Slow Love

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Carrie looked up at him with wide eyes. How was she going to do that? She wondered. She took a deep breathe, rocking her hips into his, swirling his member around in her, the tip circling her cervix.
He tried to grasp something but he couldn't, the pleasure was intense as his tail stood on end, panting and huffing

The vixen slwoly came to them with golden and solver bracelets, which she locked at the tail,
She rolled her hips, bucking against him as pleasure increased in her as well. Her tongue fell out of her mouth and her eyes glazed over. "You're so big now..." She clenched around him, rolling her hips while her muscles tightened around his length.
The ring was clasped to their tails as he tried to rock with her
"'re...gonna make..."
Her tail twitched, feeling the weight of the object. She chose to ignore it, jerking deeper onto him and pushing the tip of his member into her cervix. She tightened around him, encouraging his release with nothing more than her hips.
His tip pressed into her womb as he huffed, trying to hold back but he couldn't finally spasming out a release of cum into her womb
Some leaked into the water, giving it a milky look as it flowed out but he tensed, clawing at the floor under the water as he came.
She tensed and panted as she came. Her back arched up and she moaned.
He panted, spent over her as the last drops flood into her. The maid speaks up
"It is done. You are now one in soul..."
He looked down at his mate, lover and now, wife as he smiled back, panting to get his breath back
He smiled back, tracing her jawline with his palm and kissed her deeply
Soon he broke it and "I love you too"
She sighed at his passionate kiss. "Ready to go back home?" She asked.
He nodded, looking at her studded ring on her tail and smiled
"..yes my love"
She licked his muzzle before sitting up. "Good, because I'm hungry." She laughed and patted her stomach as it growled.
She shrugged. "For fruit for some odd reason." She wrapped her arms around him, flicking her tail with the new ring. "And you..." She added huskily with a wink. "But mainly for fruit.."
He smiled and wrapped his arms around her hips and kisses her neck
"..Well let's hurry home then~"
"Sounds good." She put her dress back on, handing him his clothes.
he shook his head and undressed her again "..Our route home is quiet and alone..we'll be fine~