Singularity Beyond

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Cromartie Sarkissian

Original poster
Singularity Beyond

Time is a delicate, delicate thing. It is like glass, or a flower, or a sheet of tissue paper. Every day, we dance around it- we always have- not daring to harm it in any way... This is the story of those who decided it was a good idea to beat it with a sledge hammer

The Shiny New luxury space cruiser "The Heart of Gold" is ready for her maiden voyage, and everyone who is anyone is coming to send her off! But, as one might expect, something goes wrong-- the ship's experimental "Improbability Drive", a computer system that initiates random situations in order to keep things "Interesting" blasts the ship back in time... To the Big Bang

In short, this event does not does not go down well with the whole 'Space Time Continuum", changing the future...wait...the past and present for the worse. From here, it is a race against time...or at least, what is left of it, to mitigate the damage they have caused and set reality right again, with the Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy as your only source of fact, before some big bad organization with a forced anagram in their name comes to snap you all up

Oh, I know what your thinking- where is the obligatory prison break? What is a singularity game without a prison break? Well, let's just say that there wont be enough order to have a prison break

There will be maids

There will be memes

There will be meta

There will be madness

It will go beyond


This game will be based around a mechanic I like to call "The Baton Pass System", and it is something I have never seen done before. Each round will be based around the same premise- the crew will travel to a different distorted time (which can be based around a franchise or universe), will be themed around comedy and the changes to that universe. At the end of the round, the Gm will 'Pass the Baton' of the game to a different person (player volunteers), who will write the next chapter. This will continue throughout the game, with two bookend chapters linking the event. This will keep the game as crazy, weird and quirky as Mighty Roman and Myself intend it to be-- akin to the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy in tone.

At this point in time, the Chapters will be written by--

1) @Mighty Roman / @Cromartie Sarkissian (The two creators/your Lords and Masters/Idea Makers)
2) @Minerva
3) @LuckycoolHawk9
4) @Thuro 116 Pendragon
6) @Mighty Roman / @Cromartie Sarkissian (To wrap things up)

Cast List

Character Sheet
Appearance (A picture will work):
A Brief History (Can be a wiki link):

@Thuro 116 Pendragon
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
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HELL YEAH, I'm in!

Reserving a character and the Second part.
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Also reserving. Probably Lucifer and a drunk dad this time... if duos are allowed. Also, would be fine with gming a chapter.
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Also reserving. Probably Lucifer and a drunk dad this time... if duos are allowed. Also, would be fine with gming a chapter.
Great!! And duos are a-okay
So right now, we have the following Gms-

Cromartie Sarkissian
Mighty Roman

(In no particular order)
I'll see if I can make my PC tonight
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I'll sign up and GM a turn. It'll be nice to get away from the seriousness of the Team.
Can't promise I will GM any of chapters, but I reserve a place holder for a character.

Erza Scarlet

Appearance (A picture will work):


Age: 19



I can nerf Erza if needed by taking away some of her powers. But the thing about Fairy Tail is that a lot of the characters are overpowered in some way.

Requip: The Knight (換装 ザ・ナイト Kansō Za Naito): Requip is a type of Spatial Magic and Erza's signature form of Magic, over which she possesses great mastery. It is a type of Magic that allows her to swap weapons, armor and clothes at will. Her particular form of Requip is called The Knight. She is noted for her ability to Requip extremely fast and is the only sword Mage known to be capable of Requipping weapons and armor while fighting, she is said to have over 100 different armors, something which made her and her immense strength well known throughout her place of residence, Magnolia Town, and throughout the entire Kingdom of Fiore, earning her the epithet "Titania".[25]

Sword Magic (剣の魔法 Ken no Mahō): In addition to her signature Magic, Requip, Erza is also an extremely talented user of Sword Magic. As the name implies, this is a type of Magic which revolves around the use of swords. Through the use of this Magic, Erza is capable of using her swords to perform different magical attacks. This is usually done in combination with specific armors of hers, which makes her a very deadly combatant. It is also shown that she can also combine different armors with other swords from other armors to either block or attack using deadlier force and mixing different elements together.[26]

Telekinesis: Erza is also a skilled user of Telekinesis. The first time she used this Magic, however, was accidental. When she was a child in the Tower of Heaven she used this Magic to levitate discarded weapons from the ground and launch them at her enemies, something which she did inadvertently, due to the shock caused by Rob's death.[27] Erza's most common use of Telekinesis comes with her Sword Magic, in which she can perform different attacks by controlling her swords remotely. (Unnamed)

Erza displaying her swordplay with dual weapons
Master Swordsmanship Specialist: Erza possesses great mastery in swordsmanship and her skills in swordsmanship are of the highest caliber. Her offensive capabilities mainly come from her swordplay, which enables her to effectively utilize the weapons that her Requip provides, which includes swords, short swords, axes, lances and staffs (among others). Erza has shown great skill in utilizing the reverse-grip of swordsmanship as well as the normal grip. She is even capable of employing her swords effectively using her feet, by wielding their hilts between her hallux and second toe.[28] Her swordsmanship is enough for her to slash through Aria's presumably intangible Airspaces,[29] and to deflect hundreds of needles which were shot at her by Evergreen with relative ease.[30] In addition, her sword slashes possess so much force behind them that they are able to slice through metal using only the air pressure from the swings.[31]

Keen Intellect: Erza has proven herself to be clever and to possess a thorough knowledge of the Magic world: she was able to figure out why the people of Galuna Island were changing into Demons (or thought they were) after only a brief period on the island,[32] and could work out the mechanics behind Midnight's Reflector Magic after being struck by it only few times, something which got her praise from Jellal Fernandes.[33]
Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Despite favoring the use of her various weapons, Erza has proven herself to be a skilled hand-to-hand combatant. Despite her being bound to a wall, she was able to easily knock Shô unconscious with a single kick.[34] She was also able to engage Erza Knightwalker in an unarmed fight after all of their weapons were shattered in their previous battle, attacking her counterpart with powerful punches and performing throws and takedowns to push her away.[35] She is also able to mix hand-to-hand combat with her swordsmanship while in the midst of battle.[36]

Erza slicing through metal with air pressure
Enhanced Strength: In stark contrast with her slim and womanly figure, Erza possesses a very large amount of physical strength, having been repeatedly shown capable of lifting and dragging around objects many times her own size and weight,[37] most prominently due to her habit of carrying around vast amounts of luggage.[38] She was also able to send Midnight flying against a wall, several meters away from both of them, with a flick of her wrist.[39] In addition, her sword slashes possess so much force behind them that they are able to slice through metal using only the air pressure from the swings.[31]

Immense Endurance: Erza has been shown to possess a vast amount of physical endurance. After using up all of her Magic Power during her fight with Azuma by focusing it all in a single slash,[40] she was still able to join the battle against Hades, Requipping different armors and performing combo attacks with her teammates.[41] She was also able to fight and hold her own against a Mage of Jellal Fernandes' caliber after having fought and defeated Ikaruga, a very powerful assassin from Death's Head Caucus.

Erza battling 100 monsters
Immense Durability: Erza has also proven herself to have a vast amount of physical durability: with the aid of her Adamantine Armor, she was able to take the brunt of the Magical Convergent Cannon: Jupiter on herself,[42] and then go on to easily defeat Aria, an S-Class Mage,[43] and stand up against Jose Porla, the Phantom Lord Guild Master and a member of the Ten Wizard Saints, after receiving only a very brief amount of time for rest.[44] While clad in her Heaven's Wheel Armor, she was capable of taking on the counter effect of 200 Lacrima orbs from Laxus' Thunder Palace even though the effect of one of the orbs is enough to endanger someone's life.[45] and she was also able to survive the highly-damaging Terra Clamare twice, and still manage to continue to fight and defeat Azuma.[46] When Ultear Milkovich used her Arc of Time to open up Erza's "Second Origin", Erza showed no signs of being bothered at all, unlike her teammates, including Gray Fullbuster, Natsu Dragneel, and Juvia Lockser, who couldn't walk and writhed around on the floor in pain.[47] In addition, during the third day of the Grand Magic Games of X791, Erza was able to fight and defeat 100 powerful monsters, including one which was said to be so powerful that even a Ten Wizard Saint might not be able to defeat it.[48] Despite being heavily injured and bruised, she left the fight without showing any signs of fatigue, something which garnered her praise from hundreds of people, including quite a few powerful Mages.[49] Erza was also able to withstand Minerva's extremely destructive Yagdo Rigora spell with only slight damage.

Immense Reflexes: Erza possesses extremely sharp reflexes, and a high degree agility and speed. Despite her being severely battle worn, she was able to dodge a blast from Jose Porla while balancing herself on one hand.[50] She was also able to skillfully and acrobatically dodge a barrage of Darkness Magic Spells from Jellal Fernandes,[51] and when he knocked her through the walls of the Tower of Heaven she launched herself off of a few small falling rocks back into the tower with ease.[52] When Evergreen shot a few rays at her as a surprise attack, Erza easily dodged the rays with a side jump.[53]

Immense Magic Power: As an S-Class Mage of the Fairy Tail Guild, Erza possesses a tremendous amount of Magic Power. Throughout many difficult battles Erza was able to Requip powerful armors in rapid succession without showing any signs of fatigue. She was also able to Requip her Heaven's Wheel Armor and over 200 swords after Requipping her Lightning Empress Armor without running out of Magic Power. When exerted, her Magic Power is red in color.[54] Her Magic Power itself was enough to make Neinhart uneasy, fearing that she was somehow related to Irene Belserion, the strongest female of the Spriggan 12.


Erza carries armor and a sword. She can requip into any of her armors, giving her many different abilities and equipment. I will wiki link when I change into them.

For now, it's just her and her sword.

A Brief History (Can be a wiki link):

Erza Scarlet



Appearance (A picture will work):



Early 20's? I think?



Akame ga Kill


Akame is often considered to be one of the strongest members of Night Raid, slaying even the strongest of enemies with minimal effort. Her hellish assassination training allows her combat ability to be on par with those as powerful as the General rank within the military levels of the Empire. It is shown that she doesn't rely on her Teigu alone. She is a capable and powerful fighter with remarkable speed and reflexes, being able to dodge and counter-attack with deadly results, and is also skilled in hand to hand combat. She also gives off no killing intent at all when she fights, making it difficult for the enemy to sense her presence. According to Wave, she can run at Mach (velocity of sound in the airflow which is approximately 340 meter per second).


She carries the Teigu, Murasame, a katana known for being coated in an immensely deadly poison that can kill those cut by it within seconds, as the poison itself has no antidote. She is shown to be very proficient with her weapon, have excellent swordsmanship skills, and would have killed Tatsumi, if not for the statue his chief villager gave him before embarking on his journey. The Teigu has a trump card but Lubbock mentions that Akame cannot use her trump card supposedly, so it has never been revealed.

A Brief History (Can be a wiki link):
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Appearance (A picture will work):

Name: Maxwell Lord
Age: Ehh.. no clue. Best guess is late 30s, early 40s ( actor who plays him is 42.)
Abilities/Power: Genius Level Intellect,
Equipment: Access to advanced technology, owner of Lord Technologies
A Brief History (Can be a wiki link): Maxwell Lord

( One of two, I may or may not duo with Lucifer... debating still)
I like the concept of this, seems fun.

Misogi Kumagawa


Medaka Box

-Can summon screws, seemingly out of nowhere
-Bookmaker: By impaling someone with one of his screws with a flat head, he reduces them to his level, sealing away powers, positive thoughts, techniques, etc.
-All Fiction: Can turn anything into nothing.
-Nonfiction: Turn what All Fiction turned into nothing back into whatever it was.
-April Fiction: All Fiction, but only lasts for 3 minutes.

-Screws, though they seem to just spawn out of nowhere so

A Brief History (Can be a wiki link):

Lisa Wilbourn/Tattletale



Super Intuition - Lisa is best described as a well of knowledge, having the ability to extrapolate an incredible wealth of inference from the least bit of data. She needs to have some information about the target to begin with, and her power fills in the gaps in her knowledge, allowing her to crack computer passwords, profile and cold read people around her, and make predictions about the most likely outcome of a given situation, among other things. She's very accurate, although not infallible. In the few instances where she makes mistakes, she messes up pretty big. Also, she can become mentally overloaded if she tries to take in and analyze too much information all at once. Further overuse of her power leads to severe migraines, a common issue for many thinkers.

A gun and costume, as well as various people and financial assets

A Brief History (Can be a wiki link):
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Wait, you need to chose character from canon...?
*Spear of Justice intensifies*
Name: Undyne (aka. "Undyne the Undying" in her transformation)
Age: ??? (Around 16-20)
Canon: Undertale (OU)
Abilities/Power: Undyne, being a head of Royal Guards and being considered one of strongest fighters in the Underground, has incredible skills in fighting, and is quite masculine for a female fish. But also, Undyne has several un-natural abilities, which she uses to fight:
-"En Guarde": Using her special spear, Undyne colors opponent's soul in green, after which opponent can't run away. Apparently, this effect wears off if Undyne accidentally does this move again to you.
-"Spears Of Justice": Undyne has powerful ability to project countless (varying from 16 to 30-40) amount of spears, being able to manipulate direction of their vectors, and even utilizing them for daily routines. Eventually, sometimes she can give you the spear to deflect her spears, wanting a fair fight.
-"Undyne the Undying": when a powerful enemy tries to kill her, wanting to destroy something very important to her (Be it the Underground, or the Earth itself, or her teammates - it doesn't matter), she can use her courage, and activating DETERMINATION, reforming her body, and getting immensely strong, using her abilities to the extent.
Equipment: Undyne usually spawns a blue, sharp spear, using it as her weapon. She also can use her fists to fight, but usually preferring spear instead of hand-to-hand combat. Undyne also wears a set of high-quality armor (inspired by Japanese manga - "KYAAA-"), which can block most of attacks.
A Brief History: Undyne
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All approved so far!
Got some great characters too-- I've been meaning to watch spear of justice for a while now​
They was goin' eat you, boy! They ain't never tasted terran before!
Name: Yondu Udonta
Age: 50-something?
Canon: Marvel Cinematic Universe

- Weapons Expert
-Has a floating arrow that he can control by whistling
-Wide Galactic Knowledge
-Leadership Skills

-Arrow-Ravager gear-Armour & Weapons
A Brief History (Can be a wiki link):
A deadly space pirate, and leader of The Ravagers, Yondu is one of the galaxy's premier hunters and thieves. Respected by his men, and the bane of the authorities, Yondu only lives by one rule-Steal. From everybody.
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Character Sheet

Judge Joseph Dredd


Jude Dredd

THE LAW- Dredd is, in his purest from, the embodiment of the law. He lives it, breathes it, and follows it to the bitter end. He knows it inside and out...HE IS THE LAW

The Lawgiver- A DNA coded handgun that will explode in any hands other than his own. It can fire 6 different types of rounds- regular bullets, rubber ricochet bullets, armor piercing rounds, heat-seeking rounds, incendiary rounds and highly explosive rounds.
The Scattergun- A regular pump action shotgun
The Daystick- A metal cudgel
Bootknife- Self-Explanation

A Brief History (Can be a wiki link):
Joseph Dredd

With a majority of the players already signed up, the OP will be going up soon!​
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Switching out Akame. She can wait:



Name: Hana "D.Va" Song

Age: 19

Canon: Overwatch



D.Va's MEKA. It can shoot like, photons? I actually forget what it shoots. it can also fly a very short distance using rocket boosters. Calling it flying would be too much. More like an assissted jump.

When it's destroyed, she has to wait a while before calling a new one.

After it charges, D.Va can set it to self-destruct, releasing a heavy blast of energy. She can then immediately get a new mech.

She's also the best pro-gamer in the world.


Her mech
Her Light Pistol for when she's forced to eject.


Appearance Normal:

Appearance BK-201:

Name: Hei
Age: 22
Canon: Darker than Black
Abilities/Power: Molecular Manipulation - Basically, Hei can manipulate molecules on the quantum level, which he can either use to deliver deadly amounts of electricity, or use it as a sort of "Instant knockout." Though, he has to make physical contact with the person. Due to years of battling other contractors, before and after he became one himself, has gained him fast reflexes, wit and intelligence.
Skills: Despite Hei's slender frame, he is still pretty strong and fast. To the point he almost catches people off guard, and with little to no time to react. And he has extreme skill in hand to hand combat, knife combat, acrobatics, stealth and espionage, and he does have the ability to consume large amounts of food, and not gain a single pound. [Then again, he does get plenty of exercise.]
Equipment: A bulletproof trench coat, several metal electrical conducting wires with grapple hooks. A device that retracts/holds said wires/grapple hooks. Several double edged knives that can also conduct electricity. And several masks, which hold different expressions depending on position/angle someone is looking from. [From above to below: Smile, Neutral, Frown.] And a medium sized black backpack.
A Brief History: Hei


Name: Unknown
Alias: Venom Snake.
Age: 52
Canon: Metal Gear Solid
Abilities: Due to having shrapnel in his skull, and in his body. Among other things, has caused Venom Snake to be slightly numb to most sensations, and thus has a higher endurance than most soldiers. But, this can be a bad thing for him. For, if anything hits the piece of shrapnel jutting out of his head, will cause him to temporarily not be able to process certain colors, experience hallucinations. And whatnot.
Skills: Have been trained by Big Boss, he shows almost parallel skill to Big Boss in CQC, a fighting style made by The Boss and Naked Snake, before Naked Snake killed The Boss, and taking the title Big Boss. Anyways, he is extremely skilled as a marksman, medic, and stealth.
Equipment: A device called a "iDroid" which was capable of displaying tactical information, among other things, Wu Silent Pistol, a tranquilizer pistol, an M1911, both equipped with a suppressor. AM MRS-4, with suppressor with a dot sight and a foregrip. A combat knife, a cardboard box, a frag grenade, a couple of phantom cigars, and few medical supplies. NVGs. As well as several Fulton Recovery systems, which is basically a balloon that can easily pick up a person and send into the sky, to be picked up by a helicopter/plane. Finally, but not least, his bionic arm, which can be fired like a rocket. Then retracted by a magnet hidden in the bionic arm and the brace that connects it to Venom Snake. [In all honesty, I have no idea how he gets it back after firing it. Just, what I think happens.] Two very large duffle bags that hold the excess equipment.
A Brief History: Venom Snake [Be warned, spoilers for MGS V The Phantom Pain are ahead in the wikia.]


Name: Peter Maximoff
Age: 17
Canon: X-Men [Movie-verse]
Abilities/Power: Super speed. Other abilities he has will be listed in the spoiler. [Be warned, lot's of reading ahead.]

Limited Molecular Control - Quicksilver is able to vibrate his molecules to disrupt the inter-molecular bonds around him. This can lead to many effects such as phasing or molecular combustion. Quicksilver can control whether his speed will cause collateral damage as he can run and knock over a group of armed men by running past them whilst moving at a faster speed he does not harm Charles, Erik or Logan when defeating the guards. During the Pentagon extraction, he holds Erik's neck to avoid causing him whiplash injury. He does not seem to be concerned by the effects of high-speed friction caused by air resistance, which should injure anyone he carries. This implies he can protect his 'passengers' somehow. During his visit to the mansion, it is shown that even an explosion seems to be frozen from his perspective.

Accelerated Momentum - By using his super fast reaction time and perception of the world, Peter can see the world nearly frozen while he is making his move. Because of his incredible speeds gravity has no effect on him and he can even run up walls. In fact, he moves so fast that kinetic energy, inertia, friction, pressure, and vectors have no effect on him. This causes weight and hardness of objects and people being non existent to him while he moves at super speed. By displacing objects frozen in time around him, even with seemingly little exertion of force, he can generate great force similar to the force of an explosion. By throwing a plate at a guard while at super speed, its impact with the guard sent him flying through the air. A simple tap on the cheek at super human speed was enough to send a fully grown man, flying. Also, while in super speed, pulling off curtains from large windows caused the windows and the surrounding wall to explode. He could effortlessly lift, throw send objects and people flying through the air as if they are weightless. He was even able to send Apocalypse flying through the air at great speed by hitting him at super speed, and repeated this process, allowing him to hit Apocalypse again and again while he was frozen in slow motion. This ability therefore made him able to hit inhumanly hard and simulate superhuman strength while moving at super speed.
Superhuman Perception - Quicksilver's increased speed also augmented his reaction time, allowing him to react to danger and events much faster than a normal human. His reflexes are so fast that they even allow him to catch bullets in mid-air. As a result, Quicksilver tends to see the world around him as if it were in slow motion, especially when he is moving at super speed.
  • Enhanced Reflexes - Quicksilver is capable of perceiving the world as if it was all moving in slow motion.
  • Enhanced Physiology - Quicksilver's body is enhanced to suit the needs of his power. He has shown various physical enhancements, due to the effects of his power.
    • Accelerated Healing: - Quicksilver's body's super speed also accelerates his metabolic rate. His body can break down food more efficiently than a regular human and, as a result, expels very little waste products that he can exhale through his skin. This enables him to rapidly heal from injuries, though it is not a true healing factor, just a highly accelerated metabolism. After being severely injured by Apocalypse, Quicksilver is seen with crutches, however his arm and leg had made a full recovery after a day as he is seen with the new X-Men without his cast and crutches. This means Quicksilver can heal broken bones and joints within a 48-hour period.
    • Extended Longevity: -It is likely that is health & longevity are also extended. According to Wolverine, he and Quicksilver met sometime between the events of The Last Stand in 2006 and Days of Future Past in 2023, stating that Quicksilver can get into anywhere. This implies that Quicksilver ages at a slower rate (Assuming he is at least 17 in the 1970s) and therefore is still active despite being around 67 years old.
    • Enhanced Durability - Quicksilver's body is enhanced to survive the impact of his speed. His joints are a strong as spring steel, his bones are several times harder than calcium and his soft tissue, skin and muscle are proportionally enhanced to match. However Apocalypse was capable of easily breaking his leg and dislocating his arm.
    • Enhanced Strength - A side effect of his enhanced durability provides Quicksilver with exceptional strength despite his size and age, as shown by being able to sweep guards off of their feet with his speed. He was able to effortless carry and throw multiple students from the mansion to save them from the explosion. Whilst his strength is not very high, his speed and durability allows him the attack the super durable Apocalypse and send him flying without harming himself.
    • Enhanced Stamina - Despite Quicksilver's superhumanly accelerated metabolism, his highly developed stamina prevents him from tiring or building up lactic acid or fatigue toxins.
    • Enhanced Agility - Quicksilver was able to jump up and run sideways onto a wall without any build-up or change in speed and balance. He could easily run around his basement in a blink of an eye despite the number of stolen objects and the three X-men members coming in later. He could run around a group of guards in curves, arcs, and sharp turns without slowing down, as from his perspective everything still seemed to be moving in slow motion. During the evacuation of the mansion, Quicksilver is capable of performing a back flip whilst carrying two students under his arms

Equipment: A Walkman, a portable music player. Clip on Headphones. Goggles and Duct Tape.
A Brief History: Quicksilver

[Do hope these CSs are alright, let me know if there are any errors.]
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Daaaamn its Venom. Shoot. I wonder if I need to play a MGS character now.
I was tempted to do Death The Kid instead of Venom, but then I realized I'd be doing two anime characters. And I did want to have some variety to my posts.

Senator Steven Armstrong


Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance


Allows him to harden his skin in response to physical trauma, grants him super strength an a few other abilities I won't add because he's already so incredibly broken in power levels.


~A Brief History~
Steven Armstrong
... Nah, too much lame.
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