Sometimes Goodbye is a second chance

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Taryn was lost in their heated passion. With every bounce atop him she built them up. She kissed his lips, moaning sweet nothings to him, her fingers digging into his hands that sat at her hips. She rocked atop him, her yees closing as the feeling pulsed within her.

"God... Clark!" she cried out as she shuddered, her climax clamping her muscles around him deep within her.
Clark saw stars. Her riding him had awakened something unexpected. He clenched his muscles, slamming her down on top of him as he climaxed. He panted, eyes closed in bliss.
Taryn and Clark worked that food out of their systems until their bodies were covered in sweat and their eyes could no longer stay open.

When Taryn woke the next day she went on her run, finishing her work out with military intervals as done in PT of strength training.

She wanted to see Dr. Ellis today and figure out what the plan was for salvaging her pension. She dressed and moved around the kitchen getting breakfast ready.

Due to their heated night, Clark had left his phone on the dinner table. She eyed it speculatively. How had Charlie been calling? What could it be? The man was dead right?? Had it been a closed or open casket? Her head churned as she wondered what could explain all the crazy happenings.

As she flipped pancakes she blushed... Clark had called her baby. An endearing pet name she couldn't help but get butterflies. Her depression ebbed at the happiness always present like a shadow. She kept her smile though, despite the words in her head.
Clark had fallen into a deep sleep. He barely registered the fact Taryn had left his bed. Normally something like that would have woken him. He only woke a few hours later when the smell of something cooking woke him.

He hazily pulled on some pants before making his way downstairs. He entered the kitchen, eyes taking in Taryn cooking. "Could you be anymore perfect?" His voice was tinged with sleep, arms wrapping g around her waist.

"Never leave me oh great pancake supplier." He nuzzled against her neck.
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Taryn shook her head as she laughed layering three golden pancakes with crisp edges on a plate. She handed it over to him.

"Here you go oh great pancake eater." She mused. She head for the table her own pancake in hand as well as the syrup and butter. She ate quietly, her eyes glued to the phone.

"Clark I think you should get to the bottom of the whole phone thing. Its terrifying and creepy... sorta makes me feel not safe." She mentioned. While she had been running she felt as if someone was watching her on the trail that ran through the park, part of it heavily wooded.
Clark shoved pancakes in his mouth, not realizing just how famished he was. Taryn spoke up and he lifted his head. "I will...don't worry. I'll make sure everything's okay."

His eyes found the phone and his face turned pale. Even he was creeped out by the messages. But there had to be an explanation. His eyes glanced towards her face and he saw her discomfort. "Did something happen while I was asleep?"
Taryn was a strong woman and she didn't want to worry Clark with anything trivial. She shook her head deciding to keep the weird occurrences to herself. She schooled her facial expressions so he wouldn't know.

"I'm gonna talk to Dr. Ellis today. See where my career lies. I'll let you know if I can keep working at the bar or not."
Clark nodded. "Alright...keep me updated on everything." His eyes took on that mischievous glint to them. "I'll just be hanging out hopefully you don't walk in on me naked." He laughed, teasing
Taryn eyed him seeing his smirk. She shook her head and head to the va. The hour and a half long drive dragging on. The office was the same as last time except Dr. Ellis seemed to smile more at Taryn.

"Okay so we have good needs and bad news."
"Shoot." Taryn said her nerves frazzled.
"Nate pulled some strings and got the dui to go away as long as you agree to counseling and to a probationary period with a lien on your pay. As for the review they're going to tear you apart, allow it, apologize and walk out of there knowing you saved your pension."
"When is it?" Taryn frowned. She knew how military reviews went. Shed want to be drunk for days afterwards.
"A couple weeks. Take one so you can save what's yours."

Taryn paced his office. "I shouldn't have to." She said tears stinging her eyes. She was right, chris knew that. He moved towards her.

"Hey I'll be right there and even though Nate will be too... you can just focus on someone else." He smoked with his charm. Taryn groaned. Her doc and her ex husband in the same room seemed worse. She sat back down and asked a question.

"Are they tailing me?"
"What do you mean."
"Weird stuff has been happening with Clark and I went foe a run I could have sworn someone was watching me."

Chris clicked at his computer and shook his head. "I don't see any detail but it could be above my clearance. Why don't you go see Falk at the base?"

Taryn nodded... that seemed like a great idea.
Clark was bored without Taryn around. How could she have made such a drastic change in his life? He wandered around the house, cleaning and straightening things so many times he was sure he was going to wear a hole in the counters.

Laundry, dishes and even reorganizing the refrigerator were done in a short span of time. Usually he would be at the bar or working on bills or plans but today was too quiet. He eyed his phone as it started ringing and answered without looking at the caller ID. Static filled his ear and he growled.

"I know her secret..."

How did that voice sound so much like Charlie's? He shuddered, "who are you?!?!" The line went dead and he moved to melt into the couch.

What was happening? What secret? Who was the "her" mentioned?

Could Charlie have returned from the dead and knew about Ashley's abortion? He stiffened, chills racing down his spine. A text buzzed his phone from Charlie's number and he opened it.

"I'm watching."
Taryn headed ton the base. She felt a sense of happiness being back where she fit in most. Soldiers saluted and she shook her head when marines hooted after her.

"Damn you can't be a soldier. Looking that good." One chortled as he walked up beside her. Taryn shook her head.

She ignored him and went inside the office waiting for general Falk to meet with her.
Clark jumped from his seat, shuddering as he grabbed the baseball bat by the door. Now he knew it wasn't just a prank.

He picked up his phone, calling the cell phone company. He asked for a detailed call list of calls received. He felt like he needed to get to the bottom of this.
"Sergeant Roberts." Gen. Falk spoke as he let her into his office. The walls were adorned with many images of war, of peace, of commissioning ceremonies. The man had joined the military at eighteen and now in his mid fifties he was general, it was impressive. Taryn respected the general immensely. He nodded for her to sit before his desk and she did so.

"Your husband came to the rescue today." Gen. Falk spoke. Taryn tensed in her seat, her eyes darting to the man, would she be allowed to correct him. She grit her teeth.

"Ex husand, general." She spoke up. Falk's eyes glinted with humor but he nodded.
"My apoligies, your ex husband." He restated. "Nonetheless, your review date hasn't been set yet. Nate Carlson, Dr. Ellis and myself will be present on your behalf. You will be asked many questions, you will need to answer them all truthfully to your best ability. As I see it you will be cleared and you will be joining your platoon on the next deployment."

"General... what if I want to be out General? I've served my country for six years. I think it's time... I want to start new without going away."
"The military will make that decision Sargeant Roberts. You're too valuable. So be careful out there... we don't want anything happening to you."
Taryn looked him over, what did he mean?
Clark paved, having no more answers after an hour than before. He wondered what exactly Charlie had been doing in his life. He received another phone call and he answered. "Clark? Clark I'm scared...I got a phone call saying they knew where it was and to give it to them..."

Ashley's panicked voice made him nervous. "Where are you?"

"I'm at the house...can you come over?" Ashley's voice trembling made him cringe.

He decided he would go. He couldn't drag Taryn into this. Not if she was so close to exploding.
Taryn paced the general's office. "Sir I want out. I don't want to deploy again, I don't want to leave and get fucked up again... I want to be a normal person. I know it's time t re-enlist if wanted but I am not interested."

"If this has to do with that gentleman from the bar, we can take care of that Sgt. Roberts." Falk spoke without looking up from his paperwork.

"You leave Clark out off this." She growled, protective of Clark. "It is because I want out, I don't want to keep leaving and coming back to nothing, deployment after deployment."

"Sgt. you've been told already what is to be expected from us. You may leave. I will have you contacted when the date of your review occurs. Good day." He said and without another noise he dismissed her. Taryn frowned and moved towards her vehicle. Home was an hour and a half away, She found herself missing Clark. She groaned, how could one care so much for a man she barely knew?
Clark sent Taryn a text.

Going out for awhile...don't worry be home soon ~ Clark

He grabbed his phone and a flashlight and headed out. Within thirty minutes he was at Ashley's. She opened the door, eyes bloodshot and shaking with fear. "We need to talk." Clark growled. "I need to know exactly what Charlie did for a living."
Taryn's phone buzzed and she read the text as she paid the toll pass. She sent him a quick okay and head towards the bar. She arrived at the bar at ten till ten. She stepped in and manned her station. Erica moved over and squeezed her.

"Nice to see you. No drinking for you." she joked. Taryn smiled and began pouring drinkins as the customers asked for them.
Ashley ushered him in, making him sit down. "I knew you would ask that so I brought down a lot of old boxes of his stuff..."

Clark looked at the stacks, feeling overwhelmed. "All I know is he traveled a lot. He always told me he was a journalist."

Ashley shrugged. "He told me he was a travel guide." They both looked at each other, feeling an odd sense of forboding race up their spines.

"Did he ever bring anything back for you? What about journals?" Clark was beginning to form an idea of what might lay ahead.
Taryn worked well, smiling as usual getting the customers to tip well and to keep buying. She moved to the kitchen to cook while the others manned the bar. Order after order she got them ready and due to not having waitstaff ust yet she walked them out to the tables and booths personally. One of her last orders was paired with a drink she knew only one person could order. She stared at the receipt and looked out the small kitchen window. There he was sitting, his eyes meeting hers instantly.

"God damnit." Taryn growled. How was she supposed to keep herself level headed when her ex husband kept popping up all the time. It had been many weeks since the split and yet the pain and anger was so raw still. She cooked the order and head to the table. She tried her hardest not to slam the plate down but it came down with more force than she had wanted.

"Taryn." He nodded taking a french fry off the plate.

"Do I have to put a restraining order against you Nate this is stupid." She snarled.

"I just wanted to see you... I was in town."

"Why?" Taryn asked immediately.

"Because your review is coming up and I figured Falk, Ellis and I can work together to get your case down pat."

"I'd rather you excuse yourself. It's conflict of interests and honestly I divorced you so I wouldn't have to see you again."

Taryn's anxiety and anger flared when she saw the pain in his features when she mentioned the divorce. She wanted to wring his neck. He must've read her thoughts because he took a long sip of his drink.

"I want to talk to you Taryn... just you and me. Please."

"No Nate.... you had your chance, you fucked up. There's nothing left and I don't want to keep revisiting it." Taryn said turning on one heel to head back towards the bar. Nate caught her wrist and pulled her around to face him.

"Please. We'll go wherever you want... I just want some of your time... get the closure we need." Nate pleaded, his eyes saddened and round staring at her. Taryn exhaled sharply and nodded.

"Give me a minute to close up the kitchen." she said and turned around.
Ashley nodded. "Sure he always brought me gifts. You know how he was." She gestured. "This house was a gift and a lot of the trinkets here were gifts."

Clark nodded. "I'll start with any journals he had."

Ashley brought out a small box. Handing it to him and watching as he walked out thendoor. The drive home was long and all he could do was think about things. He had the box in the passenger seat and he glanced at it every so often. He reached his house and nearly sighed with relief.

After he got in the house he decided to call Taryn.
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