Strike Witches 1991: The Gulf Neuroi War

  • Thread starter SqL Constantia Harvey
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I think Rode wants to fly some milk-crate battlewagons against the Neuroi. Metal-less frame = best stealth, after all!
Click, stfu. You still haven't posted for SH, right? Don't think you should be infecting any other RPs with Clicktime.
I think Rode wants to fly some milk-crate battlewagons against the Neuroi. Metal-less frame = best stealth, after all!
More like fiery death for you, but close enuf.
Well if anyone needs help looking for weapons and vehicles for ideas the "List of Equipment used in the Gulf War" Wikipedia is pretty useful.
A question. Multiple Questions

How much knowledge do you expect people to have about Gulf War tech and Strike Witches the first place? How DOES the tech work anyways? Cause mecha musume is definitely more high-tech than WWI tech stuff...

Unless it's just blahblahblah plot reasons.

Also, general atmosphere. What sort of feel are you going for?

And how many NPCs can I introduce? :3 I have way too many nice female pics than I want to use. Wish I could say the same for male pics.
1: I shall defer you to the wiki link I put in the OP. It would probably explain stuff a lot better than me, or at least give you a better feel for it

2: General Atmosphere? Probably varying from light hearted to occasionally dark or sad due to loss of a comrade or flashbacks from veterans of the First Fleet disaster. To be honest, I really don't have any predetermined "atmosphere" in mind, we'll just play it out. OR I'm misunderstanding the question entirely. XD

3: NPCs? As opposed to actual separate characters? Depends really. Message me about what you have in mind specifically, though for now, I would generally say just focus on making your actual character.

I know this is a bit of a stretch, but would there be some flexibility for me to RP a ship captain for something like an anti-air destroyer? I know I'd probably die a horrible death if I did, but boat captain is still awesome regardless.
Erm. I mean.... Hmmm... It's not that you would have a character that was already at 20x more risk of death by laser beams, it's just I can't really think of a way that would have you really involved in the plot.... You might find yourself unable to post for a long time as players develop their characters and what not. I'm gonna have to say no to this. Please just make a Witch please, preferably a Land Witch as that's what's in need of filling up currently. Though you could claim that last sky witch slot if you really really wanted to.

Regardless, welcome aboard you two! If... well.. you plan on sticking around. ;D

For the rest of you, I updated the character section with the accepted characters.

I can't really accept your CS in its current state. While the basic concept is completely fine, the CS is filled with all sorts of major spelling and grammar errors. I'm not really too strict when it comes to that kind of stuff, but its just too obvious in your CS for me to look away. Make these changes and your character will be accepted.
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Hmm, thought so. Would a support witch like AWACS be a viable option?
Hmm, thought so. Would a support witch like AWACS be a viable option?
Sure! I think that would be a neat combo with R-9's character. Also, I will always love fresh recruits over "hardened" veterans! *hint hint, nudge nudge, tip of the hat, wink wink, smoke signals*
So, I noticed the lack of China in the list of nations, and my sleuthing has ended up with me finding out that apparently, China got life-wiped/rekt/explodinated by the Neurois? What happened after that? Is it part of another nation now? A wasteland that no one lives in? Still China, just a third-world version in which residents are trying to make into a country again?

And is there any use at all for a Strike Witch to be based off a recon plane? Recently stumbled upon a plane by the name of Dragon Lady, and it sounds so kewl...but it's a recon.

Essentially, does the nature of the aircraft matter in regards to the nature of the Strike Witch's weaponry?
China is an example of what happens when Neuroi occupy territory for too long. Here is a map from the series:


The Neuroi literally harvest the land around their established "hives" and build their war machines from them. They've plagued humanity at various periods of history, systematically harvesting or destroying chunks of land and make them "sink into the sea", hence why the continents look all mangled and patchy.

As for the residents of what is left of China, or "The Ming Empire" as it is called in the series, various peoples are scattered through out the Asian continent and the nation itself has ceased to exist. You can still have a Ming Witch if that's what your getting at, in fact, it could give you a cool source for some family history or passed down special hatred for the Neuroi.

AS for the recon plan? Perhaps, since you're referring to a U-2, but I'm iffy about it since we already have Witches filling similar aspects or roles of reconnaissance. But in terms of weaponry, not really. You could fly a F-15 but use a SAW or M4 Carbine. The Witches magic enhances everything including their attacks, meaning that when they shoot a rifle round, it has one hell of an impact compared to if a regular soldier shot it. Of course, people usually take advantage of their aircraft's unique gunnery like say, if you were an A-10 Witch then you would probably like to have that 30mm "fuck you" Gatling gun. XD

Long story short, I'm not to picky when it comes to weapon choice. Feel free to choose what you want! (Within reason)
OH, I see. The map that I found of the Strike Witches universe had China in purple or whatever, and I had no idea what that actually meant.

Guess I'll look over the CSes and see which holes to fill then.
Blarg, moar questions, but this is more character-related stuff.

As I've said before, there's a character in the Strike Witches' anime that uses a sword. Would it be plausible for a melee Strike Witch to be chilling about? Like...elbow dropping, atatatatata-punching, lariating, and all that martial artist shounen stuff? Or is that too outlandish?
Hmm.... Full on hand to hand combat or... hand to... flying death machine like alien? I'm gonna say no. Now your witch could have some special magical super punch or something, but not as a primary combat form.
Thought I'd run through muh Magical Ability with you first. Are there any concerns? Impossibilities?

Magical Ability:
Altitude Ace – It's funny, how the Panavia Tornado was designed for low-altitude strike missions, when Yu Ri's magical ability centers around rapidly descending and ascending. Capable of instantly turning ninety degrees upwards or downwards, Yu Ri can accelerate beyond the normal speeds of her Striker Unit, gaining more and more speed the longer she continues to rise. The only known limitation to this continuously-increasing acceleration is magical exhaustion and the possibility of blacking out, but even those limits will increase with time and experience. Once she starts flying horizontally, though, her speed decays drastically, back to normal levels.

She has a variety of physical 'finishers' that she uses in accordance with Altitude Ace, from 'SPACE DROP' to 'TORNADO PAWNCH' to 'RISING DRAGON, POUNCING TIGER'. All of them are melee attacks, and are probably pointless, but hey, they feel good, in a painful sort of way.
The whole thing sounds good! Maybe the Tornado model can handle that speed now... but later down the line as she does start to master it more and more, she might end up burning out her striker! XD
Does altitude actually matter or not though, for Strike Witches? Never watched the anime, but I keep on recalling scenes of them flying just above sea level for some reason.
They usually don't seem to care too much in the actual series. But I don't see why it wouldn't matter in general. And I think at one point in the second season, they did essentially have to strap on rockets and get almost to space to shoot a Neuroi at one point.
That seemed to have more to do with the props on the strikers not being powerful enough though.
Welp. Think I'll go with the E-3. Unless you guys want a southern witch with a K-3 with a soda hat and jugs full of sweet tea.
Hmmm so hard to find any good pictures.
The Squad Leader is allowed to have some experience right? =P
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Name: Jessy
Age: 18
Nation(See list for details): Israel?
Rank: Support
Striker Unit: Merkava

Weapon: IMI 120 mm gun
Magical Ability: Suppression fire
Animal Familiar: Desert fox

Personality: The horror of war have already taken it's toll on Jessy. She never smiles and do not talk with people unless directly spoken to. The only function that remain intact is that of battle; With cold blood she do whatever she have been ordered to.
Bio/History: Jessy grew up in a small outlandish village in Israel.
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