Silent Hill: No More Love

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*lindy's eyes widen as she she hides behind me*

Ummm... well... seeing as her rescue mission for the boy went...

Except for the whole hands coming out of the lake and the boy groping her as he was dragged down part o-o
He didn't leave her. He's, like, three steps back so far. He's trying to get everyone to run to the hotel with him. :P
XD that is some hilarious art work right there!

Maureen's trying to hold those things off... Too bad all she's got is the crappy silent hill handgun, good thing it can hold 15 rounds though o-o
Idk o-o Maureen's just been preeety cautious about being armed ever since a certain incident...
Fair enough. :P In a way, I guess it speaks to David's own issues. He's got a bit of the "I'm indestructible" thing going on in his head, and he'd rather let others do the heavy lifting in a dangerous situation anyway.
XD I swear Pyramid head will appear in some odd way in this rp... I mean we all remember how we first "met" him right? *cough* mannequin rape *cough*
Mannequin [x] Pyramid Head is so overdone

I'm calling Pyramid [x] Maureen
XD you may have a little deja vu when she starts firing at him and he walks away o-o And then later on he comes back with a spear...
So what you're saying is that her gun erupts forcefully in his presence, and he comes back wanting to penetrate her with his hard, pointed shaft? All of the phallic imagery. Just sayin. :v
XDDD Who knows, btw one thing shall reveal it all; It's not Maureen and Pyramid head we're talking about anymore... It's Abstract Daddy *dramatic music!*
Pretty much o-o
*yawns* Heyyo. Isn't there like a posting etiquette?
There are still two other players. *lays on Lindy*
XS I think so *waits patiently for two other players to post*
On another note, I'm enjoying the hell out of the Otherworld. It's giving me a chance to flex my Lovecraftian writing. >:D
XD You're the enjoying the "Hell" out of it eh? (Hey! I'm a Canadian citizen.. Even if I'm living in the US :P I get to say EH!) Couldn't help that one o-o
I've ended a sentence with eh recently and I've never even been to Canada. XD But yes. :P
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