So Close, Yet So Far...(Male Needed)

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@york Aha XD That's exactly what I think sometimes. I'll want to do something, but then I'm too paranoid to do it. I'll worry about being late, going to the wrongs place, etc. Sometimes for school trips on the weekends or something, I'll worry about if I'm getting there at the right time or if it's even the right day >.<
Yeah exactly o-o I do that too! X.X that's why I can't get things I want sometimes :S
@york Yeah, sometimes I freak out when my mom drives me to school during one of those because I'm like: is it the right day?? >.> <.< >.<
@york Yeah, sometimes I freak out when my mom drives me to school during one of those because I'm like: is it the right day?? >.> <.< >.<
XD Yeah o-o that sorta thing happens sometimes I guess o.o
@york Mhmmm >.< *falls onto couch and groans* I don't wanna go to school tomorrow X_X
@york Mhmmm >.< *falls onto couch and groans* I don't wanna go to school tomorrow X_X
;-; I don't either... But on the bright side, it's only a half day but still :S
@york Today was a free day off, so starting tomorrow I'll start my first day of the week for school T_T Eh...not to mention the schedule changes I have to get used to >.<
@york Today was a free day off, so starting tomorrow I'll start my first day of the week for school T_T Eh...not to mention the schedule changes I have to get used to >.<
Yeah o-o I just have half the day off tomorrow, but I still have to wake up early >.<
@york I really don't like waking up early DX I don't understand how others can do mom and dad wake me up in the morning XD
@york I really don't like waking up early DX I don't understand how others can do mom and dad wake me up in the morning XD
XD I guess it's a pattern you get used to after doing it for a certain amount of time o-o
@york Ah, I know the feeling :/ I would be more tired right now, but I managed to finish my work in Spanish class, so I slept for the rest of class >.<
@york Ah, I know the feeling :/ I would be more tired right now, but I managed to finish my work in Spanish class, so I slept for the rest of class >.<
I kinda wish I could have had more time to sleep as well :S
@york Yeah...being tired sucks >.< Not to mention that I was really close to punching my best friend's ex today! Not that I'd really do it, but he made me mad again today -.- Ugh...
@york Yeah...being tired sucks >.< Not to mention that I was really close to punching my best friend's ex today! Not that I'd really do it, but he made me mad again today -.- Ugh...
:S I know how you feel >.< though I think I'm a tad too tired to really offer much advice, but, I guess things between him and her may in a manner of speaking blow over in either a good way or a bad way o-o
@york Yeah, I'm just letting things happen the way they are now. He just made me really mad, there's nothing I can really do about it >.< All I can do is comfort my friend, I guess :P And I hope you feel less tired once you get some rest :D Being tired's not the best to deal with
@york Yeah, I'm just letting things happen the way they are now. He just made me really mad, there's nothing I can really do about it >.< All I can do is comfort my friend, I guess :P And I hope you feel less tired once you get some rest :D Being tired's not the best to deal with
o.o I got some rest now, sorry for not posting yesterday >.< (wait, did I post yesterday? o-o)
@york It's fine, I'm glad you're more rested now ^-^ *thinks* I don't remember 0_0 If you mean the roleplay, I was the last to reply I think XD *glomps* X3
@york It's fine, I'm glad you're more rested now ^-^ *thinks* I don't remember 0_0 If you mean the roleplay, I was the last to reply I think XD *glomps* X3
XD Yeah, sorry about that o.o I'll get onto posting sooner or later
@york Oh, no it's fine!! I would rather have you sleep if you're tired instead of posting :) I don't mind waiting, I'm pretty patient ^-^
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