Star Wars: The Force Awakens Discussion (Spoilers Inside)

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Also: Why the fuck isn't Leia a goddamn Jedi!?
Going to reach into the expanded fiction a bit here, but to answer that: there's two types of force users, force sensitive and force capable. From the stuff that was written about episodes I-III, Padme was force sensitive, all but ensuring Anakin's kids were going to have HIV the Force. Unless they changed the fiction drastically, Luke'll have a kid with Mara Jade/some right-hand of the Emperor, who was also force-sensitive (which'll be Rey). Force sensitive people can feel, but not use, the Force - thus why we had that scene
after Han died
where she felt it.

And now, beloved quotes from the original triology for JJ to copy:

"I will not fight you cousin."

"I'm can save you Ren."
"You already have."

"Rey, I am your father."
They did go a bit overboard. Darth Vader choked people out, and I get you can't have that be his gimmick, but one lightsaber sweep'll do just fine to convey 'Kylo has a temper.' That scene where the stormtroopers walked out of the hallway felt straight like a scene out of College Humor's Troopers series, and I don't know how I feel about that.
Yeah...Kylo was more like a child with severe daddy issues than he was an actual villain. He was just...ugh, so much fail with his character.
"No, put the mask back on! I know you're trying to make up with your dad, but please! Your face and voice just take away from it!"
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Going to reach into the expanded fiction a bit here, but to answer that: there's two types of force users, force sensitive and force capable. From the stuff that was written about episodes I-III, Padme was force sensitive, all but ensuring Anakin's kids were going to have HIV the Force. Unless they changed the fiction drastically, Luke'll have a kid with Mara Jade/some right-hand of the Emperor, who was also force-sensitive (which'll be Rey). Force sensitive people can feel, but not use, the Force - thus why we had that scene
after Han died
where she felt it.
Pretty sure none of that matters now, since Disney axed the old EU a while back. Also, there's that whole "My Father has it, I have it, my sister has it" line from RotJ when Luke reveals to Leia that she's his sister. Even if we do bring in the old EU, Leia becomes a full Jedi in the later novels. She never gets to be as OP as Luke, though, since she wasted all that time not being a Jedi.
When you grew up with something you tend to get excited. More upset than anything.

When I see discussions like this, with comments such as I see here, I realize that fandoms in general are waaaay to accustomed to getting everything they want. "Waaaaaa! The prequels had a bunch of CGI and didn't do the same things the original series did! Booooo! Episode 7 wasn't original enough!" Let me guess, you were among the same people who declared "Disney will ruin Star Wars!" Cause those people were even more outspoken, and guess what? Disney revved up the Hype Train so much that I even hear about Star Wars from my Rural-as-fuck 40-something co-workers. The entire media empire was working it's ass off to make this movie a success, and I honestly think they pulled it off. They knew they'd be starting back on square one after all the lost years and the prequels, so they took a safe route, took a director who already made what was essentially a Star Wars movie, and layed out the foundation for an entire new future for the fandom.

No matter how they did it, there will always be people too blind to see this movie for what it is; A new foundation for the next generation of movies, and a love-letter to the originals at the same time. Sure, you can sit there, behind your keyboard and huddle around your precious memories of the original trilogy, saying how upset you are. That's your right, good for you! But this movie represents them moving forward, taking a bold step, yet bringing along just enough luggage to remind us of where we were before. We could have gotten something like the Hobbit movies; "Oh look, it's Legolas, oh hey, they totally foreshadows what Sarumon is up to, yay, they mentioned Aragorn." We could have had the old movies shoved down our throats, and even with a completely new plot line, is that the kind of movie you would have wanted?

I enjoyed it. But I judge a movie for what it is, I judge movies alone, not by holding every single movie I watch up to the ones I know and love. I grew up with the Prequels, I enjoy them despite everyone telling me I'm wrong because of that. The Force Awakens has it's flaws, all movies do, and if you sit and try to find them, you'll ruin what movies are supposed to be in the first place. This is a solid installment in the franchise, easily my 3rd or 4th favorite, and it's humbling to think of the uphill battle they fought to make it here.

The stage has been set, the show has only just begun.
A friend killed Star Wars for me through extreme gushing over it once he realized there were books and comics. So no, it's not waaaa waaaa mummy didn't get me what I wanted.. It was hope that I could enjoy it and it would bring back a spark of childlike wonder.

Sad to say, it didn't.

Then again, the second movie of both old and new generation were my favorites. So there's still some hope.

When I see discussions like this, with comments such as I see here, I realize that fandoms in general are waaaay to accustomed to getting everything they want. "Waaaaaa! The prequels had a bunch of CGI and didn't do the same things the original series did! Booooo! Episode 7 wasn't original enough!" Let me guess, you were among the same people who declared "Disney will ruin Star Wars!" Cause those people were even more outspoken, and guess what? Disney revved up the Hype Train so much that I even hear about Star Wars from my Rural-as-fuck 40-something co-workers. The entire media empire was working it's ass off to make this movie a success, and I honestly think they pulled it off. They knew they'd be starting back on square one after all the lost years and the prequels, so they took a safe route, took a director who already made what was essentially a Star Wars movie, and layed out the foundation for an entire new future for the fandom.

No matter how they did it, there will always be people too blind to see this movie for what it is; A new foundation for the next generation of movies, and a love-letter to the originals at the same time. Sure, you can sit there, behind your keyboard and huddle around your precious memories of the original trilogy, saying how upset you are. That's your right, good for you! But this movie represents them moving forward, taking a bold step, yet bringing along just enough luggage to remind us of where we were before.
Speaking for myself, it wasn't that the movie wasn't original enough, it was that it wasn't original at all. This movie was basically pandering to the fans that had been upset by Episode 1-3. This is made more than obvious by the narrative structure that follows A New Hope's beats step by step while sprinkling in random bits of excessive fan service. This movie was SO MUCH for the fans that most fans love it BECAUSE it reminds them of A New Hope. This movie was far more an homage than it was a new movie. And it's absolutely fine if you like it because it's an homage, but it really isn't a whole lot more than that. Speaking for myself, I'm not really a big Star Wars fan but I was able to realize just how much imitation, emulation and straight up copying was going on to make that film as successful as it could have been. They saw the mistakes of the prequels, turned round and rewrote the script of episode 4. That's just what happened. And hey, it's not a bad thing necessarily, but it's also not necessarily a good thing.
Man I feel like I just traveled 20 years into the past to listen to fans talk about the prequels. I'm not really sure what you all expect from watching Star Wars. It's a kid friendly space fantasy with lots of pretty explosions and girls getting to fight too.
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I went to watch a Star Wars movie, and I did. Like a lot of you here, I grew up with it. I still have the original movies, not the remastered, (though I have those too) on VHS. Yes, it was A New Hope 2015, but it was a great movie. Did they play too safe? Yes, they did. Am I complaining? No.

There were things I would have loved to see. More Boba Fett, for example. Even just a one line, "Solo," in the cantina scene. If Rouge Squadron was in it, Leia being a Jedi. More development of the characters, but I'm not complaining. There was still a few referances to the EU canon, albiet subtle.

Certainly there were things I disliked. Kylo, who had promise. Then he became Anakin 2.0 with a temper and daddy issues. The ill use of Phasma and other characters. The whole "Resistance" and "Republic" thing.

Also, to those complaining about the CGI in regards to Snoak, deal with it. It's a communication, a hologram. It doesn't have to be perfect. It is likely the image is magnified so he looks giant, just like what Sidious did in Empire Strikes Back.

Force Awakens is basically A New Hope again, but it reminds the original fans what they fell in love with. It shows the new fans what the originals fell in love with. It calls back the fans who departed after the prequels.

It's like a remaster of Goldeneye, or any other classic game, I suppose. You know how it's going to go, but you still play it, and you still love it. It's flashier, with new graphics and technology, maybe more adapted to fit today's culture. It reminds you of the good old days, and makes you look forward to the new ones in the future. That's what The Force Awakens is. I'm glad I spent money to see it, and I look forward to future films.
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It was absolutely fucking brillant. Disney took plot elements from the EU (The ones that made sense, as most of it is pure shit.) and put into the story.

As for Rey, it is all believable. If you watched and understood any of the other movies. She already knew how to fight. The force was strong with her.

I would just like to see what happened in between Episode 6 and 7. Though Disney may do what Lucas did and release the sequels first. Then do prequels. Or the Anthology series may explain what happened.

I'm also looking for the Star Wars: Rebels tie in. I REALLY want to see Asohka in live action.

Overall, Disney did a great job and certainly did not ruin the series. I'm a Real Star Wars fan. (Real fans like the prequel too. You can't be a real Star Wars fan and not like half the series.) Disney and JJ should be commended. Other than on here, I have seen nothing but good things about it from my friends all over social media. Can't wait for the 8, ANTHOLOGY, and the rest of Rebels.
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There are legitimate complaints about the movie, personally, chief among them being the poor music score. But in this thread there is way too much griping about what you personally wanted the movie to be. "Why wasn't the movie logically consistent with my inexplicable standards? Rey is a mary sue! (<- what does that even mean?) Why can't the plot be this way instead of that way?"
It's probably my third favorite Star Wars movie, tied with Return of the Jedi. Outranked by Phantom Menace and The Clone Wars.

I mean Empire and A New Hope.
I know it's literally the exact same thing as the Death Star and the threat to the rebel base on Yavin IV, but can we agree that a planet that fucking eats suns and spits out super doom that murders entire solar systems is fucking badass?
I know it's literally the exact same thing as the Death Star and the threat to the rebel base on Yavin IV, but can we agree that a planet that fucking eats suns and spits out super doom that murders entire solar systems is fucking badass?
It's badass. The stuff they did with the force was badass too. By episode 9 I want to see them doing saber throws and the other awesome stuff. I also LOVE that they gave lightsabers a kind of personality. Like the stored memory scene and the saber calling to Rey.
Drove past the theater on Thursday night around 11 and shouted spoilers.
Oh God, you're one of those types of people. The type who just spoilers for 'laughs' or 'because it sucked!!!1!'.

I really hate when people do shit like this for no other reason.

Now, my opinion of the movie is that it is still great even known it's similar to Episode 4: A New Hope. And I kinda of wished that we got to know the Republic (the county/state/rebel faction/I really don't know what they were) before they were...

blasted to death by the Death Star 3.0 Starkiller Base

Oh, well! I guess I could just make tons of headcanons about it!!

And when Ren took off his mask, I feel in love with him for some reason. The hair and the face were so cute. I am hoping that he is in Episode 8. And did it felt like they should of hold off the...

attack on Starkiller Base. It felt rushed to me on that part for some reason, but it was still a good scene.

And am I the only one who liked Kylo tearing the place apart whenever he gets mad. To me, it shows that not all Siths are calm and 'peaceful'. Plus, I laughed at the stormtroopers walking out of the hallway as Kylo is upset.

As for the other characters, I really liked Poe Dameron and Finn and their bromance (it seemed like it to me). And I especially loved Rey, even known she seems to be the next Luke Skywalker. I hope that Captain Phasma returns just to beat Finn's ass covering in garbage.

In short, I love the movie and Disney didn't fuck it up to me. I just hoped that there were more detail about The Republic.
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I guess where I'm a bit confused is why big Star Wars are giving the thumbs up to a movie that wasn't like A New Hope but was A New Hope. Why does a good Star Wars movie mean a Star Wars movie that is essentially a copy of something that you've seen before? Would you be happy if the next two movies copied episodes 5 and 6? Maybe minus the Ewok part? To me it feels like the studio and Abrams pulled a bit of a fast one on us and are going to be giddy when they realize just how happy everyone was to get something that couldn't have been lazier in terms of the narrative. I mean really, everyone who has seen that movie has quite literally seen that movie before but with a different paint job. I dunno, maybe I'm just not big enough of a Star Wars fan. I just really think it's one thing to pay tribute to a story and remind the fans of it and it's a completely different thing to HAVE THE SAME STORY in order to remind the fans of it. Why should JJ get a pass for pandering?
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Call me crazy but I think Rey has been trained before.
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