Super Hero High School

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Me: I know I have my sketchbook out, but I really don't feel like drawi-

*Twenty minutes later has a serious attempt at Jolie and is planning to do Isaac maybe as well*

Me: dammit >:T
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Finally finished! Sorry for bad pic quality


You do know that electricity has no effect on crystals right? XD

AND WHY IS EVERYONE HATING JULIA?! She only did the right thing to do xD
It doesn't matter if electricity has no effect on crystal; Julia's still partially human, so she'd get electrocuted just the same.
I feel that if I were a superhero, my name would be Captain Mazel Tof, and my sidekick would be Ornamental Pegasus Bandanna.
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I feel that if I were a superhero, my name would be Captain Mazel Tof, and my sidekick would be Ornamental Pegasus Bandanna.
He'll have the power of bling, able to make anyone look good in any situation. He'll bring greatness to your name, even if you aren't actual great at being a super hero with your mega dreidel and super Star of David and the seven candles thing to burn the flesh of your enemies. Or maybe they're ninja Stars of David.

I'm so sorry, that was awful. And I should feel awful. If it helps, I'm Asian and I make fun of myself all the time? Something about eating dog and using chop sticks. Which I'm a pro at. Omg. I'm like a fucking ninja with chop sticks and it's totally stereotypical, but I don't care because they're fucking chop sticks.
He'll have the power of bling, able to make anyone look good in any situation. He'll bring greatness to your name, even if you aren't actual great at being a super hero with your mega dreidel and super Star of David and the seven candles thing to burn the flesh of your enemies. Or maybe they're ninja Stars of David.

I'm so sorry, that was awful. And I should feel awful. If it helps, I'm Asian and I make fun of myself all the time? Something about eating dog and using chop sticks. Which I'm a pro at. Omg. I'm like a fucking ninja with chop sticks and it's totally stereotypical, but I don't care because they're fucking chop sticks.
idk about mechtat, but as a Jewish person myself I found that hilarious- I could def use some ninja Stars of David! Their superhero weakness could be bacon ;P
I meant effect. To take that into effect. The thing about it being variable from person to person. But I think you understand that.

I've just been in plenty of RPs regarding superpowers and there's always an unspoken rule about things straying from the typical telepathy and starting to crawl into Professor Xavier levels of ridiculous mind powers. And then there are actual rules against certain powers being in use. The big ones are blood manipulation and temporal manipulation. Blood manipulation pretty much allows a user to bunny a character and no one likes a person who's able to literally stop the passage of time. You think Doctor Who is op, give an RPer creative license of that power and things are going to get tricky very quickly.

Of course, there are plenty of ways to dumb down those powers, but that requires jumping through so many hoops it pretty much leaves you with a hassle and not a superpower. People tend to leave those alone. (It's essentially a hassle for Fox's dad because it's directly overlooked by Chronos himself, so any abuse would throw him into an alternate timeline or if he just feels like being a dick to Perseus).

But I'm just spouting off nonsense. I was just concerned there might be a little bit of a hiccup in future situations for any mind altering character. I just wanted to bring that up. It's not necessarily targeted at you.
We'll have to see how it goes; I am trying to keep the powers kind of dumbed down? I have similar things with Mattie's where right now she can only induce calm in others, and even then I picture it as being kind of an....alien feeling to the other person? Like their original emotions are still there, but suddenly they have a second one, although of course it's going to vary from person to person; some people might accept the emotion, others might reject it, some people might freak out that someone's tampering with their emotions, etc. So I am trying to leave them open ended and make sure I'm not like "Terry thought about the other person doing this thing and then that person had no choice but to do this thing" or anything like that. The only reason they have those powers is because, well, back when I made the two of them, I didn't understand much about problems around mind control and the like, because I made them when I first started RPing. I get it more now, and so I've tried to alter their powers, but to change them completely would somewhat change their characters and I wasn't really sure I was up for that, so I just tried to alter them.
But yeah, I try not to make characters who are too op; that would be nope. I did figure it wasn't directed at me, but since I do have two characters with emotion and mind manipulating powers, I figured I ought to address it a bit, and also make sure for myself that I wasn't being too op with them, because I'll alter them if I need to.
Thinking of adding another character. Maybe my oc with windy powers since White--Chocolate (Diana Kreuger/Tempest) left the rp? I'll get a cs written up and see how I feel about it.
Maybe you should implement the dice system when it comes to fighting with powers? Like roll a 1 and there's no effect, but roll a 5 and you got your ass beat? :O

But like bring in the whole

Water beats Fire
Fire beats Ice
Wind made Fire stronger stuff.
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Maybe you should implement the dice system when it comes to fighting with powers? Like roll a 1 and there's no effect, but roll a 5 and you got your ass beat? :O

But like bring in the whole

Water beats Fire
Fire beats Ice
Wind made Fire stronger stuff.
That'd be cool, I've never gotten a chance to use a diceroll in any RPs yet. And we definitely should talk about power weaknesses and stuff, I think it might help a lot in the future.
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Anyone want to have a relationship (friends, crush, girlfriend etc) with Mi-Cha? :D
Anyone want to have a relationship (friends, crush, girlfriend etc) with Mi-Cha? :D
I'm working on two new characters (windy type girl and her older sister) to submit for later, if you like either of them I am totally open for whatever!

*Also, I know I lurk on here a lot, but I've been out of school since the beginning of may and have literally nothing else to do. I basically just have a tab open here all day waiting for stuff to happen :'U
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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xD Hey, I lurk too. I've also been out of school since May 11, and I've been trying to get a summer job but no one wants to hire me so I'm forced to roleplay all day. T.T
I lurk a lot on here too...I've been out for three weeks now and I have nothing to do TT.TT
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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@Polystical One of my characters is going to have the power of ability amplification/inducement, so perhaps she can offer Mi Cha a power session for her possession troubles and they hit it off from there? (I'm a sucker for tutor romances)
@Polystical One of my characters is going to have the power of ability amplification/inducement, so perhaps she can offer Mi Cha a power session for her possession troubles and they hit it off from there? (I'm a sucker for tutor romances)
Yesss that would be awesome. :D
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oh my gosh that's the best thing I've seen all day
next time Nelsea's late she's entering backwards xD
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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