Steps too Far...

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She gave in. Her face was red anyway, she knew she couldn't hid it forever. But still, she just hoped he wouldn't laugh at her or tell her it wasn't for the best to get attached or anything like that. She didn't want to hear it. Sure, if he said no, she'd get it, but she didn't want it sugarcoated. She sat on the ground by him, hugging her knees softly and looking back at him.

"Just.. Thinking. The..." She had to build the courage up again, hiding her face on her knees. "When I kissed you, it was the first time I kissed.. Anyone. First time I kissed a guy.. ok?" She murred, cushioning her head with her arms and sighing into her skin.
He glanced at her as she told him what was on her mind? "So you were thinking about that night? That can't be it...what else were you thinking about?"
There was something else..he could just feel it. It was associated with what happened that night, but it was something else.
He wasn't going to let go til he knew.. Was he? She gulped, slowly peeping her eyes up from behind her crossed arms. Well, it was better to be embarrassed and know the answer was going to be no, then to keep on wondering forever and ever.

"You.. You was awake the whole time. Yet, you never kissed back.. Just.. Wondered what it would be like, to be kissed back.."
He finally got to the bottom of what was bothering her. He chuckled. "Is that all? Well then, let me tell you this...." He picked her up and set her on his lap so she faced him.
"Kissing someone is like drinking something that gives you energy. You feel empowered, alive, like you could run forever and never get tired. Now when someone kisses back, that changes that game entirely. Your body feels weak, your heart feels like it skips a beat and you feel like your melting in that persons arms."

He grinned at her. "Would you like to know what that personally feels like Ingrid? If you do, then kiss me again and this time, I'll kiss back. You will personally see if how I described it happens to you....would you like that?"
With her facing him like that, her eyes stared up at him as her heart reacted to everything he said. Like her heart was already going to race out of her chest. She couldn't say anything.. All this from a man that just wanted her for the pay off to begin with... Now he was letting her kids him? The first time it was easier, but now, would he do what he said?

She had to know, either way. She let her eyes close and went for it. Her arms hugged around his neck as her lips touched his. The spark came back, but tenfold. He was right about everything. Sure, this wasn't the movie scene kiss that she was so used to seeing, but it was a lot better....
He kissed her back passionately. He did not want to deprive her of a single moment of this. She was brave enough to confide in him, to trust him with this moment and he would not betray that.
The moment their lips connected, he could feel it. Just like he described..the energy flowing through him only for the weakness to take over. The fluctuation going back and forth made his heart pump wildly.

They kissed for about a whole minute before he broke contact. "Does that answer your questions Ingrid?" He hoped she hadn't noticed, but his shaft was fully erect and probably pressing against her inner thigh. She was sitting in the perfect spot and he couldn't hide it, even if he tried.
Her eyes slipped half open, almost to make sure his eyes were closed to, and that he wasn't faking this just to not hurt her feelings. But he was, so her slid shut again, gripping the fabric on his shoulders while the kiss pushed back and forth. Although, she hasn't learnt the technique of breathing out of your nose while kissing.

As he pulled back, all the held in air came out, her panting lightly and her face as red as it could get. Though as she went to fidget for comfort, she felt it. Right against her thigh. She gulped as she looked down slightly, feeling it press against her. "M-mostly..." She murder quietly, slowly looking back up for her eyes to lock with his. What now?.. She never expected to get this far with him in the first place,and every time one question was answered, lots more came to mind, so where would it end?
His eyes held with hers. "Mostly? What other questions do you have my dear? I'll answer them if I can...." His hips shifted unconsciously and the feeling of him pressed against her only got worse.
He had a good feeling about what kind of questions she had. She was still a kid and curious about alot of things. " Is it about what we just did..or something else?"

Off in the bushes, Fox chuckled silently. Ingrid finally got the courage to go for what she wanted. Good for her. She and the boss were a good pair. She liked Richelieu too, but they were better off as sibling relationship. That's how they always saw each other..taking it further would just make it awkward.
"Something else.." She murred gently, shifting herself so her legs rested either side of his hips, conciously feeling a bubbling feeling in the pit of her stomach... That seemed to reach further down then that.

She bit her lip again, shy, and wondering how to phrase it so it made sense. Sure, she had a few periods and she knew what sex did/was, so she wasn't completely a baby, but only knowing what she did from her tutors and a few movies that cut off before it started getting good, it was still all mysterious. "Feeling a lot of.. Urges to do things... That's normal.. Right? Like in the pit of your stomach?"
He chuckled and nodded. "Yes Ingrid. That's normal and something that some of us adults have alot of experience in...myself included. If you wish it sometime, I might help you understand some more intricate details about what you're feeling, but I won't push you. You can come to me and let me know when you're ready."
His hips shifted unconsciously again and she felt him rubbing against her. "Still, whether that be tonight or several weeks later...I'm a patient man." He gave her a light kiss on the cheek and pulled her off of his lap.
"I think it's time for supper. FOX! I know you're out there somewhere hiding. Come in and stop skulking!" Fox waited a few seconds before revealing herself from the brush.

As Richelieu went to go get dinner started, Fox sat next to Ingrid and whispered. "So? How was it? Think you're ready for more?"
She didn't really want to get off his lap, but she didn't really have a choice when he just picked her up and moved her. She felt safe against him, and that was a weird feeling, especially since he was the man that threatened to kill her at one point. She blushed lightly, stroking her fingers through her hair quietly.

As Fox came over, she just shrugged gently, "I-i.. I don't know." She murred, having all these feelings mix around in her stomach. Where to start or where to go next? It wasn't the easiest thing in the world when it was a completely new thing.
Fox joined Richelieu as they ate supper and relaxed soon after. Fox sat with Ingrid while Richelieu gazed at the stars above them. "You know Ingrid...if you asked him, I'm sure he'd help you figure out these feelings. I bet he's having the same kind of feelings right now and just not saying anything."

It was weird for her to play matchmaker so much lately. She didn't mind doing it as a small joke or if she felt the people were really compatable, but she never interfered this much before. Was she just real eager to see boss get with someone he might really care about? Whatever the reason, she wanted to see this through to the end.
"So? Are you going to ask him....or are you going to wait some more and tease him along?"
Ingrid was off in her own world, but she had decided something while she was thinking. Sometimes, she didn't want to ask. She wanted Richelieu to want her as much as she wanted him.. Her asking her the time just made her look too stupid and childish. Learning while someone else just.. did.. There was something in that thought that she wanted to feel more than any of the questions bubbling around in the pit of her stomach.

"If.. If he has the same feelings as me.. He needs to show me that.. I don't want to ask all the time" She murred back to Fox, finishing her food. And for the first time, she was the first to go to bed. The stars were pretty, but she just wanted to curl up on something soft. Her bed seemed to be the better option. She got changed into the little night dress she had while no one was in the tent, and huddled herself under the mound of blankets she had, trying to just keep her eyes closed so she'd actually sleep right.
Fox waited until Ingrid had gone to bed before she came up to Richelieu and slapped him across the face. "Do you enjoy slapping me so much?" He growled at her. "That girl is probably the closest you'll get to a normal life you idiot and yet, both of you are playing games with each others heads. I can only play along so much before there's nothing more I can do. If you don't tell you that you like her and want her to stay, sooner or later she just might give up and go home."

He sighed. "You think I haven't thought of that? Besides you, she's the only female that's bothered to stay around us...around me! I have no social graces, no quippy jokes or good manners on how to treat a lady right. Look at me Fox! I'm a criminalized outcast who's only skills is pickpocketing, thievery and murder! What exactly she sees in me...I have no freakin clue! She is a wonderful girl and I'm shocked she likes me in the first place...we're worlds apart and you want me to just walk up and say 'I like you..please stay.' "

He sighed once more. "It's just not that easy Fox." Grumbling, Fox entered the tent and crawled into her bed, complaining about manly stubbornness and idiocy. Richelieu stayed outside and stared at the stars.
Ingrid did fall asleep, but every once and while, she felt herself wake up and look to Richelieu's bed. Huh?... Still not asleep... She thought, looking over. Fox was in bed, so that was weird for Richelieu to be out alone, at least, from what she knew. She bit her lip, tiptoeing out of the tent with a blanket wrapped around to protect her from the cold, especially as she was only wearing that skimpy little night dress.

"Richelieu...? You ok?" She asked, shuffling herself down on the log next to him. "You stay out here all night, you'll get a cold" She said softly, though looking more at the stars that he was staring at. They were pretty.. In any city, thanks to all the pollution in the air, it was hard to see how many stars there really were, but here, it made you feel so small as it was obvious the whole universe was right above your head.
Richelieu turned when he heard the girls voice. "You're awake? I'd have thought that you'd be sound asleep in your bed kid." When she asked him if he was ok, he laughed. "You worry about me too much kid. I'm fine...really. I think I should be asking you that..seeing how you stormed off after dinner like you did."

He continued to stare at the night sky. "Besides, I've been lookout for years. Colds don't bother me that much...mainly because I don't get them as often. I have to stay awake and lookout for you and Fox. That's part of being the leader is about. Besides, I also felt it would be best if you had your space away from me in the tent. Staying out here by the fire isn't all bad...."
He laughed a bit as he glanced at her. "So you going to go back to sleep or stay out here and enjoy what's left of the night?"
Ingrid shrugged lightly "Well someone's gotta worry about you, since you won't do it" She smiled before whincing slightly. "Yeah.. sorry about that.. Thought I was more tired than I was I guess.." She murred, bringing her knees up to her cheest and hiding them under the blanket to keep warm. "I'll stay here with you.. The stars are nice tonight" She said softly again, flicking her hair out of her eyes.

The butterflies came back in her stomach, but she wasn't going to say anything.. Maybe taking things slow was the better way. She didn't know what she was doing, and as Fox mentioned before, Richelieu was never really interested in anyone before. She didn't want to scare him off and wreck everything.
He smirked and shrugged. "Fair enough. It'll be good to have some company out here. If you want kid, scoot closer to the fire. That'll keep ya warmer than that blanket will. Come on, I'll even scoot over for you." He scooted himself a little ways away while still laying on the ground until he was comfortable again and she had plenty of ample space to pick from.

"The stars are quite beautiful although it'd be better if the smog wasn't fogging them all up. Still, better than some nights I've seen that's for sure." He wondered what made her get up this early. Normally she was the last to go to bed and the last to get up, but this was way out of sync for that. There had to be a reason....
She did as she was told and sat herself close to the fire, and closer to him. She nodded along as he spoke, smiling ligtly. "Yeah, from my window at home, you can't see 'em like this.. So glad we picked here to stay for a while." She said softly, resting her head back against the log so it didn't hurt her neck. It was pretty peaceful, and she didn't feel as awkward with Fox smiling, hiding in the distance and watching them. She didn't mind that Fox cared, it was jsut she was getting paranoid sometimes and started looking around for her to make sure they didn't have an 'audience'.

It was weird for her to be awake, but she wanted to sit out here..With Richelieu..
"So we...never really got properly introduced beside the whole me kidnapping and scaring you intro. Anyways Ingrid, my 'official' name is Dark Raven, but my real name is Richelieu St John. I'm a thief, a murderer, a kidnapper and a criminal lowlife. You, however, I know nothing about. You came back for Johnnys funeral, you stuck up for us when that chief of police tried to take matters into his own hands and I don't know a dam things about you."

He turned his head and looked at her. "So why don't you tell me some things about you Ingrid? Might as well, seeing how you're kind of stuck with us now."
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