Stumbled Into (Taken)

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Darian woke up to the sound of shuffling feet, his vision was still dark but he could hear the flutter of wings. Almost like Ella's he began looking around, trying to figure out where he was. "Ella? Is that you?" The shuffling stopped abruptly and he felt a hand placed on his head in the next moment he was out again. His body trying it's hardest to fight whatever this force was but losing the battle completely.

The sound of silence, Darian wasn't sure that it even had a sound but he knew that he was awake. Opening his eyes to a flood of light, he felt like he'd been in a cave for several hours and then having the sun harshly turned on him. It took a moment for him to adjust his eyes to the new surroundings. They were in a stone room in what looked to belong to some sort of castle. A fae crossed the room on the far side as he made his rounds between the beds. Darian's last conscious thought was that the pure fae had come for them. This must have been their home. He began to try and move out of the bed but his body wouldn't respond. However it had alerted the physician that he was awake. "Don't struggle, human. Your wounds were severe, don't worry."

"Where's Ella? What did you do to her!? Why can't you fae just leave her alone!" He screamed and the physician looked at him harshly,

"Do not wake the others, please, they need their rest as much as you do." The fae kept a hand on his shoulder preparing to knock him out again if necessary.
Ella was down with the slaves, being retrained. Whips were everywhere, blood spattered on the walls, wings tattered and torn. They used magic to grow them back of course. They needed those wings for work. It was a painful process however. One that required the victims blood. Again and again they were asked questions, told to do tasks, all while under the cruelty and mockery of others. The pure fae spat on the slaves, made fun of them, pulled their hair, cut their wings, burned their feet... and yet, the slaves just nodded quietly and did as they were told.

Back in the hospital room, a man rushed in. He had long black hair and dirty clothes. He seemed to be a servant, just barely higher than the slaves themselves. his black eyes focused solely on the fae that was dealing with Darian. His brown skin was covered with dirt and he leaned up, whispering in the physician's ears what their leader wanted with the human. He wanted him in the throne room as soon as he could walk. He had a use for this human.
Looking up at the man he didn't want to go under again, he knew that it would be no way to find out where they had taken Ella. He assumed that wherever it was, they weren't treating her like he'd treated her. And it was probably far worse for her now that she was a recaptured slave. They likely meant to beat the sense of freedom back out of her. Darian shuddered at the thought but that was when a slave came in to whisper something in the physician's ear. With a smile the physician knocked Darian out once again.

When he awoke he was being pulled from the bed, an interesting idea since last Darian knew his leg was broken and wouldn't hold his weight and yet when he finally was forced to put weight on it, it felt normal. They'd healed his wounds, but why? "Where are you taking me?" He asked quietly, the two soldiers didn't answer him instead they forced him in a direction and he began walking. The guards kept him moving at a brisk pace but didn't prod or force him. And they soon had arrived at a large room. It was bare other than the few soldiers and tapestry on the wall. The center feature was a large throne in the center of the room. Darian's vision was still a little blurry and he couldn't focus but it looked as if someone was sitting upon it. "Why am I here? What did you do with Ella?"
"Oh you poor child..." The woman sitting at the throne, the queen of the pure fae, said, shaking her head. "You seem to have been having the worse hallucinations. Come closer to me." Her voice was sweet and pleasing to the ear, attracting the human. Magic weaved through the air, erasing a few of the human's memories. "You see, we found you injured in the woods. You had been gravely injured by a robber... we healed you and took you under our wings." The queen reached out and led the man to sit at her feet, putting his head in her lap. She pet him quite like you would a dog. She smiled, stroking the man's hair. "I hope you are feeling better. There is no Ella, remember that."
The room seemed only to get more and more hazy as she spoke, as if there was magic in the air. The sound of her voice was calming, alluring, it forced all his defenses down immediately and then before he knew it he was sitting in front of her. Muttering the same things that she was saying to him as if they were his own words. He felt warm and at peace, like nothing was wrong with him, he was lighter than air and it made him smile. Her last words seemed to echo in his ears, he said them aloud. "There is no Ella, reme..." a vision flashed before his eyes, the feeling of Ella's warm hands wrapping around her waist once he'd returned. When she accepted his affections.

Standing quickly he tried to back away from the alluring siren but ended up falling down the short flight of stairs which led to her throne. "No!" He screamed as he tried to scramble away but soldiers quickly took hold of him. "No! You can't take that away! You can't take those happy days from me..." he said as he relaxed in the soldiers grasp. Realizing that it was helpless to try and escape. He began to sob, "Please, please... don't take those memories away from me. No one has ever made me happier, please... don't take them away."
"Honey..." The woman said, standing up. "Ella will hurt you. She's playing you. She doesn't actually care for you. She never could." She reached out for the man, Darian. Gently, she stroked his face. "You are the son of the king and queen." She said, staring into the man's eyes with her own blue ones. She started to use hypnotism to control the man. "You hate anyone that is a slave... you will never love anyone below you..." She made sure to keep all notions of affections buried deep in his mind.
Her hand forced him to look into her eyes, they were deep, so very deep that it couldn't be avoided as he felt his mind being dragged into her own. "A king and queen? From where?" He asked quietly, feeling his mind no longer become his own. She told him what he was feeling, that he could never love anyone who wasn't on his same caste. It filled his mind with darkness, forgetfulness, and doubt. He remembered how Ella had run from him, hidden from him. Did she really not care?

"Don't tell me lies... please, all I'm asking is that you don't take her memories from me... please..." he was practically begging now. His mind slowly becoming darker and darker as he stared into her eyes. His eyes continued to fill with tears as he sobbed, wanting anything to keep these memories. "I love her, whether she feels the same way or not, I don't want to forget her, please. Don't do this..." He broke his gaze with her, it took all his willpower to do so and he slumped forward. "Just tell me why, why are you hiding her from me? Why do you want her?"
"I want her because she is power..." The woman whispered before filling Darian's mind with false memories. He was now the prince of the pure fae, lost his wings and magic in a tragic battle that made him a mere human and owned the slave by the name of Lela. He was cruel to those under him but sweet to his mother and mourned his father in death. She locked the memories that made Darian, Darian away with a key, hidden in the one person he loved most.
The darkness took over and with it, it erased everything that had made him the rich banker he once was. Everything that had made Darian was now gone, his appreciation for money, knowledge of his home, his abusive father was replaced by a dead one and now his mother stood before him. Orchestrating his memory like a puppeteer. But most importantly was the knowledge of Ella, was gone. Her pure happiness, the memories of her 'fixing' his garden, and the sight of her in the darkened room as she looked at the Amorus flower.

Looking to either side of him, the soldiers still had a grasp of him. He stood up and the soldiers kept grip on him, expecting him to try and bolt again but instead he ripped his arms from their grip violently. "What do you idiots think your doing holding onto your prince like some kind of common criminal!" He glared at the two of them and they backed away in an instant. Turning back to the queen he looked in her eyes, "Mother, dear mother what is the meaning of all this? I might look human, but that's no need to treat me as such."
The queen smiled in triumph before petting her 'son's' head. "My dear Darian, you were confused for a bit. You thought yourself as one of those despicable humans. I had to help you find your memory. I am glad you remember me again." She hugged him, pretending to cry as she held her "son" tightly. She waved the guards away before hugging Darian, leaving them to their moment.
Darian returned the hug, rubbing his mother's back lovingly as she spoke to him about forgetting his memory. "My beloved mother, how could I forget you?" It was heartbreaking to hear her cry but he could tell that this wasn't a normal cry. She was pretending for some reason, or perhaps it was just a lap in his memory that he'd forgotten his own mother's cries. "There, there, mother, it's alright. Darian is here for you. I'll always be here for you." he said quietly before smiling. This feeling of power within him was strong and he enjoyed it.

Once their moment was done he looked around, "Mother, where is my beloved..." he paused as his voice became angrier and more annoyed, "wench of a slave Lela? I'm getting quite hungry."
"She is getting retrained. She should be coming soon enough." The queen said, wiping a tear from her eye. She looked over as another slave brought Ella in. "Ah, there she is!" The woman said smiling.

Ella looked up and smiled seeing Darian was okay and healthy. "Darian! You're okay... I'm so sorry..." She started to walk toward him, hoping to get an embrace. The other slave looked over at Ella, wondering if she had lost her mind.
Lela, Darian had a hard time recalling what Lela had looked like, obviously he would know once he saw her. Turning to face his slave as she walked he stopped himself for a moment. Lela, this was Lela? She was beautiful, why couldn't he remember such a beautiful face. And yet, why did he think she was beautiful? Slaves were not beautiful, they were servants, the driven, beaten, and abused. They were the lowest of the low and he was a prince of the kingdom. To look upon a slave as beautiful, he almost scoffed at the idea.

"Lela..." he stopped himself for a moment, that name, why did that name not fit the face that was before him? Why did that name not roll off his tongue as it should after her serving him for so long? It was strange but he simply chalked it up to memory loss. "You are not quite sorry enough my dear," walking forward he smiled and placed his hands behind his back. "Did you think that my going crazy, and thinking myself human was some excuse to try and escape? To try and leave? Lela..." he reached up as if to lovingly stroke her cheek, but instead grasped her painfully before yelling "you disappoint me!" He then let her stumble backwards a little bit.
Ella was surprised and looked up at Darian shocked before realizing what was happening. She knelt down and bowed to Darian, keeping her forehead to the ground. "How may I serve you, my master?" She asked quietly, tears welling up and falling to the floor. She knew it was too good to be true.
An evil smirk crossed Darian's face as he looked down at the now properly positioned slave, "It seems your retraining needs a bit of work Lela," he said before he noticed her tears. Something shifted in him as he looked down at her submission to him. Something seemed vile and strange about it like he inwardly rejected this behavior. Driving those thoughts from his mind he knelt down taking her arm and standing her up before looking into her face. These tears were real, unlike his mother's, he didn't know how he knew or why he even cared but he knew that they were real. "Let's go, I'm getting hungry and I would like to eat on the terrace." He then pointed in the direction he assumed the food hall was.

As they walked he took her hand and stopped her, looking into her eyes, "Stop crying! Why are you crying?" It seemed strange to yell at something like that, yet his mind told him it was normal and he'd done it all the time.
"I am sorry my master, I will stop right away." Ella responded, wiping away the tears fiercely. She kept her head down, afraid that he was going to hit her again. She sniffled, shivering as her wings fluttered slightly. Another slave walked in.

"My master." She bowed, She looked similar to Ella, but was much more uncouth and less stellar. The queen smiled and pulled Ella away from her 'son'.

"I am so sorry, my dear son. You seem to have been sent the wrong slave. This is your Lela. That is the reject." The queen said with a honey-like voice. She tilted her head, smiling as she pulled Ella closer, handing the other slave off to Darian.
The slave began to wipe tears from her eyes and he felt strange, so strange about this odd turn of events and yet he knew that this was the result. This was Lela, this was his and he knew it deep down. This slave belonged with him. So when his mother brought in another and told him that he'd been given the wrong slave he smiled. Walking forward he looked at the new Lela, examining her from head to toe. A cruel smile seemed to come over his face, she was much less appealing to look at. "I don't like her, mother..." he said and watched the new Lela's reaction.

Turning to his mother he put on his best pouting face, "I don't care if she was the wrong one, I want her." he pointed at Ella and smiled, "There is a little fight in her I can see it. I like that." He said walking forward, continuing to pout in order to get his mother's permission. "Or you could just give me both..." he said, feeling a sense of being the spoiled prince that his memories told him he was. "Please mother, I promise I'll take such good care of them..."
"Son, you know the rules. You are only allowed one personal slave. Any others must be used for... other purposes." The queen said, pushing the other slave toward Darian, trying to get him away from Ella. She got what she wanted, now she wanted the faerie out. Ella was dangerous. She didn't want her corrupting her 'son'. Not yet, at least.
"But mother..." he continued to pout and walk closer pushing the new Lela out of the way. "I don't want this one, I want her!" He realized quickly that he was fighting a losing battle but there was something strange about that one that he envied. He wanted no one else to have her, she was to be his. "If I am only allowed one slave, I want that one!" It seemed that his mother would not budge and so he took one final look at Ella, trying to figure out why she was so strange to him.

Scoffing he turned to Lela, "What are you looking at?" He asked her in the kindest tone and yet the look in his eyes was one of anger that he didn't get what he wanted. "I'm quite hungry," he took her arm and shoved her away from him. "I'll eat on the balcony of my room." He took a few steps forward but then realized that he couldn't remember where his room was. "Mother what happened to me, I can't even remember where my room is..."
"Dear, let me show you. You were gravely injured by the royals..." His mother said, wrapping her arm around his shoulder and slowly walking him toward his room. "I'll give you your slave, just calm down. I would not want to aggravate your injuries..." She waved her magic, making the 'new' Lela die. Ella looked on, scared. She noticed the stern look that the queen gave her and nodded, walking behind them at a respectable pace.