Stay Idol and Keep Your Composer

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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They're still half naked still counts o//w//o
I said never mind. I just realized that Makoto looks nothing like Amane >w<
Right thumb hurts for inexplicable reason.
Can't play guitar properly.
God dammit.
No need to be sorry. I think I made that first sentence sound a bit rude >.<
@Xylime: I bet Fubato and Roido have to be feeling that creeper vibe from all the way over there. xDD
Alright! Catch-up time! My data finally reset so I can make nice icons for the new members! (and Shiuki)

Haruka Do you have any ideas on who you want to pair with? If not, I'll pick one of my NPCs. If I do need to use an NPC, what kind of personality will your character like?

Though we aren't prepared to start just yet, I wanted to let you guys know that the first round is going to be a freebie! Each team will face nameless, faceless NPCs so you can have fun and win! Those who are paired with PCs, I suggest figuring out if you want to full-out collaborate or just leave it up to the other to decide how it plays out.

For those who are paired with one of my NPCs, here is how they will act:
1) Nenshou Tamashii - Nanami will literally do whatever Amane says. However, she will also be able to hold her own decently well. She will be trying her best to win, but she won't be going crazy/psycho like Miyako is going to.
2) Chibichan - Yosuke will be very mellow. He doesn't really care about winning, he's just going to try and have a good time. If Chii messes up, he'll probably pick on her a bit (in a joking, friendly way)
3) ~ Xypher Doragon ~ - Gurima is going to be competitive because he wants to win for Nozomi. He is also going to try and look out for her, so he won't do anything that might get her hurt, and will probably try to play the game by himself unless Nozomi tells him to let her play.
4) Sweet Mimi - Guess who you get to pair with? Fubato! Though he's acting like the game doesn't matter, when the match starts, he's going to start barking orders, treating the game like it's a battlefield, and he's the strategist.
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Kitty There is still plenty of room in the rp if you desire to join! Being the snoopy snoop I am, I noticed you don't mind playing both genders. Having another male would be great! But feel free to make a girl if you already have an idea in mind.
Ketchup time,ye-

*ahem* um,no.I guess I'll go with an NPC.My charrie isn't really picky,considering her personality and how she just transferred and all.So...yeah.Surprise me,I guess ^^
Haruka Alright! Then I'll put you with Kumaru! He's the hyperactive, childish type that is all about having fun. So don't expect him to take the game seriously at all. He'll also probably be trying to impress Aika so he'll try pulling off outlandish moves. (even if it means he might fail)

Also, Shiuki, Aika, and Yuuki now have icons! Yaaaaay!
Hehe yay! Excited~

@Kitty O.O stalking me~ Hehe jk nice to see ya again
Just cuz im bored and think its a awesome AMV lol

I like it. The clip from 2:45-2:49 (a girl with black twin-tails and sapphire eyes walking away from an explosion)--can you tell me where that's from? Is it an anime, or a clip from a game?
...Wait. I forget. What year is Nanami? =3=
@RayChel, that's Black Rock Shooter. I can't believe you don't know Black Rock Shooter by Hatsune Miku O___O
Ya its what Nenshou said lol kinda a weird/creepy anime, imo.
I'm not too surprised, but at least the name is familiar. > <
Well considering your avi, I would've thought you were proficient in the field of Vocaloidism, sooo... .__.
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