Strange Occurrence in Celestial Kingdom

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"Interesting," is all he utters, his voice bouncing around the room for a while. It feels like a jail cell to him, cold and incomplete. He wants to speak more, to really frighten her. Those blue spheres give him no satisfaction at all, not an ounce. His jaw tightens. What else can he say? Clearing his throat, The Shadoweaver spins his web around the girl's mind by simply staring into her eyes for a long while. Perhaps the confusion she feels internally is all a part of his plan. This bigger picture that he is crafting underneath everyones noses.

"How long do you think you can go? Love should be eternal but it's often ..." the smirk returns underneath his mask, "shortly lived. Loving Tarin will be a mistake and you will see just that one day when you have birthed his babies. No, the children will be fine but you will no longer be able to give him what he wants. That man, that knight, will toss you aside without a second thought to find himself a new bride. It's a shame really. You'll be tied down and it's all because of your father. He is forcing you to make a decision that should be slowly crafted, much like silken sheets." Moving past her, he doesn't move to the doorway but instead around Lily. His gloved fingers trail over her stomach.

"A woman who births children is not pure anymore. Her body changes and she grows fat or rounded in just the right places that will cause her man to turn in disgust. Hm? But you have already made your decision and not even I, The Shadoweaver, can change that monumental choice in your life. You will marry the fool. The puppet. The liar. He will take your power from you and you'll be helplessly drowning in the wake of his actions."
As he moved behind her and began to trail his fingers over her, she closed her eyes wishing that he was disappear from her room that instant. When he finished, Lily stood there with her back to him, not letting his words get to her. Moving his hand off of her body, she stepped to the side of him and began to push him out of the room and onto the balcony, where he would leave. "I get the feeling that is what you would do as well. I feel as if I am nothing but some toy for you play with until you get tired of it and there is no way you'd fall for someone who carried royal blood."

Walking back into her room, she then turned her head to look at him for a second and finished what she had to say before closing the doors. "You only threaten or speak ill of other people out of jealousy, but you'll never admit such a thing. Goodnight and goodbye, Shadoweaver."
The Shadoweaver allows her to shove at his toned chest, his muscles responding to each and every push with the ceasing of return fire. Every single part of him wants to grab her by the neck and crack her back by violently crashing her body against the wall. He has been in many, many, fights before where he has managed to lift and throw people twice her size. It's all in the hips and legs, never, ever, in the back. Still, he eventually obtains his bearings and pushes her hands out of the way, grabbing her wrists and ties them up as if they were string against his own. He eventually lets her go, speaking in his usual gruff tone.

"Your parents fell for one another, Lily. Who says I can't fall in love with royal blood? I could have shown you the world, Lily. The entire world, the true one that you have been sheltered from since you were a babe." Turning, he pushes himself off the ledge, landing on the opposite rooftop before he walks from shingle to shingle. Looking back at her from his perch, The Shadoweaver adores the way he can manipulate her mind, pressing his hand to his mouth and waving his kiss towards her. He wants her to want him. Crave him. Even beg for him to be back in her life. That day will come, he is certain, but it's not today.
When he released her hands from his grip, Lily rubbed them gently with her fingers and watched him leave off her balcony onto the roof nearby. It bothered her that he had said something about falling in love with someone like her, but still in the back of her mind, she felt like he could really only prove it in one way that even she couldn't imagine. Now in her room, she sat upon her bed, his scent filling her senses. It was maddening to have him remain in her thoughts throughout the night as she laid down on the mattress. He did it all on purpose and she knew it, yet she couldn't bring herself to remove the sheets that next morning. 'I don't know what I want anymore..' She thought to herself, rubbing her forehead with the tips of her fingers as she heard a knock at the door, aware that it wasn't one of her maids because the knock was created by a heavy hand, which none of her maids had. "Come in.."
The knight that enters her room is not Tarin. He comes bearing a message from the soon-to-be husband of Lily. Kneeling before the princess, the young knight speaks quickly, knowing he shouldn't be in her chambers at this late hour. "My apologies to disturb you, Princess Lily. But I have an urgent message from Sir Tarin," revealing a folded piece of parchment to the Princess locked away in a creamy white envelope. The back of the envelope containing ink blotches of Tarin's own fingers. He must have had been in a rush when writing it, the ink smeared when she opens the container and reads the message to herself. The knight bows and exits.

Dearest Lily,

With a heavy heart I send you this letter. On this night, I have received a message from my King, where upon my loyalties lie. Even though I would love for them all to be to you and to you only, I have to ride to my Kingdom and assist my Liege with business. But, don't worry, I will be back within the month. It just all depends on what my King requires from me. I have assigned you another guard to stay by your side if you should ever go outside the castle walls. With the Shadoweaver being so prominent in our lives, I doubt that a time will come. My heart hopes that it doesn't. That way, I know that you're safe. Always safe.

I write you this letter incase you are not in your room. I don't have the time to run all over the castle looking for you but I would like a goodbye kiss. Please come down to the stables if you are able. If you are fast asleep, just close your eyes and remember my lips upon yours.

After reading the letter sent by Tarin, Lily was saddened by the fact that he had to leave back to his own country, but she knew that this was only temporary. Thanking the knight, she slipped on a pair of shoes before heading down to the stables to meet up with Tarin before he left to kingdom. Upon seeing him, she ran up to him, wrapping her arms around his waist not planning to let go of him anytime soon. "I don't want you to go.. And it'll be loniler without you hear." She said as she looked up at him, upset that since he started avoiding her, they hadn't seen much of each other.
Tarin is about to leap up into the saddle when Lily calls his name from across the courtyard. He turns and the weight on his shoulders lifts and Tarin smiles. Holding his arms open, his armor creaks when she wraps her arms around him. Tarin, in return, holds her close. She might be able to hear his heartbeat through his armor for it beats only for her. Lily might be too distracted by the barrage of kisses Tarin gives her to notice the shadow creeping up the wall. The Shadoweaver sits in plain sight, his foot swinging off of the castle battery, eyes watching them like the jealous man he is.

Perfect. He thinks to himself, All I have to do is kill Tarin on his ride to his own kingdom and my problems will be solved. Either that or injure the man greatly, letting him die of his own accord. Plucking a deep coal ribbon from his side, The Shadoweaver wraps it around his hand and pulls it tight. This one is for you, dear knight. Tarin. Man of nothing. Lover to no one.

"Without me here?" Tarin asks, kissing her cheek, "you'll never be without me, my dear." He whispers into her ear, smiling when she presses even closer into him. "I will return before you even know it, my lovely Lily." Leaning in, Tarin pushes her hair back with his palm, kissing her lips deeply. It will keep him warm for the rest of the night he is sure. "Don't fret. Write to me, please." He takes her hands in his, kissing each and every finger from hers as they rest in his cold plates ones. "I love you, Lily." Kissing her cheek, he steps away and pulls himself up in the saddle. Looking down at her, Tarin frowns, "I'll miss you. Goodbye and keep yourself well while I am gone."
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Lily can't help but smile as he speaks into her ear before their lips collide into a deep kiss. Her hands move from around his plated waist to the cup his face with them. Tarins' kisses lately seemed more passionate and loving, then it did when he had first ever kissed her. He was leaving soon, something she could not stop, but she knew that he would keep his promises to her. "I'll write to you almost everyday if I have too." She replied to him as her hand slipped from his, watching him get settled on top of the horse. "I love you too.. Write me immediately when you hear that you'll be returning here." Those were her final words before she waved him goodbye as he exited the castle gates into the forest that led him back to his own kingdom. When he was finally out of site, Lily started back up to her bedroom to sleep, not knowing that the Shadoweaver was watching them this whole time. Lily didn't know what that man was thinking, but she knew for sure that he hated Tarin from the very beginning and the hatred was going more and more with each passing day.
And with a kiss goodbye, Tarin and his knights ride from the castle and for whatever reason, the knight keeps looking over his shoulder back to the high castle walls. He trusts his knights to protect Lily but at the same time, Tarin can't trust anyone after his best knight left his side, his knights, to join The Shadoweaver who had supposedly showed them the world in an angle that cannot be unseen. Brainwash perhaps? One thing is for certain that once he returns to his own castle, the walls seem bare without a touch of Lily needed in Tarin's life. His own King realizes this pain in the young Knight's eyes but doesn't order him from the Kingdom until whatever duties he wishes are fulfilled.

During this time, The Shadoweaver resists with all his being not to return to the castle. He doesn't want to look as if Lily has any importance in his life. But what he has done, is devised quite the plan in the meantime. During dinner, Lily will get quite the shock of her life. Like any ordinary dinner night, she moves to the dining hall where the many lords and ladies reside. But, surprisingly enough, her eyes catch one set of eyes, a figure residing in the seat next to Lord Baltimore at the head of the table next to the King himself. The Shadoweaver himself resides there, in a ruffled shirt underneath a purple vest laden with golden embroidery. His hair has been cut short, the scar crossing his lips still there as it will always be. It's the only way the King will know he has caught the Shadoweaver - if such information ever came to light.

Turning to her father, The Shadoweaver simply lifts his glass and tells something charming to the King, her father in return, turning to Leo and letting out a rumble of laughter throughout the hall. Looking over the brim of his glass, Leo simply takes a gulp, placing down the goblet, his crafty eyes settling on Lily herself. A simply nod follows before ignoring her and turning back to the King himself.
It was a night like any other for Lily as she headed down to the dining hall to have dinner with her family and guests. Entering the hall, she quickly apologizes to everyone for being late, before going to the end of the table to take the seat wedged between her father and brother. The moment her eyes settle on the person across from her, Lily is beyond shocked to see who it is that was making her father burst with laughter in the hall. The very person that she had thought had finally given up on seeing her after making her decision. Leo had a plan and she wasn't sure of what it was. Rondell leans over to his younger sister warning her that the current expression on her face wasn't a pleasant one. Shaking her head, she places a fake smile on her lips as she avoids looking at the male for most of the dinner, until her father suddenly says something to Leo in a quiet tone. "I am happy to know that someone like you was there to rescue my dear girl, if you were marrying my daughter, I'd be very pleased." His words were sincere as he spoke to the male.

As soon as Lily was finished with the dinner, she excused herself from the table. Leaving out of the castle and into the garden, she took a seat upon the bench, trying to forget what she had seen but that was impossible. Why was he there sitting next to her father? Was he planning on doing something to him that night, now that he was inside the castle and receiving the King's good graces for his 'heroic' act.
"You, Lily, are quite the jejune woman," The Shadoweaver spikes her with his tongue, coming to sit next to her once dinner has been called to an end and the Lords and Ladies are bidding their goodbyes. They still make him sick to his stomach, his smile having to stay positive in a sea of corruption as far as he is concerned, "yet tonight was a..." his eye narrow, hand coming to whisk in a quick circle as he collects his mind, "a demonstration to the power that I really hold. All you really need is influence and a smart smile to get away with," he starts to chuckle, "to get away with murder." shaking his head, those amber hues move back to Lily, staying steadily on hers.

Remembering the events of the night well, The Shadoweaver relishes in the fact that Lily, in all honesty, kept his secret despite all that he could have done. Being next to the King means he could easily poison the man's drink, stab him in the side, or force the man to give him what he wants using persuasion. "Even if you did tell your father, or anyone in this castle about him, they won't believe you. Such power comes with a few smiles or perhaps a few discounts on... lets say... spices." his eyes flicker with mischief, hands wringing together before him, a laugh emitting itself from his own lungs. With that said, he leans closer, his breath tickling her ear, a small kiss planted beside her lobe, "Everyone in that hall adores me," he whispers, a hand moving to her thigh, gently caressing the fabric there, "Except you. What must I do to earn your affections?"
As he leaned in closer to her ear, Lily could feel a chill run up her spine before feeling his hand rest upon her thigh. He was more arrogant than usual, now that Tarin wasn't here to get in his way, but that wouldn't stop Lily from standing her ground with him. Removing his hand from her body and pushing him away from her by the shoulder, she replied to his question. "There is nothing you can do, but if you could earn even the tiniest bit of affection, then I'd like it if you disappeared from my sight." He wasn't going to get the best of her, no matter how he tried. He wasn't going to be the object of her desires anymore. All she wanted was to forget about him, but she knew he wouldn't let that happen as long as he was alive.

"If you're done with this game of yours, then leave." Getting up from the bench, she turned her back towards him heading back to the castle. It was upsetting that when she tried to relax in her favorite spot of the castle that he had to disturb it. Entering the bedroom, Lily took a seat at the table that sat in front of her window, before lighting a candle. Right then was a perfect time to write Tarin a letter about how things were while he is away, so taking out some parchment and ink, she began to write him.
"You don't understand," he sighs out, feeling a rush of energy when she shoves him back. Frankly, it just made him desire her even more, his eyes alighting with such gusto, his entire face peeling away to reveal a genuine smile. It's still illuminates his dark curves, the scarring on his lip practically glinting in the moonlight. "I won't stop, my dear girl," he grabs her wrist, forcing her not to leave him just yet. Pulling her closer to him, he greedily chews upon her neck, his hands holding her tightly against his muscled form until he is satisfied. There is no doubt in his mind that there will be a sweet blotch of red waiting for her, the bruising from his forced kiss upon her neck, lasting a few days. They always, always, grow darker and more prominent before they fade away.

Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, The Shadoweaver, or Leo, smiles when he sees the angered look of shock on her face. Adding to it, his fingers slide down to cover over her rump, a tight squeeze elicited before he shoves himself away from her. "You're a good girl," he whispers, as if she were a dog. "It's a shame that you will ruin your sweet life before you even realize it." With that, he leaves her to her own methods, his views quickly changing to his mission here inside the castle walls. He is an honored guest after all. Perhaps a tour is in order for him since he wasn't exactly in pristine condition the last time. Walking up to the King himself, Leo wonders if they can have a moment alone to speak man to man. Once they sit down in her father's private library, The Shadoweaver starts to spin another web.

"It's about Tarin," he breathes, making up a story about the knight's association with the dreaded Shadoweaver. If the King doesn't believe him, Leo is certain that by the end of the conversation, Tarin will not be allowed back to Celestial Kingdom until he proves himself. "Think about it," he tells the King, walking around the man's chair, not even bothering to use formalities. It would churn his stomach, the knife in his boot itching to be soaked in royal blood. "He takes your daughter out past the safety of your castle to a lake. There, he strips her down and I am certain he has taken advantage of her, causing her to melt into his arms when those arms themselves are littered with spikes. Under his watch, she is kidnapped by the Shadoweaver and your men cannot find her for weeks on end. Tarin... he suddenly ... disappears only to reappear once I brought her back to this Kingdom myself." Oh The Shadoweaver is a crafty devil, his smile wide on his lips as he stands behind the King, placing his hands on the royal shoulders. "Think about it." is all he says, exiting the room to leave the King to his own devices.
As Lily finished writing her letter to Tarin, a burning sensation arose from her neck. She knew what it was from, so she covered it with her hand, waiting for the feeling to go away. Going out to the hall, where he knight stood, she asked for him to have the letter delivered as soon as possible. Watching him walk away to send it off, Lily noticed her father walking in the direction of her room with an angered expression on his face. Gesturing her back into the room, he tells her that Tarin is banned from entering their kingdom ever again and that he had already sent word to his King about his decision. Lily asked for his reason as to why he had made such a choice and all that he could say was because of the incident that involved that Shadoweaver. It had been months since that had happened, so why now of all times would he decide that it was all Tarin's fault for her kidnapping.

It didn't take her long to realize that only one person would try to ruin everything with just a few simple words and manipulating. He was starting to get on her last nerve with all the underhanded tricks he was using. What was the purpose of it all, did he think that doing this would make her want him in the end. If so, he was very wrong. It had the opposite of effect now. Her father wouldn't even let her explain what had happened, telling her that she had been fooled by Tarin after he had supposedly 'taken advantage of her'. Leaving her alone in her room, Lily's emotions were beginning to get out of control, now that 'his' plan was going the way he wanted it. All she could think about was how would her life be now, now that he had made sure that it was almost impossible for Tarin to come back.
Leo departs from the Kingdom, knowing that Tarin should be about half way to his own by this hour of the night. Arriving at the carriage of Lord Baltimore, Leo is welcomed to ride with him when he asks. Little does the Lord know that his life, as well as his driver's life, will be ended shortly after they hit the safety of the swaying trees. Smiling, Leo, dressed still in his white and purple vest, releases the knife right into the Lord's throat, those gray eyes of his going wide with shock as Leo grasps his hair, forcing him to look at Leo with every last breath. Taking the knife out, he stabs his dear Lord again and again, until blood has painted itself all over the carriage. The two bodies, Lord Baltimore and his driver, are dumped in the lake, the red from their blood easily diffusing outwards and thus no evidence of the murder is present.

Taking the carriage, he rides day and night until he reaches the campsite of Tarin and his band of knights. Burning the carriage a mile or so back down the road, he approaches the fires, the blood cleaned from his skin and virtually none on his clothing. At first, the lad isn't welcomed in the camp, Tarin's knights holding him off from their prized knight. Becoming sick of their games, starts to scream something about the King's strange ways. Its easy enough, dropping some powder into the King's drink, the right dose causing him to forget where exactly he heard the news about Tarin's treachery but just knowing that it was a trustworthy source. Before Leo exited the room, he asked the King to take another sip, their conversation soon forgotten but the raw bones of the matter still swarming in his brain.

Slowly, Leo reveals that Tarin cannot return to the Kingdom unless it were under Leo's supervision. Tarin, hating the shorter male, refuses immediately. But as the night draws on, Leo residing outside of camp, his back up against a tree, Tarin moves to join him. The knight expresses his love for Lily and Leo has to literally bite his tongue and withhold his hand from the dagger in his boot. "If that's so..." he breathes, "then you are sorrily mistaken. You see, she loves The Shadoweaver." That is not at all what Tarin wishes to hear, his anger sparking like wildfire. He starts to yell at Leo but the man calms him down with simple words. "It's true. She is playing you, Tarin. Do you think she is really -all- innocence? I can take you back to the castle. Tonight. And you can see her. But... you'll find a marking you may not desire on her neck. His lips made those marks, Tarin. She loved every minute of it as far as I could see."
It was an upsetting night so far and Lily decided that it was best if she just went to bed, wanting to forget everything that had happened. Wanting something that would calm her nerves, she remembered the time that Tarin had given her his coat on a cold night and asked her to keep it in case she ever needed it again. Thinking that this was the best time, she found the article of clothing still hanging in her closet. Holding it close, it still had his scent on it, which already had a calming effect on her. Changing into something comfortable to sleep in, Lily laid down in her bed, holding the coat with a tight grip as she rested her head upon it to sleep. This was the only thing keeping her from losing control, if Tarin was there, he'd comfort her until she had fallen into a deep sleep. But now chaos was being created by the Shadoweaver to get what he wants. All Lily could hope for was that Tarin would never believe anything that the Shadoweaver or Leo had up his sleeve and would stick to his true feelings.
No word is heard from Tarin nor Leo after three long weeks pass over Celestial Kingdom. When suddenly, on a bright morning, the sun rising early in the sky to greet the day, two figures appear at the edge of the forest. They don't move. They simply sit and wait on their saddled steeds. The warhorses beneath them huff and snort until a band of knights follow these two scouts. The King of Tarin's kingdom rides straight on his brilliant white stallion, a sword attached to his back and his torso covered with armor and fur. Lots of fur. With a spiraling crown placed on top of his head, he symbolizes everything that every peasant could desire. Glory. Power. Riches. The whole deal. By his side are just simple knights clad in their own plate and fur lined cloaks. Without any warning, they show up to Lily's dear kingdom and the King doesn't look pleased.

"I wish to speak to the King," comes his northern dialect, his words as strong as the steel coating his body. The King has flame red hair and awakened green eyes as if glass had caught the sunlight in just the precise way that practically blinds the onlooker. Shaking his head, the King doesn't take no for an answer. "Wake him up. This is urgent. Do you know who you're talking to?" The King growls, hand gripping his sword. Once the men let him in, he rides through the sleepy village to the front gates, nearly banging down the door himself to reach the King. "We need to talk about Tarin. Yes. The very knight you banished from your own Kingdom." he tells Lily's father, stepping inside the warm halls and not giving up a breath until he is done defending his best knight from such ropes of oppression.
During the night, Lily was woken from her peaceful slumber to the sounds of people running around in the castle, saying that King of the Wolves Kingdom had come to the castle unannounced. Getting up from the bed, she wrapped herself in her robe before leaving out of her room to go see what was happening. It didn't take long for her to reach the very spot where the King was waiting for her father. Deciding to speak up, she went over to him with a smile and greeted him warmly. "My King, it has been so long since we had last seen each other. What brings you to our Kingdom at this time of night?" She asked, kind of knowing what this was all about.
Julio, the small kitchen boy, runs to greet Lily while she walks to the King of Wolves. His mind, being so late at night, is a flutter with endless questions of what another King is doing here. Did her father do something wrong to upset the Wolf King? Practically pulling on Lily's robes, the small boy suddenly goes quiet when he sees the stature of the red haired King. The long tendrils of his cranium are wrapped in long braids, much like the barbarians of the north love. Brown and gold banners, designed with a wolf paw in the center, happily flap in the small gusts of wind that arise from the West, causing them to flap in the moments of silence once Lily speaks.

"Your father, my child," he tells her in a low rumble, "is required to speak with me right this instant. I will not take his tip toeing around the point. I call a good soldier home and he is sulking. Hardly himself." shaking his head, the King finally takes a moment to actually look at Lily. Her clean smell and agile figures are enough for him to rank her. "So I must speak with your father. At once! It's urgent and will not, cannot, be put on hold. Do you hear me? Without warning, Tarin has been banished from this place - our negotiations now invalid. Has your father forgotten our contract so quickly?" The King clicks his tongue thrice along with a good shake of his head. "Disgraceful manner. No room for a woman in our conversation. Be gone with you, Lily." he already knows her name but then again... who doesn't?
Upon hearing why he had come, it had confirmed her thoughts. Knowing that he was more than upset about the matter, it didn't allow him to speak to her in such a way. Looking towards Julio, she asked him to go to the kitchen to prepare something to drinks for everyone including herself. Thanking him before he left, she told him that she'd tell him as much as she could once it was all done. Turning back to the Wolf King, she looked up at him with a serious look directed to him. Anyone who knew Lily, knew that she wouldn't let a man tell her what to do unless she knew it wasn't her place to speak at all. "Excuse me, my King, but this does concern me in every way and I'd like to clear any misunderstandings you or my father have about this." As she finished up, her father came down from his chambers to see his daughter and Wolf King speaking with each other. He was aware of why his friend had traveled so far and he was going to make himself clear about his choice.
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