Tell me a few random things about yourself!

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Well hello there, Names chris.
Short people are so awesome and fun.
Im 5'8 so not to much taller then you.
I love zombies.. here i'll say it again..
I LOVE zombies.. There so fun.. and.. awesome.. lol
Im not a rude person, I respect others. but yeah I been on here for a week and a half now, so fairly new my self.
But I like it here, I also been on Xat, have you?
Hello there!

My name is Jovian. I am a Thunder God via Zeus procreation. I spend a lot of time on Jupiter unless I'm here. And I'm here a lot, so it makes you wonder when I'm on Jupiter.

Any femslash fanfiction is a love of mine, so long as I've seen/read/played/etc the fandom that I'm reading in and actually enjoy the characters that would be slashed in the fiction. Currently, I'm in the Sailor Moon/Mai HiME/Rizzol & Isles fandoms, but have been in the Twilight (Bella/Alice), Kanazuki no Miko, Maria-sama ga Miteru, and Strawberry Panic fandoms in the past, and I'm getting geared up for Lost Girl, because I started watching that on Netflix recently.

I write, though not as much as I used to. Technically, I have... three or four novels handwritten somewhere in my room. Currently, I sleep in a room used entirely for storage with enough room for an air mattress and my tote of clothes. And that is also where all my writing is. I have one novel in the works, though it's slow coming because I think I messed up somewhere and I'm only a few chapters in. But most of my writing recently has been fanfiction.

Let's see... In case I haven't bored anyone yet, I have been getting back into Yu-Gi-Oh because of a dude that I kinda live with. He's a real hardcore player, so he got me, my brothers, and a cousin person involved in them again, though one of my brothers doesn't live here and didn't jump in for buying cards again. Since I've been dragged into that, I've seen several other card games of that sort that could be fun. I may play Pokemon again, or might start playing Magic.

I enjoy video games. I suck at most of the ones I play though. I have an Xbox 360, and several games for it that I will play if I have friends even if I die all the time. I.E. Modern Warfare 3, Halo Reach, Black Ops, Left 4 Dead 2... I also love Pokemon, much like many of the others that have piped in already. I'm not a master by any means, though, so I can guarantee that Moon's status there is not being contested by me.

Have I lost you yet? I can talk a lot. Especially about myself. Or things I'm into.
I'm bank... Hiiiii!! I'm dating Philosophia~ We are together in rl. Ummm.. I'm really random and I love anime, writing, drawing, and muuusssiiicccc!! I'm 17, Birthday is on Oct 4th, making me a Libra child. Idk what else to say, I guess message me or add me if you want to know more :P OH! And Invite me to roleplays! I'm looking for more to join!! :DD
Hi! I'm the Cosmic Weiner Dog!

I'm 6'2! You people are short!

I'm a ginger but I managed to obtain a soul on eBay for a steal.

I'm a work for the army as a Forward Observer.

I own a business called Airborne Cleaning and Maintenance LLC. It's a tiny business designed specifically to hire vets who are having problems finding jobs in today's economy. It's a soft spot for me.

I am going to school for Economics.

I play trumpet, Guitar, vocals and recently piano in a local ska band called The Casual Fridays. You find some of our stuff here -> I'm the singing mummy.

I also play Mandolin, harp, bass, drums and sorta kinda not really the harmonica

With all that musical what not that I do, I run a thing on this site called Open mic night that will be on the 16th of this month! Ya'll should come! It showcases music, poetry, live readings, art, and other talents of all you awesome Iwaku folks. This month will occur on the 16th here next week.

I'm hopelessly addicted to tabletop roleplaying. It's in mah bones.

I also really like running. It's a hoot.

I also also have a guilty pleasure for Dreams, Dream interp and the neat imagery that goes hand in hand with the subconscious mind.

Good to meet ya'll!
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My name is Lewi,

I am 100% Native American kokopelli indian, and I know all the tribe dances. XD
My first papoose (indian for baby) will be born sometime within the next month or two
I do not look like an indian in my profile picture, mainly because I hadn't tanned yet from the winter and obviously I don't live in a tent, i'm more modernized,
I am curious to see the outcome of my baby for I am engaged to a red headed man of irish decent....
I absolutely adore my spirit guide, the lynx
And I love the color purple. XD
Hi! I'm Ozzie.

I'm 5'8" and 22 years old. I'm a Virgo. My eyes are green and no, I do not dye my hair that color; it's naturally that dark. I wear glasses and I have a scar on one side of my forehead that I hide with my bangs, so I've gotten a metric fuckton of Harry Potter jokes.

I live in Texas. It's awful.

I have a total hick Southern accent that I desperately hide when I talk to people outside of my family.

I started roleplaying on forums and Yahoo chat around 2001. >___>

I would eat my steak raw if I weren't concerned for my health.

My spirit animal is the Tatzelwurm.
Welcome to Iwaku!

I'm Quill! My birthday is October 31!


I lived in England for a third of my life, then America for a third of my life, then England for a third of my life, so I can pretty absurdly alternate between strong American and British accents :3

My favorite movie is STILL "Spirit, Stallion of the Cimarron"

I'm a formatting Nazi

I am obsessed with proving I'm right when I argue about politics, education, science, same-sex marriage, capitalism, or basically anything else you aren't supposed to discuss at the dinner table, such as religion and Twilight

Disturbingly, my funnest Iwaku moment so far was roleplaying a deranged psychotic serial killer :P

I am a white, blond English girl who is bizarrely addicted to soul in ways you cannot even begin to imagine dreaming of imagining

(No, seriously, it's like fermions)

I thought it was "Uwaki" for weeks after joining
I'm Dawn! Not to be confused with my internet twin "DawnsLight" mind you.

I like: romance (especially yaoi), J and K music, charp, food, playing feisty characters, and linking the unsuspecting (and some masochists) pictures of traps.

I dislike: spiders, haters, living at home, super duper dictator anal roleplayers, and swimming in a lake with the fish and the weeds touching my legs and feet and the aaahhh nuuuu D:

I am: a shapeshifter from an unidentified universe/galaxy/planet whose body is constructed of an alien material similar to that of very old Jello (but I am NOT Jello so please do not try to eat me as it takes forever to respawn my flesh), one half of the planet-destroying siblings, and physically a woman but mentally a man.
This is brilliant. ^.^ I wonder how many people will come onto this thread and explain themselves in a few words!
I'm Nekomimist, but you can call me Meg. X3

- A work full time as a manga and video game creator.
- Part time as a martial arts instructor.
- I cosplayed for the first time when I was 8! >w< Sailor Mars!
- I'm addicted to roleplaying! *_*
- I have a large collection of figurines.
- I'm short. Not too too short,there are some people shorter than me,but short.
- I had heart surgery when I was a baby. Hole in the thing. Thanks a lot,Ilithyia... DX.
- I believe in everything. Everything. The Greek Gods have Manhattan,the Egyptian Gods are spread out across the world (Except Manhattan),the Norse Gods go anywhere,God's just doin' his own thing in Heaven,and I expect to integrate other religions into this belief as they come.
- I like Disney,and quote it often.
- Some kids had Teletubbies and Elmo,I had Sailor Moon and Card Captors. I love anime. Watch it all the time.
- I'm male.
- I love Portal/Portal 2.
Hi!! I are Luvable-lil-monster, or LLM for short. Here is a bit aboot meh.

~I'm 5'9"
~I'm overwight and I work every pound ;D
~I dislike people who start drama by spreading rumors and pitting people against each other
~I dislike people who are racist, homophobic, anything that's just downright rude...
~I'm a Jew
~I'm at job corps in the Ozarks in Arkansas at the moment
~After I graduate from job corps, I plan on moving back to Kansas to stay for a year until I can get in-state tuition to K-State, where I will major in Psychology and minor in Creative Writing, going on to become an Adolescent Psychologist
~I don't understand people. Like, at all.
~Normal people scare me
~I've lived in Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Kentucky, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Arkansas
~I have a recurring dream about life-size Barbies that come to life and take over my town but they have no faces (just a hollow head with a gaping hole in the front)
~My favorite color changes daily, but it's usually blue
~I love to make people feel better about themselves, no matter how bad it makes me feel
~No matter whether I know you or not, I love you. You will never be alone, just talk to me. I will do everything in my power to make your day even a fraction of a bit brighter.
~I am a fat kid. I like candy and cakes. A lot.
~I never get any mail here (sad face) so I really want a pen-pal thing, but I don't know how to get it started.
~Iwaku is my only link to the world outside job corps. Everything else is blocked.
~I love you.
Hi everybody! (Hi Dr. Nick?...)
I am MohawkMan! I'm pretty boring, really...

I'm 5'11, and so light that I technically could be classed as anorexic, even though I have no eating disorder.
I have no allergies or phobias (at least that I'm aware of at this moment in time)
I'm generally pretty quiet because I suck at making conversation (unless you happen to be into Metal, in which case I could rabble on for years about various bands and genres.)
I don't play any instruments, because I'm boring like that.
I love gigging and have bought a shirt at every gig I've been to, and have my tickets up on my wall.

I'm not sure what else to say.
+ I am 5' 1 1/2"

+ I love pretty much all animals, especially dolphins and wolves

+ I draw, right, read and animate

+ I am a super procrastinater
- I'm 5'8", which technically is tall but I still feel short compared to others around me.
- I love reading, in fact I was known for it in school, I always had at least two books with me so I had another one to start with when I finished the first.
- I'm allergic to many animals and have asthma but I can't live without animals, currently we have 1 cat and 7 dogs.
- I've been riding since I was young and have managed to not fall off much, but almost two years ago I fell off, strained my back, got a severe concussion and believed it was April when it was the end of June, and I couldn't keep a thought in my head for more than a few seconds for a few days, and due to that I'm still terrified of jumping although I don't remember the accident.
- I'm shy and a loner and have to get to know people before I open up and starts to talk and feel comfortable.
- I'm deathly scared of snakes and clowns.
- I love to play video games, write, draw and play cards.
- I'm also a candy lover, and unfourtunatly allergic to peanuts (they are so tasty).
- I removed my tonsils when I was in second grade as they had swollen up so much, my wounds opened during recovery and I almost choked on my own blood, apparently the bed was drenched.
- My memory is terrible even before I fell of the horse, and I also have a tendency to hit my head whenever I fall.
- People say I'm good with animals.
- I'm afraid of the dark and would not be able to sleep in a room that had a large closet or even worse a walk in closet.
- Even though I scare easily I still love to watch scary movies at times.
- My dad has been in a wheel chair since before I was born and I've been helping with him and my parents kennel since I was avle to.
-I have bad joints and I'm only 24, I feel old:(
Heyla and well met! I'm Tribs, I'm the weird half other half of Kehvarl, your friendly neighborhood Code Dragon.

* I'm short, 5'1" on a good day and I am Super Duper Death Fat Fluffybuttoms. I'm working on it.

* I read a great many books, mostly fantasy. My current favorite author is Pratchett.

* I'm Gibs's Swordbro. We fill the chat with weapon porn. It's wonderful.

* Me and October both have a shoe fetish though October has nice shoes and I don't because I love shoes but I'm a hermit so I don't need them.

* Kitti loves socks. I also love socks. Together we want to give all out money. Even though, like Kitti, I prefer my feet naked. Kitti is also my online spawnling. <3

* I've been roleplaying online since 1998.

* I've been dating Kehvarl since 2000. We met online.

* I'm nearing thirty and I love mentioning to my Mom and Aunt because it makes them cringe.

* I live in Phoenix but I'm from East Tennessee. Apart from being short and round, I'm also blond-ish and pale with red Santa cheeks. When I blush, I BLUSH.

* I blush a lot.

* I love steamy hot mansex and Dawn is my Kohai forevers and I loves her so much. <3

* I have a bad cat named Tarma after a character by Mercedes Lackey. Mostly Tarma is 'AGH NO BAD CAT NO DAMMIT TARMAGEDDON.'

* Being from Tennessee, I have a southern accent but since I've been in Phoenix since 2005 it's diminished a bit.

* I've been told I have a nice voice. Those people were lying.

* I'm picky about who I RP with as I like to form lasting friendships with my partners and badger them constantly as new plotbunnies are formed in my brain.

... I can't think of anything else.
I suppose I'll divulge another couple of things, because I'm bored.

*I broke my neck in the 6th grade in P.E class.(During an activity)
*I broke my nose when I pretended to be an ostritch that was hiding it's head in a hole, and I crashed to the floor nose first.
*I used to be obsessed with 'ALF' when I was a toddler.(I grew out of it when I learned he liked to eat cats.)
* I am very indecisive.
Heyllo! I'm PutPutters. Currently a lazy student. Lol.

-I'm directionally-challenged and have no instincts. :D It took me like thirty minutes to get out from a maze that my friend took two minutes to get out of. This is also the reason I'm not fond of public transportation, because I'm sure I would get severely lost and somehow end up in like Virginia or something. Lolol

-I was born and raised in Cali (currently live in east coast) but I dislike the heat. Even worse when it's heat and high humidity levels. The ironyyy. XD

-I am so obsessed about Harvest Moon (specifically Tale of Two Towns and Cute). Farming games = love. XD I would honestly love trying out farming in real life. I've always liked animals and nature and manual labor type of work. It's sort of my goal to try out farm life in the countryside and hopefully like it and live there forever. Though it's not like I only wanted to go to the countryside after playing HM, I've always been interested in it 'cause my mom had a farming type of life in Cambodia when she was still there. Heard stories of crops, caterpillars the size of your big toe, chickens, and cows. XD Leeches too. :3

-I love being scared. The thrill is nice. Watching scary movies, going into horror houses, and going on roller coasters is always nice. Speaking of horror, I love supernatural and paranormal stuff. What can I say? I'm addicted.
I am Excesmyr, and I am a slug. Also, you pronounce it as Excess-smear.

-I like to slather myself up in Vaseline, crawl around the house, and pretend like I am a slug
-I have tourettes
-I have dermatographism
-I am 5'2 (I think)
-I am a city boy
-I was in scouts
-I dance
-I hate scary movies
I'm everstrange. Feel free to call me Strange

Since height is being thrown around I'm 5'10" so kinda tall for a female and actually the second shortest in my family. My little cousin don't count cause they are still growing...
I am going to a super nerd, technology infused college for a dual major in Information Security and Criminal Justice.
i love my college.
i adore snow and the campus is totally whited out right now.
I am a complete Homestuckian and Whovian.
I have been hard of hearing my whole life. And damn proud of it :$
I've been enjoying being a Cyborg for the past year (yes an actual Cyborg....I'm not kidding at all. Yay Cochlear!)
I love to cook and bake but hate to clean.
I have anxiety and sometimes have panic attacks though I am pretty social and outgoing. I wouldn't be anything without my friends & their support
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