Taking Care of One Another (Wannano)

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When handed the handkerchief, Gatling gave a nod of thanks and pressed the handkerchief down onto his wrist, wincing slightly. Even though he didn't show it to his sister, all of this scared him to no end, especially when she didn't seem to have any form of control when she fed from him.

"Why can't he take this back?" Abigail asked suddenly, looking up at Dorian with frightened green eyes.
"If I could I would, trust me. This is not a fate I would wish for anyone."
Dorian explained softly:
"No one has ever turned back to human after geting bitten. I am sorry..."
Gatling watched his sister worriedly, knowing she had changed, and not just in appearance either, but all around inside and out. He was totally out of his league with her now. Unless...The thought made him sick, but he really had no idea what else to do. He looked over at Dorian. "Turn me. Please." He said suddenly, making Abigail look up at her brother in wide eyed surprise.
Dorian made a small suprised sound.
"I... Are you sure...? There is no going back if I turn you."
He explained softly.
The elder brother closed his eyes and let out a deep breath before opening his eyes again. "I'm...not sure...but...Please...So I can stay with my sister." He explained, swallowing nervously as he checked his wrist, removing the handkerchief when he saw the puncture marks were no longer bleeding.

"Gatling...No...Please..." Abigail begged, confused and surprised her brother suddenly wanted this.
"It is not a pleasing feeling. Being draind on you blood..."
Dorian said slowly.
"Think about it tonight, with your door locked, and if you still wish for it in the morning. Then I will turn you."
He gave a small sigh
Gatling frowned, but nodded once and stood slowly, combing a hand through his hair, stumbling a bit, still slightly disoriented from the blood he had already lost tonight from being fed on by his sister and Dorian himself.

Abby herself stood as well, and hurried over to her brother, wrapping her arms around his waist. "Please don't do it...Please..." She begged against him.

With a soft sigh, Gatling turned to his sister and took her face in his hands, feeling how cold her skin was. "Go get some sleep Abby. Please." He whispered, and kissed her forehead gently before giving her a hug in turn before heading into the bathroom to wash up, getting a good warm bath going.
"Abigail... You should get some rest as well.."
Dorian said softly walking up to her.
"You both need rest..."
She reluctantly left, rubbing her eyes a bit as they exited her brother's room before she turned to Dorian. "Don't do it...Please..." Her voice trembled as she tried to convince them not to turn her brother. She wasn't sure she wanted to watch her brother die, willingly or no, especially in this manor. Not that it was really death, just a twisted and cruel version of it.
"I am sorry, Abigail. It is not my decision to meake. It is your brothers choise. He wish to be with you."
Dorian explained softly with a sad look on his face.
"It is up to him..."
"But..." She trailed off, looking frustrated and rather exasperated, wondering what in the world made her brother suddenly decide to want to become a vampire like they were. With a rather dejected and angry expression, she turned and went to her room, curling up on her bed, feeling more alone then ever.
"I am sorry..." Dorian toled her softly before he left the room.
And so the large house were quiet for the night
The next morning, Abigail hurried into her brother's room, practically bursting the door open before he could answer, looking rather desperate.

"Abby what happened --" He grunted as he was nearly knocked to the floor as she wrapped her arms around him and buried her head against him.

"Don't do it...PLEASE don't do it!" She begged of him.

"Abby..." He trailed off, stroking her hair gently, not knowing what to tell her, he let out a sigh and took her to his bed, having requested a servant to bring him breakfast instead of going to the dining room.
The servent soon came with his breakfast, knocking softly on his door before entering.
"Your breakfast young master."
She said placing the tray on the desk in the room gave a light bow and waited incase he wanted something else.
"THank you...But please don't call me master." He said, taking his breakfast from her and going with Abigail to the bed. "That will be all for now." He told her, cutting into the pancakes on his plate with a quiet sigh, not sure he liked the idea of servants. He glanced over at his sister, who hadn't moved from where she stood, and he tilted his head to the side curiously at her, though he waited till the maid left before swallowing down his first bite of breakfast. "What's wrong Abby?" He asked softly, and he blinked in surprise when she glared at him with icy red eyes.

"You know very well what's wrong." She snapped, crossing her arms over her chest.
A while later Rose steped in to the room with a soft smile on her face:
"Gatlin... Dorian is in his studie, waiting. So when ever you are ready."
She gave a snall bow and left again
He had just finished his breakfast when Rose told him Dorian was ready and waiting for him, and Gatling nodded again, swallowing down the last of his breakfast before wiping his mouth and standing, heading to the door of his bedroom to leave when Abigail grabbed onto his arm. "Please...No..." She breathed.

"I'm going to Abby. It seems the only way I can be with you right now without you...Well..." He trailed off, and gently pried his arm free from her hands and went into the study, Abigail following him.
Dorian were sitting in his usuall chair reeding a old book as the fire warmed the room.
As the door opened he looked up.
"Good morning children. I hope you had a good nights sleep?"
At his question, he got two different answers at once. "Terrible." Was what came from Abigail, and, "Good." From Gatling. Frustrated and not knowing what else to do, Abigail went over to one of the chairs sitting in front of Dorian's desk and plopped herself down, kicking off her shoes before bringing her feet up with her, setting her chin on her knees and looking out the window, refusing to look at either Dorian or Gatling.

"I...Still wish to become..." He trailed off, knowing his sister was rather displeased, if not outright angry at him for this.
Dorian gave a small nod and put down his book.
"I still think you should consider not doing this. But I can see that your mind is already made up..."
He gave a deep sigh:
"Let us get started then..."
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