Survive #2

She squeezed her eyes shut and clenched her teeth together to keep herself from squealing. Her ribs started to hurt, but she didn't want him to know that. She knew that he was trying his hardest to take care of her, and she didn't want to take off that smile on his face. It gave her hope that they were going to get out of that awful place and find out who the hell they are. She was so happy when they came across the village. Hopefully they were nice.
Four walked into what looked like a clinic. He looked around and saw what looked like a rebellion tribe guarding the entrance. They smiled at Four and nodded.
"We can help you here" one of the guys said to Four with a smile and a nod. Four walked in and noticed people like the guards and normal citizens being treated on stretchers. Mostly from gun shot wounds. He shook his head. He then set her down on an empty stretcher and pulled up a chair next to her. "Hey um...I never got your name....unless you're like me....the whole number the way I'm um....I guess I'm number four," he said to the girl.
The doctor of the clinic smiled brightly as she saw the pair of newcomers. She glanced at the guard, who nodded to her with a smirk. She giggled a creepy sound and walked over to the stretcher that four had set eleven on. "Hello!" She said, smiling big. "I am Dr. Beaton, you may call me Sonya." She looked tot he girl, her eyes widening slightly at the gashes. "You look like you've been mauled... is it only your shoulder?" She said, tilting her head as she stared at the gashes.
After what felt like hours she finally got to a dry spot and man was it trying to avoid her like the plague. She managed to get a small fire started, but kept it small never knowing what animals or perhaps people it could attract. She sharpened a stick before cutting the fish open. She pulled out the guts, throwing them into the river behind her. She used a sharpened stick to pierce the dead fish. She cooked the fish until it was nice and ready to eat. She ate it down quickly before she searched around. "Water, first I should probably find a container." She announces to herself. She searched the trees and smiled happily as she stumbles across a coconut. "Or i'll drink that and then make my container." She backed up away from the tree, moving her bow off her shoulder and taking out one of the arrows. She doesn't remember ever using a bow, but she could remember if she could either. She aimed for between the coconuts, calculating everything so that she'd hit her mark before firing the arrow. It hit right where she wanted it to and she glimmered with triumph as it feel down onto the ground with a thud. She waited for a few moments, just in case a few more coconuts decided to fall. She somehow knew that if a coconut would fall at how high up they were, it could do serious damage. She grabbed the coconut, and used the arrow from earlier to cut into the hole of the coconut. She carved until she got through and she drank the coconut liquid. She felt odd, it was like she was adjusting more and more to the situation. She knew everything she had to do yet.. had she always lived here? It was a bit spooky to think about, feeling chills creep down her spine.
Unbeknownst to 18, she was being watched. The creature had been stalking her since halfway down the river, observing her movements and tactics to better take down it's prey. A hissing snarl rolled through the air from deep in its throat. Something like a mix between a purring growl and a hiss.

Eight watched the bear's movements. "It's just to your right, ten feet at 2:30!" He called out, though doing so was rather pointless as it then rose up on its hind legs to stand nearly fifteen feet tall. Eight launched his blade just over its shoulder, then snapped the chain to one side and smiled as the dagger swung, wrapping the chain around its neck, the blade lodging into its shoulder.

"I'm Eleven." She turned her attention back to the doctor and smiled. "Hello Sonya. Um, no, I have a huge gash on my forehead for the tiger knocked my legs from under me," she takes off the bandage that 4 had put on her and showed Sonya the gash, "and I think I might have a few cracked ribs from when it fell on me. I'm not sure."
Sonya smiled and leaned down. "Hold still now." She said as she inspected the gashes in her shoulder. "Hhhmmmm" She moved up to her forehead and tilted eleven's head to get a better look. "Mhm!" She turned to the four with a smile. "Excuse me young sir." She said as she grabbed his arm and spun him to face the other way. "Don't turn around until I say so." She said sweetly before lifting Eleven's shirt up to inspect her ribs. She pushed lightly on each of them, noting which ones incited a reaction from her. She pulled the girls shirt back down and smiled. "You can turn around now." She cleared her throat, standing up straight again. "Well, the gash in your forehead is a minor laceration, that will heal up in no time so long as you keep it clean. Your shoulder needs to be cleaned and stitched and you'll need to take it easy on that arm for a while or risk reopening your wounds. You have two fractured ribs, nothing broken. Overall I'd say you got out of a tiger attack pretty lucky." She giggled lightly, a different sound than she had made before when she had first noticed them.
She nodded at everything that she said and grinned at her last remark. She wasn't wrong there. She could've been in its stomach right now. She raised an eyebrow at her and thought. Why did she giggle so much? Was she laughing at her? Or was she just a naturally happy person? Or was she just a negative person herself? She saw everyone around her smiling and and laughing and she was just standing there with a blank look on her face. She shook her head and brought her attentions back to the doctor. "What are you going to so about my ribs?"
18 rose her head up for up a moment, she could of sworn she heard a noise... something not her. As she was in the jungle; she shook her head. She must of been hearing things or maybe not but there were lots of sounds here. She did check her claws to make sure they were on her hands nice and tight before leaning into the water. She cut some of her shirt with the claws to make two squares. She placed one square in the water and she laid the other on a decent size rock. She took the cloth out of the water before squeezing, the water pouring down onto the other cloth. 18 didn't watch the water though, she had the oddest sensation of being watched, that chill on her spine still hadn't left. She looked around, wiping off some more mud off her face again, but she was still unaware of the creature stalking her.
Seven twisted the blade in his hand, waiting for a moment before letting it fly, wrapping around the bear's arm and burring the blade into his' other shoulder. "You go left, I'll go right!" Seven said, nodding to the tree behind the bear, "Meet in the middle, choke him out." He flicked the other dagger in his hand, waiting for the word from Eight.
Eight nodded. He moved to comply with the plan, but his body seemed to have another idea. His finger twisted and took hold of a notch on the outside of the ring. He leaned backwards, slipping the notch in and to one side. Blades snapped out of the chain links, two rear hooking scythes flipping out of the dagger itself as he pulled with all of his weight. The bladed chain dragged around the bears neck, pulling the scythed dagger to slice through its throat then spine before flinging back to Eight. The blades retracted as Eight slacked the notch of the ring. He spun the chain around his forearm and caught the blade in his hand. He stood there for a moment in confusion. He stared at the nearly beheaded bear as it dropped like one of the trees with a ground shaking force of mass. He looked at the chain wrapped neatly around his forearm and the blade, held backwards in his hand, staring at it like he was seeing it for the first time. Eight dropped to the ground, his legs giving way to land him sitting there. "What the fuck..." He looked up at Seven wild eyed. "Did you do tha- I mean see that? Did I just do that?"
By Hell and Heaven...... Seven thought, looking at Eight as the guy fell. "Yes...I think you just killed a fifteen foot bear...with that fancy blade of yours...." He said, looking back at the clearly dead bear; he flicked his hand, freeing his blade from the carcass and catching it in his palm. He clicked both blades back into their places, looking back at Eight. He ran a hand through his hair, eyes unreadable. "I don't think we're exactly normal....whatever, whoever, we were before this place we certainly are not them now...." He leaned against the tree behind him, eyes closing as he flicked his hand again, twisting the blade lazily in his hand, a new nervous tick he had apparently. "Whatever the case, whatever we've become, that-" he nodded to the bear, "-is a clear sign to me that we're here for a reason...and I'd like to think we're not the only two, just so I can keep what's left of my sanity...."
18 grabbed the other cloth and squeezed that cloth. The water flowed into the hole in the coconut, the water was now purified. As purified she could get it at least but this way there was no worry for parasites or any of that. She pulled the hair ribbon that was keeping her long black hair tied up. She used the other two holes to tie the ribbon around. She looked at her creation, it was creative at least. She put the coconut water container around her should, breaking off a piece of the arrow she used for cutting things. She shoved a little bit of the arrow into the container to seal it off. She got to drink and she got to eat. She put her bow and arrows on her back again, starting on her way for high land again. She was doing good for herself, she thought.
The creature waited for her to take a long enough lead before following suite. It wasn't often it encountered a human, the villagers have their own island in the center of the circle of islands, the cannibals and the other hostile humans did not venture out into the islands as this one was. Jik was curious, hungry, and wary. He followed silently, saliva dripping every once in a while from his jowls, melting holes into the ground as the acid burned through.

Eight slowly nodded. "I'd have to agree with you..." He looked up towards the sky in though for a moment, then looked around the area before finding a high point. "Let's move for higher ground, perhaps we will be able to get a better idea of where we are, maybe even find someone non-hostile." He stood, wiping the dirt from his pants before looking up at the bear. "Let's consider this a positive opportunity, a gift even. There's enough meat on this thing to feed both of us for a week at least. Let's cut him up and take as much as we can. We need to be quick though, the smell will attract other predators and scavengers." He said, walking up to the dead bear to beginning to skin it. "We'll keep the coat too, may come in handy. Don't know how but... I feel like we should."
Seven looked at the bear, twisting his arm and catching the blade in his hand. "I feel like I never was given a gift before...earning it...that makes more sense to me." He shrugged, going to the bear as well and starting to skin the legs. He thought a moment, then said, "I can make something out of this'll take time, but I....feel like I can do it...." He looked at the size of the bear, "I can probably make a lot of things out of this bear.... But....I'll start simple, I suppose...something to carry this meat in sound good?" He looked over at Eight before turning back to skinning.
Eight nodded as he ran a cut up either arm then to the chest and down the stomach. "Sounds good to me, be sure to thatch it with sinew so that we can reuse the fur when we no longer need it for the meat." He said as he began to peel back the skin, though after a moment he cocked his head to one side and looked up at Seven. "How do I know that? Why do I know that actua.... never mind. I'm not going to ask anymore, obviously we've done this before or something. Maybe we both did this kind of stuff and just can't remember?"
"Maybe..." Seven said, starting work on a bag for the meat, carefully measuring everything by mental notches. He flexed his hand absently, "But I don't think whoever did this to us would bring already experianced people, memory or no."
Eight finished removing the pelt and begins slicing out cuts of meat. "Make it big and long, we can drag it, the pelt is tough enough." He wiped some sweat from his brow and shook his head. "I don't know, but who's to say we weren't already here to begin with and just lost our memory? I found these weapons here, I obviously know how to use them. Though admittedly I have yet to utilize my bow, not sure. I assume I know how considering I just happened to know how to make this chain pop out into death hooks and decapitate a fifteen foot bear like it was a chainsaw." He glanced at the head of the bear. It wasn't fully decapitated, although it may as well have been. Some tissue in the center of its neck was all that tethered the head to its shoulders.
"Maybe, but I guess we're gonna have to survive to find out." Seven said, shrugging and adding about a foot more from the pelt. Even with this huge bag, there would still be plenty of bearskin to deal with. Seven was thinking of maybe gloves, almost like a case for his two daggers. He didn't have a shirt, but that didn't bother him; and would only hinder the chain a good deal. He flexed his shoulder, his dagger moving along the pelt easily, creating the bag to carry the meat. After lacing some raw-hide straps from top to bottom, he laid it out lightly beside Eight. "There ya are; when it's fully, pull the strings and tie it off." He said, sitting back again and fiddling with another section of the pelt. "You want anything? I'm making a set of glove overs for these things." He tapped the dagger in his hand.
Eight thought for a moment as he started filling the bag with cuts of meat. "We're going to have to stop off somewhere and cook this before it goes bad you know. As for bearskin.... I don't really know, maybe make two sleeping bags so we can get a good nights sleep?" He continued slicing even portions from the monster bear, slipping them into the sack to maximize the use of space. Who knows how long until they'd have another chance at a meal like this.