Star Wars: Whispers of Darkness (Currently accepting characters)

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Pretty much! After about 3-4 tries I said "f**k it" and edited the already existing one. I'll upload it in a sec, just putting some finishing touches on it. I'll also briefly explain the "factions", as we now have the Hutts, Neutrality, Mandalore, etc. as potential choices.

I'll also try to get mine up with that to show you a sample of what I'm looking for. Those who've completed sheets shouldn't have to edit much, but I'm setting the limit of Jedi/Sith to MAXIMUM 8! 4 Jedi, 4 Sith.

I'm doing this due to the fact there is a LOT of pre-Jedi characters who exist for this RP (pre-Jedi, as in "they're already a Force Weilder at the start"). I'm cool with Force Sensitives being larger, but that's because they don't have the full potential as realized by the Jedi/Sith.

Any questions/comments on those or did I make things clear?
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@NewKingofDrangleic, I miss Jaden though. He was the prodigal Luke!

Damn it Han, why'd your sassiness need to pass down to your kids?! Jaden wouldn't have gone over to the Dark Side if he wasn't so damn sassy!

Its totally not because he was seduced by the dark side and taught by a Sith. It was all about the Solo-sassiness.
Do we already have 4 Jedi and 4 Sith, or am I good to make one?
I'm good I still would like to keep my grey jedi that basically doesn't use their lightsaber save for really dire needs, being known to wield a lightsaber isn't good for a bounty hunter, even if they are one that only takes contracts on slavers etc..
@GonzoB. Well I count as a Jedi (because I'm making one), so I'd really have to look back through the thread to see who's here. If I remember correctly, we might have more then 4 Jedi, so I'll have to limit a few people and see what's going on. Didn't you get a Jedi/Sith early on in this?
I'm good I still would like to keep my grey jedi that basically doesn't use their lightsaber save for really dire needs, being known to wield a lightsaber isn't good for a bounty hunter, even if they are one that only takes contracts on slavers etc..

Grey Jedi... Trying to remember who that is. That's not the guy who was a Sith then a Jedi, right?
I may have expressed an interest, as, yes, I have wanted to be one from the start, but I never got a CS up.
Yeah I think you should be good. Jedi, Sith, or one of the categories "Inbetween"?
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My charrie is only force sensitive but with possible potential if noticed by either Jedi or Sith. Still, she's not truly qualified for one, and in all honesty, I only want her to build her force sensitivity to become a stronger pilot of her ship. If anyone sees potential in that to serve their purposes within the RP, then whatever happens...happens...
You me and Gonzo should be good with Jedi characters, grey Jedi are the either ones who left the order or do not follow one specific pathway (neither light nor dark) and they tend to just do their own thing whether that be living in the Shadowlands of kashyykk as a scary weird old dude who is absolutely nuts, stay within the jedi order but are too radical of a thinker to be a part of the order as a whole (Revan and Qui-Gon-jin, yes Liam Neeson was a grey jedi, he wanted a lot changed within the jedi order and due to his interest in progress was never given a seat within the Council) there are more but yeah, Grey Jedi could be what you stated as well but they wouldn't be adhering to either code per se.
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Didn't we talk about a plotline of our characters meeting up to work together, @Phi Chisym? I seem to recall something like that.
You me and Gonzo should be good with Jedi characters, grey Jedi are the either ones who left the order or do not follow one specific pathway (neither light nor dark) and they tend to just do their own thing whether that be living in the Shadowlands of kashyykk as a scary weird old dude who is absolutely nuts, stay within the jedi order but are too radical of a thinker to be a part of the order as a whole (Revan and Qui-Gon-jin, yes Liam Neeson was a grey jedi, he wanted a lot changed within the jedi order and due to his interest in progress was never given a seat within the Council) there are more but yeah, Grey Jedi could be what you stated as well but they wouldn't be adhering to either code per se.

Hm, so I guess going by my "sub section" list that I mentioned earlier, he would most likely fall into either "The New Order" or "Lone Jedi/Reformed Sith".
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@Sora1297 -

Yes...yes we did! And I believe Blitzfang43 has opted to take the position of "Baltizar", so I don't have to run two charries in this thing. I'll run an NPC for the moment, but that's about all the time I'll have right now.

You got that CS for us @Sora1297, or should I start using the old one and tweak it when you have it up?
I have an idea for a Jedi that was a former Sith (Darth for that matter but i'm uncertain if that's allowed ) basically a mixed jedi/sith.
Okay, so good news and bad news:

Good news: OoC's almost done and here's the new character sheet and rules!

Bad news: OoC won't be up until tomorrow given the fact it's really late where I am and I can't write anymore. Promise it'll be up tomorrow, sorry about making you guys wait one more day!

1. No godmodding, metagaming, etc.

2. Proper grammar is needed, this is an Intermediate level RP, I expect a solid two paragraphs per IC post. No one liners either. You can also work with collabs if you don't want to flood the IC with only one conversation, so use that to your advantage!

3. Original characters only. No Mary Sue type characters, people have flaws, your characters do too.

4. Maximum of three characters. If you want more, you'll have to give me a really good request or kill off one of your existing guys.

5. Characters can (and probably will) die. If they do, you can make another, should you want to fill that void.

5 1/2. If you have one character as want to leave the RP indefinitely, we can collaborate on a creative way for your character to either leave or get killed off. This really only applies if you want to kill your character. If you don't want to, then ignore this rule.

6. Try to be nice to one another in both the IC and the OoC. Everyone's here for a good time and even though I'm not a fan of confrontation (I personally don't like telling people off), I will intervene if things get too out of hand or if I'm requested to do so. Let's not have that happen and be nice ^^

7. Keep swearing, violence/gore and sex to a PG - 13 level. Romance is cool, I love it in RP's! If you get to a mature moment, fading to black is your friend in the thread, but if you take it out of the thread please follow site rules on Libertine/Liberteen RP's.

8. Please be active. If you're going to be unable to post for a while, then please notify me. If you lose interest in the RP and want to leave it then also notify me. I will remove your character from the roster and give them a good send-off. I won't kill anyone until I have official confirmation, but if you don't respond then I'll GM your character out of the IC until I get an answer.

9. Even though this is primarily freeform, I'd like you to consult with me when planning some kind of huge plot point or story arc. If you guys want to join the fight against the Sith, then go ahead, but let me know about your plan before you pull a Star Destroyer down to the planet with the Force. Just easier that way.

11. You just realized there is no "10" and went back to check :3

12. Now that you're pissed at me because of "11", post your favourite Star Wars quote in the "Other" section of your sheet so I know who read the rules.

(Don't worry too much about Main Factions right now, I'm still working on those for the OoC. Just use the examples I listed and if you're unsure about what they entail, just ask me and I'll try to get back to you soon!)

Appearance: (Image and/or a description, but image is preferred. Anything except for Anime is allowed. Anime just doesn't work well here.)
(Male or Female)
Species:[/b] (Any from SW, including Droid. Only exception is E.T. All he did was make a cameo, that was it).
Main Faction: (New Republic, Empire, Mandalore, The Hutts, The Syndicate, None.)
Sub-Faction: (Dark Jedi/Reformed Sith, Moff-Empire, Sith-Empire, etc.)
Weapons: (include images if you have them)
Equipment (Non weaponry.)
Skills: (As in "actual skills", not what the Force allows you to do. Mechanics, computer hacking, piloting. Those are examples of Skills you should put here.)
Flaws: (at least 4, and don't make them stupid. No "Has a weakness for Cupcakes", please).
Force Sensitive: (Yes or No)
Force Abilities: (If any. 8 Maximum. Only "Side Sensitive" powers apply to your specific side. Ex. Jedi = 6 Light 2 Neutral, Sith = 6 Dark 2 Neutral, Inbetween = 3 Light 3 Dark 2 Neutral, or however you want to sort it).
Bio: (Quality over quantity, but I'd like at least 2 paragraphs).
Other: (additional information you may want to let us know about. Maybe you have a droid? Maybe you're allergic to shellfish? Who knows unless you tell us ^^)


Stands at 5'6, with long and messy chestnut brown hair. He has dark brown eyes and thin eyebrows. Being a young man, Maar is quite thin. Most of his body weight is just muscle he's accumulated from the intense training his Sith masters put him through.

Jedi Robes


What Maar is traditionally seen wearing.

Sith Robes

Kept from his days as a Sith Apprentice, Maar holds onto these robes because he never knows when he might need a Sith disguise.


Maar Zhet







Main Faction:

New Republic (originally with the Sith-Empire)


Lone Jedi/Reformed Sith



The Lightsaber of his father, recovered after Maar went back to Nar Shaddaar to investigate what should have been his family home. It was in quite the state, but after replacing the crystal and a few modifications, it was ready once again.


The Sith blade he crafted as part of his 8 year training with Darth Dementus. the parts were taken from an ancient Sith Trooper base. Quite surprising that it still works, considering they were made during the Old Republic

He normally carries around both Lightsabers and regularly changes between them, but primarily choses to wield his father's lightsaber. Maar is still learning how to properly wield both at the same time.

Maar keeps this around as a formality. While he really doesn't need it, it's easier to have a backup plan in case somebody has Force-dampening shields and takes away his Lightsabers.



• A standard New Republic-grade grappling hook.

• A detailed map of the Galaxy within a Holocron.

• A wallet with well over 10,000 Republic Credits (all interchangeable thanks to a new currency device that immediately converts money into a different currency, as not all planets have adopted the Credit system)


• He is an adept pilot, very skilled at flying pretty much all types of fighters. Specifically, he's had training with TIE's and the Ebon Hawk, but the knowledge can be applied to other vehicles. He's also had some training with Pod Racers, Swoop Bikes, and even a few confiscated Rebellion Ships such as the X-Wing or the Y-Wing.

• Maar is very good at lying, even without the assistance of the Force. Normally, he can get people to believe whatever he says, but there's also the

• Being a (former) member of the Sith-Empire and apprentice to Darth Dementus, Maar has been taught many of the primary languages in the Galaxy. Primarily though, he knows Ryl, Huttese, Bocchi, and most codes used by Droids.


• Still suffers from "Sith tendencies" (over confidence, sudden fits of rage, jealousy overpowering his thoughts, etc).

• Tends to rush into things without really thinking them through (most of the situations he has to get out of, he inadvertently created due to a lack of fore-thought)

• Still struggles with keeping himself balanced in the ways of the force, allowing for much more of his "Dark Side" to come out when dealing with conflict/stressful situations

• While he is somewhat skilled with the Force, he still isn't the strongest Jedi/Sith in the galaxy. He's also a little too confident and tends to let his guard down a lot.

Force Sensitive:


Force Abilities:

Breath Control

Detoxify Poison

- Light Side -

Force Stun

Jedi Mind Trick


- Dark Side -

Dun Möch

Force Scream

Force Lightning


Son of the Jedi Consular, Jan Zhet, Maar was a surprise to both the Jedi and his wife, Corrida. Being trained during the age of the Empire by a Jedi who had managed to escape Order 66 on Dantooine, Jan learned everything he could about the Force in hopes that he would one day assist in the fall of Emperor Palpatine. However, when Jan's Master was located by Darth Vader and killed during the final days of the Jedi Purge (4BBY), Jan fled for the planet of Nar Shaddaa. The strong dark side energies emanating from the planet provided a useful cover for the Force aura surrounding him and three years before deciding to leave Dantooine, he met his wife Corrida (3ABY). Before leaving for Nar Shaddaa, Jan and Corrida got married. However, they had not planned on having a child before they arrived on the planet, having travelled as refugees and found a small isolated home in the slums. Maar's conception was a shock to the couple, but a blessing nonetheless. As the months passed and their son grew larger, Jan found himself having to use the Force in small doses in order to survive by stealing food and clean water. Nobody was willing to hire the Jedi because of his refugee status, but also because he had been arrested four times for theft.

At nine months in her pregnancy (4ABY), Jan and Corrida were amazed to hear that the Empire had been completely destroyed and the New Republic was launched. Thankful that the Empire would no longer search for the Jedi and try to eradicate them, Corrida and Jan made plans to move from Narr Shaddaa to Naboo and raise their baby in the perfect home. Jan knew he could join the New Jedi Order that Luke Skywalker had created and shortly before they left, he called Skywalker to announce his existence. Skywalker was pleased to hear another Jedi had been taught in secret like he was and arranged for a transport to Coruscant for his initiation. However, before they could leave for their shuttle, a legion of Dark Troopers landed in the city and sought out Jan, which ended in a climactic duel between a Sith, by the name of Darth Dementus, and the Jedi Consular. Darth Dementus, previously known as Sett Oors, had once been the apprentice of a surviving Jedi much like Jan. However, Sett soon grew to resent the feeble and simple-minded views of the Jedi and taught himself the Dark Side as best as he could (mostly though, he allowed his emotions to fuel him). But shortly after he turned, Sett killed his master and traveled to the Sith home planet of Korriban in order to study the ancient ways of the Sith. He soon found out he was not alone and many other "Dark Jedi" had been flicking to the planet in order to properly develop their powers into something greater. They were only Force Sensitive when they began, but Sett, under the alias of "Darth Dementus", taught the others everything he knew about the Force and together they worked together to unlock the secrets of the Dark Side.

Having properly gained control of the Dark Side within a year (started in 3ABY), the new Sith plotted to destroy the Rebellion and verify that the Empire would not fall. When the Second Death Star was destroyed alongside the Empire, Darth Demtentus decided to reform their plan: they would now succeed where Sidious had failed and successfully take control of the galaxy, enforcing the ways of the Sith upon any soul who could make contact with the Force. Starting with a whole new Jedi Purge, they would cleanse the galaxy of the Light side and rule over all with fear. However, Jan wouldn't allow them to purge any more Jedi and rather quickly, he won the fight. Forcing Dementus on his knees, Jan was ready to finish him and take down his Dark Troopers. But before the final blow could be dealt to the Dark Jedi, one of the troopers found Corrida, who had rushed back home during the battle in hopes to warn Jan before it was too late. Demanding that Dementus call off his troopers, Jan was killed by the Dark Lord when he accidentally let his guard down.

Tossing the body aside, Dementus looked upon Corrida and hesitated. Normally, he would've killed her, but never before had he encountered a child born from a Jedi. In that moment, Dementus decided not to kill her or the child, thinking that since the child would know how to wield the Force, it could become a powerful ally. He then ordered that Corrida be taken into Sith custody on Korriban until she gave birth. After Maar's birth, Corrida was kept locked up along with her newborn. Every day, droids came by and made sure she received the proper nutrients and vitamins to stay alive and keep the baby healthy. After she had properly taken care of Maar and once he was able to properly act on his own, Sith Troopers would arrive and take the boy away to continue his training. Dementus would then lead him to an isolated chamber where Maar would spend the next 8 hours learning all about the Sith and the Galaxy, how to use a Lightsaber and a blaster, how to fly a starship, and most importantly, the inner workings of the Force. Mostly, Dementus forced the other Sith to train the boy as he was always busy planning how to covertly slip Sith Influence into the newly reformed Galactic Senate. After a month or two of training, the Sith assigned to train Maar would present the boy to Dementus and let Maar demonstrate his new skills. If Dementus was pleased at his progress, Maar would be given special advice and lessons from Dementus himself. If the Sith Lord was not pleased, however, the one training Maar that time would be forced to have a droid discipline the boy until his skills improved. This cycle continued for years until finally, at the age of 14, Maar became so enraged at the droid that he completely destroyed it, then broke out from his discipline cell and tore apart the backups. Darth Dementus was extremely pleased with Maar when this happened, knowing that finally he had allowed his anger to make him strong. At this point, Maar was deemed to have completed his training and was allowed to build his own lightsaber.

As Mar entered the rankings of the Sith, Dementus ordered that his mother be killed, knowing that his emotions for her were holding him back. Unbeknownst to his Sith Order, Darth Dementus commissioned a special crop of clones from the Kaminoians, using some of the leftover "Clone Troopers" who had their minds wiped and re-fitted for a new purpose. When the clones were ready a year later, they were instructed that they worked for the New Republic and that they were to attack the Korriban Sith Temple and kill Corrida, who was a traitor to the New Republic. Landing on the planet and attacking the temple, the "Republic" clones found and murdered Corrida. In his distraught rage, Maar slaughtered the remaining clones along with one of the Sith who was training him that day. After giving her a proper funeral, Maar vowed that he would never forget what the Republic did to him. When he was strong enough, he would make them pay.

However, when Maar was 17, he realized the truth about his past. Having been given a mission that took him to Nar Shaddaa, Maar accidentally stumbled across his parent's homestead (it was in the slums he had chased the target into). There, he found his father's lightsaber and discovered his true parentage (Dementus always told him that he was the son of the Sith Lord). Shortly after discovering the home, Maar did some snooping around and eventually learned that Dementus had ordered a batch of clones after he realized that the "Republic Soldiers" which attacked Korriban were almost identical to one another (he learned this by looking at old video footage of the attack). His journey to Kamino led him to the discover that Dementus had ordered the clones and reprogrammed them into "Republic Soldiers". It wasn't long before Maar put two and two together and realized he and the other Sith had been duped for so many years. Full of rage and contempt for the man he once called "Master", Maar confronted Dementus and challenged his master to a fight. Dementus easily overpowered Maar in the fight, but Maar managed to completely sever all of his limbs and make an escape in his shuttle. It is presumed that Darth Dementus died that day, but the Sith continued without him. Having now realized his mistakes, Maar joined the Republic and became a "Reformed Sith", hoping to finally do something right with his life and be the Jedi he was meant to be. In honour of his mother and father who had fallen prey to the evils of the Sith, Maar vowed he would do everything he could to eventually see the destruction of the Sith and avenge their deaths.


He owns an R9 Model Astromech Droid which has the designation number "R9-D5". Maar purchased the heavily damaged droid for almost nothing from a Tondarian on Tatooine and fixed it up as a side project. After being fully completed, R9 proved to be an amazing companion, co-pilot and mechanic to Maar and the two quickly formed a friendship.


He's also the pilot of the "Ebon Hawk", an Old Republic ship that surprisingly has held together quite nicely over the centuries since it was last used.


"You stupid little Astro-droid..."
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I have an idea for a Jedi that was a former Sith (Darth for that matter but i'm uncertain if that's allowed ) basically a mixed jedi/sith.

Yeah that works, it's what my guy is so I can see it happening with others :3