Swords and Flowers

Gently handing Kieara their baby, he kissed her cheek softly.
Kieara smiled and held her baby girl with a smile and it reminded her why she was doing all this.
Resting his arm around her shoulders, he smiled at Kieara and his baby girl, feeling pride rising in his chest at the sight.
Robynne giggled at her mother while Kieara entertained her.
Kissing Kieara's cheek, Stijn started cleaning up a bit, straightening up their things while she played with their daughter.
Kieara smiled and kept Robynne occupied. They'd have to be moving on again soon.
"I'll go buy some better coats for us, and a couple more blankets for Robynne....I'm not sure how cold it's gonna get when we start walking again." Smiling, he kissed her briefly before leaving, heading downstairs to where the innkeeper was.
Talking with the innkeeper, he tried to find out if any of the town's stores would have blankets and coats, but he replied, "I wouldn't think that they are opened today, with the weather...I can offer you a couple coats and an old blanket for you and your family, though."

"Thank you," Stijn answered before asking how much it would be.
After paying the innkeeper, Stijn thanked him again before gratefully taking the blankets, bringing them back up to their room.
Kieara looked up as he reentered and smiled. "That was fast."
"Yeah," he answered. "The innkeeper sold me a couple of his family's things, since most of the shopkeepers probably wouldn't be opened today, with the weather."
She nodded. "That was very kind." She said to him.
"It was," he answered with a smile. Pulling on the extra coat, he began buttoning it, glad it fit him alright.
Kieara simled and wrapped their daughter in another blanket.
After gently setting Robynne down where she wouldn't roll off of the bed, he helped Kieara into her new jacket, kissing her cheek gently before picking Robynne back up.
Robynne yawned tired for another nap. Kieara smiled. Her sleeping would make travel easier.
Kissing the top of her forehead, he gently rocked her, humming softly to her.