*Tales of Orenthia*

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Everything was very quiet now. Quiet to the point that the wind itself could be heard. They had arrived at a sanctuary. It was surrounded with black roses and almost made the temple seem eerie. The wolf then placed it nose to the ground as a gesture of bowing. He hadn't noticed that Iliana had grasped his tail before then and nuzzled it. He was to intrigued by the sanctuary to notice. The day also disappeared just as fast as it came.

Tetsuri scanned the sanctuary a little more. It was such a beautiful place. White covered various parts of it as well as black. His ears flattened and his tail stopped swaying. He could feel an intense aura resonating within it. There was no mistaking it, this was the place of the first Oni, Iliana's mother. He averted his attention away from the sanctuary to the wolf.

"The Garden of Fei. Bow and pay your respects to the lost important ones."
Its hairs had flashed a sliver color and it continued to bow. That in return, triggered a link of colors within the others as well as himself.

It has been quite sometime since your disappearance. I always wonder if you are alive as well. One day, I will see you again and I will show you just how strong I have become. Even though father could never see it, I was always just as strong as my brother. But, it was never enough for him. He always looked the other way and only acknowledged my brother. Then, he did the unthinkable....he turned me into a weapon. I was able to break free, thanks to Iliana and I now travel with her. It turns out, that I am destined to fight along side her and save Orenthia from the Order. Well, I will see you again one day, mother.

Tetsuri looked over at the others, and then back up at the sanctuary.

The aura of all 5 of them were twisting and burning into one another, without them noticing. All heads were bows and eyes were closed as they spoke to their important ones. There was a sense of security and serenity while the colors danced and mingled into one another. Even after they were completed, the auras never ceased to stop. They danced and blinked off of the soft black petals of the roses before them. Even though the opaque hues of the flowers symbolized death and loss, it was a beautiful sight to find that the auras slid across them like silk.

Suddenly, a swelling feeling entered deep within Iliana's stomach, a feeling that rattled down to her very core. Her eyes doubled in size, each inhale feeling as if she was taking in the air of all of Orenthia and every exhale like she was sending Orenthia on a whirlwind. The notion was scaring her, to be honest. Her eyes darted rapidly to Xavien, Ritesa, and Tetsuri, but none of them were paying attention to her whatsoever. She even tried to open her eyes to say something, to let them know that she may have been exploding, but the only thing that happened was the slow of time. Iliana blinked rapidly, watching both Ritesa and Xavien raise their heads dangerously slowly. Her eyes scanned over until she saw Tetsuri looking around as well. He didn't seem affected by the time, just like Iliana.

"Tetsuri...?"she called, trying to make a step over to her before the Spiritalis turned around and sat on his hind legs. This time, time actually stopped.

"Fear not."he said calmly. At the same moment, Iliana's mouth shut and a wisp of air passed through both her and Tetsuri.

"Ah, Iliana, daughter of Yui, and Tetsuri, son of Terrios. I feared that you two would never come. Yet...here you both are." Iliana looked around for the voice and she found it.


The wisp of air was formed into a dazzling woman with long, brown hair. Iliana gasped when color started to fill the black roses. They shimmered from purple, orange, green, and continued on that pattern. There were no words to describe her beauty, so Iliana kept her lips formed in a tight line. The woman's bright blue eyes shimmered with a smile, which was what she did when she looked to Iliana's expression.

"Your expression of shock is amusing, and this is not my true form. How much you have to learn, young Oni. And you..."she said, eyes sliding over to Tetsuri with the same smile. "...You are looking more and more like Velo every day."

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Tetsuri finished paying his respect and slowly raised his head. But, in the mist of it, Xavien and Ritesa moved slowly, almost as if they were being controlled by an invisible force. Tetsuri looked over at Iliana as he felt a wisp of wind pass between them. He looked around, but saw nothing. Until a woman appeared before both Iliana and him. Tetsuri gazed at the woman as she spoke. She had known much about both Ilaian and him.

He looked over at the wolf, who had spoken earlier, stating that they had nothing to fear. Tetsuri purred softly as he walked over to Iliana and stood by her left side. The woman had turned her gaze from Iliana, and then too him as she spoke. He could feel such an immaculate aura resonating from within her. That only backed up her self-proclamtion that she was the first Oni.

"It would seem that you know much about us. But, I ask you in respect, as to why Iliana and I were chosen at birth to save Orenthia?"

Iliana had finally come back down to Orenthia. She felt as if her soul had flew away after she finished conversing with her father and excepting the presence of the Oni. She was truly a woman of grace and beauty. Iliana's cheeks flared in a blush every time her blue eyes would flicker or move. There was no emotion in her eyes but tranquility and peace. Oh, how she longed to be in that world! Would that where she would be when she turned into the Oni? Or...was she merely the angered, malice-filled woman she saw in Tetsuri's eyes hours before?

The Oni smiled when Tetsuri asked the question. The colors of their auras still flowed on their natural pace even though time was still frozen in place. The auras continued to drip across multi-colored roses.

"You two were never born as the Oni and Neko. They were both swelled inside you by the Mystics. There was a wisp of faith that raced through each crack in the wind, searching desperately for a host to compel."
While she spoke, she looked to the forest floor, fluttering her silky fingers over blades of grass. Iliana wouldn't have dared to speak up while she was talking. Besides, there was a serenity that came along with the woman's words. The Oni's blue eyes moved away from the grass and onto Tetsuri's.

"However, I would like to hear from your lips. Why do you think you have been chosen? Why do you believe the Mystics laid their arms down when the were in your presence, bowing to you wit the gift of being the Neko?"
Tetsuri could feel the Oni's soothing aura wash over him. He felt his spine tingle and it felt as if his aura danced to a beautiful melody. He listened closely, as the Oni spoke. His mother would always speak of the mystics when he was at the Order's base and he always enjoyed her telling them to him. Tetsuri closed for a few seconds then opened them once again.

The Oni before him was a gentle one. Unlike the violent one that Iliana had turned into. He looked over at Iliana for a moment. His ears flickered, and he turned his attention back towards the Oni that spoke.

"I am not sure as to why they have chosen me to take on this task. But, I have accepted it fully. I want to and will protect Iliana, no matter how tough the fight may be. I will never let any harm come to her. I have the power to save her and this world along side her."

The Oni was taken aback at Tetsuri's words. So much, in fact, that she had to pause in her grazing on the grass and flowers before her. The moon crawled higher in the sky, dancing in time with the aura and the roses, making the scene a revolving dimension of color. The eyes of the Oni were luminescent as well when she brought them to Tetsuri's.

"The answer is much more than I expected, young Neko. You have answered in the words of your own mouth, but with the voices of a million. You echo their feelings and mirror their emotions with such simple sentences."she said, bringing her head over to the sky above her. Iliana, mesmerized by her movements, followed the motion and looked skyward to see streaks pass through the sky. At first, they seemed to be shooting stars, but they were different colors and held something else to them. Something...ancient and majestic. Iliana smiled unwillingly when she saw several streaks color the black and dark indigo of the sky.

"Protecting Iliana no matter what. That is what you said. Protecting Iliana...not containing the Oni. Do you not hear the cheers of the Mystics, young Neko?"she answered with a smile while she looked over to Tetsuri. Iliana looked down in embarrassment, blush covering her cheeks like a warm blanket.

"And do not think that you have been excused, young Oni. I understand that your duty has just been revealed to you...but you have known all along, have you not?" The Oni asked, her expression now serious as her blue eyes lay on Iliana. The moment they did, Iliana's heart raced and her eyes doubled in size, all movement stopped.

What...should I do? He tried to kill me! But he's in pain...he's still human. It...it could be a trap! What do I do?

The sooner I help this boy, the better. I don't want anything to do with the Order.

This is what he's fighting for...to protect the Oni, whoever she may be, and these are the ones who need to be defeated. They stood for nothing...and now theyre trying eliminate him!​

Iliana watched as her face twisted with anger and her eyes turned purple without her noticing once the vision vanish. The Oni stood and Iliana's eyes snapped back to her.

"Never before have I seen someone fearful of being loved." Iliana's face dropped red and said nothing...could she?
Tetsuri watched as the Oni stopped in place, awed at the words he had just spoken. She looked away for a moment, and then back into his eyes. He smiled slightly, as the Oni spoke of the mystics once again. It was an honor to be acknowledged by someone of such grace. He looked over at Iliana, who was looking down blushing and smiled more.

He looked back at the Oni and spoke softly.

"Yes, I am glad. That our paths were brought together by the Mystics. This is a destiny that I accept, and will fulfill. I will use my powers to see peace and that she lives hapily. This is my oath as her Neko Guardian. Fighting by her side was something and is something new. But, I will walk this path with my head held high and never look back."

Tetsuri smiled with his eyes closed and purred softly.
Both Iliana and the Oni turned around fully when Tetsuri began to purr. He was so calm and content, standing there in the face of the Oni and...well the Oni. The Oni put both hands to her lap and sat back down on the log which began glowing once she sat down once more for that night. She neither acknowledged nor responded to the expression on Iliana's face for when Tetsuri spoke again, her interest was pulled away easily, like a puppeteer.

"You have your eyes in the right direction."she said and did not say anything more.

"Fei...?" The Oni blinked simultaneously when her name was called.

"Such a name I have not heard for quite some time, young Oni....Iliana. Is there something you wish to share? My time here has been dwindling down to a close. Please, speak. I have yet to hear the voice of my long predecessor." the Oni added with a smile. Iliana's insides quickly relaxed when she saw the Oni's lips slowly lift into a smile.

"Fei...How will I defeat the Order? With evil?"she asked. The Oni's smile had vanished the minute it came. There was no more twinkle behind her azure eyes and was replaced a look of seriousness. Iliana's confidence was shattered into pieces when she saw the smile slide from her face. The colors even grew a darker tinge and the dancing lights were doing more shuddering than dancing.

"Evil. It is inside the two of you."
The moment the last word left her lips, the auras spun out of control above her head and shattered into a rectangular prism like object. Iliana yelped and tried to shield her eyes, but her body would not budge whatsoever. She could not even look over to see if Tetsuri was experiencing the same effect. She was forced to look into a prism which was bending into a vision of a deep purple Oni...Iliana...and a snarling Neko...Tetsuri. All the while, the Oni's words resonated between the two of them while the vision played over and over again.

"A boy made to be a killing machine by his own blood. Brought down by which brought him up. Mind tainted to carry out the deeds of a tyrant and leaving with the intent to kill. To kill the Oni." The snarling Neko in the vision's eyes snapped to Tetsuri's and they turned a deep black, shaping into an oval until it eventually growled and lunged at Tetsuri with an enraged, cat-like roar, claws retracting. Iliana's scream stopped in her throat when the vision was shattered into a blast of violet light. Iliana, with long purple hair and purple eyes, glaring behind her.


"And a girl forced to carry the weight of the world on her shoulders and a strength that she can not tap into. A pure heart with an enraged mind at the Order...hurting and killing all in her path." The vision flashed to Oni-Iliana summoning the same bow as before and glaring at a town before firing it into a village. Iliana watched the vision play out, wide eyed until it too shattered as Tetsuri's did. A deep silence was the only thing in the forest. Iliana's legs trembled and her eyes were shaking wildly at what she had seen. The tyranny...the malice...the blood lust...The Oni did nothing but smile, looking up into the sky.

"You defeat the Order by maliciously loving."she said and said nothing more. The answer was too confusing for Iliana to comprehend, but she was just glad her movement was back. She brought her eyes behind her to Tetsuri...and was suddenly revitalized.

"I understand."
Tetsuri could somewhat feel the atmosphere change. But, it was only slightly. There was a sensation and feeling that something bad would happen in little time. But, to his surprise, The Oni only spoke in a calming sincere voice. He couldn't help but smile, when the Oni had acknowledged him. It was an honor to say in the least.

He looked over at Iliana, when she called out to the Oni. He also looked over at the Oni, who turned her attention towards Iliana, eyes filled with surprise at the name.

Tetsuri's ears flickered as the Oni spoke and he could see her smile only moments after. But, when Iliana asked her questions. The smile was quickly replaced on the Oni's face, with one of seriousness. Tetsuri could feel his body tense up and the atmosphere alter with a dark aura. He began reaching for his sword, but stopped only seconds after. He had remembered what Xavien had told him.

Tetsuri relaxed and let out a gentle sigh. At the same time, the Oni had mouthed the words, "Evil. It is inside you two" Soon after that, Tetsuri could see.....himself...but it wasn't him....was it?


He could see a Neko, only this one was darker and had an intense aura. It felt as if his energy was being sucked from him, only to fuel this monster he saw. Tetsuri stood frozen, not in fear, but more as if he was held in place. He watched as it went on a rampage, and when he grabbed Iliana.

Moments after the vision was broken and he shook his head. He looked over at Iliana, who was slightly shaken. Probably by her vision as well. The Oni began speaking and he once again, turned his attention to her.

After the Oni finished speaking, he looked back at Iliana, who was now looking at him.

He smiled at her. After Iliana had spoken, he looked back at the Oni.

"Thank you for all your wisdom."
Iliana was happy to see that Tetsuri was smiling. He had survived that slight moment of horror the Oni had displayed and she was so glad that they had got that done and over with. True, finding out that she was the Oni had taken a large toll on her. It changed her view of what the rest of her life would be like and had also opened her eyes to a lot of the little things about Orenthia to her. Suddenly, everything seemed that much more precious to her. From the smallest bug to the largest waterfall, Iliana had a duty to protect those things and save all of Orenthia. It was so...clear to her now. So clear that she even began to wonder why she hadn't realized it sooner!

"Thank you so much F--"

There was no one there. Where the first Oni had sat only seconds ago was replaced with an empty log and petals floating in the small revine next to the alter. Iliana turned around to face the alter again...only to see Ritesa and Xavien's actions finally move in the right time. The spell of the Oni had disappeared and they were all back, deep withn the Rosel woods. Ritesa looked around at both Iliana and Tetsuri. A nervous look crept on his face while he scratched the back of his hair.

"Did you two....do that respect thing too?" It took Iliana a second to realize that he didn't remember a thing that had just happened. The wrinkle on her nose was wiped clean on her face and was replaced with a smile.

"Of course. I think I wanna obey the talking wolf, wouldn't you?"she joked. Xavien looked at Tetsuri instead and smiled.

"Is that a blush I see?"

Tetsuri looked away from the Oni and turned his attention back to Iliana. She was smiling, and that was relieving to him. He could feel that she had a different aura about her. One that was more calm and peaceful. He could tell that she finally had accepted that she was the Oni and it made him relieved. He let out a sigh as Iliana turned her attention away from him.

He loooked around and could see that time was moving back in unison with the world itself. Xavien and Ritesa were moving normally. But looked lost to what had happened. He looked at Ritesa was scratching his head. When Ritesa asked him if they paid there respects, Tetsuri nodded with a smile. He began to think about when Iliana saved him and blushed slightly.

When he turned his attention over to Xavien, he was looking directly at him. The sound of Xavien's question made him turn away, cheeks burning red.

"N-no! I am not blushing!"

He exclaimed, although it was obvious that he was blushing.
Both Iliana and Ritesa turned to look at Tetsuri when he reacted quickly to Xavien's question. They both had never seen someone get so defensive over a question before and it was more than intriguing...it was funny! The laughter between the two of the started off as a chuckle before it built and built upon itself, eventually poisoning Iliana's and Ritesa's mind. They both clung to one another, trying to stop their stomachs from clenching each and every time they laughed. Even Xavien chuckled occasionally, all because of Tetsuri's strange reaction.

"I did not mean to make it worse."

"It's just...t-too cute!" Iliana exclaimed herself, while she dabbed at her eye to keep herself from crying. Ritesa had no words, only more laughter. For that moment, standing in at the Alter in the Garden of Fei, Orenthia seemed at peace. There was no worrying about where the Order would strike next. There was no fear that they were being very closely pursued by enemies, or even having to endure pain. No, they were all laughing out into the open, feeling rejuvenated and revived, and also something Iliana had not felt in a long time.

It had been a month since the meeting of the first Oni. Tetsuri and Iliana had parted ways with Xavien and Ritesa, saying their goodbyes. The two of them had finally realized that they were destined to save the land of Orenthia. They were both making great progress and with each passing day, the Order grew just as strong.

The Order had slowly become infuriated by Tetsuri's long disappearance and the Oni's free roaming. They had sent many forces to stop the two, but all of their efforts laid in vain. The Oni and Neko had grown much stronger than the Order had realized. Iliana had fully mastered the art of sword fighting and Archery. Tetsuri had become a master swordsman, wielding two swords at once.

Tetsuri and Iliana headed for the next city of Herensho after hearing that one of the Order's elite soldiers had been running chaos throughout the city. He had planted his base in the center of the ciity, and made all the people slaves.

"Iliana, we have to hurry and save those people."

It was hard to say goodbye to her brother and friend but it had to be done. There were no other choices on the matter that Iliana and Tetsuri could have taken. They had met and talked to Fei, the first Oni, and also had been doused with realization and purpose. To turn away from it would be to let Orenthia burn, and who would do that? No one but the Order members, the people they had to stop. In order to do that, the two of them had to train to get stronger. Yes, the Oni and the Neko had to do some training. Just because they were the 2 most powerful beings on the face of Orenthia did not mean that they could use their powers at any given time. It all took practice, hard work, and some suppression of the Order's riots in villages. Xavien and Ritesa had became a great help to them, but eventually, the two would have to travel alone.

Iliana remembered hearing her brother meditate to her when he was about to make his departure. Even Ritesa stuck around to receive the blessings that he gave to Iliana. He prayed for strength, wisdom, and guidance through the hard journey, and that everything that was done would be done for a reason. That sentence made her insides twist a little. It was not the "good luck on your journey" kind of ending she was hoping for. Xavien had always been strangely mysterious, knowing that bad things would happen before they happened, but every time Iliana wished for the chance to question him, Ritesa would interrupt her with his own words of goodbye. It was bittersweet to say the least, but once they were gone, both Iliana and Tetsuri began to train.

It was hard but it was oh so worth it! Tetsuri was a master swordsman! She had seen a tad bit of his skills in an actual battle with the Order but he knew a lot more than she gave him credit for! For every question she had about poise, form, and strength, he had an answer and more! Iliana was taken aback by his wisdom. Am I a little bit too late in realizing my true calling? Tetsuri knows so much and I...I know so little. Why couldn't he be the Oni? He'd probably beat the Order with one pinky. Of course, Tetsuri did not stand for that sort of thinking, and yes, he did notice her thinking about it every day and such. Each time Iliana would remember seeing him scowl or his ear twitch in annoyance. She would instantly quiet up and restart her practice drill.

However, in the safe solitude of her own time, she spent time training with the bow and arrow Ritesa had spawned for her and meditating. Yes, meditating. After the Garden of Fei incident, Iliana found her self feeling stranger and different by the second, especially when it came to her anger. Sometimes she would get so annoyed at Tetsuri or herself that her entire body seemed dark and hot. The only way she would repress it was by looking at Tetsuri's confused expression, how cute it was when his tail with tremble with curiosity. Therefore, Iliana took the time out of the day to distance herself from the Neko's protective gaze and meditate or train with her bow. Both were very hard to do.

"What? Again?"she exclaimed, lifting herself off the ground by the hilt of her sword.


The two of them had just finished a hard day of sword training when Tetsuri filled her in with news of the Order attacking another village in search for them. The attacks were becoming more and more frequent...which could only mean the Order was getting restless.

"This is the second village in a day, Tetsuri...We can't let this go on."she said, snapping a look to him. Tetsuri always seemed so serious when it came to saving...but Iliana knew there was a way to stop them before they started! However, Tetsuri would not hear her out to save his life. She continuously offered herself up as a sacrifice, but he would silence her with a quick snap and leave it at that. She was becoming annoyed, yes, but then was not the time for them to disagree. Herensho needed help.
Tetsuri made no effort in responding to Iliana. He was too focused on the city of Herensho. They were close, very close. But, he also knew it wouldn't be easy. In the time that they were training, the Order did the same. It wasn't surprising that they did. They always came up with new tricks and tactics. He looked around for a bit. Then, when he caught sight of the path that they needed to take, he turned his attention upward to the sky.

The sun blazed and the trees of Trelya Forest seemed to sway oddly. There was an mystic force lingering in the air as well. The same type that resonated from his mother. No time to think about that now though, Heransho needed to be saved and now. Each second that passed, was only another life that may have been lost. They had to move quickly, but with stealth. That was what their training was about as well.

Speed was essential to strength. Tetsuri had been training long and hard for days on end. He was fully able to get in sync with the power that rested within him. But, he was only half a step to an even greater power. He had also been able to master the art of twin blade fighting. He was ready to take on any challenge and protect Iliana to the fullest.

Tetsuri's ears flickered and he closed his eyes. He searched for the source of the people of Herensho's auras. He cleared his mind and lowered his arms at his side. His breathing lightened and he could feel his body lighten. Tetsuri could feel various mixtures of auras dancing within the air. That of birds, the forest and many other living things.

He continued to concentrate and look for the source of their destination. The air twisted around him and his ears flattened. His tail stilled and all was quiet. He dispersed all lingering auras, but one remained. It resonated south from the direction of east, in which he and Iliana faced. Now that he had his source, it was time to plan their move.

Tetsuri opened his eyes looked in the South direction. His cloak flowed in the wind as he spoke."The city of Herensho is just south of our location. We will use stealth to enter the city's outskirts and scan the city for who or what is Causing all the problems in the city. If we can take out the leader, all the others will flee in fear. Now, we test our training skills."
He said in a stern tone.

Tetsuri looked at Iliana with seriousness.

"Iliana, its time to go."

Tetsuri was not going to take 'no', 'wait', 'hold on' for a minute. She just knew it. All of the time, and every single time, she was forced to swallow her thoughts and opinions on whether she should turn herself in or not. The last thing she needed was to get on his bad side. They were the Oni and Neko; such things would be foolish, especially if she could stop it. So, without one more word of retort, Iliana pushed against her sword again until she was on both feet, ready and prepared to follow Tetsuri to Herensho.

"I hope you know where you're going. Because I have no idea."

Treyla Forest was so much different than Fairenz Forest, that was for sure. For starters, the trees were twisted more than Fairenz's. The spiraled, winded, and twisted around one another, making it almost impossible to scale. Iliana imagined a string of curly hair looking just like the tree she saw to the right. Interesting enough, but that was not the only thing. The second was the lack of noise. Usually, one would find a forest bustling with animals, sounds, and the lot: not in Treyla Forest. There was an all time ominous silence save for a bug or two. This was the hardest thing she had to get used to. Silence drove her so insane to the fact that she had to talk in order to compensate for the lack of noise.

"Tetsuri?"she said in a sweet and scared voice. "I've been thinking about this for a while now, and I fell strange bringing it up, but I don't think I can keep giving myself fake answers. Please don't be mad at me when I ask you this, but why were you in the Order in the first place?"she asked, tucking a strand of hair safely behind her ear to keep from having it blow in her eye. She tried her hardest not to give him a confused look, but his eyes were so magnetic, she had no other choice but to look into them.

"I mean, I know why you tried to kill me. The brain washing thing you told me about, yeah, but...I still don't understand why you were with them in the first place."she finished, being careful to keep one hand flexed just in case a sneak attack ensued.
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They couldn't waste anymore time now. Herensho was in serious danger. He could feel the auras deplete at a slow pace. They weren't dying fast, but dying in the least. It was really beginning to piss Tetsuri off. That Order scum was always up to dirty tricks. Tetsuri's blood began to boil. What the hell was his father up to now? His thoughts were interrupted by iliana's voice.

"Yes, we are going to the South. We just need to past the group of trees and their will be a path. It will lead us straight to the city."

The forest trees twisted in all sorts of directions. Something was very familiar about it, but he wasted no time in trying to figure it out. He could feel his muscles tense up. Whoever was there, was not an average Order soldier. It felt like the air split and churned as well. Like butter in a barrel. His ears flattened and he looked in the direction they were supposed to head. When Iliana asked her question, his ears shot up, just as they always did. She had his full attention now.

"I was born there. My brother, Rave was born a day before me. One minute before the midnight hour. So, he was often praised and respected highly by my father. I on the other hand, wasn't so lucky."
A flashback began to play inside Tetsuri's mind.

"Stand up Tetsuri! " Terrios yelled out as he held out his sword. Tetsuri stood up shakily, as he placed his hands on the training rooms floors, and then heaved himself up. He charged his father and they began to clash multiple times before locking. "That's it, Tetsuri! Keep going!"

"He was always so strict and we would train. But, in the end, Rave would always be looked at with all the praise.
"The flashback continued to play.

Rave charged his father and was knocked down easily. But, he stood back up. His father only stopped him and praised him for his efforts. Tetsuri stood from the door and watched, as his father gave Rave the type of praise he always desired. His tears began to build "F-father?" He said, lowly.

"In the end, I still trained hard. To the point where my father saw my abilities. Except, it wasn't the same type of praise my brother received. He had other plans for me, as you can see."

The flashbacks ended and Tetsuri looked back at Iliana. His eyes became glued to hers and he blushed a little.

"But, I also have him to thank. If it wasn't for my brother and him turning me into a neko, our paths would not have crossed. So, in a way, it wasn't bad at all.
He said, in a gentle voice.

He wanted to enjoy this moment for a little longer, but they had to hurry and get moving. Tetsuri turned away, and the blush had disappeared.

"Iliana, lets get moving, now."

It was starting to become clearer and clearer with every step they each took towards Herensho. At first she didn't understand -didn't want to understand- what Tetsuri was telling her about his previous life with the Order, but it was still a true story regardless of how low it was. It made sense and Iliana was forced and tied to believe every word he was saying. As if her trust wasn't enough, Tetsuri still held back expressions of pain and torment on his face while he told his story and reasons. Iliana would've been a fool to ignore those facts. in truth, she wished he were dead wrong, as the two of them marched down the desolate trail of Treyla Forest. She kept her eyes downcast so she would not have to see more of Tetsuri's sad and disappointed face while he went back into painful memories about both his father and brother. He eventually found something bright to end the conversation with, causing Iliana's eyes to flicker upwards and sideways to him, forcing a small smile.

"Yeah...I guess I understa--"


Iliana heard the noise before it came in contact with their destination and it was all thanks to her meditation. She had worked so terribly hard to train her mind's sense to be one with the senses she used in reality. To see without seeing, hear without hearing, and to feel the auras...the presences...any and everything. Iliana was not as good as Xavien and was never going to be, but just to have learned that little from her brother...it actually saved their lives. A deep pulse resonated in her mind while her eyes closed for a fraction of a second while she was blinking until a thumping pulse echoed through her ears.


All it took was one heartbeat before Iliana's body erupted into flames, unsheathing her sword and holding it at the ready, all the while, letting the lids of her eyes peel back slowly. Just as she expected, the restraints of time crawled to a slow, the zapping noise still thundering in her ears before she spotted it: a black streak flying directly toward the gap between her and Tetsuri. Iliana could not slow down time enough to see what the black mound was, but she did not make any hesitations. Her entire aura felt alive as she stood poised in ready in the slowing of time, sword at the ready.


A single second rolled past before....


Iliana's flamed sword came into contact with a much stronger and darker force that felt a lot like another sword. There was a magnetic, dark aura that seeped out of the sword, but Iliana was too quick to let it throw off her stature. The clang quickly brought time back on its course as the two of them slid back pulling up dirt with the heels of both of their feet. Iliana tightened the grip on her sword, glaring the man down, making sure to let Tetsuri know she was fine, knowing that he was probably angry as can be that she got attacked. Lips still planted in a small line, Iliana's glare burned orange behind the traveling, flickers of her fire.


When they had made it to Herensho, the city was in chaos. The city was filled with soldiers in black and Tetsuri tensed up. He could feel the increasing dark auras fill the atmosphere and almost drown out the weakened auras of the the people. Tetsuri's ears flattened and he growled slightly. He stood next to Iliana and scanned the city.


It was in chaos and the people of the city were surrounded by Tyrants. These soldiers were androids built with highly advanced mechanisms. They could take down a single building with just a finger. Tetsuri had once caught a glimpse of them in action when he was part of the Order as a kid. It had even given him nightmares, witnessing their immaculate strength.

Tetsuri felt something in his body quake, and then a cold chill shot through his spine like ice. Oh no, this can't be happening! He had to warn Iliana and fast! He looked over to the right of him where Iliana was and before he could speak, she dashed towards an enemy, in an array of orange. The orange streaked and the sound of swords clashing rang out.

Tetsuri looked in the direction of north in which she dashed and could see her lock swords with a man in an outfit. The outfit was lined with the orders emblem, a sword and shield. The emblem alone, was enough to strike fear into peoples hearts. When Iliana jumped back, she had then infused herself with flames and readied her sword once more.

He had to act now and take action. He dashed towards Iliana and stood firmly by her side, swords at the ready. He could still feel his body shake with the intensity. He could feel the dark aura closing in and the ice-like feeling he had grew stronger. It felt like his left hand was filled with darkness and that in return, seemed to almost trigger darkness in him. D-damn....come on Tetsuri....hold it....together! Tetsuri gripped his left hand with his right and took a deep breath.

He was finally able to calm down and the feeling dispersed, but at the same time, two woman jumped next to the man. They stood on either side, facing the outward direction.Bravenewsoldiers.png

Tetsuri readied his blades and surrounded himself with his blue aura. He unsheated one of his swords and wrapped a cloth slowly , but slighty around the blade and bit down on it. This process was to help him maintain his focus in battle. It was a method he had learned to heighten his Raith powers to an even higher level.


"Iliana, don't let your guard down for a second." He said, keeping his eyes locked on the Tyrants.
The city was in shambles. It was too late for Herensho. Tetsuri and Iliana, once again, were late in saving another town. The buildings were crumbled, fire caked the grounds, and every where one would look, there was broken glass. It was a sight to see, but Iliana had no time to observe the damage. No matter how bad the town looked, it could have a shelter with people hiding in its debris. She never gave up home for any of the cities she and Tetsuri attempted to save. There was always hope for finding some way to make everything right. Hernesho, on the other hand, was the final straw. Too many times she and Tetsuri tried to save villages and too many times the Order had always been two steps ahead of them. Xavien and Ritesa were off doing other things and both Iliana were new to fighting along side one another. But...no matter how hard they tried...the Order had them in their grasp.

Iliana's glare never left the man while she gripped the sword and felt Tetsuri appear right next to her. His aura was different, but she had no time to focus on his aura. Xavien had taught her to keep her full attention on sensing the enemy. It made no sense to waste your aura on feeling the aura of your partner. You had to be aware from an attack on all sides. Therefore, your aura needed to expand among the entire battle area, feeling an attack from any and everywhere. Iliana focused her attention on the man in front of her, but kept all other sense open for anything else...

...and that's when she felt it.

Two more had arrived next to the one who attacked before, both auras identical to the man's. That only confirmed one thing inside of Iliana. Those things were not humans. Flames flickering before her face, she cast a look to Tetsuri then back to the three before her.

"I won't."