teen wolf Raven& Sienna Mccall

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She laughed saying don't worry girl now where is Sarah?
Ebony smiled then when asked for Sarah thought a moment. "Oh in your room." She replied. "Come on maybe she's ready to wake up." Ebony said going to lead the way.
She nodded following and punched Scott out cold as she walked by
Ebony gave a smirk but didn't comment hearing Scott seem to had said ow just before blacking out. "She should be in here." Ebony said. "And I think she's who freaked out the most about seeing you as a wolf I still claim I've lost some marbles but not as bad as her I believe."
She says its real I am a wolf ebony it still hurts to turn really bad Sarah says ebony? Wait sienna is that you? Really you?
Ebony gave a slow nod. "Um alright... It's pretty cool though I'd say." She replied before turning to look at Sarah who seemed to be awake. "Yeah it's her." Ebony replied.
Sarah says phew!!!! The hallucination is over.
Ebony was quiet and looked to Sienna unsure if they should try and explain. She then slowly looked back at Sarah not sure what to really say or where they might could begin to try. She would say it was odd that she herself hadn't passed out or freaked when she saw what happened too but a bit more through.
Sienna just nods and leaves the room her head down she says this is your fault brother my friend hates me she smacks him so hard he bleeds she turns wolf and goes and lays in the backyard behind the house. She just curls in a ball and falls asleep.

Scott says ow what the heck was that for???? He says oh no full moon the moon comes out in the pitch black sky.
Ebony sighed looking at Sarah. "You may want to relook at it a bit more open minded...As though what if it wasn't um a hallucination. I did see it too... " She said a small whisper. "Um I'm gonna see why she might had walked off." Ebony stated and turned walking to see where Sienna might had gone. She saw Scott bleeding a bit. "I'm guessing she was here." She sighed. "I'm not sure how we can explain the super natural to Sarah or well anyone that we might should... So I was going to go check on your sister after her heading off like she did..." Ebony said to Scott she wasn't sure if Sarah followed her or not, and wasn't sure what the girl had heard her say.
Sarah had just stayed in bed and played there. Scott says she is outside in the backyard laying down but be cautious the full moon is upon us.
Ebony waved a hand. "I should be fine I've kind of ran into some odd stuff before." She replied not to worried. "Surely nothing more than as if a dog attack could happen right?" She said with a shrug. "Sorry if I'm going off of movies..." Ebony added trying to explain she wasn't aware of to much than what she may had read as a kid or seen in shows. She then headed outside to see Sienna. "Um hey. You didn't have to run off. I kind of expected her not to realize it was real or anything. I kind of thought I went crazy till Scott explained I wasn't." Ebony said when she could see Sienna in view.
Sienna says ebony I don't feel good the moon light illuminated her. She says ebony it feels like it wants to control me.

Scott howled from inside the house. He was in wolf form slowly walking up behind ebony.
Ebony glanced up slightly. "Hard telling I'm knew to having a friend who would qualify as a werewolf maybe it does." She replied and rubbed her neck. "But it is pretty..." She added her thoughts trailing off a bit she didn't really notice the howl. She often found herself distracted when looking up at the moon.
Scott growled lowly behind her until he was right behind her. He hissed at ebony his eyes glowing red.
Ebony turned seeing Scott's eyes. "Was his red when he attacked you?" She asked not sure she liked her sudden bad gut feeling. Ebony hadn't turned hearing him till he was right behind her.
Sienna was once again gone no where in sight.

Scott growled his body illuminated by the moon.
"Oh great you made her run off." Ebony stated glancing at where Sienna was quickly making sure to look back at Scott. "Well red usually means something bad... Again sorry if my thought offends you I really only have media knowledge on these things... I know there not up to date..." She said pretty sure he could understand her to some point. Ebony wondered what she would do if he was about to attack. She thought about how she was almost mauled by a dog in the street once as a kid before she moved to where she was now. She wondered if that would be the same if things came to it.
Scott launches at her attacking her leg and bites it.
Ebony immediately reacts by falling and then she tried kicking Scott when he did manage to bite her. "Gezz yep not like a dog bite at all..." She muttered pain already hitting her leg. She wasn't sure when he might let go or how bad it would be for her leg. She also wasn't sure if this meant she would end up with ears and a tail like Sienna or not but at the moment didn't care. She just wanted to get Scott off her leg.
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