Stranded [IC]

  • Thread starter Jae- The nonexistant
  • Start date
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Valentine stood by and watched as Xemnas fought one of the tigers, killing it, and was adored by the other. He stuck his knife back into it's sheath on his calf, and adjusted his suit. He would've offered to help, but it seemed the man had enough adrenaline left in his bloodstream to kick even his ass. He looked up to see the girl from earlier call out for another adventurer. He nodded and walked up to her. "I'll go." he said before adding, "I just need to go grab something from my bag, if it's still on the plane." He turned and went back to the plane and began searching for his luggage.
Violet nodded and waited. She twirled the branch in her hand gently. Where she had broken it was sharp, but it was the length of one of the old swords you see in the movies. She stuck it back up against the crutch so she could hold it easily. It seemed empty, but she knew otherwise. Violet turned to face the trees again, hearing a few other animals. A snake slithered by in front of her and she stepped back. "I hate snakes." She mumbled as it slithered away.
"FOUND IT!" he called out, his voice echoing through the remnants of the plane's hull. He emerged from the downed vessel carrying a custom AK-47 with mahogany handle, stock, and barrel grip, a scope, extended clips, silencer, and a clip belt with seven extra clips of ammo. He walked across the beach with it slung over his right shoulder on a strap, and stopped next to Violet. "Don't ask how I got it here, just be glad I did." He pulled a Beretta M9 from a hidden holster under his jacket and handed it to the her. "Take this, and let's get moving." he said to her, staring into the wilderness in front of them.
Violet just shrugged at the gun. It wasn't a new thing to her, in fact, she wasn't surprised someone like him got a gun on board. she took the knife and slipped the blade into the pocket of her hoodie. "Okay. We should try and looked for some type of river.." She said as she stepped into the soft dirt under the trees. It almost looked like two different worlds, the sandy beach, and the earthy forest. A bird cawed overhead and Violet glanced around to make sure nothing was stalking them before actually starting to walk forward, or more stumble. She was doing well with her balance, but it came a little bit of a challenge to make it over the roots and the undergrowth. This didn't bother her, surprisingly. She loved the challenge.
Libra growled at the new found survivor and looked at her and grinned "The same way she'll kill you." And threw the thing off his back and walked in a drank some water and poured it on his head and took off his shirt and poured some on his wounds. He heard Violet speak and nodded"Yeah, I'll tag along. Libra will tag along as well." He said as he saw Valentine come out and had a AK-47 and Berreta M9 and chuckled "Hold on, I found this along the way here." He said as he walked in the plane and grabbed a duffle bag that looked like rifle was in it. He unzipped it and opened it and grabbed a custom built Inception 2.75 Bolt Action Sniper Rifle and a P90 with extended clios. He put it back together and put in on his back. But stopped as he saw a custom vest but it wasn't a vest, it looked like a shirt, he shrugged and put it on and whistled to libra and stared walking with the Sniper Rifle on his back and the P90 strapped to his side and caught up with them. Libra loved in Violet and Xemnas just chuckled "She likes you." He said as she ran up toward him and licked his hand. He looked at Violet "How you feeling?" He asked.
Kira struggled a bit as she tried to get back to her feet. The shifting sand made it difficult for her to stabilize the crutches as she used them to stand up. She watched the new girl walk into the plane and was about to greet her when she heard a growl from the other side of the beach. Whipping her head around to face it, she saw Xemnas with a dead tiger over his shoulder and a live tiger by his side. She had to shake her head and blink a few times to prove to herself that she wasn't hallucinating. Once she was sure that this was really happening, she looked at the strange scene more closely. She had wondered where Xemnas had gone, but never expected that he was out killing a tiger. She was impressed that he was able to kill it by himself but also felt a tinge of sadness that it had to die. 'We need the food,' she told herself, but she couldn't help feeling sorry for the poor thing. Bringing her attention to the live tiger now, she watched as it seemed to listen to Xemnas. 'How cute,' she thought, ignoring the fact that it was a dangerous predator for the moment. She smiled and then looked at Xemnas who had dried blood all over him. 'I hope that's the tiger's blood and not his,' she thought. Once he took of his shirt and she saw the extent of his wounds, she sighed. 'He is just always getting hurt,' she thought as she watched him a walk towards Violet and Valentine. She would had liked to go explore too, but she knew that she would just slow everyone down. Besides, there was enough work to do around here to keep her occupied.
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Violet pat Libra's head before the tiger ran back. "She's pretty. Nice, we have a little adventuring party." She said, almost tripping over a vine, but using her good foot to catch herself. "I'm good, a lot better than yesterday." Ahead she heard a very distant waterfall, and was surprised it was this close. "There's a waterfall up ahead, we might find a good camping spot." She said. She hadn't expected to run into fresh water this early in the expedition, in fact, the plane was still in sight if you turned to look through the trees.
Valentine laughed. "Looks like I wasn't the only person on board with unusual business." he said, and cocked his AK. "Are those yours? Or did you just happen to find them?" he asked. "What is it you do, anyway, Tiger Tamer?" he wondered. Not just anyone could smuggle firearms onto a plane. He had to pay off a few guards and trade in a few favors to sneak his stuff on board.
As the roaring water got closer, so did closer sounds of animals. A small monkey-like animal even swung down towards Violet, but she ducked to avoid it and it disappeared into the trees. Violet stifled a small laughing, seeing as the others might not see what she thought was funny. She continued forwards, scanning everything carefully and engraving it to memory so if needed, she could pull it up later.
She smiled at his little comment. "I like to see it try" She mumbled, referring to the tiger, then turning away to look for her luggage. 'I guess I have to get back to work. I still never got the chance to look at the guy I'm supposed to capture. All the information I need is in my bag, his picture, information, criminal records and so on. He could be dead but there is a small chance he could be alive, if so I'll have to investigate the survivors I find suspicious. Plus my I need to find my gear before anyone else finds it.' She thought to herself. Then started making her way towards the place she was found by V.
He chuckled as the money like creature and almost got Violet, "Haha, cute. It's like a zoo." He said add he said and retooled back to Valentine ask "Well, that's for me to know and you to find out." He said as he smiled and winked "I'll tell you when we get back." And smiled at the beautiful sight and saw Libra run and jump into the water "Li...bra..we can't play right now. Come on." He said add he demanded and she came out and looked down, he felt bad and walked over "Oh, Libra, we'll play aft....hey! No!" He said ass Libra grabbed him and pulled him in the water and played with him "Damn, Libra you sneaky ass." He said and got up from the water but stops and sees something, "Guys!" He said as he swam under and picked up a rock shaped object and swam back up. He started cleaning all the goo and gasped "It's a skull. We must not be the only people here." He said add he got up and say down and looked at Violet and Valentine.
Violet watched Libra jump into the water. She, however, started up the small incline towards the top of the falls. She paused when Xemnas pulled out a skull. "I wouldn't be surprised. We can't be the first ones to discover the island." She laughed a little and continued up the incline, now a few feet above the water. Something growled behind her and she turned to find herself face-to-snout with a black panther. She froze. It started to lunge, but Violet slid on the slippery rock and fell backwards into the water. The panther jumped in after her and she pulled out the knife, struggling to stay above the water and fight.
He looked around and searched in ground but found nothing. He heard something and turned around and saw Violet, fall into the water with a black panther, "Violet!!!" He screamed and held his rifle in the air but couldn't get a shot, Violet was struggling, "Shit!" And took of his rifle and ran "Libra, guard Valentine!" He said as he dove on the water and saw the panther, and grabbed Violet, "I got you. I go....." He was pulled under by the panther and he kicked it in the face, the panther took him and Violet down. It finally let him go, "Go! Go to Libra. Libra!!! Get Violet!!" He said till he was pulled under again but didn't come up besides blood showing.
Violet spluttered a little as Xemnas pulled her up, but her foot was stuck. Shit.. she felt Xemnas let go as the panther dragged him down again. She kicked at whatever had her leg, hding her breath the best she could. The panther tried coming at her through the bloody water, but the caught it in the throat with her knife and kicked towards the surface with the leg that wasn't stuck. She took a spluttering breath and kicked again as Libra swam up behind her. "Where's Xemnas?" She coughed. She couldn't see anything in the bloody water.
Xemnas shot up from the water and gasped for air, "Fuuuu...oh god, that thing was string, stabbed it 8 times and tried to hold it down but kept coming up. These aren't our ordinary creatures. Somethings not fitting here." And seen back to land and looked at Libra and Violet "What? I'm hard to kill. Don't worry, I'll be fine. Oh come on! Don't lol at me that way, guys!!" He said flapping his arms about.
Violet sighed a little when Xemnas came up, glad she hadn't been the cause of someone's death. Libra was keeping her above the water, but whatver was twisted aroubd her ankle would not let go. She figured it was probably a vine of some sort. She kicked once more, but instead of loosening the vine she ended up under water again. Libra dove under, ducking her head under Violet's arm and pulled her back up. Violet coughed violently when they reached the surface. She hadn't expected to go under and ended up inhaling water. "I'm stuck." She mumbled.
He jumped in to see what might be holding her ankle and saw a bunch of vines tangled in between and swam up "Hold her up and start pulling, Libra." He said abd swam back down and started cutting the vines. One by one they snapped until she was free, once she was she flew up and kicked him in the jaw on a accident and swam up "Ouch...." He said holding his jaw. Libra was licking on her and then laid her fat self on Vioet. And Xemnas followed and sighed "Ahhh....crazy crazy, I must add."
Violet was caught off guard by the sudden release of pressure on her ankle. When Libra got her out of the water she let go of the knife and laid there on the shore, taking deep breaths of air. "I shouldn't have done that." She said after a moment, reffering to climbing the slope. "I'm sorry Xemnas. Are you okay?" She asked, staring up at the treetops.
He chuckled as he was laying next to her "Yes, I'm fine, but the question is, are you ok?" He said as he looked up at her and smiled as Libra was sleeping on her and had her paw on his chest "I think she has chosen us as her Guardians." He said and petted her wet fur.
"I think so..just..very shaken. I didn't think it would actually attack, considering it hadn't already." Violet said. She laughed softly when he mentioned Libra. "Maybe." She said. She was debating in her head whether they should continue going or just set camp on this little field until tomorrow. She knew they had to get off the beach though. She knew something wasn't right about it.