Social Classes (Shera and ~Nora.Inu~)

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Cari sighed, muttered a sound of understanding.
"I'm sorry for over reacting..." he muttered, smiling softly.

Caesar smiled as well, glad the crisis had been averted.
"I say we do the hair cut first, that way less people can question," he whispered to Lucian.
Lucian nodded slightly at Caesar, making sure that he knew he understood, then looked back at Cari and said, "No need to apologize Cari, if I were you I probably would have overreacted to." He knew he wouldn't have since he was always one to keep calm no matter what but Cari didn't need to know that. He started walking along the sidewalk towards where the hair place was at and without even thinking why he would need to say it he said, "Just to let you know Cari, I will not and would never blame you if you thought of us in a way that is less than pleasant." He smiled slightly at him to let him know that he did mean it. He tightened his grip on Caesar's hand briefly, he wasn't sure if he would react well to Cari thinking unpleasant things about Caesar but as for himself he could forgive him for that.
Cari looked confused at Lucian. He nodded.
"Okay," was all he replied before turning back to look ahead.

Caesar was a bit shocked at what he said, but chose not to say anything as they walked in the salon.
Lucian looked around the salon and waited until someone walked up and asked what he wanted. "My friend here needs a haircut, he really needs just a trim though. His hair grows like a weed and me and Caesar keep telling him to cut it shorter but the hair is his pride and joy." He said, smiling at the man in front of them. There was no reason to make Cari sound nice, in fact the higher up he sounded and the more picky he sounded the better.

The man nodded along with what Lucian said then replied, "Of course sir, a trim will work out just fine." He looked over at Cari and bowed his head since he wasn't sure if the man was high class or not, there was no need to make him mad and since he was in such company he had to be a least higher up then himself. "Right this way sir if you will." He told Cari, already walking towards one of the salon chairs in the room.
Cari looked at Lucian apprehensively, but got up and followed. He looked around curiously, his eyes watering and he nearly gagged when some sprayed hair spray. It was probably the most vile thing he had ever smelled, and it did WONDERS for his sinuses. Not.

He quickly sat in the chair and let the man to as he pleased, ready to give him a nice bruise if he cut to much.

Caesar looked at Lucian.
"You don't lie to me that good, do you?"
As the man cut Cari's hair Lucian leaned against Caesar slightly and said, "I have only ever lied to you once and that was when we first met and I said that I had met someone else as handsome as you before." He looked at Caesar and smiled slightly then said, "You know me, if I can help it I will never lie to someone I care about." He had made sure not to lie to Cari or at least not to make the lie something that he would get in trouble for, he was starting to care for Cari and if Cari ever figured out he lied to him he might be in a bad place with Cari.
The man nodded slightly at Cari and said, "Yes sir, I think we do. If you want we can bring some of them out for you to see." He hoped the man was okay with them, he had heard what could happen if high ranking black haired people weren't happy.

Lucian looked around the hair salon then out onto the street and finally muttered, "Something seems off and I don't know what it is but it makes things feel unsafe." He really was just meaning that everything was going just way to smoothly and something someday was going to mess it up.
Caesar nodded.
"Yeah. Maybe we can just wait, keep going like we are. It seems unsafe, but for now we are fine. When are you going to tell him the truth about who we are and why you really picked him up?"

Cari nodded, not smiling. He remembered what Lucian had said about smiling. He waited for the man, and when he came back he picked a green checkered one.
"I like this one the best."
The man nodded to Cari and said, "Good choice sir." He glanced over to where Caesar and Lucian were at then back at Cari and asked, "Will you be needing anything else sir?" He half hoped he would say yes and half hoped he would say no.

Lucian nodded slightly at Caesar then said, "I don't think I should tell him right now it might scare him away." He closed his eyes and knew that Caesar would most likely guess that both saying that they were royalty and saying that they wanted him for a partner would scare him away. "I really do think he will work. He still has some problems to work out but then again don't we all?" He opened his eyes and smiled slightly at Caesar.
Caesar nodded.
"Yes, that's true. I just hope it doesn't blow up in our faces."

Cari shook his head.
"No, thank you for your time," he said, giving a small smile before frowning again. He walked back over to Lucian and Caesar, adjusting the head band a bit.
"I had one before, but it got a little... torn."
Lucian smiled at Cari slightly and said, "Yes that can happen when one lives in a place that isn't exactly good for clothing." He looked over at the man that was helping Cari out and said, "Just send the bill to the palace and they will give you the money."

The man nodded slightly at him and said, "Yes sir, I will do that. Thank you very much for choosing us to help you with your needs." The man bowed his head again then walked back towards his staff and nodded at them slightly.

Lucian grabbed Cari's hand and said, "You did a good job fooling the man into thinking that you were one of us. I think this might all work out just fine if we play our cards right."
Cari was a bit angry. This man bowed to them too, and he even had black hair. Why? He snatched his hand away, walking out with out another word.
"We can get the clothes tomorrow. I'm not feeling well," he said. Lucian had said 'one of them'. He was not one of them, and never would be. The onl;y day he would consider these people his friends is the day they consider him more than scum.
Lucian glanced at Caesar, worried slightly at what had just happened. He hadn't meant to say anything bad about him if he had said something bad, but instead of thinking to much on it he walked after Cari. Once he was walking behind Cari, still holding onto Caesar's hand just in case, he said, "Did I do something wrong Cari? If I did just say so because I might be able to fix it." He wasn't sure if he could but Cari had being feeling fine one moment and the next he was feeling bad so he could only guess that something happened in the barber shop. He tightened his grip momentarily on Caesar's hand wanting to feel a calmer mind nearby him while his own was going in circles.
Cari glancedd back, shaking his head.
"No, we can talk about it later," he said, just wanting to get back to the room so he could interrogate Lucian and Caesar. He new they were keeping things from him.

Caesar glanced at Lucian. He squeezed his hand back reassuringly.
Lucian nodded slightly at Cari and said, "Alright then, but you might want to slow down and let us catch up with you so that we can lead you back to the house." He smiled slightly and moved even closer to Caesar already getting a bit nervous about the fact that Cari might want to know things that he wasn't sure they should tell. He knew they were going to have to tell him who they were eventually but he had been hoping it would be a while before that happened, sadly though it seemed that wasn't to be.
Cari paused, letting the couple pass by him before he followed. He had a glare set on his face. He kept running through the questions in his mind, thinking of exactly what he would say. They all applied to one question though. Who are you really?
Lucian sighed slightly as he walked ahead of Cari and thought to himself how in the world was he going to explain things to Cari. He glanced at Caesar out of the corner of his eye and muttered, "I can always count on you to help me out. So how am I supposed to tell Cari that we are two of the most important people on the face of the planet?" He quickly glanced ahead of them to where to palace was and how close they were to it then looked back at Caesar not wanting to miss any information that he might be given.
Caesar sighed, looking at Lucian and replying quietly.
"You just tell him. Explain it the best you can, just tell the truth." he said, knowing that was the best advice he could give at the time.
"But don't worry, I will be there to help," he assured.
Lucian nodded slightly at Caesar and said, "Thank you, I never meant for him to figure out about this all so fast but I guess it can't be helped now." He looked back over his shoulder at Cari and said, "Don't fall to far behind Cari, we're almost back to the house." He looked back ahead and saw that they were a lot closer then he had thought at first. When they arrived back at the entrance he hesitated for a second then said, "Hopefully there's no one back yet, the last thing I need is for my family to be back home by now."