Simply never simple

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Alice slowly noticed how her eyes started to get teary as he talked, when he had finnished and hide in his blanket again she wasn't certain if she should be angry or sad. She looked at the boy on her floor that had wreathed himself in to the blanket. Alice fell down to the floor and sat in front of Alecander, after what had felt like hours but maybe was minutes, Alice put her arms around him and embraced him while she started to cry. It wasn't fair, why should he disappear just because she was done with her training? He must have so much more he wants to do with his life than just being a familiar. It just wasn't fair. But she had no idea what to tell him, she couldn't find the words she wanted to say.
Alec waited. And waited. And then was embraced by the girl. He could hear her cry, smell the tears. He hadn't wanted this. He hadn't wanted to tell her but she would have hated him if he had kept it to himself, like he had with his burned hand. He slowly, hesitantly, reached up and pulled the girl close. It was a gentle hug, one that was comforting but distant at the same time.

"Alice, please, you don't have to cry. I knew I was going to vanish from the beginning. I didn't want to worry you with it though. Please don't cry, it'll be all right in the end, I promise," Alec whispered, worry in his eyes though he kept his voice calm and matter-of-fact. He had sworn that he wouldn't feel sorry for himself about this--he couldn't change it anyway no matter how much he wanted to so that he could spend more time with the girl. "Please, if your father walked in right now, it'd be all over. He'd throw me out your window and believe me, my tail still hurts from when it got caught in that blasted window of yours." He was trying to be funny, trying to be the child-like boy that she knew. It would be better that way. It would help him forget about what was eventually going to come and maybe it would help her.
Alice pulled away from Alecander and started to hit his chest while hiding her face in her hair. "Stupid, stupid, stupid" She repeated to him and then let her arms stay at his chest. "You maybe are okay with it but I aren't" She told him angrily, forcing herself not to scream at him. "I don't want you to disappear" She continued. How could she train if she knew that when she didn't need him then he would disappear, how could she concentrate on anything with that in mind?

How could he be fine with just disappearing? He should have a right to decide what he wanted to do, he should be able to go where he wanted to, he should have the right to live a long life without being afraid of disappearing one day. It wasn't fair.
"Oh, dear sweet Alice," Alec said with a small smile as she hit him and scolded him. He reached out with tender fingers and pushed her hair back out of her face before he pulled the girl to him again. He inhaled her scent, loving the feeling that his bond was getting form being so near her. "There is little that either of us can do to stop this, even if I wanted to. This is why I didn't want to tell you. Please, you mustn't stop your training. That storm out there, that might happen with your elements if you don't learn. Only for you it would be fire storms or earthquakes. I wish there was a way to keep this from happening but I don't have a choice in the matter." He couldn't let her stop training, even if she wanted to stop.
Alice looked at him, chocked, terrified of what he just had said. How could he even sugest that? "So I should choose between the city and you?" She asked him half hysterical. It wasn't fair, it would be her fault when he disappeard but it would be her fault if people got hurtened because she couldn't use her powers correctly. She didn't want to train anymore but she didn't want to hurt people, what was she supposed to do? Why had her life become so complicated?

The storm outside started to get worse, big hailstones started to fall down. Alice got scared when the hail started, a big hailstone hit her window and she jumped away from Alecander. She went to the window and looked at the dark sky, would this keep going for long? She had calmed down, but she hated the idea of training and Alecander disappearing and people getting hur if she didn't train. All of it sucked.
Alecander looked up at the roof as hail hit the roof. When he jumped to go look out the window, he shifted under the blanket. Padding over as a wolf, he sat next to her, his front paws on the sill so he could look out the window without difficulty. The snow was already piling up and his fire was bristling angrily. "This has to be stopped," he growled softly. His lips were pulled back as he growled showing sharp fangs that could tear a person to shreds if he so chose. His mind was racing as he saw people fleeing from their cars that had stopped in the middle of the streets or trying to dig their way in shorts and t-shirts to their front doors.

"I can't wait for this to end when the blasted person gets tired. People are going to die if they don't stop. Alice, open the window," the wolf growled, almost voicing an order before adding a softer, "Please." His coat had fluffed a great deal as he stood next to the window. If he could capture enough heat in his body from this room, he would be good to go outside long enough to find the person. He was about to ask again when he saw something. Strolling away from the house as if nothing was the matter was a human and a large black wolf--much larger than Alec was.

"Alice, they are here, please, I have to stop them before they hurt you," Alec said, giving a wolf whine, his back quivering with held in energy. The wolf in him demanded he challenge this unknown wolf and force it out of his 'territory'. The human in him wanted the mage to stop his or her stupidity before they hurt someone.
Alice looked at Alecander as he asked her to open the windows, he could be hurtened if she did but others could be hurtened if she didn't. What should she do? After some time she opened the window and let Alecander run out, but she wouldn't let him go alone. As fast as he was out she started to run down the stairs and put on a jacket and shoes, then taking a big plate she could use to protect her head from the hailstones. She hoped it wouldn't break, because then her head would be screwed.

She ran after Alecander and saw the people outside in the storm, a person with a wolf bigger than Alecander. She was a bit to far away to judge if it was a girl or a guy, but at the moment she tried to not get hit by the big hailstones. She got forced to stop at a tree to not get hit by all the hail that flied everywhere, she couldn't do anything to help Alecander, she could just watch. She tried to see threw the storm what was happening. Would he need her help?
Alec had run straight at them, howling a wolf's challenge to the new comers. The larger wolf had stopped and turned to look at him with pitch black eyes as he came to a halt five feet from them.

The human--a young man by the looks of it-- stood in the middle of a snow and hail free zone. The black wolf stood between Alec and the human, staring him down--or attempt to at least. When Alec heard the girl running after him, he put himself between Alice and the newcomers, growling softly.

"You'll stop this insanity right now," Alec snapped at the new wolf and human.

"Says a scrawny pup like you? How long have you had the ability to change little pup? A day? And you think you can tell us what to do?" The words came from the wolf who was glaring at him, though her words were scornful. "Come here without your bond-mate? Pitiful."

"What is pitiful is your allowing your bondmate to do this to the families here that were out and about! Lives could be lost if your wizard doesn't stop this this instant!" Alec snarled.

"So let them die." this was the wizard that had remained quiet up to this point. "What do they matter in the grand scheme of things? A few insignificant lives versus the entertainment of someone close to godhood?" He was smiling at the wolf with a twisted sickness that made Alec take a step back, which he soon wished he hadn't.

The new wolf launched herself at him, smacking him into a tree near Alice's hiding spot. Alec pushed himself up and out of the way just in time to miss another smashing blow to where his head had been. Alec was starting to wonder if today was 'Let's all gang up and hit Alec day!'. He snarled and went in and out, much like he had as a human on Erik earlier. Only his paw was starting to hurt where the snow cut into his burn. Despite all this, the snow had eased a bit, giving anyone that looked a clear view of the fight that Alec was losing.

"Where's your bondmate now? Too afraid to come and help you? Doesn't think you are worth protecting?" the black wolf was taunting as she kicked back and sent Alec rolling again. This time he rolled to a stop just in front of the tree that Alice stood behind. He pushed himself up and set his shoulders, not letting the wolf come any closer to his Alice.

"At least mine does not kill for fun," Alec snarled, "She cares about those around her! Like you should be! Magic was given to protect humans from a world that wanted to destroy them. The witches and wizards have a responsibility to protect those they live among no matter what the cost while the familiars have a responsibility to provide them the tools to do such things before leaving them to join the elements! What you are doing is wrong!"

"And this coming from a pup that isn't even a year old," the black wolf scoffed as she advanced and smacked the tired Alec away with a large paw. Her black eye glinted as she looked at the human near the tree before turning and starting to advance on Alec again. Alec was trying to get up but had landed on a piece of ice that kept making him fall down.
Alice had watched the whole thing and had many times wanted to run out, but what could she do other than watch as Alecander got hurtened? She couldn't even use her elements. She had trained for a day, there was nothing she could do on her won. But as she saw Alecander unable to stand up anymore she rose from where she sat, she couldn't watch it anymore. How could they do those things to innocent people, and attack someone like that? How could that guy just watch his familiar do it?

Alice anger rose fast, she couldn't stand it. She ran towards Alecander and placed herself in front of him "Don't you dare touch him" She screamed at the wolf as the earth under the wolf's feets sunk down and the wolf fell down in to a hole. Alice didn't even realised that she had done that, she first starred at the hole that suddenly had appeard and then turned to Alecander. "Are you okay?" She asked him forgetting about the wizard and the wolf down in the hole.
Alec winced as his wolf form slowly melted away leaving a tired and beaten looking young man. This was bad, though the snow thankfully had stopped momentarily. "I'll be fine once I kick the stuffing out of that bastard," Alec groaned as he pushed himself up onto his hands and knees and then up to stand straight. The young man was glaring at the wizard that was helping a young woman out of the hole that she had created, "Good work on gettin the earth to stop her." The compliment had no sooner left his lips than he pushed Alice out of the way and knocked aside an icicle that would have gone clean through her shoulder.

When he looked for the source, the other pair had disappeared already. Which sat ill with the familiar who flopped down onto a pile of snow, uncaring that he would soak his body through and give him frost bite if he stayed there for long. He was tired. His muscles ached. But Alice was alive, well, and had been able to help him without getting hurt. "Alice, sweet, caring Alice," he mumbled incoherently as he stared up at the sky--neither conscious or unconscious but somewhere in between.
Alice tried to check how badly wounded he was as he tried to get up from the ground, she barely listened to his compliment and was just going to tell him to not move to much because of the wounds but instead got pushed away by Alecander because a icicle was on its way to pierce her. When she got up she noticed that the wizard was gone. Where had he disappeard to?

She walked towards Alecander, he would freeze to death if he was out in this weather like that. "Common lets go in again, you will freeze to death like that." She told him and started to pull him inside. Her mom would probably be home soon, she needed to fix his looks before she came. Even if he needed to look a bit abandoned he didn't need to look half murdered, then her mom would call the police.
Alec let himself be more or less dragged after the young woman, his eyes half-closed as his body proceeded to believe he needed to shut down and sleep. With little sleep the night before, and the beatings he'd taken to both soul and body that day, he as in desperate need of a nice relaxing time where he could sleep. It wasn't until he hit the warmth of the house that he awoke a little from his stupor to realize that he was shivering form head to toe. He broke from her grasp and ran the rest of the way into her room where he dove under the blanket he had been using before, grateful that it still held a little bit of his warmth.

He curled up tight in a corner out of the way as far from the window as he could get, his back to the world as he curled up and sought to warm up. It hurt to curl up too much, but it was too cold to do anything else. "I really really need to learn to be careful. I can't worry Alice so much," he was grumbling to himself, unaware that his tail was in full view out the back of the blanket and was dashing back and forth quickly.
Alice almost got scared when Alecander suddenly flew threw the room and up to her room. It was like someone had lit his tail on fire. She walked after him and went in to her room just to see a half wolf sitting in a corner, trying to get warm. She went to close the window before her room would become an igloo. "Could you hide your tail? Just in case one of my parents comes in." She asked him and smiled, then she went to take out a litle box from her closet. In the box there was some bandages and things to clean wounds with.

"Sit still and try not to scream, this will sting." She told him as she started to clean his wounds.
The tail retreated under the blanket slowly. He bit his lower lip and kept as quiet as he could. A whimper and a whine escaped his lips once or twice, but otherwise the wolf-boy was quiet. "Thank you Miss Alice," he whispered as he pulled his arm away. The smaller cuts already looked like they were days old--a helpful little thing when one was a magical half-human he supposed. "This'll make sure I don't get an infection. Quick healings works wonders but it isn't the best at kicking out viruses and infections."

He didn't look directly at her. What he had said and how much he had spilled to her haunted the back of his mind. He shouldn't have worried her. He should have just kept his mouth shut. He took a few steps back mentally and watched as he began to distance himself a little by reverting to calling her 'miss'. It was one of the only ways he could think of to keep himself from falling farther and father in love with the witch; from hurting the young woman even more when he disappeared.
"Stop it" Alice said "Just stop calling me miss already." She had gotten tired after creating the hole in the garden and didn't have energy to fight about the stuff they had talked about before, but because she was so tired she got really irritated when he called her miss. Then she remebered it, the hole in the garden.

She put her face in her palms and sighted high "How am I supposed to explain to my parents that we have a big sink hole in our garden?" She could never make that hole disappear before her mom came home, she was way to tired after creating it. This was a nightmare, who was that guy? Why did he want to hurt people? Was it for entertainment?

"That guy didn't look like he was unable to control his powers at all" Alice established, shivering a bit when she thought about him. She had just heared a litle of what the guy had said but what she had heared sounded so cruel. He had lived like a normal person untill he was eighteen himself, but he didn't think himself as one of them? "How long will it take before he gets to tired to keep the storm up?" She asked, without knowing if Alecander would be able to answer her.
"Don't explain it," Alec suggested, "Act like you didn't know about it at all. Act like it's as big of a surprise to you as well when they discover it. As for the wizard, well," Alec stopped and looked at the wall, his own anger seeming to spark again. His shoulders rippled and tried to change as he glared at the wall only to calm after several moments. "He knows how to control them, that's for sure. Did you see how the snow didn't touch him and his bit--wolf? He knew what he was doing. He just didn't care. He's doing this on purpose because he likes the lawlessness of it."

He rose and started to pace. Not only did it let him get his frustration out but it was also getting him warmer. Only, since he was still holding the blanket around him, he looked like a giant walking ball of puff. "He'll probably run out sometime tomorrow, then we'll --ah!" his feet had tangled up in the blanket he held around him and down he fell, face first a few feet before the young woman. A groan exited him softly.
Alice giggled as Alecanders feets got tangled in to the blanket and he fell to the floor. "I hope nobody gets hurt before we are able to stop them" She said as she gazed out of the window, "well, a good thing about this is that I don't need to tell my parents about you being homeless yet. You wont be able to go home in this weather so my mom will force you to stay over the night." She said happily, that would give her more time to think about what she could tell her mom.

She looked towards Alecander, still deep in her thoughts. She couldn't remember ever seeing that guy in town before, and she recognised people after seeing them just once. Who was he and why was he in this town?

"So, what are we going to do when we'll find them?" She asked him "they obviously don't want to talk about it." She continued and looked out of the window again with a worried expression. Would they be able to stop that maniac wizard?
Alec sat up slowly and frowned. What were they going to do? He'd been given his ass on a platter by the she-wolf. He had sensed their magic and it was far stronger than Alice's was. An idea came to him and he winced away, throwing it away quickly. Alice had used too much magic as it was, there was no way he could ask her to use something that she hated. "We'll chase them out somehow. We'll figure it out," he said with a smile over at her before he turned and tried to focus in on something that wasn't either embarrassing or completely stupid.

"But until then, we should be working on our homework so it doesn't look like we are completely slacking off." Alec said with a laugh as he remembered that he had skipped his last few classes because of the library incident. it seemed so long ago. Could he really be angry over that any more? Nah, stupid humans said stupid things.
Alice kept worrying, wouldn't it be better to try figuring out a plan now? She sighted, hopefully the storm would be over when they woke up tomorrow. She looked towards Alecander, what homework? "I thought we used that as an excuse to get rid of my dad, what homework do you have?" She asked, she knew she didn't have any homework.

Alice threw herself at the bed, she would at least not need to do any homework and she was glad for that. She was so exhausted so she wouldn't be able to study at all. She thought for a moment about the wizard, she had used her powers to save Alecander, if she could use earth then she maybe could use fire. She shivered at the thought, she really didn't want to do that. But if she used fire against him then maybe. She sat up in the bed.

"What if I use fire against him" She said to Alecander, her heartbeat started to go faster and she got afraid just of the thought but if Alecander was on a good distance away from her then maybe she wouldn't be as afraid to use it. "If he makes the water into ice and snow then I can melt it that way. If you are a bit away from me so I don't hurt you."
Alec was digging through his bag and pulled out a romance novel with a grateful smile. "My homework which is self-assigned is to finish another chapter of this glorious book!" he said with triumph as he snuggled back into the blanket and leaned against the wall. he opened the book but didn't read. Instead he watched the young woman out of the corner of his eye. When she brought up fire, he winced and closed the book, fingering the title without looking at it. It was a book he had read a lot over the years-- the hero was a lost young man in the desert that gets picked up by a ranch owner who offers a job to the orphan. He grows up and falls in love with the Ranch owner's daughter and after many triumphs gets the girl.

"I told you Alice," he said with a small smile, his eyes kind, "I won't leave you alone when you do magic. I am your protection as well as your familiar. I protect you from the elements. But if you want to use fire the best time is to do it while I'm fighting the other wolf. Then I'll be 'away' from you but close enough to get you out of the way should the fire backfire."
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