So Close, Yet So Far...*Serpentine and york*

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Alvie looked up from her paper and saw Dante writing something down before tossing the note over his shoulder at the people who threw a note to her. She smiled a bit, tearing a piece of paper out of her notebook. With her pen she wrote: "Thanks" and a smiley face before leaning over and putting the paper on his desk. Luckily, the girls behind them weren't paying attention to her as they were reading Dante's note. Alvie turned her attention back to the front of the class and felt something wet dripping from her nose. She furrowed her brow and brought a hand up, touching underneath her nose then looking at her fingertips. Blood. She sighed and pulled out the wad of tissue from her pocket and pressed it to her nose. It didn't seem to have fully recovered from being hit with a volleyball during her last class period. Alvie just hoped nobody would make a big fuss over it...after all it didn't even hurt.

Seeing the paper placed on his desk by Alvie, Dante picked it up, and smiled upon reading it, looking over to Alvie, he noticed she was pressing a tissue to her nose and it was starting to get a little stained with red. A concerned look was on his face, but class was still going, thouhg after a few moments, the bell rang thankfully which allowed him to pack up his things quickly and stand up, walking towards Alvie "What happened?" he asked, his voice laced with concern. He wondered what could have happened to her last period that had caused this, but then again, it was P.E. so it may have been something to do with the sport they were doing that period or something, but was it someone directly? Or was it just collateral damage?
Alvie stood as the bell rang, moving the tissue away from her nose a bit, finding that her nose had stopped bleeding for the time being. She looked over at Dante, who had asked her what happened. She sniffed a bit and started packing her things. "Volleyball happened. The reason why I don't like P.E..." she muttered, feeling slight pain starting to throb where she had gotten hit in the nose. "I'm alright though. It's finally lunch time, so now we can talk!" she said, renewed excitement filling her eyes. Reaching over, she linked her arm with his and started walking out of the class, before remembering about the rumors going around. Her excitement died down a bit as her smile faltered. "I wonder who started spreading the rumor about me and Antonio..." she said out loud, the hurt showing in her voice. She didn't do anything to deserve such a terrible rumor to be said about her...

Dante frowned realizing the cause of her injury; it was something that seemed to happen alot to him too last year, since then he'd developed an instinct to duck whenever he saw something heading in the general direction of his head. He relaxed a little when Alvie said she was alright now, her nose seemed to have stopped bleeding though there was still a cause for concern, he wasn't sure if there was any serious damage to her nose, but before he could start worrying that too much, Alvie mentioned that it was lunch. That made Dante smile a little since they could spend more time together now, and as she linked arms with him, his smile grew wider though he looked around briefly to see if there was any whispering going on about them. As if on cue, Alvie wondered out loud who was spreading the rumor about her and Antonio "You think Antonio himself would do that? Or could it be that other boy, the one who we'd pretty much humiliated a few periods ago..." he said, pondering this a little.
Alvie thought silently about Dante's comment, thinking of the possibilities. "It wouldn't be surprising if it was both of them..." she said softly, closing her eyes as she used her free hand to rub her right temple. She didn't know what to do...she was foolish to expect everything to stop after they had "taken care of" Antonio. Alvie opened her eyes again and kept her amber gaze ahead, setting her jaw as a sudden feeling of helplessness overcame her. She wouldn't let it show though. Not in front of everybody, especially when Antonio and his lackeys could be lurking around. Instead, she turned to look up at Dante and plastered on one of her convincing smiles, that she was sure he could see clear though. "Well, I guess we can worry about that later...let's eat and hang out!" she said, turning her eyes back ahead.

Dante nodded, he sighed a little, seeming a little disheartened, but, he put a hand on Alvie's shoulder a little, smiling when Alvie mentioned eating and hanging out "Yeah... And don't worry about it! We'll think of something, right?" he said, smiling a little to back up what he said. Perhaps there was a way to finally end this nightmare once and for all, but he had no idea what it was or what he was supposed to do to accomplish this, but, he knew they both needed to think of something. Looking around, he suddenly realized the lunchroom may not be the best place to hang out after they got their lunch since it's practically the breeding grounds for all sorts of gossip "Hey... You think we should eat somewhere less crowded today?" he asked her curiously.
She smiled a bit after hearing Dante. "Right." she agreed, laughing a little, her mood brightening. As they neared the cafeteria, she scrunched her nose a bit, knowing how bad things could get if they ate there. As if reading her mind, she heard Dante ask if they should eat somewhere less crowded. "Yeah...that sounds good." she said, opening the door and walking in, making sure to keep it open for Dante. Then, Alvie walked forward to the lunch line, grabbing a few things and paying for them. She waited until Dante got his lunch before heading for the door leading to the courtyard outside. Alvie smiled as she noticed that it had warmed up, the chill from earlier that morning having cleared up. Now, it was a bit warmer, not a cloud in the sky. Alvie moved to a tree and sat underneath it, smiling at Dante. "It's nicer outside anyway..." she said quietly, crossing her legs so that she could balance her plate on her lap.

Dante nodded, walking inside the cafeteria with Alvie and quickly getting some foor before walking outside with her, he smiled a little when he realized how warm it's gotten outside now that it was earlier in the day. He sat down next to alvie, crossing his legs too as he had found it was the best way to eat with something in his lap, otherwise it would tip over out here, he smiled back at her when he noticed her smiling at him. "Yeah... I think so too..." Dante said between bites from his food, as he was eating, he was thinking about alot of things too as he ate, and the harder he thought, the faster he was eating strangely. By the time he was done, he was actually starting to get the hiccups, but thankfully, downing his milk he always saved for last, he managed to stifle them, Dante looked towards Alvie, blushing a little "S-sorry... I guess I was thinking a little too hard." he said with an awkward laugh.
Alvie ate at a decent pace, glancing around at their surroundings, smiling a bit. She then looked over at Dante, noticing that he looked deep in thought. Her eyes widened when she noticed that he began eating faster and faster, causing her to pause her own eating. She watched as he began to hiccup, causing a fit of laughter to overcome her. Alvie's face was a light red when she finally finished laughing, watching Dante drink his milk to calm the hiccups. She listened to his apology and shook her head. She leaned her head over and pressed it against his shoulder for a second before lifting it again to glance at him. "You don't have to be sorry, it's good to think a lot. Speaking of which, what were you thinking about? Whatever it was sure made you eat fast." she asked, tilting her head slightly at him before raising an eyebrow.

Dante laughed a little himself realizing how silly he probably had looked eating that fast, when Alvie asked what he was thinking about, he blushed a little "I-I guess I was trying to figure out how we're supposed to put an end to all the rumors... There were so many ideas, but none of them seemed like they'd do much here." he said, seeming a little embarrassed. He looked towards her again, smiling after a bit "We'll worry about it later though... If you want to talk about something else." he added, just incase this subject wasn't the best one to bring up at times like these.
Alvie felt a little throb of worry when Dante said he was thinking about the rumors. When he offered talking about a different subject, she nodded slowly. ", so what should we do when we go home?" she asked, testing the word 'home'. Alvie realized that it was a lot easier to say the word than she thought. It almost made her feel bubbly and excited to say it. "Wow...'home'. I never thought that I would actually enjoy that word in my life..." she said out loud, glancing up at the clouds. Then, she turned her amber gaze to Dante and smiled, putting her chin in her hand.

Dante thought about that, falling silent for a while before he had a sudden idea "We could teach out kittens a few tricks!" he suggested, seeming to perk up instantly at the mere concept of this. He smiled a little at Alvies comment, moving a bit closer to her, looking into her eyes for a moment before blushing and averting his gaze "Home's been feeling more lively with you around you know..." he said, smiling a little "Those kittens help too, my mom's even happier than ever now." he added, his smile widening as he got a sort of far away look in his eyes.
When Dante suggested training the kittens new tricks, Alvie's eyes widened slightly and her smile grew. "Oh! That's a great idea! Your mom would really like that!" she said, giggling a little as she pictured the kitten jumping around. Then, she turned her eyes to Dante, seeing him move a bit closer to her. It caused her heart to pound rapidly fast; she could feel it against her rib cage. Alvie couldn't break the gaze from his eyes; not that she didn't want to, anyway. But then, he averted his gaze, causing a bright red blush to wash over her face. Alvie turned her own gaze up at the clouds, trying to calm herself down. When she heard him start talking again, she quickly looked over at him and saw him smile. "R-Really? Wow...thank you. I-I've never felt at home I'm really surprised that I could make your home feel lively. That means a lot." she said softly, a smile of her own spreading across her face as she glanced down at the grass, feeling the blush darken. Alvie nodded, agreeing with Dante's comment about the kittens helping too. "Yeah...I'm so glad to see your mom so happy. To be honest, I expected my presence to cause more trouble than good at your house...with all that's going on." she said quietly, turning her gaze to Dante for a moment before continuing. "But I'm glad that I was proved wrong."

Dante smiled seeing that Alvie liked his suggestion, though as he had averted his eyes from hers, he looked back towards her noticing she was blushing too as she spoke "My mom's always happy when I'm happy." he said, blushing a little. Hearing what Alvie had admitted, he smiled at her "I did tell you they wouldn't mind, didn't I?" he said, laughing a little and poking her on the shoulder lightly attempting to lighten the mood, this was something he'd felt like doing many times before, but he had been a little nervous to do so. Despite this though, he didn't seem at all at the moment, in fact, he seemed to be quite the opposite for a change, not seeming to be worrying about anything for the time being.
Alvie laughed when Dante poked her shoulder. "Yeah, you did tell me that." she said, nodding. Taking one last bite of her food, she set her plate to the side and sighed, lifting her gaze once again to the sky. She then laughed a bit and turned her eyes to Dante. "You know, I kind of expected things to go worse today. But, turns out that I only had to tackle somebody and get hit in the nose." she said, giggling a bit more. Then, she scrunched her nose and lifted an eyebrow into a thinking manner. "Actually, now that I think about it, that's still pretty bad. I guess it doesn't really matter to me, because you're here. I mean, I might have been able to deal with it still, but I sure wouldn't have been able to joke around and laugh afterwards like I do with you." Alvie said, her blush returning as she smiled a bit. Then, she slowly laid back, her laugh returning as she looked over at Dante once again. "I don't think I ever want to go back to the 'me' I was before we met. The girl who was shoved around and left to rot is gone now. And I don't think I want her back again." she said, feeling the cool wind hit her face. She felt...relieved.

Dante blushed a little when Alvie mentioned what happened earlier "I could probably say the same... Things might not have went so well if we'd faced him alone like that." he admitted, blushing a little again as he looked towards Alvie. He wasn't sure what to think of what she had said afterwards, but after a moment, he smiled "I think you're still that same person as you were back then... Just, free from what was holding you back before." he said, looking down again wondering if he had explained it right. It seemed like he'd gottan a rather heavy burden off his chest by saying that, but at the same time, he wondered if Alvie would understand what he meant if he said that, there was still many things he was uncertain about, but he seemed to have developed the courage to say the lately.
Alvie listened intently to Dante as he told her that she was still the same person. As her thoughts ran aimlessly in her head, she thought about it for a moment, letting it sink in. Then, Alvie smiled and turned to look at Dante, her eyes soft. "Yeah, I guess so. But, I have you to thank for that." she said softly. Now that she was thinking it all over, she wouldn't have been able to get free from Antonio's grasp without Dante. She would have been stuck in the thorn bushes of terror for the rest of her high school years, maybe even longer. Debating in her head, Alvie decided to move closer to Dante so that their shoulders were almost touching, and leaned her head against his shoulder. Alvie smiled to herself and closed her eyes a for a few seconds before speaking. "You're my hero..." she said softly, opening her eyes again. Remembering back, Alvie could remember calling Dante her hero when he was carrying her to the nurse after being beat. This time, she felt like she could say it even more sincerely.

Dante wrapped an arm around Alvie feeling very happy inside when she told him that he was her hero, he smiled again "I try my best to be..." he whispered, closing his eyes for a moment. He imagined they were in that field he had been thinking about for a while, letting himself relax as he did so, he felt warm inside and calm, calmer than he had ever felt in his life right now. "I guess I've become a hero to my own hero..." Dante said after a moment, blushing a little, it was a strange sort of bond they shared, but nothing he didn't like, in fact, it was something he held rather dear to him. Soon, he found himself thinking back to his more troublesome days where he didn't have anyone at school to talk to or feel comfortable hanging around when he was here, and he felt so lonely whenever he hung around on his own. Now though, ever since he'd made friends with Alvie, he'd felt more alive than he did in years, and happy, happy to have her company, even if he'd risked alot for it.
When Dante wrapped an arm around her, Alvie smiled and leaned a bit closer to him. She thought for a moment where she would be if she hadn't of met him. Would she still be fighting? Or would she have...given up? Alvie cleared the thought from her head and listened to Dante's comment on how he had become the hero to his own hero. She blushed a bright red and felt her heart beat quicken. Slowly, she lifted her head a bit and turned her amber gaze to him. "Y-You think I'm a hero? I..." she stopped, her throat beginning to feel tight. Nobody had called her a hero the most, a useless pathetic freak. His comment just struck a chord inside Alvie as she sat there, feeling her throat continue to tighten up. "Thank you..." she managed to say, turning to Dante and leaning forward. She placed a gentle kiss on his cheek, staying there for a few seconds before pulling away. Before she knew it, tears had started falling from her eyes, leaving trails on her cheeks. "U-Uh, sorry. I didn't want to start crying..." she said, cheeks growing red in embarrassment as tears continued to fall.


Quickly picking up the napkin he'd never used that was sitting on his lunch tray, Dante started wiping away the tears that were flowing down Alvie's cheeks, smiling a little "Don't worry about it." he said, feeling himself blush a little. His eyes were watering a little himself realizing how much she meant to him in that moment, though unfortunately just then, the bell rang signifying lunch was over, he was hesitant to stand up, but he decided to do so after a while, dusting himself off. "W-we'd better put these trays back and head back to class..." He said quietly, it seemed he was a little sad about lunch ending just like that, however, he knew they'd be able to spend more time together soon enough in class, and plus; they were supposed to teach those kittens some new tricks. That was something he was really looking forward to doing later on today, he smiled a little, seeming to have zoned out as he started to daydream a little about this, but quickly snapped out of his stupor remembering that class was starting soon.
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