Teen Titans: A New Dawn

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I'll try my best XD
To my knowledge we are still accepting ^^
Alright seriously, time to do a head count seeing as how there are only three members here that actually stayed.
You know I'm here :D
From my understanding you gave me the boot or am I allowed to still be apart of this? (Only asking because of Mina taking a chainsaw to my door everyday threatening me to post)
From my understanding you gave me the boot or am I allowed to still be apart of this? (Only asking because of Mina taking a chainsaw to my door everyday threatening me to post)
Whatev, you're in still, from what I can remember, I could care less about what she's doing, narc
I'll have to wait for this current situation to end first its kinda hard for me to jump in where its at, at the moment.
oh.... oh....... well, this is embarrassing... *scratches back of head nervously with a sheepish smile*

I could have sworn I posted not long after you did, I remember making the post and everything, but... it's not there... the hell happened?... *furrows brow in thought*

well shoot, I'll make another X3
Post stealing! *slaps iwaku* Bad!
so, how's everyone's day/night going, if I may inquire? =)
Pretty good, but cant sleep and it's morning already :/
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