These conditions do not suit you
Elsewhere, you might thrive
But you are not needed there
Here you sink your roots
Plant them deep into the sand
Nurture those that do not know
What you do for their comfort
Now please don't frown,
It's better when you smile.
Your cheerfulness is a warmth
And without it, it's too cold.

We know well that
Your music is your grace,
Is infuses every word you say
Makes them magic.

To these two eyes,
Everything you do amazes
So, I believe that you will succeed
No matter what you try.
woahh, i really liked "Wonder"~ especially at "infuses with every word"
you have a way with the words! :D
You will be to me
As the snow
Cold and painful
Still so beautiful
Purer than my own skin
Cleaner than my conscience
More brilliant than diamond
Heart frozen to me
Without sunlight or warmth
In that way, you will remain
Unsullied and untouchable
You dream but don't sleep
This silence you keep
Is nothing but a sleeping goodbye
Yet, love, please don't cry
I knew and you knew for so long
That something was wrong
Tried to find where the fracture lies
Until I found it, hidden in your eyes
A weed in the soil
I strangle you
Drain the nutrients greedily
Glut myself in excess
Take all that you can give
Giving nothing
Perhaps in my heart of hearts
Hoping that you will wither
Expecting you to die
Still you stand
Holding me aloft
Twining my stem with yours
To grant me sunshine
Like poison, a single drop
Spreading through the veins
Tainting all it touches
So your name ran like fire
Through my blood
Burning me inside
Until I could do nothing
Except yearn for you
Hands outstretched into darkness
Feeling for you, though I know
You've gone away
Leading me to desire
Before leaving me with it
Everything about you
Says we should get along
Your humor and your smile
Bring out only the best

Yet somehow, we were lost
Along the narrow way
Said bitter things
Perhaps I did not mean

Furious, I labeled you
Bullheaded and oblique
Still I will take some blame
Argued instead of simply agreeing to repeat

I'm sorry
Sunlight falls across you
Your form curled beneath the sheet
Golden glow upon your shoulders
As the day breaks through the window

Across the back of your neck
My breath stirs the downy hairs
While you sleep peacefully
And I wish that I could stay forever

Still I know that I must wake
From this dream that I have spun
Open my eyes to realize
Only shadows creep across the room
How I long to hold you
Close now to my heart
Enfold you in my arms
So I may whisper to you
Sweet things to make you
Feel safe and protected

For I would destroy it all
Just to let you sleep at ease
If I could but hold you
I would have secured for myself
All that I need in this world
Now and forever more
Confidence like warm rain
Unassuming yet steady and sure
Springtime's sweetest spirit
Falling across flower petals
Touching them gently
Until they turn their faces to the sun
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