Soul Eater: Witch's Moon

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Delynnaria looked at Yuki as she spoke and began to blush "Yeah... Maybe you are right.. Its so hard to decide... Its Christmas after all.... Tomorrows Christmas day.. Hmm..." She said before beginning to skate around. "And you'll do what?" She said then began to laugh as she was hit in the ass and sent flying. She began to giggle as she continued skating around. It was then Yuki erupted from the snow and seemed to glide at Nyx with the speed of some particle of light. Nyx fell like a bag of bricks and Delynnaria began to laugh again as a snowball fight broke out between them all. She continued to skate around with the finess of a master as she dodged them all by ducking, Doing splits and flipping around while continuing and not losing her mommentum. It was then that she took a snowball to the face and skated right into a large snow drift.

The air went still as ice for several seconds before the snow bank exploded and delynnaria emerged from within. She held her hand out making a large condensed snow pylon to rise behind her before a loud cocking sound was heard. She raised her left hand and the same sound was heard as another snow pylon rose out. She clapped her hands together causing a hail of snowballs to begin raining down on the two like somthing from a story book. "WITNESS MY POWER!" She yelled as she began to raise more of the Pylons causing more Snow balls to rain down on them creating a curtain of sorts of incoming balls of snow. Professor Stein turned the corner having left the party to try to find them and was immediately assailed by several snowballs that knocked him clear off his feet.

Delynnaria continued to laugh before stomping her feet causing the snow in front of her to become soft and making the two sink to their knees in it. "YOU ARE ON MY TURF! DROWN IN THE SNOW!" She said before she began to skate around with the snow pylons following her and never letting up on the massive volume of fire being thrown their way. She rose both her hands creating one massive snow ball and began to guide it towards them as she skated around and remained constantly on the move. She slammed her arms down causing the massive Snowwad to crash to the ground and begin to form into a large Golem like creature. She stopped next to it and put a hand on it as she began to Animate it. Its skin began to turn to Ice as its face formed and its eyes began to glow a dark wispy blue. She pointed towards them "Them! Bring me them!" She said and the massive creature let out a deafening roar that made Stein snap back into it.

Stein looked up at the creature as it formed and began to laugh "I didn't know you had that in you.. You are really beginning to hone your magic aren't you!" He called out and got Delynnaria's attention. With the Golem taking care of Yuki and Nyx she turned the Pylons towards Stein who gulped as he saw the snow begin to go his way. She raised a hand and made a gesture like she was cutting someones head off and the pylons began to fire once more. Stein got to his feet quick and began to run towards her. She crouched down and easily jumped clear over stein as he slipped on the ice and began to slide clear to the other side of the park. She touched down lightly and began to skate towards Yuki and Nyx as the Golem approached.
Nyx was running as fast as he could and Yuki cried, "WAH DON'T LEAVE ME NYX SAVE MEEEEEEE!!!" Nyx jumped over the golem and before Delynnaria could stop him he pounced but suddenly she burst into snow and he landed on his ass with a yelp and burst out whining, "Oh you tricked me!!!" "NYX PLEASE IT'S COLD I'M FREEZING WHERE'S MY PRINCE CHARMING AND SAVIOR WHEN I NEED HIM!!!" Yuki wailed as she found herself wedged into the golem. "Crap Yuki hang on I'm coming!!" Nyx yelled attempting to rush to her aid yet went flipping onto his back sliding across the ice.
Delynnaria saw her clone get destroyed and emerged from the Golems back in a burst of snow. She began to laugh and took off skating once again as she circled around Nyx. She looked down at him with a very big smirk before skating away with her hands behind her back. She sensed somthing large approaching and turned to see something moving down the street that was completely blended in with the darkness around it. She then saw the mask and began to giggle. "The Reaper approaches!" She called out and the Pylons began to turn purple before turning in the direction she was pointing.

Lord Death raised a big white hand "Well! Hello you three! I heard the commotion from the academy and I came to see what it all was! Delynnaria you sure are making a Big-" Was all he could say before a mass of snowballs began to rain down on Death itself. He got hit several times before raising a hand and making it grow blocking the wave of incoming snow. Several pylons seemed to begin moving around Death at their own will but then they all could notice Delynnaria taking Direct control from safety fall from the actual ambush. Lord Death grumbled as the Pylons begna to fire snowballs at him again at places her couldn't cover.

"You are really starting to push my buttons snow!" He called out and swung his hand around and knocked several of them down with one long swipe. Delynnaria began to giggle loudly as the remaining pylons began to fly down towards him in a final vengence strike. Lord Death turned in time to stop one but was hit by several more as the flew down like massive snow balls. Lord Death burst from the snow and began to float towards Delynnaria. He saw the golem and reaper chopped it in half with ease as Delynnaria began to skate around as if she had nothing to do with it. Lord Death stopped infront of her "I came to-" Was all he could say before Delynnaria playfully threw a snowball at him with a last chance show of definace.

Lord Death's mask changed slightly and he tried reaper choppign her on the head but she slid out of the way quicker than he struck. He grumbled and drug his hand across the ice ripping up some of the stones in the process. She out skated his hand and circled back around him. Lord Death coughed "You my dear.. Have lost!" He said and reaper chopped her on the head. The snow clone fell to peices and Lord Death grumbled as a sign of frustration formed on his mask. She began to laugh "All our times have come, Here but now they're gone. Seasons don't fear the reaper, Nor do the wind, the sun or the rain ,We can be like they are! Come on baby... Don't fear the Reaper!" She sang and seemed to irritate Lord Death. He turned to get hit with another snow ball and slice the ice pile just after Delynnaria dove into it. He began floating over to it expecting to find her inside but was struck again from behind and turned as Delynnaria skated away. His hand continued to grow longer as it chased her and his arm extended like a long noodle. Delynnaria looked back and screamed as it continued to follow her "What are you!" She called out and tried diving into a snow pile but was grabbed just before she reached it.
She was grabbed by the scruff of her fur lined coat by none other then Nyx who said, "Lord death if I may... I'll be sure to tame this little snow demon tonight her butt is coming home... Oh and can someone help Yuki home... Have a good evening..." He then swung Delynnaria over his shoulder and hauled her ass back to their dorm room. Making his way to his room instead of her frozen abyss he just dumped her right on his bed before removing his winter coat he said, "I need to get out of these wet clothes..." Removing his shoes and he took off a sweater followed by his shirt underneath it. "Three damn layers of clothes and I still froze my ass off..." Nyx said smirking toward her. He then pinned her down and whispered, "How about it... you me... here tonight... I can't stand it anymore I really have been holding back but I want you..." He kissed her nose after that and managed to get her jacket off before it dampened the bed any further.
Delynnaria was swept up by Lord Death and began to squirm before giving up. "I have you now! I-Oh, Of course Nyx.. Keep her under control.." He said and shot her a glare. She looked up and stuck her tongue out at him and made him grumble. She giggled "Love you Lord Death!" She called out before Nyx carried her around a corner. It wasn't long until they got back to their house and she soon found herself in Nyx's room instead of her own freezing room. She was dropped on the bed and began to giggle "Well... You freeze so easily! I love the cold! I don't even feel my soaked coat!" She said before he moved and she began to blush. "Well..... You beat me to it.. I say yes! But!" She said before grabbing his hands and flipping him over. She smirked "I always win!" She said before kissing him again.
The next afternoon Nyx was baking cookies when a knock was heard at the door. He washed his hands and dried them off before going to answer it. Seeing Yuki standing there her face red from crying and streaked with tears she held a box. Nyx did not question the girl and let her in before saying, "I'll go ahead and make a section of the place out for you Yuki so just set that box there and have a seat I made gingerbread cookies." Nyx said smiling. "T-Thank you..." Yuki whimpered softly and she was given a cup of hot chocolate. "Where's is Delynnaria...." Yuki asked softly. "Still sleeping yesterday took all her energy with the party and the snow war..." Nyx said smiling.
Delynnaria awoke the next morning and grumbled lightly to herself before rolling over and falling off the bed with a loud thump and hit the floor waking herself instead of falling into a small pile of snow. She stared at the floor and stretched slightly before sitting up and looking down to realize she didn't have anything on. She squeaked and threw a blanket around herself before opening a window and channeling snow into the room. She pulled the snow around herself until she was completely covered in it leaving only her eyes showing. She then positioned herself so she could move her arm just enough to open the the door. She saw Yuki standing and talking to Nyx. She began to waddle down the hallway with snow falling behind her. She looked like a giant Snowman and nothing of her nakedness could be seen. She stopped by Yuki and did a half wave as she couldn't really move her arms. She continued down the hall way trailing a mass of snow behind her until she forced her door open and waddled inside. Once she was inside of her room she dropped the snow cover and dried herself off before throwing Sweat pants and a T-Shirt on. She then turned around and walked barefoot across her snowy room. She then walked out of her room clothed and stretched "Hello!" She called out fully of energy but still somewhat tired from the night before.
"Delynnaria Yuki and you will be sharing a room for a while it seems. I hope this is alright she needs company right now thanks to her meister being an asshat..." Nyx said softly. Yuki just lost it in a fit of tears and wailed against Nyx's chest. Nyx rubbed her back soothing her as she sobbed against him.
Delynnaria looked at Nyx and felt like she was about to Tear up as well. She ran over and hugged them both and with a surprising show of strength for a girl her size lifted them both up and set them down. "I understand.... I feel emotional now that Yuki is crying... I hope you don't mind the cold Yuki... My room is like a winter wonderland.. Its like the Nightmare before Christmas.. Also! I am about to go out and pay Kayden a visit. If you hear his soul being ripped then.. its not me.. I don't think one blue soul will corrupt me!" She said then hugged Yuki especially "You are among friends here.. Also.. Nyx.. I have to talk to you... Its Christmas day!" She said then jumped from Yuki to Nyx in a hyperactive switch.
"No please don't.. let him realize the mistakes me made on his own... I'll be fine really.." Yuki said sniffling. "Here have a gift I actually I made it myself so it's not very good.." Nyx said grabbing one of the presents he had on the table. "Yuki sniffled but smiled and tore into the present anyways. Pulling out the hand knitted scarf her eyes went wide and she snuggled it saying, "It's so soft... I love it so much.. Thank you Nyx I didn't even get you anything though." "It's fine it's about giving after all oh and Delynnaria here's yours..." Nyx said handing her a smaller wrapped square." Yuki's eyes went wide and she broke into a smile knowing very well it was an engagement ring.
Delynnaria nodded at Yuki's protests "So be it... The offer still stands even if you two work it all out amongst each other.. He needs to be put in his place and even though you do a good job of it by yourself I think a witch's eye has a good chance of helping with it all." She said then watched as Nyx gave her a scarf. She smiled "Well.. I am happy.. I really don't have many useful talents to be honest.. I can kinda make things work.. Nyx does all the cook-" Was all she could say before she was handed a small box. She took it from his hand and looked at him as he face began to turn a bright red. She slowly took the paper off it and opened it to see a ring. She looked at him then down at the ring "I... Nyx... I... I know what you are asking... Its.. Of course." She said and began to giggle.
Yuki clapped happy and she hugged her saying, "Now I won't have to snowball your ass! I"m so happy for you two I could cry." Yuki lost it in a fit of tears and Nyx smiled saying, "I know it's soon but heck we got time to bond we are in our last year of school and I figured I owed the girl who broke my walls down my life.." Nyx heard a knock at the door and he knew very well who it was. Going over he answered the door and saw Kayden standing there looking like hell gone wrong. "I... I just came to give this to Yuki.... I don't expect her to like me but it's no like I can't return it so she may as well have it..." Kayden said holding the gift bag out. Yuki walked over and said, "Get him out... Nyx." "Sorry but please go..." Nyx said softly. Kayden just set the bag down and left without so much as another word and was gone.
Delynnaria smiled and put the ring on her finger "The Diamond was huge.... this had to have cost a fortune... How did you... Oh.. I think I know but I really dont want to know." She said before Yuki hugged her. She hugged Yuki back and couldn't keep from smiling when she began to tear up again "Oh... calm down Yuki.. im not loosing it.. oh right.. Im sorry." She said before a knock was heard at the door. Delynnaria turned and sighed as Nyx opened it to see Kayden standing there. She didn't have anything to say so she just watched as Kayden put the bag down before leaving. She felt slightly bad for him after all that had happened. But she felt much more towards Yuki who had to put up with him. She put an arm on Yuki's shoulder and then hugged her again. "Well.. I hope you don't mind the cold Yuki.. my room is like some kind of Disney movie.." She said before giggleing and looking at her ring. She then turned to Nyx "You know we wont get anything started for quite a bit yet.. I mean.. we have alot to do between now and then and we cant handel any more distractions than we already have.." She said before looking at the ring again.
"I signed the next ten years of my life away for that diamond when we graduate I'm going to be teaching freshman students here." Nyx said setting the bag inside by the door before taking a seat. Yuki's eyes went wide though and she jumped up crying, "Guys somethings wrong Kayden's in trouble!!" Nyx stood up and ran out the door after Yuki who was running as fast as she could. Going down several hall she saw a group of students gathered around. Though pushing through the crowd who she saw she was far prepared to see. It was Kayden laying there bleeding out. The wound he had sustained was extremly severe and blood was splattered up the walls and on the floor his insides practically hanging out. He was alive but barely and Yuki dropped to her knees letting out a loud scream of terror.
Delynnaria listened to Nyx and sighed lightly "You didn't have to do that.. You really didn't have to.. I would of been happy with just asking me.. but this is beautiful... Thank you." She said before Yuki began to call out. She turned and began to follow Yuki to where Kayden lay sprawled out on the floor close to death. Delynnaria's eyes flashed and she growled "Who did this... what did this... I will kill them!" She said and the core tempature of the area around them began to plummet fast. She pulled herself together and immediately fell to her knees next to him. She brushed her hair out of her face and put her hands on Kaydens chest. She felt the blood oozing out and began to tear up as she felt his pain. She began to concentrate and a purple light began to emanate instead of a yellow one. The blood oozing from him began to clear up as the heaviest wounds began to stabilize. Delynnaria began to cry out as blood began to drip from the area around her chest. The heaviest wound on Kayden sealed up as his innards stabalized inside of him. Delynnaria fell back and cried out as a cut began to appear on ehr chest. It was not as large as Kayden's cut was but it was bleed steadily. She began to laugh "I never told any of you.. If the damage is bad enough.. it takes things from me.. I couldn't keep going.. hes stabalized.. he wont die on us..." She said slowly.
Yuki was up in a flash and went rushing into Stein's office she was in such hysterics Stein knew something had happened to Kayden. So he rushed back to the area and found Kayden laying there Nyx was holding Delynnaria cradling her close. With that the two of them were rushed to the infirmary. Four days had passed and Kayden remained asleep for those four days. Yuki just stayed glued to his bed side. Running her fingers through his hair stroking his head she whimpered, "Even though you're a jerk... I... I never wanted you to die Kayden... I.. I love you... and I just want you to love me back... is that so much to ask..." "I do... I really do love you... Yuki..." Kayden suddenly whispered. Yuki's eyes went wide and she whimpered, "Then... why why did you do what you did..." "I don't know... and I'm a moron for ever making you cry... I can't make an excuse as to why I acted that way... But I love you... I just have a hard time showing it I guess.." Kayden whispered weakly. Yuki just leaned over him and kissed him on the lips making him flush.Hearing a cat call whistle Yuki saw up seeing Nyx and Delynnaria standing there she squeaked embarrassed. "Oh Nyx you're so mean!" Yuki whined at the fact she was being teased.
Delynnaria kept herself awake until she heard Stein's unique footsteps and she gave Stein a thumbs up "I stabilized him... I'm out for the count doctor..." she said before laughing and lowering her head and closing her eyes. To her surprise over the next four days she didn't have any madness filled dreams that drove her crazy. On the fourth day she and Nyx walked into the infirmary as she ran a hand across her chest. She felt the bandage and sighed "I have to give something to heal.. Its kind of like a equal trade honestly... Luckily its not as hard on my end.." She said before they walked in. Nyx made a cat whistle and she snapped her attention to Yuki and she made a whistling noise as well. She giggled "Awhh.... I knew you two would make up!" She said then ran over to Kayden "Who did it..." she said and her tone was serious. "I also took the liberty of taking on a bunch of your injuries to keep you from dying... so you are welcome."
"I can't recall... the attack came from my left side and I was out cold before I could see their face..." Kayden whispered. He squirmed as Yuki kissed his cheek saying, "It's okay sweetie we'll find them... Just rest and relax..." Yuki held his hand and Nyx stuck his head out the door hearing a bit of ccommotion Two bodies were carried in on a stretcher each and Nyx grabbed Delynnaria and said, "Yuki stay close to Kayden come with me Delynnaria we're getting to the bottom of this..." He then ran out of the infirmary with her knowing the school would be put on lock down any time now.
Delynnaria looked at him as he spoke and sighed "Alright.. That sucks.. I don't really know what to do to be honest with you." she said before turning to Yuki "We need to figure this out.." She said and just as she was finishing Nyx grabbed her "Wooo! Mystery solving here we come!" she called out as Nyx dragged her along. Once they reached the outside of the school a louse noise came over the loud speaker "Attention all students! This is Lord Death! We are putting the school into a full lockdown!" He said before continuing "All Dorms will be locked down and teachers are being sent out to search the city. Thank you all." Lord Death said before a loud noise echoed again and the speakers went out.
Nyx at this point was carrying Delynnaria in weapon form and dashing toward the closing gates. Sliding through like he was going for home base Nyx slipped through just seconds before they completely shut. Though he couldn't stop due to the ice and yelped as he smacked upside down against the wall of a building. Jumping up he ducked down an alley and said, "Delynnaria where shall we look first?"
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