Soul Eater

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Lucy walks off to her class. "See ya later."
" Bye. " Shaki and cobalt would walk back to the office so they could be enrolled into the DWMA.
Lucy listens to Professer rant on about dissecting again today. That's all he does in his class. Dissecting and talking about dissecting. She watches him turn the giant screw in his head again. Lucy raises her hand. "Professer, aren't we going to learn something more imporant than dissecting?"
" Hey shaki when does the office people get here we really need to enroll. " Ssaki would shrug*
Azula sees the two boys and pushes up her glasses. "Hello. Do you guys need any help?"
" Yes we need to be enrolled we are new. "
Azula sighs. "Marie you have to turn right not left to get to the Death Room and please hurry. I need you to get those papers to Lord Death sohe can help the two boys here fill them out!" Looks at the boys knowing they probably think she's crazy because no one is there. "Uh, sorry. We've been expecting you. I can lead you to the Death Room to Lord Death if you like.
Azula turns and heads to the Death Room. "You can stay in dorms until you get your own place. You will have a mentor if you like them or not. Got it?"
" Yes ma'am we got it. Which dorm are we in? "
" I don't know i just assumed you did know it.... "
"Only Lord Death knows thata answer. Marie! Now take a left! No your other left!"
"I know." Walks into the Death Room and sees Lord Death with Marie. "I'm glad you made it Marie."
Cobalt would propp his head up with his left hand as he would close his eyes slowly falling asleep again*
Marie smiles. "Hello boys. I hope Azula didn't freak you out. She can see through other people's eyes when she resonates with your soul."
Cobalt's eyes shot open. " HU WHA?! IM AWAKE! "
Azulla sighs and leaves. "Pay attention and stay awake boys."Marie giggles. "Please look over these papers and sign on the dotted lines for weapon and the bold lines for miesters. Your dorm ison the second floor dorm number 541. Make sure you fill out the papers correctly please."
They both would look over the papers as they would fill them out and sign on the correct lines they both would stand as they approched the front desk hadning azulla the papers. " 541 right? "