Star Wars: The Second Clone Wars (Always Open/Accepting)

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Alright, ill keep it then XD. Gonna change up his history and personality a little then.
I don't see 3 threads with the same title, just this one >_>.
Thats weird... I saw the banner but I'd accidentally clicked away already, so I searched it up, and there are two more threads made by different people with the same title
Anyway, I'd like to join! :D I'm torn between Grandmaster of the Republic or Republic general, so... Which one do you need more?
Republic General, as i'm making the Grand Master of the Republic ^^.​
That might swing things for the Republic since I'm also making a general. Yeah.
K, Goodnight ^^.​
Whoa... Big CS XD

For the troops under my command, I don't know how many of each thing I would put and/or allowed to put.

And with my ship crew, pretty much same thing... (My ship is a standard size big one, but its like a tank, really strong, with powerful weapons, but it is really really slow)
So, what levels of force control are needed for battle meditation?
25-30+ If you don't have a high count of Midi-Chlorians. 10-20+ for those with high counts of Midi-Chlorians. I'm going to have it be much harder to gain Force Stats than it is to gain regular Stats. Same with their points as well.​
So how extensive forces would you like generals to be commanding?
Look at the Fleet and Flag Ship sections of Darius Roy's Character Sheet ^^, his is a perfect example.

If you're talking about ground troops wise, than as an example, this is a small ground troop army.

200,000 Basic Infantry clones

100,000 Heavy Clones

75,000 Engineer Clones

400 ATP Tanks

350 AT-ST's

300,000 Militia Clones (Clones that weren't trained and were just given a weapon, some armor, and told where to go and what to do.)
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  • jedi_knight_moganas_by_dywa-d6r6hae.jpg

    Grandmaster Mogana Rel
    "It is within the force that we learn of both the Past, and the Future. But being able to see them, tend's to make the seer blind with Knowledge and Fear..."

    Name: Mogana Rel

    Age: 35


    Race: Human

    Place of Residence: Coruscant - Home world of the Republic/The Traveler

    For a relatively young human Mogana Rel is a very wise human. He's lived through a lot of hard times and including the fact that he was very in tune with the Force made it worse, since he could feel the happenings around him as well as see them. This didn't matter to him though, and he trucked on. He's friendly to those he considers comrades and friends, but will shift into an emotionless mask when confronting any of those from the Separatist faction. He does want to take on a Padawan though, so that he may pass on his ways and help them become great in the ways of the Force, hoping beyond hope that they do not fall to the Dark Side if he does find a student.

    Due to his high in-tune-ment with the force he was able to see visions of the future and the past, though he only had 5 of them, during his early 20's. He can't see those visions any more, and he doesn't remember what the visions from before were, but he does know that this war will decide a lot of things about the fate and destiny of the galaxy, and he hopes to prevent anything terrible to happen upon the galaxy.

    Mogana was trained via Holocron by the great, and deceased, Grand Master Yoda. Mogana spent many of his years learning from these Holocrons, and quickly destroyed said Holocrons when he was done with him at the request of Yoda in the final one, so that none of the Sith can find them and use the teachings for their own purposes. After doing so Mogana was quickly recruited into the Academy and rose to the top of his classes effortlessly. He encountered the visions of the Separatist faction rising once again, as well as visions of the previous Clone Wars, and decided to start a new Galactic Republic. He did so, and by the time he was 30 he was designating duties and giving out orders, though he could not remember what the 5 visions from previous had shown him. All he knew was that this war would decide the fate and destiny of the Galaxy...

    Jedi Rank: Grand Master

    Military Rank: General/Leader

    Lightsaber: Wields Twin Lightsabers in both hands.

    Specialty: Leading, The Force, Infiltration, Spying, and Stealth Combat.

    Master: N/A

    Accepting Padawans: Yes

    Padawan/Student: N/A

  • Main Weapons: 2x Duel Wielded Lightsabers



    Timed Cloaking Device

    -Able to become invisible for a set amount of time, but takes 2 minutes to recharge after un-cloaking.


    He likes to spread his wisdom to others, and sometimes this annoys them with how much he does it.
    Can sometimes get in over his head, going on solo missions because he does not want to see his troops die.
    He is easy to accept others, able to befriend others (At least, in his mind) too quickly.
    Despite his large amount of knowledge, he is also somewhat forgetful.


    Stealth Combat
    Learns/Knows of things Force Related quickly due to high Midi-Chlorian count.
    Lightsaber Combat
    Advanced Ability to utilize The Force

  • Stats

    Strength: 6

    Speed: 6

    Agility: 5 (encompasses Flexibility and Reflex's)

    Intelligence: 15

    Knowledge: 15 (different in the fact that this encompasses information that you possess about planets, the Galaxy, enemy units and powers, ect.)

    Finesse: 15 (how Fluid/Graceful you are in combat)

    Stamina: 5

    Weapon Skill: 16 (Encompasses Lightsaber Skill as well)

    Midi-Chlorian Amount: 9,800 Midi-Chlorians

  • Force Stats

    Force Core: 5 (Ability to use Core abilities of the Force)

    Force Control: 5 (Ability to use Force Powers that fall into the Control Category)

    Force Sense: 8 (Ability to use Force Powers that fall into the Sense Category)

    Force Alter: 8 (Ability to use Force Powers that fall into the Alter Category)

    Force Light Side: 8 (Ability to use Force Powers that are specific to the Light Side)

    Force Mastery: 8 (Basically their master over all things Force, having a high mastery with this will improve every Force skill that you use's overall power. So Specialized force sensitives can use this to help improve their otherwise lacking areas.)

  • Force Powers

    Force Visions (But he has not been able to use this power for 13 years, and cannot use it willingly)
    Force Body
    Force Enlightenment
    Force Speed
    Force Cloak

  • Ship Appearance:

    Ship Name:
    The Traveler

    Ship Type: Medium Fighter-Sized Ship

    Ship Specialty: Stealth and Infiltration

    Ship Weapons:

    4x light quad mounted Laser turrets, on the belly, 2 on the left, 2 on the right (Fires 8-16 volleys per 2 seconds)

    2x EMP Torpedo launchers that come out of 2 large flaps on the top of the ship. (Fires 2 Volleys every 15 seconds)

    Ship Equipment:

    Advanced Hyperdrive

    -Goes through Hyperspace at quicker speeds and exits/stops faster than normal Hyperdrives.

    Advanced Cloaking Device

    -Able to cloak ship for an indefinite amount of time, at the risk diverting Shield Power to it, meaning Lucky Shots can take this ship out in one hit when cloaked.

    EMP Pulse Drive

    -Can let out a small ranged EMP Pulse from around the ship, disabling any electronics in it's small radius at the risk of lowering shields, lowering ship speed due to engine drain, and weakening/slowing blaster weaponry.

    Ship Crew:
    Crew Consists of Mogana Rel
    Any Padawan's he takes on
    5 Maintenance Crew
    4 Turret Control Crew
    1 Cleaner
    1 Cook
    1 Astromech Droid

    Ship Military:
    3 Highly Trained Personal Bodyguards (Able to hold off General class enemies for a long time due to their skill and Teamwork)
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Raine Tracinya'Tal





Place of Residence:
Hattyc'Beviin Starship


Raine can be a very ditzy person, in of that she can seem far more hyper than she ought to, gets excited at strange things, and can be downright silly at times. She can also be quite blunt to people. These are just a small example of the reasons she prefers machines as opposed to organic lifeforms. She finds many living things to just be confusing. For example, no matter how hard she tries, she cannot seem to grasp the concept of sarcasm. Many have tried to explain it to her, and all have failed. She is however a caring person, and will treat most machines, even the ones that aren't the slightest bit sentient, as if they were truly living creatures with thoughts and emotions. She is kind to most people that she meets, but doesn't tolerate some things. For example, referring to droids as genderless tends to offend her, treating droids like junk, calling them names, or most of all, insulting her or Ocampo, more so Ocampo, will set her off. Whenever she gets angry, she is prone to fits of rage. Ranging from a simple string of obscenities, to a beat down, to shooting a place up, it is never a pretty sight. She is easily amused, and finds almost any form of tech that she isn't familiar with fascinating. The easiest way to her heart is to give her gadgets, especially if she is allowed to tinker with them, taking them apart and putting them back together.

Over the years, Ocampo has grown more reserved and stoic. Various battles and horrific scenes have slowly drained away her humanity. The humanity that remains is often walled up behind false self-centered behavior, and an apparent lack of caring for other people's problems. Aside from Ocampo, Raine seldom shows affection towards anyone. However, she still has a stark weakness to children.


Raine was born to a pair of Mandalorian mercenaries, who made their living on Coruscant. This tradition of working as mercs on the planet was a family tradition that went back countless generations. Her ancestors, who had become comfortable with their lives on the planet decided against rejoining the main Mandalorian culture, refusing to join the clans that were reuniting under the different banners. They still to this day practice many of the old ways, always offering assistance to any mandalorians they meet when the call arises, providing them shelter, food, and any assistance they can. Her parents in particular dreamed of finally reuniting with the clans under the most recent Mandalore. However, they felt that it was impossible. Raine herself, desires to restore her family's honor in the eyes of their people by rejoining them, partially in honor of her parents who died when she was 16.

Raine was raised mostly by her mother for the first few years of her life, as is common in Mandalorian society. She was taught of the old ways of their people, including mando'a and the resol'nare. Once she was about 5 years old, her parents both began teaching her equally. Teaching her to fight and smith. She took to the building and tech work the quickest and easiest, excelling at it over others. She wasn't taught to shoot until about 7, instead focusing more on the smithing and close combat. However, she showed to be quite skillful with unarmed combat, melee combat, and even ranged combat. By age 10 she was accompanying her parents on minor assignments, including a couple bodyguard assignments, and even a few assassinations. She proved her worth as both a smith and a warrior from this young age, but continuously advanced as she grew older.

When she was 13, her skills as a smith reached new heights. She began building, designing, and selling several different products. Mostly though, she just modded people's things that they brought to her. From weapons and armor, to droids and even vehicles. After a couple years, she earned enough money to open up a shop on the planet. While her parents were displeased with the fact that she neglected to go the mercenary route, they were proud of her for accomplishing something like this at her young age. Her shop was doing very well for quite some time, enabling her to design, produce, and create her own gear. At the age of 15, she began designing and building Ocampo, her personal HRD assistant, bodyguard, and assassin.

Raine's parents were killed during an assignment for a local crimelord, leaving her by herself. Fortunately, she had managed to make a decent living with her business, so she was able to support herself, as she already had been, really. She continued with her business, improving her skills. She kept up with her typical combat training as well, undergoing a strict training regimine that she kept to on a daily basis. Unfortunately, like many businesses in such places, the local crime lords wanted their slice of the proverbial pie. After being confronted by a group of thugs sent by one of these crime lords, she shored up her defenses. Mercenaries were hired to eliminate her, or at the very least, destroy her shop. In the attack, the shop was blown up, nearly all of her machinations destroyed, and she was seriously injured. She was saved by Ocampo, but her legs were virtually obliterated, along with her right arm. Ocampo saw to her getting medical attention, and constructed synthetic legs and an arm for her. Since that time, Raine has saw fit to replace her more machine looking arm and legs with more human looking ones with synthskin, as to not attract unwarranted attention.

After recovering, Raine salvaged the rather small amount of technology that she was able to recover from her shop and that Ocampo had managed to carry. She then set up shop and began working and living in her ship. Now, she is essentially a travelling merchant and boubty hunter, though very few know her real identity when working as a bounty hunter.

Rumors of her affinity for droids and tech have made her a potential recruit target for both the CIS and Republic. Both for their own reasons. Thus far, she has elected to remain out of the conflict, offering services to both factions and her fellow vounty hunters as well as regular citizens.

Raine is renowned throughout the galaxy as a leading authority in robotics, machinery, and weaponry.

As the bounty hunter "Beskar'ad", she is only moderately known.

(All Bounty Hunters start with 15 Points to Distribute)








Weapon Skill:

Vehicle Skill:

Spaceship Skill:

----Combat Info----





Twin Songsteel Vibroblades. (In armor picture)


Unarmed Combat
Weaponry Creation andDesign

Personal Combat


Stealth Field Generator

Unique Armor with weapon compartments. Outer layer is lightweight baskar, inner layer is a cortosis weave leather.

----Personal Spaceship----


Ship Name:
Hettyc'Beviin (Burning Lance)

Ship Type:
Small Frigate

Ship Specialty:
Maneuverability, Stealth, Infiltration

Ship Weapons:
Twin Undermounted Laser Cannons
(Devastating Firepower and highly accurate at the cost of high energy cost and slow recharge time.)

Ship Equipment:
Modified Hyperdrive
(Capable of entering and exiting hyperspace quickly. Highly energy efficient and invisible to many forms of detection. Finally, virtually silent and ideal for stealth.)

Modified Stealth Field Generator
(Highly advanced model capable of maintaining stealth for an indefinite amount of time. Still capable of entering hyperspace while still cloaked.)

Systemic Muscle Enhancers
Worn on the wrists and ankles. These devices increase the stength of the wearer significantly. This applies only to strikes, however, effectively causing her blows to do more damage and enable her to more eaailwslice through armored targets.

Ship Crew:
Raine and Ocampo.


(Ocampo after a hard fought battle.)

Ocampo Tracinya'Tal



Droid Type:
(Human Replica Droid)

Over the years, Ocampo has grown more reserved and stoic. Various battles and horrific scenes have slowly drained away her humanity. The humanity that remains is often walled up behind false self-centered behavior, and an apparent lack of caring for other people's problems. Aside from Ocampo, Raine seldom shows affection towards anyone. However, she still has a stark weakness to children. More often than not, Ocampo behaves in a very introverted faahion, hiding her true emotions from people.

She is envious of organics, wishing her skin, blood, organs, and tears weren't artificial. At the same time, she has some degree of disdain for droids that have no legitimate personalities and only serve blindly. Ocampo seldom reveals herself as a droid intentionally, and attempts to give people the impression that she is in fact an organic. Raine went to great lengths to help her feel and seem more human.

Finally, Ocampo despises being treated like a mondless automaton, and frequently lashes out when she is refered as a machine, a tool, or just a droid.

At the age of 15, Raine began designing and building Ocampo, to be her personal HRD assistant, bodyguard, and assassin.

Raine's parents were killed during an assignment for a local crimelord, leaving her by herself. Fortunately, she had managed to make a decent living with her business, so she was able to support herself, as she already had been, really. She continued with her business, improving her skills. She kept up with her typical combat training as well, undergoing a strict training regimine that she kept to on a daily basis. Unfortunately, like many businesses in such places, the local crime lords wanted their slice of the proverbial pie. After being confronted by a group of thugs sent by one of these crime lords, she shored up her defenses. Mercenaries were hired to eliminate her, or at the very least, destroy her shop. In the attack, the shop was blown up, nearly all of her machinations destroyed, and she was seriously injured. She was saved by Ocampo, but her legs were virtually obliterated, along with her right arm. Ocampo saw to her getting medical attention, and constructed synthetic legs and an arm for her. Since that time, Raine has saw fit to replace her more machine looking arm and legs with more human looking ones with synthskin, as to not attract unwarranted attention.

After recovering, Raine salvaged the rather small amount of technology that she was able to recover from her shop and that Ocampo had managed to carry. She then set up shop and began working and living in her ship. Now, she is essentially a travelling merchant and bounty hunter, though very few know her real identity when working as a bounty hunter.

(All Bounty hunters start with 15 points to distribute.)







Stamina: 5

Weapon Skill:

Vehicle Skill:

Spaceship Skill:

----Military Info----

Raine and Ocampo use the same firearms.


Designed with a light yet durable songsteel alloy, capable of withstanding blaater bolts and lightsabers for a few seconds. Any contact on the weapon aside from the handle causes a powerful electric discharge, capable of shorting out lightsabers temporarily or stunning most targets.


Custom designed club weapon built to utilize Ocampo's strength. The shaft is collapsible, making it easier to carry. When collapsed, the overal length is only about a foot, but it extends to about four feet in length.

Crafted from a phrik and songsteel alloe, it is heavy, but highly resistant to blaster bolts and lightsabers. In the right hands this weapon can crush most things in it's path, and easily destroy bones.

Personal Combat

Combat and Assassination

Stealth Field Generator

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  • JqeAMVc.png

    Ardana t'arcona

    Age: 24
    Race: Twi'lek
    Size: 5'4
    Weight: 114
    Place of Residence: Naboo
    Jedi Rank: Knight
    Accepting Padawans: No
    Padawan/Student: Rose Void
    Military Rank: Commander

    Dark and a little broody, Ardana is sensitive and kind. She shows compassion and mercy even if the jedi code forbids it. Her compassion for other races is both a gift and a curse. She thinks before she acts, she is quiet as a mouse and is loyal to anyone she deems worthy.

    Born on the planet Dromund Kaas her parents were Mazer t'arcona and Aadria Oebin, sith lords to the C.I.S., and she was raised to be a sith. At the age of two there was a battle near her home. Her parents went to defend their land but were stroked down by a jedi master and knight. The jedi knight finds Ardana and attempts to strike her down but his master yields him and takes the girl back to Coruscant.
    There she started to become a jedi herself and with time she became powerful. At age fourteen she became a padawan and her master was Jedi Maxien, the Togruta man who almost ended her back at Dromund Kaas. He didn't take too kindly to her because of her sith past but grew used to her. Her kindness brought him closer but doing so he had to protect her at all costs.
    For four years and six months they fought side by side until one day a sith lord, Riezin Gesack, killed her master. Drobin Mixa, a jedi wanderer who has a deep loath for Ardana, blamed her for her master's death and manipulated many into believing his lie.
    For a year many hated her more for both her origin and now the dead of her master. Heartbroken and depressed she became a wanderer but then came back three years later and, with the will to strive higher, became a jedi knight. After the ceremony she was given the military rank of Commander alongside Jedi Knight then traveled to Naboo. There she revisited her master's home and remembered the times when he was still alive. Deciding to keep the home alive she eventually decided to stay and keep it working.
    Now she commands troops but is ready for action if she meets this sith lord again.
    [Tab=Ardana's Equip]
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