So Close, Yet So Far...(Male Needed)

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@york XD That was awesome!! I get what you mean though, that's the only part that really scares me...the suspense...>.> XD I loved that!
o.o Thanks I guess XD I make accidental pins like these sometimes o-o (othertimes it's on purpose but still :S)
@york Yeah, I understand. Sometimes I do that, but unknowingly...then my friends point it out and start laughing while I stand there trying to register what was so funny...then I laugh >.< Whoop! Puns~! XD
@york Yeah, I understand. Sometimes I do that, but unknowingly...then my friends point it out and start laughing while I stand there trying to register what was so funny...then I laugh >.< Whoop! Puns~! XD
XD Yeah, I guess so X3
@york Yeah...*blinks* >.> PRINGLES!! XD *runs to Pringles cart and jumps on it* :D
@york Aw, sorry XD I would give you some Munchies...but they're the Flaming Hot kind...I don't know if you like those >.>
@york Aw, sorry XD I would give you some Munchies...but they're the Flaming Hot kind...I don't know if you like those >.>
I can stand spicy stuff I guess if the food itself tasted good, so maybe o-o
@york Ah, I just made two hamburgers! :D You can have one and some Munchies! ^-^ (Munchies are chips...>.>) *hands a hamburger and some Munchies to you*
@york Ah, I just made two hamburgers! :D You can have one and some Munchies! ^-^ (Munchies are chips...>.>) *hands a hamburger and some Munchies to you*
O_O Thank you! *starts eating*
@york ^-^ Ah, no problem!! *smiles and sips Pepsi* Yay for food! :D
X3 yeah o-o I actually kinda like that sort of food XD even if my parents may not favor it so much o.o
@york Really? That's awesome XD I'm not a fan of McDonald's though...I don't know why X_X The only thing I like there is their ice cream >.> I was looking for pictures to change my profile picture in Google images and was freaking out >.< *runs and bounces around* THE PICTURES WERE SO CUTE~!
@york Really? That's awesome XD I'm not a fan of McDonald's though...I don't know why X_X The only thing I like there is their ice cream >.> I was looking for pictures to change my profile picture in Google images and was freaking out >.< *runs and bounces around* THE PICTURES WERE SO CUTE~!
X3 Yeah o-o also; I'm not a big fan of mcdonalds either, but some of the foods are nice, (idk why but I've developed an addiction to the fries there >.<)
@york Yeah, their fries are pretty awesome, so I'll add that to the list >.< Wendy's is really good too 0-0 I like their food there XD
@york Yeah, their fries are pretty awesome, so I'll add that to the list >.< Wendy's is really good too 0-0 I like their food there XD
X3 Yeah! Speaking of Wendy's I still need to try those potato things they sell there!! X.X Someone brought one into class and it looked so good that I was tempted to run over and gobble it up :S but that would be mean :S
@york 0_0 Awww! XD I'm imagining you, chibi version, walking to a random classmate and eating his food with a whole nonchalant facial expression >.< *starts laughing* And I've never tried those either >.>
@york 0_0 Awww! XD I'm imagining you, chibi version, walking to a random classmate and eating his food with a whole nonchalant facial expression >.< *starts laughing* And I've never tried those either >.>
XD It was a her but still @.@ I'm so tempted to do things like that sometimes but thankfully I refrain from doing so :S
@york Oh...she then XD Yeah, thankfully. I know how you feel. I see people eating one of my favorite foods and I just want to run up and steal some of it. But, like you said, it would be mean X_X

@york Oh...she then XD Yeah, thankfully. I know how you feel. I see people eating one of my favorite foods and I just want to run up and steal some of it. But, like you said, it would be mean X_X

XD Exactly! o.o I have the money to buy such things but no means of actually doing so without risking losing my way or being late to class or having a bunch of friends hound me >.< but some day I'll remember!
@york Aha XD That's exactly what I think sometimes. I'll want to do something, but then I'm too paranoid to do it. I'll worry about being late, going to the wrongs place, etc. Sometimes for school trips on the weekends or something, I'll worry about if I'm getting there at the right time or if it's even the right day >.<
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