Stepping Into Royalty [Zaira]

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Liza hadn't noticed either, as she was used to the constant moving about of servants as they did their jobs. When the attack began, she stepped a bit away in alarm, stunned into silence. It was quite surprising to see him fight someone, and be wounded, especially so since the person was a servant. She was glad when he was able to take the servant down so easily, although she was also worried about him. Once things seemed safe enough, she grabbed his hand to get a look at the injury.
He was focused on the attacker, with an anger that he wanted to go after him and keep punching him. He just couldn't believe how close he had allowed him to the princess, so maybe he was only angry at himself. When Liza took his hand, he relaxed a little and opened it, letting her see his cut. It hurt him as he moved his hand, but he didn't show it. Anyway, it didn't take long since the man of the floor started moving, and Rowan hurried to catch him, taking his hand from hers. Before he could finish standing up, the knight grabbed him by his clothes and lifted him in the air, roughly crashing him against the wall. Rowan was still holding the knife that used to belong to the servant, and was now dangerously close to his throat.

"Who do you work for? Are you really a servant?" Rowan asked, almost in a growl, with anger on his voice. Rowan was always a calm person, but it seemed that the princess being in such danger riled him.

"Why would I ever tell you?" said the man, with a slight smile on his face. He pulled him away from the wall and crashed him once again, with a lot more strength. His bones sounded against the rough concrete and he made a groan of pain. "Ok, ok. He's... he's a true ruler, and I'm only following his order so that he can take the power he deserves. I've been pretending to be a servant for a while now, but this was my first chance to get close to Elizabeth."

"Are there others in the castle like you?" asked, and as he noticed he was taking to long to answer, he moved the knife closer to his throat. It wasn't until it made a small cut on him that he started talking.

"Yes, yes. They are waiting for other orders, though."

"Tell me his name." The guard ordered, wanting to know more about that man that was after the princess and her family's power.

"No." he simply answered, and, at that answer, Rowan punched him once again and left him fall, unconscious. He was really making him more upset and didn't want to lose the rest of his nerves, not in front of the princess at least.
Liza could do nothing but watch, still alarmed by what was happening. She wondered just as much as Rowan did who her rival was, who was apparently controlling this servant. She thought of all the nobles she knew and of any distant relations she may have, but she couldn't come up with anyone who was likely to want to kill her and take power. She was glad when he finally just knocked the servant out.
After that she rushed to his side again to examine his cut again, trying to get the knife from him to cut off a bit of her dress to wrap it and stop the bleeding. "This needs treated." She told him. It didn't look too bad, but she worried about infection, which could often be deadly if not treated well enough or soon enough.
A slight smile crossed his face hearing her. Why was she worrying about his wound, instead of telling him how useless he was for allowing that man to be so close to kill her, or at least hurt her? He allowed her to have the knife and make a bandage for him. After it, he slightly caressed her cheek, with his clean hand. "Thank you, Liza. I'll take care of it." told her, knowing that pouring enough alcohol on it would be enough to prevent an infection. He was still worried about the things that man had said, though, and couldn't stop thinking about it. He saw a guard at the distance and called for him, telling him to take care of the attacker. They would surely lock him up until they got the chance to hung him.
Liza was still concerned for him, as she bandaged his hand. "Are you sure? We have doctors here, I can have them help you." She said. She knew doctors weren't too common in other parts of the kingdom, but there was one here, along with his two apprentices. She had befriended all of them, as it was fairly common for her to injure herself while doing all the things she did outside. She glanced warily at the fallen servant, but wasn't so worried about him; he was incapacitated and Rowan would certainly be paying more attention now if any others made attempts on her life in the near future.
He nodded faintly as she offered help, he wouldn't need a doctor to pour some alcohol on it instead of doing it himself. The attacker was taken somewhere else by a couple of guards, and Rowan quickly explained he tried to kill the princess. After it, he went back with her, but looked down instead of her eyes. "I'm... I'm sorry, Elizabeth. I should have stopped him long before." said, frowning a little. He had believed he could be friends with the princess, but he understood it would only make him more distracted from his job.
She offered him a smile. "That's okay, you stopped him in time. I'm not hurt, but you are, so you shouldn't feel bad." She said. She was concerned when he seemed so upset and was trying to figure out how to cheer him up. "Shall we continue our tour, or go get your wound treated?" She asked him.
He glanced at her, thinking he couldn't be distracted anymore by that beautiful smile. Rowan slightly nodded, really thankful for her attempt to make him feel better. Anyway, he was still doubting if he deserved that position. "We should just... continue. I'll take care of this later. Or in our way if I find anything." answered her, ready to follow her along the castle once again.
"Okay." She said, "Let's go explore one of those secret passages." Liza led him into one of the rooms and opened a closet. She removed a board in the floor of the closet to reveal a hole that was just a little more than big enough for them to fit through. Inside, there was a staircase leading down into darkness.
He followed her into a secret passage, looking around quite amazed. Most of the passage was completely dark, but he still found it really interesting. And at that time, the pain in his hand was already easy to ignore. "Why are these secret passages here? I mean, they were built with a reason?" asked with curiosity.
"I don't know. Escape in case the castle is attacked, I guess.' She said, leading him down a small, dim hallway, and then more stairs after she found and lit a lamp so they could see better. It smelled a bit moldy and damp, but otherwise the passages seemed to be clean and in good condition. She looked back and smiled at him again as she walked.
OOC: Sorry for taking so long! I was on a trip, but I'm here I am now. Fresh and ready for a lot of roleplaying.

He followed her, amazed by their surroundings. Even if it didn't smell as flowers, he still liked those passages. Maybe it was because of Liza, and how much he enjoyed her company, even though he was still trying to not be distracted. Maybe he loved being alone with her, without trying to pretend anything. Besides, no one would attack her in there, right? So maybe he could relax a little. "It's really cool. Thank you for showing me." told her, sounding once again more as a friend than a guard.
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